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S01.E06: Moving in Together

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What the hell? She purposely shared the wine with the dog, nasty and harmful to the poor dog. I'm shocked how mature Barnett is when dealing with her. It's definitely made me soften towards him.

I had to laugh when she was saying her and Mark were so opposite. Ok, sloppy drunk, a couple days ago, you were saying you were the same person. 

So did Amber just do this so she'd get a free place to live? I don't understand why she has 20 grand in loans. Shouldn't the Army have covered some of it? I'm not super knowledgable on the process but my brother is in the reserves and they paid for his college. 

I keep forgetting Kenny and Kelly are on this show. 

I wonder if Mark and G would have made a much better match. 

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11 hours ago, Court said:

I had to laugh when she was saying her and Mark were so opposite. Ok, sloppy drunk, a couple days ago, you were saying you were the same person. 

She is so full of shit. She only accepted Mark because he gave her a chance to keep playing this game. She has zero interest in him, and I think that was true the minute she found out he was 10 years younger than her. Then when she saw him it was really over, but I don't think she knew how to back out gracefully when they were face to face without being cruel and after convincing him while they were in the pods that she was into him. At this point she's just trying to talk herself into it, but when she gets drunk (which is often), the truth about her true feelings seeps out.......Mark is an idiot for continuing this farce........

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Amber has a weird, forced laugh.   I think she's so THRILLED with the prospect of marrying a guy with a house and a job, who will pay off her student loans, give her a credit card, and let her stay at home, watch TV, maybe have a baby.  But the laugh is more like someone who is trying to be giddy and happy ALL THE TIME.  I bet Barnett (but his name is now Mark, huh?) , on meeting her family, was wondering, "How many of these people are going to end up moving in with us?"   And HIS family did not seem to like her at all.  She talks about farting, then calls herself a "huge weirdo,"  jokes about drinking to handle stress, all in the first few minutes of meeting them.  

Giannina needs therapy.  Damian's parents don't want to meet her, (or don't want to be on TV) and she's blaming him for not anticipating this, not forcing them to meet her. She has no idea how to express any feeling other than anger.  

Poor Mark.  Jessica is a basket case.  

Edited by tinkerbell
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On 3/1/2020 at 5:27 PM, lilabennet said:

About Amber's student loan debt: It could still just be the original 20k.  Depending on the terms of the loan, sometimes student debt doesn't start accruing interest (or need to be paid) until you have graduated.  Since she hasn't finished school, then she may have filled out paperwork claiming that she is planning to go back and the lender has given her a grace period to go back to school.  I took a leave of absence for 3 years and my loans just sat without accruing any interest.  I didn't have to start paying them until I graduated.  Of course, I don't know if that is typical or just lucky.

Wasn't she in the military for a while?  If so, your scenario would make total sense.  But if her time in the military was after her time in college she should have been at least paying some of the debt down...except she feels that $200 in makeup is more important than paying her loans.

That being said, she and Barnett can still work if she's willing to learn how to handle $ better.  I came into my marriage with a lot of debt and an hourly job.  Almost 30 years later we are largely debt free because I learned how to handle money better. 

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On 3/31/2020 at 3:57 PM, CoolMom said:

Wasn't she in the military for a while?  If so, your scenario would make total sense.  But if her time in the military was after her time in college she should have been at least paying some of the debt down...except she feels that $200 in makeup is more important than paying her loans.

That being said, she and Barnett can still work if she's willing to learn how to handle $ better.  I came into my marriage with a lot of debt and an hourly job.  Almost 30 years later we are largely debt free because I learned how to handle money better. 

She was in the National Guard. That’s not full time military. They do one weekend a month and two weeks a year. 

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On 4/1/2020 at 5:00 PM, Whimsy said:

She was in the National Guard. That’s not full time military. They do one weekend a month and two weeks a year. 

Thanks, that does make a difference. 

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On 2/20/2020 at 1:23 PM, Irritable said:

Watching Jessica is painful. She leaned so far away from Mark on the sofa while meeting his roommates, and leaned so embarrassingly close to Barnett during their agonizing “talk”, where she kept insisting they had a deep connection and how there are 48 hours in a day and she thought about him 46 of those hours, too drunk or dumb not to notice how much Barnett is not interested in her AT ALL. 

