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Thrive Without Janelle: The Accountability Group

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7,536 steps yesterday.
Garbage up to road, then a bunch of tiny errands:  Pharmacy, PO, grocery, other Pharmacy, ACE. Lots of running around.

Hand is really sore today, will put on patch once I get the kitties fed.

I still have some cleaning up to do on porches, but here are some of the coolers out front. There are a few more on the side of the house too.  Silly cats like to push some of the straw out of the boxes making a huge. mess, but if it keeps them warmer, I'll deal.



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Oh boy is it good to be back!! 

7,409 steps yesterday.

Amazing to me since I didn't plan anything much for the day! Quick store run for more cat kibbles, with the Holiday, I was afraid I'd run out before Chewy delivery.

Got home to find a bunch of things on both decks with no note. 2-25# bags of Kirkland kibble on side porch and on front a cooler w/a square hole, an electric water bowl and a structure I can only describe as sort of a rabbit hutch, only different. One half of enclosure is an open box the other half a sealed and looks like insulated box with a two way flap entry. It is a heavy well made structure. Plus a couple sheets of wood that somehow must go with it.

Called my friend from TNR to see if she brought it over from the shelter. Nope! But she said it did sound like something Alan, the Vet at the shelter, might leave.  So I left a message at TNR to see if they left it, but got no reply yet. Alan had also talked about getting me more food and a heated water bowl. My friend is coming over today to see if the two of us can make sense of it all.

Spent a lot of time rearranging coolers and setting up new one and trying to make sense of the "rabbit hutch" as I call it for now. So many more steps than originally thought for the day!

All evening it was bugging me where the heck these things came from. The puzzles were the cooler with a square hole rather than round, and the hutch. The more I thought about it, I began to think these things came from my next door neighbor. Source of OG Mama Millie. I had left a message a while back asking if he knew of any old coolers among his racing friends, told him about using as a shelter with a hole in side, but I never said round. Then I remembered they long ago had rabbits or some caged animal outside in a "hutch" type structure... the plot thickens! What was weird was that whoever left these gifts waited until I had left for the store.

If my friend doesn't think these things came from Fox Hollow (TNR shelter) I'll talk to neighbor. I don't want him to think I am guilting him for food or anything, but I do want to thank him if they are from him...

 😸   Oh my, that got long!    😸  😸   

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5,745 steps yesterday.

My friend was ill and couldn't make it yesterday, but I did some looking around at the "hutch". I found some hinges in back of the roof and when I lifted it up I could see inside the enclosed portion. There was a small towel a fluffy pillow and a small blanket. This is definitely for cats and not from my neighbor after all. The TNR people left me all these goodies! My friend says they are inundated with calls and that is why they haven't called me back. A great early Christmas present!! I'll call again and say Thank You!!

Unfortunately, the kitties are not that thrilled with the food, It is little pellets and they just don't seem to like them in any of the foods TNR has brought me. But for 60# of food, I'll ease then into it by mixing for now. I've spoiled them for sure!

On another note, as I was watching  the news last night the weatherman was showing historical temps from 40 years ago that day. The lows blew my mind! The one closest to me Missoula, had a current low in the 20's, in 1983 the low for the day was in the -30's!! And one town was -56° in my general vicinity! Yikes!! I knew it got pretty cold sometimes here, but nothing like that!!

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8 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Unfortunately, the kitties are not that thrilled with the food, It is little pellets and they just don't seem to like them in any of the foods TNR has brought me. But for 60# of food, I'll ease then into it by mixing for now. I've spoiled them for sure!

Try mixing in some warm water to make it softer and it is supposed to bring out the flavors of the food better.

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1 hour ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

Try mixing in some warm water to make it softer and it is supposed to bring out the flavors of the food better.

I do mix warm water in with the kibbles when I feed them wet food. I hadn't thought about when it is just the kibbles to add water. Thanks for the.  suggestion!  I'll do that from now on!  

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Merry Christmas to all that celebrate and Happy New year!!

6,230 steps yesterday.

Laundry and feeding the kitties was about it for yesterday. Got 3 pairs of flannel pj bottoms from DD in mail on Fri. (couldn't wait till Christmas to open!) so washed them yesterday so could wear the green ones today!

Today is garbage up to the road and facetime with family that's about all.

