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On 6/4/2017 at 9:01 PM, ChaChaSlide said:

I disagree. Not only is that a sound issue for a divorce, it's a solid reason not to get married in the first place. You should never go into any marriage with the hope or expectation that your spouse will change their mind about family planning, because there's an extremely good chance that one of you will be disappointed. I've known several couples who have been together and childfree for years, with a few of them one spouse has changed their mind about wanting children and almost all of these couples ended up divorced. These were people who happened to change their minds; imagine going into marriage KNOWING you wanted children but your spouse does not. Waiting for something that may not ever occur is asinine and a risk not worth taking. Nor should she have to surpress that desire to maintain her marriage; if you have to do that the marriage isn't worth it to begin with. 

I got married before I could even legally drink but that was a sticking point for me even at that young age; everything else was a give and take but not wanting children was a deal breaker for me. I knew even back then as a demi-teen that the "perfect" man wasn't perfect for me if he didn't share that desire from jump. Lily wasted 14 months with Tom and I hope that for the next time around they both learn that they don't have to settle in huge areas for happiness.

I totally agree. You should never enter into a relationship banking on the other person changing their mind about a thing they want but you don't, or vice-versa. What if they don't change their mind? "Everything is perfect except I want kids and she doesn't/I want him to make more money but he adores his low-paying job/I want him to be home more but he's a surgeon so his hours are long" is not perfect . These are fundamental incompatibilities and excellent reasons not to be together. Sometimes people would rather try to change the people they're with into the people they actually want to be with, rather than finding a person who actually wants the same things they do. I have a friend who has been militantly opposed to having kids since forever (I've known her since high school and she was clear on it then); she immediately dumped guys who told her she might change her mind. Her husband doesn't want kids either ... because of course he doesn't, because she wouldn't marry anyone who did. There's no point. Sometimes people just aren't compatible.

I think I called this during Lilly and Tom's season - that they'd stay together a while because they like (maybe even love) each other and have fun and the sex is good, but would ultimately split because they just want different things. If they were dating, this would be the point where they had the "where is this going?" talk and realized that they want divergent things and broke up. I'm guessing that's what happened. 

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Agnetha said:

I think they have to do that though, and that Lifetime is benefittting from this mostly, not the couples. I know the show foots the bill for the apartments (Tyrique mentioned this much on SM), and I assume dress, venue, photographer, etc. are paid for by the show as well, and they require the participants to do some PR work so that Lifetimes gets more freebies. 

Any company that is used with this show is going to take those chances to put their names out there. I'm not surprised. I know we have talked about the show and the places they live before. I know it came down to the show was either paying for the rentals they share or paying for each person's. Makes more sense though they would pay for the shared place as it would cost them less in the long run compared to fitting the bill for each person's place. Of course that then shows that all the "budgeting" they have tried to show the couples doing was a bunch of BS. It also is kind of messed up, to put it nicely, in the way that it was obvious they were using Nick's rental for it last season so he was paid for the show and his rental. As for the dress, venue and such, I always assumed these things were paid for by the show. I can imagine they reached out to places once they had more details on filming and gave couples options on the place if they were able to get more than one to agree to take part. Same with the photographer(s), bridal gowns, etc....Then set up each couple to be spaced a bit apart from each other for wedding dates and all is said and done. 

41 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Has everyone checked out Danielle's health mentoring packages on her website? They're quite pricey but she can certainly help you grow & improve in every way. Not sure if pizza & booze are included...

Haven't done so but doesn't surprise me. LOL pizza and booze. 

2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Has everyone checked out Danielle's health mentoring packages on her website? They're quite pricey but she can certainly help you grow & improve in every way. Not sure if pizza & booze are included...

Yes, I have looked at that! I even briefly thought about seeing if my insurance would cover a "sesh" (as she would say).  Almost all her IG posts relate to pizza and/or booze. She said she was a former dance team member so I'm sure she's never been fat and can't relate to those of us that are (haha).  Also the time one has as a single person vs. married/parent  to make fancy food "bowls"....just no. 

