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S07. E16: Nyle Hatcher

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First Aired: April 24, 2020

Liz and the Task Force take on a cold case that may have some new victims. Meanwhile, Red tries to help a friend of Dembe who is in danger.


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How is Nyle Hatcher # 149 on the list? This is Liz's cold case.

The writers must have been using some potent drugs to come up with this week's "WTF"!

How these prostitutes not run after hearing Nyle's proposal is amazing! And why agree to have the money wired to his account and not theirs?

Nyle had to do a lot of background checks on these women to know their problems. Then do his homework for the men's bank accounts, get the sperm, inseminating the women, drugging them, have the girls work with the shady lawyer, know when graves are available and get in a good work out digging graves/carrying bodies.

And after all that, he tells Liz and Ressler money isn't the solution but the children is! Huh?! It was his dumb idea to bring them in the world in the first place!! Psychopath didn't think this through!

Other agents must have gotten word to never work with Liz on any case. At least they tried to let her down somewhat nicely by telling her "your profile was not additive".

Liz so desperately needed Nyle to say "it wasn't about killing" so she can get the vindication after all these seasons. Now she will skip by her old co-workers like a 3rd grader, say "I told you so" and stick her tongue at them!

Did the FBI need to have Kendra handcuffed?

I think Ressler passed the woman a takeout menu and told her it was a warrant. 

Ressler's "integrity" is buried under Ray Field and wants no one to find it.

I had a feeling the government was going to turn out looking bad with immigration. The show can't pass a chance to take a dig!

Mara James looks like she had a nice home and somehow ended up as a prostitute.

Even when Red passes out, he is smooth enough to not make sound hitting the floor!

Katarina still has her apartment lease and the FBI are gone. I wouldn't be surprised if she took the Imam back there to question him.  

The PI needs to rethink her career path. Last week, she got caught by Red/talked quickly, isn't good enough to lie to Liz on Red's orders and Liz figured her out in no time!

Edited by mxc90
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For the first time, I saw people in the background at Cooper's Post Office office. I guess someone has to do the filing and make the coffee for The Team.

Does everyone leave their laptop on and browser window open when they leave for the day? I don't, but then I'm not committing or planning any crimes.

LOL at two cemetery worker guys filling in the grave with shovels. I guess they haven't heard about backhoes or mini-excavators out there on the east coast. You know, the equipment all cemeteries use to fill in graves once all the mourners are gone.

What's the deal with every villain on every show these days giving syringe injections in the neck. Use to be, a good stab in the arm or leg or shoulder did the trick. Now it's gotta be in the neck. A quick google search turned up this: "The neck is arguably the most dangerous injection site, as arteries, veins, tendons and nerves are incredibly close together. ... In addition, if you hit an artery in your neck, the injecting chemicals will shoot directly into the brain, potentially causing a range of neurological problems or a stroke."

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Another LOL moment was Keen digging  six inches down in that grave and yelling, "I feel something!" I thought the bodies were four feet down in a six-foot grave, not four inches. A good rain would uncover that body. That's if a stiff breeze didn't do it first.

How does a pregnant hooker work? No, I don't mean literally. But is there a market for a six-to-eight-month pregnant prostitute? Is there a special website for that? And no, I'm not googling it.

I know this is a make-believe show, and while I know sperm is viable after a male dies (it is in dogs so guessing the same about humans), it's beyond belief that a prostitute 1. wasn't on birth control; and 2. was conveniently ovulating that day. So I guess those two things are more hand waves.

Why was Angela arrested? She gets busted for not dying? Something's not fair about that.

Then the very end takes the most worstest turn ever ... Katarina or whomever she is is back. WTH show. That totally SUCKED. Please, stop with that story line.

And oh yeah Red, don't you know you are suppose to cough into your elbow, not all over the kitchen? Then Red passes out (from COVID I guess). That will teach him not to practice good hygiene.

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17 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Why was Angela arrested? She gets busted for not dying? Something's not fair about that.

She agreed to be part of the fraud getting inseminated and approach the wife with the paternity/shakedown. Where was her pimp to provide guidance?

Edited by mxc90
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45 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

How is Nyle Hatcher # 149 on the list? This is Liz's cold case.