No White Christmas here, just cold!  Yesterday's high was 30° mostly sunny. Today's forecast is 29°/17° and clear. Clear sunny days in forecast for at least a week. Unfortunately that means temps will be lower, especially overnight. Most sites I look at say temp now is single digit. I can't see thermometers outside as it is still too dark. I'm hoping it is at least in teens!

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46 minutes ago, altopower said:

We need a "sending warmth" emoji! Brrrr, that's awfully cold and it's still December. Be careful outside with those temps and take care not to fall!

At least it isn't snowing! I am being so careful because everything is so slick. Just glad I don't have to shovel snow at this point. Maybe/hopefully this will be a light snow year.... One can dream anyway....

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6,084 steps yesterday.

My habit is to walk around when I am on the phone. Spent a lot of time yesterday talking to kids and grands on the phone!

I may have jinxed myself in the above post! Now there is a light snow in forecast for this morning. I see no sign of it yet at 7:20AM, so hopefully it will pass me by. Just reinforces my lack of trust in forecasts! I go by "look out the window and that is what the weather is going to be" theory of weather prediction. Once it starts to get light, I will be able to see the outside thermometers and know what temp really is. I don't want to wake up sleeping kitties by turning on outside lights just yet.


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6,296 steps yesterday. 

Fortunately the snow only amounted to a few flakes, they say even less today then clear/cloudy weather for 7-10 days. Cold though!

Didn't think I'd do that much! Mid morning when I was reviewing my Chewy order, I realized it probably wouldn't arrive until the 2nd or 3rd of Jan. and I am down again to only 3/4 of a bag of what they will eat. I sort of panicked even though I have the kibble food they don't like, I went to the grocery store and bought 2 more 16# of Friskies kibble. Spoiled kitties I know, but not the time of year to just totally switch to a new food.... So I got some bonus steps.

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5,838 steps yesterday.

Freshened the straw in some of the coolers and built a new box shelter by the garage.

Did some rearranging in the bathroom in the addition. Threw out a bunch of stuff and moved some things. Discovered an outlet I didn't remember I had as I cleared space! I think I can fit a small freezer in there! Yay! The floor is tile, everything else is carpet except the kitchen, and no place there to put one. I can't believe how happy that makes me! I had a small one in CA which I sold when I moved up here, wish I hadn't! Best Buy may see me soon!!

All in all a fair amount of exercise! I'm trying really hard to ignore the sore hands and get things done as I can. Jan 16th can't come soon enough!

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5,353 steps yesterday.

TNR friend did come and we got hutch all fixed up. Took off the swinging door inside for cats to get into enclosed area it got stuck in closed and it looked like a cat may have been in then. There was no way her "netting" the kittens was going to work. She wanted to put the net on the ground with a bowl of food in the center and then lift it up when some cats came to eat. My cats aren't that civilized, plus no way she could stand that close to swoop up the net. They wouldn't even come near if she were there.

Again with the shed! Just not something I can tackle right now. But will do it up in the Spring.

Edited by Gramto6
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5,252 steps yesterday. Weird, as day before was 5,353 interesting pattern!

I did run out to the store for cat food and I stupidly didn't correctly calculate how much wet food to get and still will come up short. Well, I have to go out  on the 1st to take garbage up the road so will make one last trip for the cats. I'm such a dummy sometimes!

I thinking a little shopping therapy will help my mood!! 😸

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5,699 steps yesterday.

Last day of a pretty good year health wise, all things considered. Last year this day, I was still in assisted care and not sure just how 2023 was going to look. It is hard to believe that was a whole year ago...on to even better days for 2024!!

Nothing much planned for the day. I'll refresh the rest of the cat beds and tidy the decks some. One last pass through the house to see if I can toss any more unused/unneeded things to fill the garbage can tomorrow and that will be about it.

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5,387 steps yesterday.

Didn't get as much done outside as I wanted to, my right hand was really bothering me. 2 weeks before hand dr appointment.

Today will be quiet, garbage up to the road and quick grocery run for few cans of cat food. Chewy supposedly arrives tomorrow.

Idiots were shooting off fireworks from 7PM until after midnight! I really felt sorry for the cats. I slept late this morning and hear them bumping around on the porch now, so better get to feeding them!




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6,973 steps yesterday. Close to set goal of 7,000 but it was't even on my mind. May drop set goal to 6,000.

Grocery store, getting gas and PO trip added some steps. Today 3 big boxes come from Chewy so lots of lifting and going out and inside the house. Need to mind my hand and back so it will be slow process.