That said... her website is very well done! 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, StormyClouds said:
4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Has everyone checked out Danielle's health mentoring packages on her website? They're quite pricey but she can certainly help you grow & improve in every way. Not sure if pizza & booze are included...

Yes, I have looked at that! I even briefly thought about seeing if my insurance would cover a "sesh" (as she would say).  Almost all her IG posts relate to pizza and/or booze. She said she was a former dance team member so I'm sure she's never been fat and can't relate to those of us that are (haha).  Also the time one has as a single person vs. married/parent  to make fancy food "bowls"....just no. 

That said... her website is very well done! 

Yes, the website is well done, but just to clarify, I was being sarcastic - her prices are ridiculous!! And even though she's an RD, she hardly seems worth what she's selling.

I can find my own pizza & booze when I want it.   There are tons of tapes & classes on how to do yoga & meditation.  Our doctor is an MD, RD, & nutritionist, & is covered by insurance. She also knows the ropes on everything Danielle is dishing out, & for much cheaper I might add. She also has the medical knowledge to cater to our specific needs, which Danielle does not. Danielle is also much younger with no doubt less experience. So why is her 'advice' worth hundreds of dollars? Because she's been on teevee? What makes her so special? Unless she'll fly to my location & cook for us, nope; she's not selling anything I can't buy much cheaper or find on the internet for free.

She's milking her 15 minutes big time - working SM to grow her business & post half naked pics, all at a time while Cody - the guy she married - is going down in a fireball on the show... but apparently the universe hasn't enlightened her on empathy.

Edited by gonecrackers
lotsa stuff
  • Love 8

She's a qualified dietitian and works with diabetics, so I don't doubt she knows what she does. However, her prices are obviously ridiculous. You pay the whole 'I was on teevee and I'm wild and a yoga loving oh so spiritual millennial woman' with them. To each their own, nobody is forced to hire Danielle, but I wish the show would put a halt on the self-promoting activities of the participants, at least as long as the show is broadcast.

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Agnetha said:

To each their own, nobody is forced to hire Danielle, but I wish the show would put a halt on the self-promoting activities of the participants, at least as long as the show is broadcast.

Yes, the shameless self promotion of some of these participants really tarnishes the 'I just want to find love' (insert desperate tone) narrative.

  • Love 6

I didn't mind the bottles of Tito's on Jacklyn's and Basement Ryan's counter.

Nick and Sonia wore his dopey shirts on camera.

Thinking Lifetime thinks any ties to M@FS is some tie in publicity that goes both ways so no harm no foul if it is harmless.

It will be ratings gold if we see Cody rallying and having Danielle all up in his business.

But expect to see Cody still circling down the drain.....

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:


Trouble brewing for the Duhons and the Petta/D'Amicos...

Cody confronts Danielle about their lack of RUTTING...what?, no... my mistake...their marriage is in a rut...

I like this Daily Fail comment, exactly my thoughts:

She knows what it takes to make a relationship work, yet she's 30 and signed up for a TV called Married at first sight... yeah ok

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4607408/Married-Sight-star-consummate-marriage.html#ixzz4k6dXAWhe 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


As he said, he's not perfect (not by far), but at this point, I'm firmly Team Cody. 

  • Love 5
On 6/13/2017 at 0:42 AM, Agnetha said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Cody was recruited, I wouldn't be surprised if he applied on his own. He seems to be the type that wants marriage. 

With that said, they were always recruiting. I might remember it incorrectly, but didn't Jamie mention that she got a phone call after The Bachelor to apply for MAFS? BTW, I'd put Jamie in the same category as Cody and Vanessa: desperate to be married. I don't mean this in a judgemental way. You need a really good match for this to work. But if you are not able to create that, then go for people who really want to be married. I know Jamie as controversial, but I think after all the sh*t she went through she badly wanted a happy family life that she managed to get past Doug's looks. I wonder if Cody would still be married if they had given him someone who was as eager for that married life. I could see him with Ashley. He does seem a nervous mess around Danielle and Ashley needs a lot of reassurance, but otherwise she's not as high maintenance as Daniella. To meet Ashley's manly man requirement, you need to tell her that life goes on even if the AC doesn't work for two hours. With Danielle, you need to eat fish eye, build up treadmills, go zip-lining and manage those two monster dogs and it's still not enough. God, just writing this feels so exhausting. I bet he felt a huge sense of relief after they seperatated. 


