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S45.E14: John Mulaney/David Byrne

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On 3/1/2020 at 12:17 AM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

LOL, John Mulaney is the bestest.

This beyond made up for all the crappy episodes of the season. Which was basically all of them.

Also, thank you for Alex Moffat in a chubby rat costume.

Airport sushi, you are the best skit since diner lobster Les Mis! 

        I thought Eddie Murphy was Good ! That was possibly the Second Best show Behind John Mulaney ! Also, I thought Adam Driver Was Very Good And I thought That Phoebe from Flea Bag Was Pretty Good ! !

On 3/1/2020 at 9:20 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

"Once in a Lifetime" was released in 1981.

Speaking of recent quality SNL episodes - I feel like everyone's forgotten about Eddie Murphy's.

       I went quite a while trying to decide after seeing both for the first time which episode I liked better ! I ILiked John Mulaney's Episode THE BEST ! Eddie's Was a Very Close Second ! I Don't know what was Third, Maybe Adam Driver !  I guess Lizzo was Okay, But NOBODY Is as Good as These Dancers and David Bourne ! I have never seen People Dancing around like that and even the Main Singer ! I was not aware that Bongo type Drums had A strap Around IT like Guitars And even A keyboard Also having A Strap ! I Enjoyed Eddie's Monologue Especially about Bill Cosby And Eddie said Now Who Is America's Father ! How Ever, I LOVED ALL OF John Mulaney's Monologue and IT was So Hilarious ! That IS THE Funniest Monologue I Have Ever heard On Saturday Night Live Including CK's Monologue And Kevin Hart's Monologue And Maybe Danny Devito's Monologue ! I Think Also The Fact that Eddie was in December and John Mulaney was in March had Something to do with IT ! How ever, I would Feel this way IF John Mulaney was in December and Eddie was in March !

On 3/1/2020 at 8:58 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

I was even more impressed when Byrne held that arched back position towards the end of the first song.  Dude is 67.

Overall, this was one of the best episodes since the last John Mulaney episode.  Go March !

The sound guys on SNL continue to suck -- just turn up the level on David Byrne's microphone already.  The vocals always seem to get drowned out on this show.

        I could hear the vocals just fine and I am not that good at Hearing ! My Brother always tells me to turn down Things like America's Got Talent which I usually have Turned Up All the way To One Hundred ! He sang Isn't this interesting At the Beginning OF Each Line OF the First Verse Except for the Fourth Line It was some thing about For the Rest OF My Life OR some thing like That ! That wasn't because I couldn't hear what was being said ! I just have trouble remembering the Lyrics ! For Example, I can't remember the Lyrics to the second Song AT All, but that Is My Memory ! I was Mainly watching the dancing to Both Songs !

On 3/1/2020 at 9:52 AM, Ottis said:

The album on which “Once in a Lifetime” can be found was released in 1980, if we’re nitpicking.

I don’t think anyone has forgotten about an episode from December (December, right?).  Saying one episode was great doesn’t take away from another episode. That ep also had a great musical guest, Lizzo.

Aside from the airport sketch, this ep was ok IMO. I didn’t get the “Kyle bulks up” to the obvious conclusion skit. And The Sound of Music would have been funnier if they had stuck with the obvious age difference, which is so often ignored in old shows. And the amendment sketch didn’t nail it because it didn’t go on and hit far more universal and critical amendments that occurred later. So uneven, but still fun. 

     Eddie And Lizzo were on December 18 2019 ! They DID End with the AGE Difference with Maria Who Helped Raise the Children Could be Almost Too Young Unless you are talking about Rolph Being a Nazi ! The Amendment Sketch as you put IT Was in The Monologue and I did not feel like They needed to go on Any Further !

On 3/1/2020 at 10:55 AM, Josette said:

Captain von Trapp's name is Georg (pronounced gay-org), not Gaylord.

I really didn't understand that skit since there is no real age difference between the film's actors. 

         This was NOT A Documentary ! This was A Funny Sketch that instead of TWO Teenagers,An Older Man was with the Captain's Little Girl !

On 3/1/2020 at 1:02 PM, peeayebee said:

Jake was great here and HILARIOUS in the Sack Bunch Lunch.

Loved this ep. John Mulvaney is amazing. (I even had a dream about him last night.) He's great in the monologues and in the sketches.

Loved his saying in the monologue that Jesus did magic tricks for his friends. 

Seeing Kyle all bulked up was bizarre. Fantastic prosthetic job.

Someone else here mentioned that it seemed that Cecily and Aidy were sincerely laughing during the b/w sketch. I thought so too and wondered if the props were surprises to them.


      IF the Black And White Sketch was where the Admiral was Choosing which Sister, That Was Kate and NOT Cecily ! There was Kate, Aidy, Beck and John Mulaney !

On 3/1/2020 at 5:42 PM, Camille said:

Same here. That's usually my snack/bathroom/"what else is on?" time, so it was great to enjoy it, even though, as I wrote before, I was disappointed that there wasn't a "Road To Nowhere" performance.