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7,265 steps yesterday.

Don't know how today will go with driving up to town, seeing dentist, lots of sitting there filling out new patient forms etc. I've  been having a toothache and since I didn't have a dentist anymore, I considered myself very lucky to find, through a friend, one that would see me today!! Hopefully that will give me some relief from that pain at least!

Snow is on the way for the next few days, not a lot thank goodness, as hands really sore at this point. Hope I can get away with just sweeping it off decks.

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Be careful, @Gramto6!  You still have 12 days before you get to the hand doctor - who had better have an excellent explanation for the pain and stiffness, as well as an excellent treatment. Will say some prayers for that.  Good luck with the dentist today. I saw mine on Tuesday, which was NOT my favorite way to start a new year. But pain is pain; I hope they can help with that without it costing the earth.

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1 minute ago, altopower said:

Be careful, @Gramto6!  You still have 12 days before you get to the hand doctor - who had better have an excellent explanation for the pain and stiffness, as well as an excellent treatment. Will say some prayers for that.  Good luck with the dentist today. I saw mine on Tuesday, which was NOT my favorite way to start a new year. But pain is pain; I hope they can help with that without it costing the earth.


Yeah, dentists are expensive and I have no dental insurance sadly. I need other work done, but will have to space it out if possible. Just need this pain to be taken care of now!

Unfortunately, I'm afraid the issues with my hands is at the point that only surgery is going to really "fix" them. Such a bad time of year for that though with snow that will need to be dealt with frequently. Maybe I can get by for at least Winter with more steroid shots...I'm hoping.

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A surprising 6,959 steps yesterday, even with all the driving and then sitting at dentist!

Dentist again today, as all the paperwork and treatment planning took all yesterday's time. Having 2 teeth, maybe 3 extracted today, not sure I will be walking as much today after appointment! At least after I heal, I may have more energy!

Yesterday when I was feeding the kitties, they were swarming me at morning feeding and I accidentally stepped on one's foot. I felt so bad, I try so hard to just shuffle when I go out AM but no luck yesterday. It took off but came back later to other feeding station and ate, but it was limping. I need to watch for it this morning...hope it is better.

I fell again last evening. The exact same place I fell last year end of Jan. Tripped over the leg of my elliptical! I banged up left calf and my left hip a bit tender. I really need to get rid of that thing! I know I'll never use it again!

Well there it is, first fall of the new year! Sheesh!

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A surprising 6,599 steps yesterday.

I didn't expect to see that! But things needed to be done here, feeding the kitties top of the list. That wasn't probably the best thing for my mouth as lots of bending over, but it had to be done.

I had 3 teeth extracted yesterday. 2 were very easy, the 3rd, a molar, was very stubborn. All in all I feel fairly OK and glad the process has begun, It is going to probably be a couple months before all work is done.

Today is absolutely going to be a rest day!

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4,815 steps yesterday.

Feeling everything more yesterday (and today so far too) the teeth removal, the fall and associated bumps and bruises. Kind of feel like I have been hit by a car. Will take it really easy as much as possible today again.

My hands are really acting up again, I guess from the fall. I see Ortho (my hand dr) the 16th so have a while to go yet. I'm sure he is going to push the surgery, but I can't do that and all the extractions and dental work at the same time. Plus I really need my hands, even as poor as they are, this time of year.

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5,244 steps yesterday.

I was dragging yesterday, but things needed to be done so there it is. Today a friend is coming over with coolers cut w/holes in ends to fit under the hutch. We'll be doing some more refreshing straw on other coolers & boxes.

35° was the high yesterday, today's forecast is 30°/20° and cloudy. Wind predicted along with a little snow on Tuesday. A weather front is coming from the North and more snow (2+" for a couple days) and by Fri, overnight temps in the minus degrees down to -10° then getting a tiny bit warmer for 3-4 days until the following Tues when it gets back above 0° overnight. I dread this just for the kitties sakes!

Mama Millie is trying to be an indoor cat!  She comes in late afternoon, I feed her of course, then she alternately sleeps in the leather chair beside me and the pillow on the ottoman for that chair. A couple of nights in the evening she voluntarily got up and went to door to go out. Last night I had to physically pick her up after 9PM and put her out. I'm not set up for an indoor cat, need litter box mostly. I might give her a try, but once she chooses inside she won't be allowed out again. That may be tough to enforce.