Ashley didn't want to go kayaking on the honeymoon because she was afraid of sharks, right? No problem. Cody supposedly isn't that adventurous either! 

On 6/12/2017 at 4:08 PM, StormyClouds said:

Exactly!! Talk about rubbing it in your face. 

Not sure, is there a meaning behind that? It does seem weird to go "discover yourself" or whatever if you're newly committed in a relationship. She will say it's to become a yoga instructor tho. 

Re: the  #eatpraylove hashtag


Here is a blurb about the novel from Publisher's Weekly (via Amazon.com)


From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Gilbert (The Last American Man) grafts the structure of romantic fiction upon the inquiries of reporting in this sprawling yet methodical travelogue of soul-searching and self-discovery. Plagued with despair after a nasty divorce, the author, in her early 30s, divides a year equally among three dissimilar countries, exploring her competing urges for earthly delights and divine transcendence. First, pleasure: savoring Italy's buffet of delights--the world's best pizza, free-flowing wine and dashing conversation partners--Gilbert consumes la dolce vita as spiritual succor. "I came to Italy pinched and thin," she writes, but soon fills out in waist and soul. Then, prayer and ascetic rigor: seeking communion with the divine at a sacred ashram in India, Gilbert emulates the ways of yogis in grueling hours of meditation, struggling to still her churning mind. Finally, a balancing act in Bali, where Gilbert tries for equipoise "betwixt and between" realms, studies with a merry medicine man and plunges into a charged love affair. Sustaining a chatty, conspiratorial tone, Gilbert fully engages readers in the year's cultural and emotional tapestry--conveying rapture with infectious brio, recalling anguish with touching candor--as she details her exotic tableau with history, anecdote and impression. 
Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


That sounds like a big spoiler to me, whether Danielle realizes it or not!

4 minutes ago, discoprincess said:

Ashley didn't want to go kayaking on the honeymoon because she was afraid of sharks, right? No problem. Cody supposedly isn't that adventurous either! 



Yes, though with that being said, he was willing to try things out. The issue here was that for Danielle him passing her tests was not enough, she wanted him to come up with ideas for adventures himself...

Edited by Agnetha
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Agnetha said:

She's a qualified dietitian and works with diabetics, so I don't doubt she knows what she does. However, her prices are obviously ridiculous. You pay the whole 'I was on teevee and I'm wild and a yoga loving oh so spiritual millennial woman' with them. To each their own, nobody is forced to hire Danielle, but I wish the show would put a halt on the self-promoting activities of the participants, at least as long as the show is broadcast.

5 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Yes, the shameless self promotion of some of these participants really tarnishes the 'I just want to find love' (insert desperate tone) narrative.

IMO qualified doesn't always mean they really are. To many say that and really are far from it. Yet with her I won't say either way since its no a service I would use and on top of it I would never pay her high prices. I do agree though they should stop letting these people self-promote their crap like they have. It does tarnish things. More so when they link to their sites or whatever it is they are selling and hashtag the crap out of it. 


4 hours ago, StormyClouds said:

Totally agree. Why does no one call them out on the self promotion on SM?  Sigh. 


I am surprised there here hasn't been many "oops" on SM with the multiple platforms -- I think it's pretty obvious who stayed together but I like proof :) 

No one calls them out because they are probably to busy kissing their butts as if something will be earned from it. LOL Sorry I couldn't help myself there. Yet would be nice if someone went through and called each one out for it when it happens. Of course with certain ones you would probably get the "crazies" on the attack that would stalk and harass you for it. So maybe really that is why it hasn't been done yet. 

