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S01.E07: 10-8 Search and Rescue


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When a massive fire breaks out and the LAFD needs the help of the Sheriff's department, one of Bill's deputies discovers a suspicious car in the forest that leads them to a missing girl. Maggie learns the consequences of Bill's new job when reporters stake out their house for answers. Meanwhile, Cade and Teresa try to figure out the best way to broach an uncomfortable conversation with their foster children

Air date: February 13, 2020

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Would it hurt them to insert "county" after saying LA every now and then? But the fire did ground the helicopters to leave the Sheriff out alone with his horse to be the hero again. 

With Deputy Bishop under concussion protocols and the Sheriff immune from the same trauma any ole Deputy has the Sheriff on speed dial to bypass his chain of command.

I guess I was wrong about the LAPD Chief proving to be an ally as there are problems about the arrest of a bad cop. But one more hero move no matter what the Under Sheriff does there is no way he could defeat the folk hero Sheriff in any election.

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Maggie Hollister made two mistakes when dealing with the kidarazzi:

  1. She failed to kick him forcefully in the bollocks when he was down
  2. She failed to snap his phone in half like a biscuit

Tupi Saravia is a Social Media Influenza who got called out when people spotted the same cloud formation in all her globe-trotting travel photos. She now works for Fox, adding solidly immobile and invariant columns of smoke to a shot of some trees, when ever a forest fire is needed.

Is it just me?  Or is killing someone and then deciding, "I think I'll adopt his kids!" really not a great idea?  That can't end well, can it?

Edited by Netfoot
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Well, this was an episode that needed the removal of one's brain to watch as it was pretty much 100-percent stupid.

It did start great, Bishop and Bill driving along chatting and WHAMMO! Car wreck. How exciting! Cut to commercial. Come back from commercial. Bishop and Bill in hospital getting ribs wrapped and cuts sterilized. WTH? Who hit them? What happened to the other vehicle? Was it another vehicle? Did Bishop just drive into a brick wall? And was that Bishop's girlfriend tending to her cut forehead?

Bishop won't listen to Mrs. Bill when she keeps trying to tell Bishop about her tests. Okay, so the patient knows more about thyroid balances (Really? That's a test that's done for a car-crash concussion?) than the doctor. So doctor shuts up and leaves. Just like a real professional doctor would. (She's still getting the invoice for all those tests though.)

Later we find out Bishop doesn't want to hear test results because she might decide to go trans and become a man. WTH does that have to do with hospital tests to see if you are going to die or not. Bishop already looks like a guy so what's the big deal if she changes gender to match appearance.

Now a wrecked car is found. It has no VIN and stolen plates, so Bill crawls underneath to photo the engine number. Okay, I buy that. But the car is traced to a guy who is a meter reader for the city, and someone who has no criminal record, he's clean. So why remove the VIN and plates on his car? WTH was up with that?

Now all of a sudden the fellows know the wrecked car belongs to a kidnapper who is going to kill his victim. How did that happen? What told them that? There was some blood in the car and a blood trail ... so what. They were in an accident and the driver (the only occupant that we know there was) cut his head and got out to walk for help since there was no phone service. What was the big deal that someone who "knows the woods" had to come find the driver?

Behind the car, Bill discovered some soft dirt that he declares a "trail trap" or something similar, like what Mantracker would use to track his quarry. But why? If the girl was already gone, why would the killer put a tracking trap on the ground, she's already gone. If she isn't already gone, then he has her so why track someone who hasn't left?

The girl is running through the woods. I'm waiting for her to fall, because they always do, even Reno Raines falls down when he's being chased through the woods.

Girl falls down.

Bill and his partner get on the horses to search the woods. So the aerial scene shows them galloping through open fields with a plume of smoke like a campfire is in the far distance. Of course there is horrible fire danger and Bill can smell the smoke while viewers can barely see the smoke plume. Some wildfire danger, guys.

Bad guy shoots two campers yet neither Bill nor his partner heard the shots. Alrighty then. IRL, both would have put those horses into a gallop and rode toward the shots. Conclusion: Neither actor knows how to ride a horse.

Bill leaves his partner with the two campers, one might be dead, one soon will be, who knows, but that's my guess since no way can they get them out of there w/o wheels. Anyway, now Bill rides off AT A WALK through the woods while the aerial shot, again, shows him riding through an open field. Show, we notice those things.

Killer ties girl to tree for some unknown reason, because he can't shoot her unless she's tied up? WTH. Bill finally catches up via his walking horse, then gets off the horse to send Mr. Ed over to the tied-up girl. WTH was that about. A shoot out happens and finally a good scene, Bill gets shot in his vest. Yeay! All shots miss the very large horse.

Bad guy runs away. Instead of swinging up on his horse and taking off at a gallop after the bad guy so he can jump off the horse and onto the bad guy and wrestle him to the ground, Bill stops to have a prolonged conversation with the girl. Ten minutes pass. Probably more. Bad guy is still running. Bill is still yammering on. WTH.