Other agents must have gotten word to never work with Liz on any case. At least they tried to let her down somewhat nicely by telling her "your profile was not additive".

Liz so desperately needed Nyle to say "it wasn't about killing" so she can get the vindication after all these seasons. Now she will skip by her old co-workers like a 3rd grader, say "I told you so" and stick her tongue at them!

Did the FBI need to have Kendra handcuffed?

Ressler's "integrity" is buried under Ray Field and wants no one to find it.

Even when Red passes out, he is smooth enough to not make sound hitting the floor!

Katarina still has her apartment lease and the FBI are gone. I wouldn't be surprised if she took the Iman back there to question him.  

The PI needs to rethink her career path. Last week, she got caught by Red/talked quickly, isn't good enough to lie to Liz on Red's orders and Liz figured her out in not time!

The Blacklister numbers are made up by Red as he goes along. We saw this with the robbery last week. The gun manufacturer was nobody until that botched robbery and then all of a sudden he had a number.

The "your profile was not additive" bit bugged me because of course Lizzie turned out to be right all along.

The FBI seems to be embracing some additional security measures in the Post office, as they are long overdue. More below on this.

Indeed on Ray Field. It's not going to be anything good. I'll be impressed if it's the joint Ressler thought about smoking in eighth grade but he couldn't bring himself to do it so he roped his brother into helping him bury it. The FBI will do a forensic analysis on it and will find out that it's actually filled with oregano and everyone will have a good laugh.

Red's passing out was also weird because that lady who Dembe greeted had no interest in what was going on after Dembe rushed off.

Certainly Katarina must have changed apartments? This show is happy to go out of its way to show that Lizzie is kinda-sorta the worst FBI agent ever but having the big bad fake her death and then just move right back in across the hall would be a little much, even for this show.

That PI is terrible but at least they gave her a plausible reason for always parking in the same spot: she was doing audio surveillance so she could be the first one on the show to drop the name of the new macguffin that they will henceforth be chasing.

13 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

For the first time, I saw people in the background at Cooper's Post Office office. I guess someone has to do the filing and make the coffee for The Team.

Another LOL moment was Keen digging  six inches down in that grave and yelling, "I feel something!" I thought the bodies were four feet down in a six-foot grave, not four inches. A good rain would uncover that body. That's if a stiff breeze didn't do it first.

How does a pregnant hooker work? No, I don't mean literally. But is there a market for a six-to-eight-month pregnant prostitute? Is there a special website for that? And no, I'm not googling it.

I know this is a make-believe show, and while I know sperm is viable after a male dies (it is in dogs so guessing the same about humans), it's beyond belief that a prostitute 1. wasn't on birth control; and 2. was conveniently ovulating that day. So I guess those two things are more hand waves.

Then the very end takes the most worstest turn ever ... Katarina or whomever she is is back. WTH show. That totally SUCKED. Please, stop with that story line.

The background player who jumped out to me was a random dude in tactical gear. Sure would have been nice to have you around on one of the many occasions when the Post Office is under siege by the bad guy of the week!

I did immediately wonder why when Lizzie and Ressler were going on their fresh grave search they forgot to bring the shovels that were right next to them. Having said that, wouldn't it have been darkly comical if they accidentally killed the buried lady trying to dig her up?

Yes, there is a such thing as pregnancy fetish although I am not sure if these gals were working that angle between conception and delivery based on how the Blacklister said he was the last skeevy guy they would ever have to meet up with.

The first-time-every-time pregnancies are certainly some good luck on the Blacklister's part. Like doesn't it take a few to several weeks before you would even know if it worked? And if it didn't, it's not like you can go back for seconds.

Katarina is certainly not thinking strategically here. Red has no idea that she faked her death. Since she's been out of his life he's been into silly capers that have nothing to do with her. He certainly isn't trying to track her down and kill her. But she wants to come back and mess with his number one lieutenant's spiritual advisor? He's killed people for way way less than that.

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I'm puzzled in the use of the Blacklist.  If Reddington even knew about Hatcher, why is he still alive?  Given Reddington's peculiar code of ethics, he would have dealt with the guy as soon as he found out about his actions.  If he didn't know anything about Hatcher, why was he on the Blacklist?  Or did he add him on  post-op, so to speak?