GiGi is kinda mean. She’s very immature, and it has become clear why she was single.

Cameron continues to be too intense for me, but he’s so sweet and I love how much he loves Lauren.

Amber tries too hard to have a big personality. Throwing her head back and laughing like a braying donkey comes off so fake. I’m surprised they hadn’t already talked about her financial flakiness well before this point.  

I liked seeing their real living situations, that was interesting. The age gap sure was evident in Jessica and Mark’s homes!

Jessica clearly has drinking problem, and what she said to Mark about Barnett being hot and thinking about him 46 of the past 48 hours was quite mean. I was surprised at how calm Barnett was when talking to her. In fact, I find Barnett to be more mature and less frat-boy than he was in the pods. 

But let me defend Jessica just for a minute. Mark is not a great catch for her, IMO. I don't have a problem with his looks or his height (which is average, not short), and he does seem like a sincere, romantic man. But he's only 24 years old, and in many ways, he acts 24--he hasn't had a lot of life experience or work experience, and Jessica seems like she does. She's in a very different place in her life.

And Mark is not the most interesting conversationalist in the world. I know we didn't see the full conversations from the pod, but if he thinks that his "strong" bond with Jessica is based on them both being from Chicago and liking Italian beef, then that's very thin. Those are great first date topics, but I never heard the two of them talk about anything deep or substantial.  I never hear about his hopes or dreams for the future other than having a family. I never hear about his current job (if he has one) or his future career goals. I never hear him tell jokes or make clever observations about the world. 

In other words, I probably wouldn't be passionately in love with Mark, either, and I understand why Jessica isn't. But she 1) shouldn't have accepted his proposals in the pod and when they met, and 2) she shouldn't couldn't continue to give him false hope. I don't understand how Mark became her #2 connection in the pods. Did she date anyone besides Mark or Barnett? 


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On 2/27/2020 at 9:37 PM, DearEvette said:


Listening to Mark & Jessica and then Amber talking finances, I wonder if this is the first time this has really come up?  I would NOT hitch myself to Amber with her bad money management and her "I don't live to work, I work to live."  Bitch, Please. If you homeless and broke, that plan doesn't seem to be working out to well does it?


i think when Amber said, "I don't live to work, I work to live," she actually meant "I have no skills and I can't hold on to a job."

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TOTALLY AGREE w/ the group responses on Jessica.  She is DEF too old to be that sloppy drunk ONCE, let alone MULTIPLE times - AND she even said as much to Mark after the whole ‘throwing herself’ at Barnett.  ANDDDD then, she did it again.  And again.   🤦🏻‍♀️. I feel like she doomed the relationship between she & Mark by making so stinkin’ many huge deals about their age difference.  NOBODY cares!  The one thing I’m surprised nobody has mentioned - that she’s CONSTANTLY jacking w/her hair, pulling it in front of her face, facial expressions bordering on erotic while she’s throwing herself at her hair!  ( woulda been hilarious if she had extensions & they came out while she was  getting amorous w/it!  😂  😂 😂  ) She just wears me out!  GOOD LORD see a therapist already! 


And I just can’t w/Amber!  I’m also still laughing about the braying donkey - cuz it’s SPOT on!  That laugh makes my migraine kick in!  She’s so over the top.  She comes off to me as someone who has nothing, came from a very financially hard, maybe poor, background ( although her mom was very sweet ….. ) & has a dead end job ( agree that she gives off a Hooters / Tilted Kilt / Twin Peaks sorta vibe ).  She said she was homeless, as well.  I think she went on this show looking for a meal ticket & found a cute one that she could hang on to for at least a little while.  ( is she pregnant yet??? ). I was embarrassed for her while she was telling Barnett how she was chatting on the phone, drinking a bottle of wine ( while he was work … ) & oh by the by, it’s gonna cost an extra $400 for my dress cuz I’m over budget, but I don’t have it cuz I’m not really working right now.  

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