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At EW.com:

'The Flash showrunner and Grant Gustin break down series finale, reveal alternate endings'


That's why Gustin loves how the show ends in the series finale, because "that feels very Flash," he says. "It's the universe, the multiverse, the Speed Force — it's all so much bigger than Barry Allen. It felt very appropriate for the note for us to go out on."


But it turns out that Wallace also had an alternate idea years ago for how he wanted to end the show that ultimately didn't come to fruition. "I got the emotional heart of it, but because there was no season 10, there was just no time to set it up," he tells EW in our latest cover story (speaking prior to the writers' strike). "The ending that I did have in mind had the Negative Forces involved. We didn't get it quite as I wanted but the Negative Forces storyline would've been far, far bigger."


More comments from Candice about filming the birth scene and her last day:


...  "It was just me and Grant and the crew, and it felt like a really appropriate way to end my last day on The Flash," she says. "The emotions of Iris having a baby and me feeling I was almost giving birth to a new version of myself after this, it was just kind of a lot all at once."


'Danielle Panabaker breaks down The Flash series finale surprise reunion'


DANIELLE PANABAKER: Great. It was how I wanted to go out. It's how I joined the show, and it was appropriate that that's how I left the show as well. When [showrunner] Eric [Wallace] initially conceived season 9, he thought he was going to have season 9 and 10 to tell a lot of stories. I think it snuck up on him and the writers how quickly they needed to wrap up so many storylines. I did feel pretty strongly, and I was pretty vocal about this, that it would only be right to bring Caitlin back again to honor the show and how we started. That's not to say that she hasn't grown and the other characters I've played have been a lot of fun, but I was invested in that. I do feel that, for me, the show ends on a hopeful note and that is what I will choose to focus on and take away from this show.


Candice Patton interview at TV Insider: 'Candice Patton Reflects on Ending ‘The Flash’ on a ‘High Note’'


Hey you! It must be a bit of a relief to be wrapped, right?

Candice Patton: I mean…[Laughs]

It’s OK to feel that way! This has been a huge chunk of your life.

Yeah, it has. It’s just hard to say that because you don’t want to sound ungrateful, but there is a huge level of just like, release. I wouldn’t say relief, but just like a release. Knowing that a thing is done, you did it and you can lay it to rest and you can move onward. It’s a nice feeling, yeah.


It’s crazy! We go to these conventions — I just went to one in Germany — and you’re hearing kids say, “Oh, I have been watching you since I was in fifth grade.” The time goes by so fast and it’s crazy to think that there are millions of people out there who grew up watching us. We were in their living rooms every week for nine years, and they tuned in with their families, they cried with us, they laughed with us. It’s a very intimate thing, television. And to be able to do it for almost a decade is incredible.


At Flash TV News: 'Speaking With Tom Cavanagh Before Tonight’s Finale'


Was it fun to play Eobard insulting Eddie and Hunter Zolomon in the finale?

“Poor Teddy Sears. Poor Rick Cosnett. Grand humans, all. And then, they roll on camera and it’s just, like, me taking shots. Teddy would quote them back to me a month later and I’d ask ‘who said that?’ ‘You said it!’ It’s so fast and furious, that I can’t keep track sometimes. I have to say, there’s one descriptor for those guys: It’s ‘tolerant’.”


Candice's 'farewell' finale post on instagram:



I’ve been putting this off for a while because how do you sum up the last nine years in an ig post. Well time has run out so now I have to word vomit my feelings so here we go:

How do I feel? Gratitude. Overall immense gratitude for the good, the bad and the ugly. I’ve been in a pressure cooker that taught me so much about myself. I’ve grown immensely and I can’t imagine I’d have had this much self development and understanding about life and myself without this journey.

I’m grateful to Warner Brothers and CW. Not only for the opportunity but for the ongoing dialogue about diversity and change. Grateful to Greg Berlanti for also championing me and always being a phone call away if needed. Grateful for this wonderfully talented cast and crew. To all the actors and crew who have graced our stages - thank you for contributing to our success. “We are The Flash! ” (ok don’t kill me. I didn’t want to say that line either but in hindsight I’m glad I did. It’s iconic really.💁🏽‍♀️)

And gratitude of course for the incredible fans. Flash fans and my fans in particular: you HAD MY MF’n BACK. You spoke up and loudly for me when I couldn’t always speak up for myself. Thank you for championing this character and always demanding more for Iris. I hope I’ve made you happy and proud. I hope my journey has contributed in some small way to the world continuing to imagine black girls as leading ladies on and off screen. I’ve had the immense pleasure of meeting so many of you around the world. Thank you for the hugs. Thank you for allowing us into your homes every week for the last nine years. Whether you’ve watched every episode or stopped at season 3, I’m grateful you spent time with us and our crazy show. I hope we’ve made you laugh, cry, hurt, gasp, scream, eye roll... all of it! I’ve loved sharing this past decade with you.