The problem with Ray field is that the real Ressler and his brother are buried there, and these two soon-to-be Blacklisters are at risk of being discovered.  "Ressler", of course, is Liz's twin brother, and was planted in the FBI to screw up and otherwise damage any case she works on, a talent for which he has shown an admirable ability.  His supposed brother's real name is...Sikorsky.  Dun dun dun.

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11 hours ago, saber5055 said:

And oh yeah Red, don't you know you are suppose to cough into your elbow, not all over the kitchen? Then Red passes out (from COVID I guess). That will teach him not to practice good hygiene.

Speaking of hygiene. The file clerk took drinking glasses (that probably weren't cleaned in 25 years) from his drawer and Red took a sip from it.

9 hours ago, dwmarch said:

The Blacklister numbers are made up by Red as he goes along. We saw this with the robbery last week. The gun manufacturer was nobody until that botched robbery and then all of a sudden he had a number

I forgot about a scene. When Liz meet Red at the park, she had to ask for his permission to work on the cold case and his approval to use the team. That must be how Red assigned # 149. 

9 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Red's passing out was also weird because that lady who Dembe greeted had no interest in what was going on after Dembe rushed off.

Once she heard Dembe call out Red's name, she got nervous and ran back to remove her prints from anything she touched. It is of no importance to her to help save the only man that authorizes her payments.

Also, why does Red need the FBI when he has his own forensic person?

9 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Katarina is certainly not thinking strategically here. Red has no idea that she faked her death. Since she's been out of his life he's been into silly capers that have nothing to do with her. He certainly isn't trying to track her down and kill her. But she wants to come back and mess with his number one lieutenant's spiritual advisor? He's killed people for way way less than that.

Although Red was right. But wasn't it narrsacistic of him to immediately determine Dembe's imam's kidnapping is ALL about him?

I wonder if it ever crossed Hatcher's mind to go the "gigolo" route to get the money from all these widows before he came up with his ultimate plan.

Red's mercenaries and Dembe gunned down some of the Humanitarians. Did Red feel bad about their deaths as he did the girl last week?

Edited by mxc90
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Nooooooo ................ not 10 months ago.

That had to be THE most confined and well organized plane crash I have ever seen.  
Tail section -- check.  Landing gear -- check.  Dead bodies -- check.

I loved the focus on the "Identification. National Disaster Medical System. Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team" sign. Oh DMORT, couldn't you get a better acronym ?

Run Angela, Run !!!

Nyle Hatcher is an anagram for Hate Lyncher, Than Lechery, Thy Clear Hen, Latch Her Yen -- choose your own adventure.

Or for crying out loud, now Lizzie's PI is working for Reddington -- this show gets more and more ridiculous.  And Lizzie gets dumber and dumber.

Hold on -- a cold case from the days of Lizzie being in the mobile psych unit.  That had to be at least 7 or 8 years ago in showtime (because Agnes is practically in middle school already).

David from CSI is back !!!!

And Lizzie confirms it was 8 years ago.  Way to go Lizzie, you can still count.

And we get a refresher about Lizzie's mad burgling skills as she picks the lock on the chest freezer in Hatcher's office.

Lizzie (when digging through the dirt): "I feel something."  
Does it feel like shame about this incredibly stupid episode by the writers ?

Is Reddington going to feel guilty that his men killed those innocents when they stormed into that house ?  Will there be a whole other episode about Red's guilt over that ?

So Lizzie knows the PI was turned by Reddington.  Took Lizzie long enough to figure that out.  And now we have a new McGuffin to worry about -- the Sikorsky archive.  If it's anything like the Townsend Directive or the bag of bones from the hotel wall it will turn out to be some bullshit that never pays off.

Reddington apparently has Covid-19 -- I hope Dembe is good at contact tracing.

And Ressler's brother finally shows up.

Still no sign or mention of the dogs -- heck, even Agnes didn't get a mention this week

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27 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

And Ressler's brother finally shows up.

Ressler's big brother with news about "Ray Field" and a strip mall groundbreaking. What could the brothers be hiding??