       They Did A Parody OF A Road To Nowhere in the Sushi Sketch Called A Plane To Nowhere ! They Thought that would be Funnier! Even That Black Girl In The Musical Songs WAS In The Sushi Sketch Singing Or Rather Dancing To On A Plane To Nowhere !

On 3/1/2020 at 6:44 PM, rmontro said:

Where's Galileo908's review?  It seems odd not seeing it.  

I'm not going to break it down, but I thought it was one of the better shows of the season.  Not surprising with John Mulaney.  And if you have to lose out to someone for Make-a-Wish, Lin-Manuel Miranda is not a bad person to lose out to.

Hard to believe, but John Byrne is a little past most Boomers time when it comes to music.  They should have more older, "classic" artists on SNL, seems like they lean more toward contemporary acts. 

       The Lead Singer OF The Talking Heads Is DAVID Bourne ! The Host Is JOHN Mulaney ! Boomers Were Adults In the 1980's ! Probably Younger People would be Some Thing Like Ten OR Maybe Fifteen ! !

On 3/2/2020 at 11:19 AM, DEL901 said:

Thank you for posting this.  It bothered me a lot!

You are probably right, but it still bothers me.  It is sloppy work.

      Again, This Is NOT A Documentary ! IF They Think IT Is Funnier To Call the Captain Gay Lord, Then,They Don't Have to Have His Real Name !

15 hours ago, Camille said:

I caught that. It was hilarious. And dead-on accurate for everyone who's ever been stuck on a plane or at the airport.

           I was Stuck in the Dallas Airport and Finally We Boarded the Plane ! How Ever, We Had To Get Off the Plane  ! IT Was Ten Thirty In The Morning ! Later, IT Was Two Thirty In The Afternoon ! IT WAS The Same plane That Had Mechanical Problems ! Finally, We Had To Take A Bus And I Went To Alabama ! IT Felt SO Good To see My Relatives ! The Next Day, My Cousin Had Trouble With Her Plane And Her Sister and Their Mother Had To Pick Her up ! That Was The Same Plane ! There Were A Couple OF Problems When We went home, But I finally Did Get Home ! A Different time, My Luggage Got Lost ! Another Time, I Was Bumped And I Went home For one Hour And Came Back To The Air Port And Was Rerouted To Atlanta ! But I Finally Got To Where I Was Supposed To Go ! The Thing Is That I Had to Take Off My Socks and Shoes And Later I Had To Take off My Socks And Shoes Again ! !

To prepare myself for tonight's new episode, I finally got around to watching the February 29th episode. I already watched the first half hour, but this post ate my comments, so I had to watch it all over again. Not that I'm complaining.

Cold Open: Oh boy, what a time capsule this is. The theme was "we are screeeeeewed!" Hell, selling MAGA masks might've actually helped. Oh, that innocent time when Mike Bloomberg thought had a chance in the election. I miss Mulaney's Biden. I REALLY hope he comes back tonight, at least to compete against Carrey's. Oh, that innocent time when Bernie had a chance, too. Oh, that innocent time when everyone touched everyone else without fear.

Monologue: Oh boy, I hope Mulaney talks about regretting endorsing March ("If winter had spring!"). My dad is 68, and Mulaney is mostly on the ball with the lack of friends, but dead on with everything else. And hey, the Third Amendment was actually used this year!

The Sound of Music: I miss Cecily. Also, yeah, this movie is weird. It was a funny one. Good to know this sketch confused everyone else.

And that's where my watch left off. I'm going into the rest of this blind.

Uncle Ron: This was funny. "White Collar Virgin" just cracked me up. Oh, to have been in the writers room when they were pitching memes for this.

Kyle: Gotta love some Kyle bashing. Buff Kyle was just...weird. But good weird. Always appreciate seeing Lorne in a sketch. 

Say, Those Two Don't Seem to Like Each Other: Just have Aidy and Kate snip at each other in a sketch = success. I cpuld not stop laughing at this. A very good kind of silly.

To no one's surprise, David Byrne was awesome. I've been listening to American Utopia on loop since I watched it on HBO a few weeks ago. (EDIT: Yeah, that one backup dancer that looked like Glam Louis CK distracted me through that whole show, too)

WU: Oh, what innocent times, where Trump promised he was "ordering lots elements of medical" and held rallies filled with untested people. Che knew that if HE caught it, the internet would play that very clip over and over again due to his own hubris. Again, you poor, innocent children who didn't know what was going to happen. Che is just straight up DRINKING here. And yep, THAT VERY DAY is what got the ball rolling in the election to where we are now. And wow, Chris Redd got his own Update feature! And he was great.

Airport Sushi: Here it is, THIS sketch! And OF COURSE it was LaGuardia! And this time it was Phantom of The Opera! And Annie! and West Side Story! And Jake Gyllenhaal?! And topical Covid jokes! and David Byrne! What the hell are they gonna do next time? Remember airports?

Man, watching commercials for musicals is so depressing. Also, David Byrne was awesome again.

Forgotten Figures in Black History: Ego is in the show! Ha, the first black man to boo Jackie Robinson. Probably the only dud in an otherwise fantastic show.

Can't wait for what March brings! I got a good feeling about it!

Edited by Galileo908
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