My watch as Iris is over and I’m so proud that the baton has been handed over to the beautiful Keirsey. May she breathe new life into Iris for a new audience. Please support her.

And now I can finally say the words to myself that I’ve said to Barry so many times over the last 9 years. “Run, Candice, Run! “


Enjoy tonight! Thank you!


'The Flash showrunner reveals everything he couldn't fit into the final season'

Wow - so glad he didn't get a season 10.

And this quote:


While he's satisfied with how The Flash ends in episode 184 instead, he still can't help but mourn all the ideas that never came to fruition. "What was disappointing is there were a couple of heroes and a couple of villains that will just never see the light of day in the Arrowverse, unfortunately, because we had to put all of our energy into Barry and Iris — we've got to fit two years' worth of Barry and Iris in one season," he explains.

How did he hold on to this job so long when he clearly doesn't like writing for the leads of the show??

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At DC: 'How The Flash Changed Superhero Television and Captured our Hearts'


I don’t mean to sound like an old man, but kids these days don’t know how good they have it. To truly grasp the impact of The Flash, you need to look at the landscape of comic book television before 2014. Don’t get me wrong, Arrow and Smallville were both extraordinary shows, but they didn’t embrace the comic books the way The Flash did. Before The Flash, it felt like superhero shows had to compromise in order to stay on the air.


Arrow might have launched the Arrowverse, but The Flash helped propel it into the successful franchise it was. Speaking from my own personal experience, over the past decade, I’ve spoken with lots of kids who got into the DC Universe because they loved The Flash. Their love for the series got them to check out Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow and all the other shows. There’s no telling how many people became DC fans because of this show, and that’s something to celebrate.


Edited by Trini
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Season 9 DVD/Blu-ray info, and Complete Series set info:



The Flash: The Complete Ninth Season and The Flash: The Complete Series will be available to purchase August 29, 2023 on Blu-ray Disc and DVD both online and in-store at major retailers. The series is also available now to purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more. 


Flash writers (like many other TV writers) have been participating in the WGA picket lines; Deadline got some quotes from Eric Wallace at an event in London (also a video at the link):



Late, after multiple fans did this weeks ago, but points for effort?


A documentary about DC is coming out on July 20 on MAX; with Berlanti as one of the producers, the CW/DC shows will be highlighted, I'm sure:


And a clip of Grant's Flash is in the trailer:


'Grant Gustin shares what he misses most about The Flash'


Grant Gustin has an unsurprising answer to what he misses most about The Flash: “The people,” he told The A.V. Club in a recent interview. “I did it for nearly 10 years. I was 23 when that show started and 33 when the show ended, and grew up, and learned a lot of who I was, and just matured a lot throughout the process, and was surrounded by cast and crew that became family. I mean, it’s so cliché, but it’s true. I spent so much more time with all of those people than I did with anyone that was my actual family during those years. And it’s weird to just suddenly end and know that we’ll never all be in the same room at the same time again.”

More at the link.

'Today's the Day The Flash Was Meant to Go Missing'


When The Flash launched in October 2014—the second project of the CW’s bold attempt to flesh out its own superhero cinematic universe—its premiere episode ended with a bold statement: not only would the series be still going in a decade’s time, it would have grown enough to tackle one of the most iconic stories in DC Comics history, Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Ten years later, we’ve arrived at that fateful April 25, 2024 date—and you know what? The Flash was kind of right, give or take a few temporal quibbles. ...


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Interview with Grant Gustin at Men's Health -- which I thought was weird that they're doing this NOW since they barely covered him when he was actually on a superhero show, but they kinda explain that in the article. Grant talks about his body image issues in relation to the show (and about other things):


He was embarrassed of his size, clearly, describing himself as a pretty skinny kid at the start of the series in 2013. (Gustin appeared on two episodes of The CW's Arrow before landing his own spin-off show). That led to production hiring both a trainer and sprint coach—even if you’re not actually breaking the sound barrier, convincing running form is still of the utmost importance—to get him in the best shape possible. Unfortunately, 16-hour work days led to exhaustion, which sent him in the compete opposite direction of what a bulked-up superhero fit for a fitness publication would expectedly look like.

“My ass was just getting kicked," he says regarding his body's Flash-devolution, before later going on to explain why now he feels the confidence he lacked over a decade ago. "I just stopped working out and got thinner and thinner those first five seasons."




Edited by Trini

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