Here he is back when Ressler was in grade school:


Edited by preeya
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49 minutes ago, preeya said:

Ressler's big brother with news about "Ray Field" and a strip mall groundbreaking. What could the brothers be hiding??

My guess: Big Brother had a rough go in the 80s. One drunken night he buried in the field VHS tapes of National Lampoon's Vacation, Sixteen Candles, Weird Science and The Breakfast Club, a poster of Kelly LeBrock from Weird Science and angry letters to John Hughes for the movie roles he thought were meant for him!

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11 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Indeed on Ray Field. It's not going to be anything good. I'll be impressed if it's the joint Ressler thought about smoking in eighth grade but he couldn't bring himself to do it so he roped his brother into helping him bury it. The FBI will do a forensic analysis on it and will find out that it's actually filled with oregano and everyone will have a good laugh.

Including me, who got a good laugh out of this paragraph.

1 hour ago, preeya said:

Here he is back when Ressler was in grade school:

Hey, I saw his name in the credits then totally forgot about him since I never saw him again. But he's Ressler's brother ... who knew. I guess we all change.

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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

And we get a refresher about Lizzie's mad burgling skills as she picks the lock on the chest freezer in Hatcher's office.

Speaking of, the guy leaves his laptop on with screens open to all the prostitute browser pages yet he locks up a giant freezer with the lonely thermos inside. He could have put that in an office mini fridge or just bought a semen transport container for a few bucks so as to avoid drinking from the wrong thermos.

So I guess we all learned that if buried alive, we can live for hours if not days breathing dirt. That is, if this show's writers are all up on research and responsible reporting. Kids: Don't try this at home.

Edited by saber5055
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I wonder if it's just the brothers with buried secrets or the entire Ressler family. Will we see mama Ressler with a shovel looking for that scandalous picture from the 50s? Or cousins/uncles/aunts?

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15 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Even when Red passes out, he is smooth enough to not make sound hitting the floor!

Red's had quite a bit of practice. As a result, he's trained himself to faint unconscious yet still make a soft landing.

2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Hold on -- a cold case from the days of Lizzie being in the mobile psych unit.  That had to be at least 7 or 8 years ago in showtime (because Agnes is practically in middle school already).


2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

And Lizzie confirms it was 8 years ago.  Way to go Lizzie, you can still count.

Wait a minute. Didn't Lizzie spend two years in a coma at some point? I thought that's when Agnes went from age 1 to age 5 in between seasons. And the dogs aged out of the show entirely. 

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On 4/24/2020 at 9:58 PM, mxc90 said:

How is Nyle Hatcher # 149 on the list? This is Liz's cold case.

The writers must have been using some potent drugs to come up with this week's "WTF"!

How these prostitutes not run after hearing Nyle's proposal is amazing! And why agree to have the money wired to his account and not theirs?

Nyle had to do a lot of background checks on these women to know their problems. Then do his homework for the men's bank accounts, get the sperm, inseminating the women, drugging them, have the girls work with the shady lawyer, know when graves are available and get in a good work out digging graves/carrying bodies.

And after all that, he tells Liz and Ressler money isn't the solution but the children is! Huh?! It was his dumb idea to bring them in the world in the first place!! Psychopath didn't think this through!

Other agents must have gotten word to never work with Liz on any case. At least they tried to let her down somewhat nicely by telling her "your profile was not additive".

Liz so desperately needed Nyle to say "it wasn't about killing" so she can get the vindication after all these seasons. Now she will skip by her old co-workers like a 3rd grader, say "I told you so" and stick her tongue at them!

Did the FBI need to have Kendra handcuffed?

I think Ressler passed the woman a takeout menu and told her it was a warrant. 

Ressler's "integrity" is buried under Ray Field and wants no one to find it.

I had a feeling the government was going to turn out looking bad with immigration. The show can't pass a chance to take a dig!

Mara James looks like she had a nice home and somehow ended up as a prostitute.

Even when Red passes out, he is smooth enough to not make sound hitting the floor!

Katarina still has her apartment lease and the FBI are gone. I wouldn't be surprised if she took the Imam back there to question him.  