Hope I can get my energy level up quickly as there is lots to be done outside this week!

Edited by Gramto6
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7,441 steps yesterday.

A lot of work outside moving hutch and setting up more coolers. Refreshing existing coolers.

This morning just a dusting of snow and gusty winds mild temp around 30°, too dark still to read outside thermometer. Very cold weather on the way though, hopefully not much snow. Friday through Sunday night lows in single digit minus #'s with Friday the lowest at -10° predicted.  When brunt of the weather hits later in the week, with the bitter cold weather, we may get a couple of inches of snow with winds 25-30mph. Really going to hate that!!

Exhausted from yesterday, and more to do today. I feel like I'm pushing too hard....but what can I do?

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5,156 steps yesterday.

Managed to take it a bit easier. The frigid weather with some snow begins today. I hope not much snow as my hands are aching so much.

Yesterday's high was 35° with some sun then cloudy and breezy. Today's forecast is 26°/-6° with periods of light snow. Tomorrow's forecast is scary:  -2°/-19°, but no snow... 4 days in that ballpark but the -19° is the lowest predicted to go. There is going to be some high winds at the beginning of the cold too.  Oh man that is going to be brutal for the kitties!! :(

The only saving grace to the frigid weather is no snow. I won't have to be out shoveling snow! I will have to keep monitoring kitties' shelters to be sure they are dry and full of straw. And it will be a bit warmer when I have to go up to town for hand dr appointment on Tuesday.

Edited by Gramto6
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7,011 steps yesterday.

Snow and blowing wind had me working outside to situate kitty food dishes at both stations. Quick run to Country Store for a cat litter box and litter for Mama Millie who is now living inside.

Brutally cold this morning all sites say -8° now, my outside thermometer says about -4° but it is in sheltered  area by front door so not quite as accurate as out in open. Looks to be 2" of snow to deal with when I feed kitties and after last night's wind probably searching for some of the dishes.  Lots of shoveling to do today which will no doubt take its toll.

Today's forecast is -6°/-23° at least only a small amount of snow coming this morning. As snow clears out and the skies are clear, it is going to be even colder!  

Jaw is still aching some but is getting better. Hopefully hand dr and I can figure out shots for now, and plan what kind of surgery is best for later. Going to be some hard work to get them fed today. Hope my hands can handle it...

Edited by Gramto6
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Thanks @altopower! It is hard but some things I just have to do, like taking care of the kitties as well as I can. Today was hard because it was so cold they only came out of hiding for a few minutes to eat a bit then went back to keep warm. Never got over 0° today and tomorrow is going to be the same... I hate it!

My friend came over to help me finish shoveling the decks, that helped a lot. At least no more snow of significance for several day so this one shoveling should be it for a bit.

Edited by Gramto6
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9,257 steps yesterday! And boy am I feeling it today!

I had help shoveling, but still I did a lot! All the kitties food was frozen solid so had to gather all the bowls, replenish and by the time I did that, the first new ones were frozen! Two more days of this frigid weather then tiny warming...over freezing!

All I can manage today is just try to keep some unfrozen food available for kitties. My hands are both aching and jaw still not totally healed so aching still. This physical work is probably not helping either.

-3° was the high yesterday! It looks like -22° now, on the thermometer outside by front door! Today's forecast is -4°/-17° mostly clear, which is not a good thing, the clearer it is, the colder it gets. Wind chill warning for this morning of -40°! At least the next storm they had predicted for late this weekend has gone South of us so no new snow! I think this is the coldest it has ever been since I moved here!

If I don't see any cats out looking for food, I'm not going to call them out from wherever they are snuggled. When they come for food I'll feed them.

Mama Millie is settling in well as a house cat! She is the oldest of all the cats, somewhere around 8, her former owner's brother said. This freakish cold would probably have killed her.

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9,734 steps yesterday. WoW!  This weather is keeping me on my feet constantly!

Pipes froze yesterday morning, arrrgggghhhh! Called my pump guy who is usually very responsive, but no word. I'm sure he and all other pump guys and plumbers are inundated with calls. Hope to at least hear from him today. Friend brought me a couple huge water coolers filled with water, but that is going fast! Back and forth to pump house several times added to steps.

-9° was the high yesterday, today's forecast is 4°/-13° with partly cloudy skies. Very gradual warming trend. Not sure I'm going to be able to start car for garbage tomorrow or dr Tuesday. Maybe my friend can help, but I hate to impose.