  • Love 3
On 6/10/2017 at 8:02 AM, Mlle. Kitty said:

I'm having difficulty buying what the Codester's selling. When he said to Danielle that he was giving it his all but wondered if Danielle wanted this to work, his body language was so closed off - arms crossed so tightly, almost hugging his body.  I just don't believe him when he says that he wants to have sex with her.  And she's just not into him, either, IMO.

Exactly. I don't think either of them are attracted to each other at all. When they were looking at their wedding photo book on today's epi, there was a pic of them kissing. Cody had his right arm around her, but his left hand was in his pocket. It looked weird.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Agnetha said:

Reading through Ashley's twitter, it seems like the show is deliberately painting her in a bad light.

Not surprised. I have to say good for her on speaking up on it. Most don't do that and should. Yet at the same time, its typical of this show to twist and turn things all over to make one look a certain way and the other one in the couple like the "saint". We have seen it each season. 

  • Love 4

This has to be one of the most boring seasons to date. The problems they are having are not interesting at all to viewers as I usually watch episodes in under 10 minutes fast forwarding through the boredom. Cody and Danielle are a sleep-fest. Is this guy in his late 20's or 14?? Anthony and Ashley seem the most entertaining but in the end of the day, still more boring low energy drama I could live without. Finally, Nate and Sheila are clearly not going to make it here and they aren't a good match. She needed a more beta male who would take orders well and Nate needed a less conservative woman as he's hood. I tell you, I think this show is just about finished and most of the interest I had in the show has waned to a point that watching the latest episode almost seems like a chore rather than fun.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

I was watching the convo Sheila was having with Nate about trust/clubbing.  I noticed all the editing... you did not see the conversation in one clip.  They would show Sheila saying something...and cut away for Nate's response. 

It is hard to know if the conversations were even about the same topic.

Agree it was. Not as bad as the Nate/Momma fight where no one could even understand what was going on there. I have said it for awhile now though that this show is the worse when it comes to editing. Its always obvious where it is and how badly it is...and it has gotten worse with each season. 

  • Love 7

Yeah... I have learned to watch for the editing monkeys.  I no longer trust a convo unless it is shown in one shot.  

There was an interest in this show but as the seasons came and went...they lost people.  If they took the concept seriously they would do a better job of matching and goodness...get different experts.

Arranged marriages tend to be successful if handled with care and thought.  Not, oh you are a match because he has a gym and you are a yogi lol.

  • Love 3

Was just curling my hair and was thinking about Cody & Danielle.  What the hell were those "experts" thinking?  What is wrong with them?  Anyone with half a brain could see they didn't belong together.  Are they there just for fun?  They made Cody seem like a jerk.  Totally mismatched.  She's adventuress .. He's afraid of heights.  He's guilty of not pleasing her, so he's shopping, cleaning, cooking.   WTF?  She's too sharp & sophisticated for him (so she thinks) so he should STOP trying and call it a day.  It's all just plain to see.  How could we keep watching this crap knowing it's probably scripted and a sham?  It takes away the joy of watching.

  • Love 3


Read at risking boredom...boiled down, Mother Duhon not buying this sham marriage and N8 acted like an asshat at the rooftop partay.


Lots of pictures from the episode and if you don't want to waste an hour you will never get back just read this link above.


Stock photos we've seen before.

Ash was a phatty and still has body image issues.

Anthony's been burned in past relationships.

Same Ditto crap from Danielle/Cody.

N8 uses his friends to gang up and ridicule Donnay's status of being a best friend with a woman...even though that woman is his wife.

Don't think N8 understands that he looked like an insecure loser and why Sheila was angry.

Edited by humbleopinion
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Maybe  the wife of the guy in the red photo on page 5?

Could be the other guy in her other failed past relationship...


The sh!t tide has turned for Ms. Karma and it is gonna be a b!tch...

Cody is gonna get the sympathy edit for the last half of the season...

Danielle has brought this on to herself by stringing Cody along and thinking she could use and manipulate him...