Finally, Bill gets back on the horse and takes off AT A WALK in the direction the bad guy went. He finally catches up to Bad Guy, then stands around while Bad Guy gives some lengthy speech. Then, and only then, does Bill decide to kick his ass, which he does rather poorly, after BG just stands there waiting for him. Finally, BG is handcuffed and ... walked? back to the vehicle.

I was imagining Bill putting a lasso on the guy and having the horse drag him back to the vehicle, but that's just me.

Meanwhile, the two partners go to the water-meter-reader guy's house. "It looks like no one lives here," one says. Really? The guy has a respectable job and long-time wife and keeps his house like crap? Alrighty then. But the partners break in because some woman is crying for help. Was that the wife? I think so.

So captive girl and girl about to be killed are reunited with their families, even though no one anywhere knew they were missing. Bat-shit crazy wife is berated by the woman deputy. Lay off her, copper, she's whack.

Meanwhile, daughter skips school and for some reason that's good enough for some kid to video her and her friends through a back door. Did they drink the bottle of creme de menthe after daughter knocked the kid down? Inquiring minds want to know.

Mom and daughter are all stressed about Dad's new job. Raise your hand if you care.

Yeah, I didn't think so. Me neither.

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I've been somewhat enjoying this show, but this episode was a tough one to swallow.

@saber5055 covered some of the more bizarre points, so I will just add that Bishop and the wife's conversation at the house was AWKWARD - talk about dancing around a subject. And the speechifying by Bill and now the Mrs. is getting very heavy-handed.

Best part of the ep was the bro nod between Cade and his foster son.

I will continue watching because my husband likes the show, but I hope things improve.

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2 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

I will continue watching because my husband likes the show, but I hope things improve.

I will say, on the plus side, that Bill and Cade looked FINE in their jeans and vests before getting on those horses. Best part of the show for me. I like Cade even better than Bill.

I also liked that bro nod with Cade and foster son at the end, although I thought the boy got over his hostility toward Cade killing his dad pretty easily. *hand wave!*

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Can we agree that the fire was a narrative smoke screen? 😉

I loathe kidnapping stories because they always seem like veiled porno to me, but I needed to take a break, so I watched this on my phone on Hulu. I really wish I'd just had it on in the background while still working. 

Can we also agree we're only watching for Stephen Dorft? And maybe the guy who plays Cade?



2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Now all of a sudden the fellows know the wrecked car belongs to a kidnapper who is going to kill his victim. How did that happen? What told them that? There was some blood in the car and a blood trail ... so what. They were in an accident and the driver (the only occupant that we know there was) cut his head and got out to walk for help since there was no phone service. What was the big deal that someone who "knows the woods" had to come find the driver?

Ooo, ooo! 👋 I got this one.  The Sheriff's trusty side kick, Cade, watched all available video footage of the car and spotted a blurry picture of a girl "escaping" from the car, which was preternaturally identified by some distant law enforcement person who wasn't dealing with the fire or hooky-playing offspring or anything else. And this all happened in about an hour at most. On screen it took less than a minute, so if you sneezed, you missed it.



46 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Best part of the ep was the bro nod between Cade and his foster son.

I too liked the "bro nod between Cade and his foster son," but is it supposed to signify that

  1. the foster son is no longer planning to kill his foster family in their sleep to get revenge for Cade killing his father, or
  2. is the foster son just playing along so Cade won't be on guard when the foster son comes into his foster dad's bedroom some night to stab him to death? Or,
  3. is it supposed to mean they're dropping that story line and we will never hear about it again?




Edited by shapeshifter
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@shapeshifter, I'm assigning this show to you to watch every week and report back here the next day. Your posts are the best.

Yes, the (alleged) wildfire was but a smokescreen!

Yes, I watch this show for Bill and Cade. Mostly Cade lately, unless Bill wants to wear those jeans some more. That, plus there is absolutely nothing else on my antenna tv on Thursday nights but this show.

Thank you, now I remember Cade spotting that car on the gas station cam. I was having a sneezing fit and peeked from behind my Kleenex to see that. Mystery solved!

I'm all about Foster Son trying to kill Cade. That would be exciting!

And finally, thank you show for getting rid of the ADHD hand-held camera guy. Although maybe that was just me having flu symptoms.

Edited by saber5055
Because peek and peak mean different things.
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I found this 25 year old pic of stephen dorff and this week's baddie David Arquette---they've apparently been friends forever. I thought it was kind of adorable 




Yeah, I'm still watching for dorff and brian van Holt. There are worse reasons. 

Edited by luna1122
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8 hours ago, luna1122 said:

I found this 25 year old pic of stephen dorff and this week's baddie David Arquette---they've apparently been friends forever. I thought it was kind of adorable 




Yeah, I'm still watching for dorff and brian van Holt. There are worse reasons. 

This is awesome! They look like babies - I see Stephen Dorff has always had that pout.

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18 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

This is awesome! They look like babies - I see Stephen Dorff has always had that pout.