Totally. exhausted, hands and jaw ache, now stomach is upset. I'm going to quit the Advil, that may be stomach problem and go back to just the Meloxicam. I just want regular Winter to come back!!

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19 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

9,734 steps yesterday. WoW!  This weather is keeping me on my feet constantly!

Pipes froze yesterday morning, arrrgggghhhh! Called my pump guy who is usually very responsive, but no word. I'm sure he and all other pump guys and plumbers are inundated with calls. Hope to at least hear from him today. Friend brought me a couple huge water coolers filled with water, but that is going fast! Back and forth to pump house several times added to steps.

-9° was the high yesterday, today's forecast is 4°/-13° with partly cloudy skies. Very gradual warming trend. Not sure I'm going to be able to start car for garbage tomorrow or dr Tuesday. Maybe my friend can help, but I hate to impose.

Totally. exhausted, hands and jaw ache, now stomach is upset. I'm going to quit the Advil, that may be stomach problem and go back to just the Meloxicam. I just want regular Winter to come back!!

Could you run an extension cord with a light bulb under the hood to keep the battery warm overnight?

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2 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Totally. exhausted, hands and jaw ache, now stomach is upset. I'm going to quit the Advil, that may be stomach problem and go back to just the Meloxicam. I just want regular Winter to come back!!

They didn't tell you no Advil while on Meloxicam?  They should have.  They're in the same class of drug.  That would be like taking both Aleve and Advil.  You can take Tylenol though.  If I want to take an Aleve for an MRI, I was told to skip that Meloxicam to avoid stomach upset.  Good luck!

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The dentist was non committal about it, but I did stop the Meloxicam while using the Advil on my own. Just seemed right. When I saw pcp last week she said I  did the right thing. I think the. Advil just did't agree with me at the higher dose I was using. I usually only take 1 tab a day.

Today is no Advil and back to Meloxicam this afternoon.

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I can't take high dose ibuprofen or I'll get an ulcer.  That's why I'm on Meloxicam.  It's the second easiest on the stomach of NSAIDS.  The dentist willy nilly prescribed me prescription level ibuprofen also.  The pharmacist didn't even fill it since he saw the Meloxicam when he pulled up my prescriptions.  

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9,539 steps yesterday. Not by my choosing!

Pipes still frozen. Looks like I need to try to find a new pump person. I am on my feet almost all the time. I feed the cats at one station, (given up on wet food for now, it freezes right up), then do the other station. By the time I switch out the food there, the first one is frozen up. They eat frozen kibble for a while and then about 2 hours later I go through it again switching out frozen kibble for warmed kibble. Bring in the frozen dry it out by the fire and use it for the next round.  Warming and changing the water at each switch too. Exhausting!

Mouth sore, I guess the first removals triggered the others with infection so they hurt now. And my hands are the worst they have been in a long time! My friend is taking me up to the hand dr tomorrow. Hands not up to the driving.

0° was the high yesterday, today looks a bit better with forecast of 5/-10. Tomorrow looking even better with 22/14 all positive numbers!!  At least not subzero for dr appt.

Just hope I can get the water back on soon!!

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8,870 steps yesterday.

I guess as long as this extremely cold weather lasts I will be doing more steps just keeping the food edible for the cats. Once we get back above freezing, I can start feeding them wet food again. At least that will be warm food in their bodies and will fill them up longer. Warm kibble alone is not quite the same.

Hand dr today, finally, I will discuss surgery but for now shots are all I can do unless the recovery is really fast and I won't damage my hands shoveling snow...

Finally got a live person at a plumbing company on the phone! I'm on their list but still may be a day or two before tech can come out. At least the end may be in sight!

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8,151 steps yesterday.

High count even with the drive to & from dr and waiting to be seen. Plus a quick grocery trip in town too.

8° was the high yesterday. Yay above zero! Today's forecast is 29°/12° with some light snow early am. From what I can see in the dark, looks like just a dusting, which, if we have to have snow, is fine with me. Temps are going to be back to close to normal for a while now.

Hand dr gave me 3 steroid shots, 2 in right hand and one in left. He also removed a cyst in my right palm just below ring finger which had been hurting, but I thought it was part of Trigger Finger issue. Hands still a bit tender today. We talked about doing the surgery and I said not until after Winter. He said wise choice. Besides I have to wait 3 months between these shots and surgery anyway so it works out just fine. He said surgery works very well for thumbs but not always that well for fingers so that is something to think about.