Friday Night Cody is gonna metaphorically stick it to Danielle since she won't let him do it literally....

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Read at risking boredom...boiled down, Mother Duhon not buying this sham marriage and N8 acted like an asshat at the rooftop partay.

In the People link Nate says "By no means am I insecure nor has Sheila done anything with him to make me feel insecure, but at the moment I was more than tipsy and was easily influenced by the convincer. In retrospect, I look back and say that’s not Nate-like, but in life you live and you learn. The goal is to do better and not repeat similar mistakes."

IMO he talks a good game. He knows what he needs to say to make himself come out smelling like a rose. He has the excuse (tipsy) and claim of how that is not "Nate-like" (sorry not buying that)....which who talks like that? I still feel like he is putting on a show. 


6 hours ago, StormyClouds said:

Did you guys see this? I'm curious who the wife is on twitter!?


3 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

It's gone. What did it say?  :-)

Was going to say the same thing. Its not there. 

2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

According to Cody's Twitter he's on vacay, kicking back in the poor man's Bali...St. Louis

Honestly I have to say I wouldn't go to Bali no matter what. Its not a place I would want to visit ever really. While I don't have a big desire to go to St. Louis either I probably would rather got there if I had to pick between the those 2. That's just me though. 

  • Love 1

Just to throw it out there, my Mother & Father were matched from relatives in the old country.  The match took place here in the United States.  My Father was a wonderful and good man and they were married for 60 years.  My Mother confided to me that she was never "in love" with him, and still talked about an old beau in the Old Country that she never forgot.  I felt horrible since she told me she was never really happy in the marriage.  There's nothing like marrying for love, at least I think so.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Just to throw it out there, my Mother & Father were matched from relatives in the old country.  The match took place here in the United States.  My Father was a wonderful and good man and they were married for 60 years.  My Mother confided to me that she was never "in love" with him, and still talked about an old beau in the Old Country that she never forgot.  I felt horrible since she told me she was never really happy in the marriage.  There's nothing like marrying for love, at least I think so.

Just to throw it out there, my Mother & Father were matched from relatives in the old country.  The match took place here in the United States.  My Father was a wonderful and good man and they were married for 60 years.  My Mother confided to me that she was never "in love" with him, and still talked about an old beau in the Old Country that she never forgot.  I felt horrible since she told me she was never really happy in the marriage.  There's nothing like marrying for love, at least I think so.    Damn, I think I'm on the wrong site. (Spoiler).  Oh well.

  • Love 2

I know so many people who married for love then ended up getting terribly hurt & ultimately divorced. So I just don't know...

Cody & Danielle are both saying they had fun that Labor Day, even though so far the show is depicting it as uncomfortable.

I'm cringing a little going into next week since the previews show Danielle getting 'romantical'.  Then I think it ends up being about something she did or somewhere she went with her ex?  I think Cody will be the one who gets tired & needs to get up early, so, no nooky.

She says on twitter she is not hung up on her exes, btw...

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, StormyClouds said:

I knew she would delete it, so I had screenshotted it. Oops :) 


Is the ex she's talking about the one pre-Cody?  Because she says the ex's wife got on Twitter to shit talk her "maybe" hubby.  "Maybe" hubby being Cody, I would presume, like she was trying to call him that so as not to reveal his current status.  Is that how you understood it?

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I know so many people who married for love then ended up getting terribly hurt & ultimately divorced. So I just don't know...

Cody & Danielle are both saying they had fun that Labor Day, even though so far the show is depicting it as uncomfortable.

I'm cringing a little going into next week since the previews show Danielle getting 'romantical'.  Then I think it ends up being about something she did or somewhere she went with her ex?  I think Cody will be the one who gets tired & needs to get up early, so, no nooky.

She says on twitter she is not hung up on her exes, btw..


Yes, absolutely.  But, the thrill of meeting, dating, fighting, making up and the excitement of seeing each other is fabulous.  It was ONE of the best 2 years of my life.  Guess I'm just a romantic.

  • Love 6

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