And that spike hair! I thought the bad guy looked like Arquette but didn't look it up to make sure. Photo is too fun, and yeah, they were but wee tykes in that pic. Thanks for finding and posting it @luna1122.

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On 2/14/2020 at 11:16 AM, saber5055 said:

Well, this was an episode that needed the removal of one's brain to watch as it was pretty much 100-percent stupid.

It did start great, Bishop and Bill driving along chatting and WHAMMO! Car wreck. How exciting! Cut to commercial. Come back from commercial. Bishop and Bill in hospital getting ribs wrapped and cuts sterilized. WTH? Who hit them? What happened to the other vehicle? Was it another vehicle? Did Bishop just drive into a brick wall? And was that Bishop's girlfriend tending to her cut forehead?

Bishop won't listen to Mrs. Bill when she keeps trying to tell Bishop about her tests. Okay, so the patient knows more about thyroid balances (Really? That's a test that's done for a car-crash concussion?) than the doctor. So doctor shuts up and leaves. Just like a real professional doctor would. (She's still getting the invoice for all those tests though.)

Later we find out Bishop doesn't want to hear test results because she might decide to go trans and become a man. WTH does that have to do with hospital tests to see if you are going to die or not. Bishop already looks like a guy so what's the big deal if she changes gender to match appearance.

Now a wrecked car is found. It has no VIN and stolen plates, so Bill crawls underneath to photo the engine number. Okay, I buy that. But the car is traced to a guy who is a meter reader for the city, and someone who has no criminal record, he's clean. So why remove the VIN and plates on his car? WTH was up with that?

Now all of a sudden the fellows know the wrecked car belongs to a kidnapper who is going to kill his victim. How did that happen? What told them that? There was some blood in the car and a blood trail ... so what. They were in an accident and the driver (the only occupant that we know there was) cut his head and got out to walk for help since there was no phone service. What was the big deal that someone who "knows the woods" had to come find the driver?

Behind the car, Bill discovered some soft dirt that he declares a "trail trap" or something similar, like what Mantracker would use to track his quarry. But why? If the girl was already gone, why would the killer put a tracking trap on the ground, she's already gone. If she isn't already gone, then he has her so why track someone who hasn't left?

The girl is running through the woods. I'm waiting for her to fall, because they always do, even Reno Raines falls down when he's being chased through the woods.

Girl falls down.

Bill and his partner get on the horses to search the woods. So the aerial scene shows them galloping through open fields with a plume of smoke like a campfire is in the far distance. Of course there is horrible fire danger and Bill can smell the smoke while viewers can barely see the smoke plume. Some wildfire danger, guys.

Bad guy shoots two campers yet neither Bill nor his partner heard the shots. Alrighty then. IRL, both would have put those horses into a gallop and rode toward the shots. Conclusion: Neither actor knows how to ride a horse.

Bill leaves his partner with the two campers, one might be dead, one soon will be, who knows, but that's my guess since no way can they get them out of there w/o wheels. Anyway, now Bill rides off AT A WALK through the woods while the aerial shot, again, shows him riding through an open field. Show, we notice those things.

Killer ties girl to tree for some unknown reason, because he can't shoot her unless she's tied up? WTH. Bill finally catches up via his walking horse, then gets off the horse to send Mr. Ed over to the tied-up girl. WTH was that about. A shoot out happens and finally a good scene, Bill gets shot in his vest. Yeay! All shots miss the very large horse.

Bad guy runs away. Instead of swinging up on his horse and taking off at a gallop after the bad guy so he can jump off the horse and onto the bad guy and wrestle him to the ground, Bill stops to have a prolonged conversation with the girl. Ten minutes pass. Probably more. Bad guy is still running. Bill is still yammering on. WTH.

Finally, Bill gets back on the horse and takes off AT A WALK in the direction the bad guy went. He finally catches up to Bad Guy, then stands around while Bad Guy gives some lengthy speech. Then, and only then, does Bill decide to kick his ass, which he does rather poorly, after BG just stands there waiting for him. Finally, BG is handcuffed and ... walked? back to the vehicle.

I was imagining Bill putting a lasso on the guy and having the horse drag him back to the vehicle, but that's just me.

Meanwhile, the two partners go to the water-meter-reader guy's house. "It looks like no one lives here," one says. Really? The guy has a respectable job and long-time wife and keeps his house like crap? Alrighty then. But the partners break in because some woman is crying for help. Was that the wife? I think so.

So captive girl and girl about to be killed are reunited with their families, even though no one anywhere knew they were missing. Bat-shit crazy wife is berated by the woman deputy. Lay off her, copper, she's whack.

Meanwhile, daughter skips school and for some reason that's good enough for some kid to video her and her friends through a back door. Did they drink the bottle of creme de menthe after daughter knocked the kid down? Inquiring minds want to know.

Mom and daughter are all stressed about Dad's new job. Raise your hand if you care.

Yeah, I didn't think so. Me neither.

Reading this ↑ was actually more enjoyable than the show.  "Mr Ed" was a LOL for me.  Good job @SABER5055.

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