Can't wait until pump guy gets here!! I hear some sounds from one bathroom faucet and see a tiny amount of dripping, but pump is turned off so even if water is back it can't get out. I hope pump guy comes early!

Other than that I have to really baby my hands today as I don't remember them bothering me at all after the other shots.

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9,520 steps yesterday. I guess I'm not going to get much rest until the cold really snaps and the water is back.

Pump guy came, nothing busted, but had to replace pressure tank gauge. It wasn't working so hourly on/off for a while then it started to work mid afternoon. Super heated room above water filter to house as that was last point frozen stopping the water.  After about 6 hrs water started to spit out of faucets. That was about 7:30PM it was a very weak flow and sadly gradually got lighter and then stopped at 9:30PM. So no water again. My friend is going to come over today to try to replace water filter, hopefully that will fix things. Pump guy out of town today, but will call me to see how it is going... Sigh, all of this is really wearing me down!

It is going to be another exhausting day. My poor hands are not really getting a chance to relax into the shots and feel better. They are better, but should be much better by now.

This Winter so far, and there is a long way to go yet, is the first one I wish I had been able to pack up and go to my kids and be a "snow bird".....problem is can't take 30 cats with me!

Edited by Gramto6
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2 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

This Winter so far, and there is a long way to go yet, is the first one I wish I had been able to pack up and go to my kids and be a "snow bird".....problem is can't take 30 cats with me!

Gram, I'm so sorry about everything you're going through with your health, with your house, and with the cats.

I missed the beginning of your cat stories. I've always taken it that there's a feral colony on your property that you care for. Is that basically the gist?

I remember reading something you posted a while ago that gave me the idea that some sort of rescue or humane org. helps you out. Is that right? Is there no one to whom you can pass the torch.

I love that you care so much for these kitties. I've watched as you've prepared the shelters from cooler, and all the other work you've done. I just worry about you. One person cannot take care of 30 cats, during the depths of winter in Montana. And you ought to be able to leave and visit your family. You deserve to live your life.

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Thanks @General Days! Yes it is a colony of feral cats. Actually 2 now as the original colony split and a few started living on the other side of my house. So I have the front yard kitties and the side yard kitties. They do intermingle at times but mostly keep to their own areas.

An organization called Fox Hollow Animal Project:

 "Our Mission
Fox Hollow Animal Project is a nonprofit, 501(c) 3 Montana corporation. 
This organization is dedicated to ending pet overpopulation by providing high volume, high quality, targeted, affordable sterilization services of companion animals.  We provide spay or neuter as a non-lethal solution to the homeless, abandoned, and feral animal population to ensure the euthanasia is no longer an acceptable means of population control."

They have spay/neutered almost all of my kitties (about 8-10 left) and do it for free. They provide the traps and pick up the cats and return them after the procedures.  Very nice people, all of them!

As far as passing the torch..LOL...it is mine to keep!  These are considered my cats. That's OK though I love them all! 😸

It is hard this Winter especially with so many now, but I manage. I take comfort in the fact these cats won't starve to death alone, have shelter when needed, and won't repopulate the community with more feral cats.

signed...littleoldcatlady! LOL!

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9,560 steps yesterday. I don't know how much longer I can keep this pace up...

19° was the high yesterday and overnights are holding above zero which is nice. About 2" of new snow yesterday. Light snow thankfully, and my friend turned me on to the broom for snow which is so much better/easier for the porches! Today's forecast is 28°/17° with light snow on and off all day.

Better weather coming, thank goodness as I am about ready to drop at this point.

Still no water, my friend changed my water filter so that may help but something seems wrong in the pump house. Called pump guy last night to let him know that I still don't have water so I need him to come back check things out now they have thawed.

Tomorrow will be one whole week w/out water..........

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Actually a friend has been bringing me coolers of water from her house. I warm it to wash, etc.  Enough for drinking and cooking with, but not enough for laundry or showers or anything big. It is just hard pouring out water instead of just opening the faucet!

The snow is really powdery so not much water from it. I had a small trickle of water Wed night for 2 hours before it refroze so I was able to flush all 3 toilets. Having that many helps keep the yuk factor down some

Pump guy says will be here either early Sat. or Sunday afternoon. His weekend with his kids....

Can't wait until it is flowing from the faucets again!!!

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