The PI needs to rethink her career path. Last week, she got caught by Red/talked quickly, isn't good enough to lie to Liz on Red's orders and Liz figured her out in no time!

What was it that tipped Liz off that the PI was working for Red? 

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4 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

What was it that tipped Liz off that the PI was working for Red? 

Hard to tell. The moment the PI told Liz: Ilya is running scared, Liz determined Ilya is not scared but the PI is and Red got to her.

The PI immediately confessed afterwards. For all we know, Liz could have been bluffing.

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6 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Hard to tell. The moment the PI told Liz: Ilya is running scared, Liz determined Ilya is not scared but the PI is and Red got to her.

The PI immediately confessed afterwards. For all we know, Liz could have been bluffing.

Is Lizzie even smart enough to bluff ?  Can Lizzie even spell bluff at this point ?

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3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Is Lizzie even smart enough to bluff ?  Can Lizzie even spell bluff at this point ?

Liz was riding the "high" of feeling relief she was right with case. For 5 minutes, she was confident,  sassy, and invincible. This allowed her to get one over the PI. 

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6 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Liz was riding the "high" of feeling relief she was right with case. For 5 minutes, she was confident,  sassy, and invincible. This allowed her to get one over the PI. 

Or it was just shitty writing like the rest of this show.  There is no basis whatsoever for her comments.  She is not that smart.

As for the field bs, maybe it’s the body of the murder victim of Lizzie that Ressler covered up last season.

Sikorsky what?   Kill me now.

On to the soothing balm of Homeland.  RIP quality tv.

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On 4/24/2020 at 9:58 PM, mxc90 said:

Nyle had to do a lot of background checks on these women to know their problems. Then do his homework for the men's bank accounts, get the sperm, inseminating the women, drugging them, have the girls work with the shady lawyer, know when graves are available and get in a good work out digging graves/carrying bodies.

He waited to be invited to a major catastrophe, then went down the list of victims looking for a name he recognized, or did a quick Google search to see if anyone came up rich. He may have only found a "donor" a small fraction of the times he responded to such an accident.

The lawyers weren't shady. They represented the widows and settled at their request to avoid a scandal. Under the law, even posthumous progeny would inherit from an estate that left a bequest to a decedent's children, no matter what the widow wanted. This method avoided a public lawsuit against the estate. It's hard to believe that not even one of the widows might think that her husband's wishes would include treating the child as part of the family and insist on maintaining a relationship as part of the settlement.

On 4/24/2020 at 10:30 PM, saber5055 said:

How does a pregnant hooker work? No, I don't mean literally. But is there a market for a six-to-eight-month pregnant prostitute? Is there a special website for that? And no, I'm not googling it.

I assume Hatcher supported her through the pregnancy.  He wouldn't have wanted her to take the risk of getting hurt or catching a disease.

On 4/24/2020 at 9:58 PM, mxc90 said:

And after all that, he tells Liz and Ressler money isn't the solution but the children is! Huh?! It was his dumb idea to bring them in the world in the first place!! Psychopath didn't think this through!

And now all those siblings will be split up. I wonder if he was able to adopt them, one by one (I don't see how.) Also, he must have had help raising them. What does his nanny think of all those kids? Does no one know about his family?

The mortuary assistant made it seem that Hatcher had recently moved out of his upstairs apartment, but some of those kids looked like teenagers.

Since it is possible to retrieve sperm from men who have had vasectomies, I wonder if any of the widows were extra surprised about her spouse impregnating someone.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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1 hour ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

The lawyers weren't shady. They represented the widows and settled at their request to avoid a scandal. Under the law, even posthumous progeny would inherit from an estate that left a bequest to a decedent's children, no matter what the widow wanted. This method avoided a public lawsuit against the estate. It's hard to believe that not even one of the widows might think that her husband's wishes would include treating the child as part of the family and insist on maintaining a relationship as part of the settlement.

Not the widow's lawyers, Angela's lawyer: Mr. I.M. Virtuous, Esq. His sour attitude towards her and the meal ticket baby came off as if he knew she was scamming the moment she walked through his door, yet he takes on the client and fee anyway.  He probably was going to take Kendra's case with no hesitation in a few months when she arrived.

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