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Live Rescue - General Discussion


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So just watched this week's ep (November 25, 2019), and I do think the show is really finding its groove now. Matt seems to have settled in, and the producers are managing to get the right balance between "Live" action and Previous action. Granted they've had a few weeks with some major fires to really liven things up too. 

I'm impressed that they managed to make it this long with Matt hosting before he got a Ninja Warrior reference. Granted that girl who injured herself was worth it. Glad she's going to be okay, and man, she was a trooper for enduring that. 

The animal shot too, with the pythons; wow. Bravo for them for taking care of those snakes, but man, I'm with the studio guys. I'm not as bad around snakes as my mom, but something longer than me will be a major NOPE! to me. 

The callback to the belt was a nice moment of levity too. 🙂

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Really liking this show, especially with Matt; I enjoy his humor. The different segments are great as well. I agree they're finding their groove. Was also glad to see they're following Bayonne again (I liked their captain who used to co-host), even if we didn't see them again yet.  Glad to find this board & hope it gets more active.

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Was reading a bit of the LivePD board & was going to put this there, but it really belongs here...

Many were saying replacing Ashley with Matt made this show too much of a muscle fest. That's what I thought too at first but I do think Matt's doing a better job as host. However, I think they should replace Dan Flynn (who looks like he'd rather be anywhere else) with a female FF or paramedic - but maybe they're all too busy actually working. (I didn't like the first one they tried; she just didn't seem very personable or maybe just didn't come across as such on camera). I do like the other FF co-host from MO. People's schedules probably make it tough to get them on the show, but it would be nice to see them mix it up a bit with other first responders for co-hosts now & then.

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I agree with all of this ^^^.  I saw only a few episodes of Ashleigh hosting (don't know how many there were, since that's when I'd first just started watching), and I was shocked at how inappropriately she was behaving, all weirdly flirtatious and girly and joking about things that weren't funny.  They could've replaced her with another woman, but that didn't happen.  Matt has grown on me, and his background as a doctor brings a set of qualifications it would be hard to find in another host.  Agree about Dan (he likes dogs!), too.  He's nice enough, but that chair could be filled with someone who actually contributes.  Any of the onetime women they've had on brought more to the party than he does.

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6 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

I was shocked at how inappropriately she was behaving, all weirdly flirtatious and girly and joking about things that weren't funny.

One particularly cringey moment from her was when she turned to her two co-hosts at the time who were both first responders & said something like "You know you're heroes?" Then I recall her even emphasizing by saying something like it again, "You are heroes."  They were so uncomfortable & I was uncomfortable for them. It just wasn't appropriate. These folks work hard & yes they do things that would be considered heroic, but, I have read anyone with a big ego who has a savior complex doesn't make it as a FR. So they're just being chill & trying to contribute & what she was doing made it very awkward for them. I don't know what she expected them to do/say... "Yeah we're awesome heroes Ashleigh!"  geez

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I'll freely admit I'm incapable of being objective about Dan Flynn (loved him back in his Nightwatch days), but I actually really like him on Live Rescue. They do hit the dog thing with him pretty hard, though, I agree.

Also agree that Matt is better than Ashleigh (and I generally like her). Something just didn't quite click there, beyond what you guys already mentioned. Like she didn't totally grasp the various situations that were happening or something? Not sure.

Edited by redpencil
  • Love 1
20 hours ago, redpencil said:

I'll freely admit I'm incapable of being objective about Dan Flynn (loved him back in his Nightwatch days), but I actually really like him on Live Rescue.

I have no prior associations with him, but now I have to go look up Nightwatch.  He definitely seems like a sweet guy (and I love dogs, too), but it would be nice to have a woman as part of this.

I can't figure out what happened to Ashleigh Banfield.  I remember her running for her life down by the Trade Centers on 9/11 and still managing to keep reporting.  Very impressive.  And then she had that crime show on HLN.  Somewhere she morphed into whatever that was on LR.  It seemed so out of character--either she made a very bad decision or they directed her to act that way and then cut her off at the knees when it didn't work.  🤷‍♀️

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On 1/11/2020 at 9:13 PM, Mondrianyone said:

I have no prior associations with him, but now I have to go look up Nightwatch.  He definitely seems like a sweet guy (and I love dogs, too), but it would be nice to have a woman as part of this.

I have to retract what I said. I've been re-watching some of them with the kids & am liking Dan better. I think he has as much if not more to offer than Mosley. Mosley is articulate & personable, but tends to make it the MO show. I would actually like them to rotate his spot more, & yes, including more women.

I wish we could see more ambulance EMTs/medics working, as opposed to so much of Fire, but I realize they get hung up at the hospitals & Fire is always on the move.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

Mosley is articulate & personable, but tends to make it the MO show. I would actually like them to rotate his spot more, & yes, including more women.

I think that might be in part because Matt calls on him to speak more often.  And also because his own department is one of the featured ones, so he usually at least knows the responders personally and/or even went on the calls himself.

1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

I wish we could see more ambulance EMTs/medics working, as opposed to so much of Fire, but I realize they get hung up at the hospitals & Fire is always on the move.

I have to admit I usually FF through the fires.  I prefer to see the calls where there are human interactions.  I really love seeing men be as nurturing as most of these EMTs are.  And I could watch two whole hours of no one but Laticha Vaughan in St. Louis.  With regular guest spots from Stevie B, her rock-star patient.

1 hour ago, Mondrianyone said:

I have to admit I usually FF through the fires.  I prefer to see the calls where there are human interactions.  I really love seeing men be as nurturing as most of these EMTs are.

We all prefer the parts with human interactions as well, although I've been appreciating how strenuous the work is for the firefighters.

I've noticed some of the male EMTs are more natural at it than others. Some seem a bit condescending to their women patients - "dear" & "sweetheart" etc, in a tone as if speaking to a child. Just something I've noticed that's irked me a bit.

I love love this show. I have family in St. Louis now and I enjoy seeing the different calls they go on. And my favorite is the fire chief from one of the earlier episodes that climbed the tree after some guy was on the roof. He was like a big old bear. I think he was also the guy that was fist fighting with the guy who crashed his car and tried to beat up the paramedics and cops. He's awesome! 

Another favorite scenario was earlier on when the poor woman in Mesa, Arizona twisted her ankle and somehow fell UNDER her minivan. The paramedics were so kind to her when they were trying to help her. 

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So many bad accidents in this episode...

That motorcycle accident was awful - I can’t believe him on a highway without a helmet on! He’s got a long recovery ahead. And that kid who didn’t have his seatbelt on - I don’t know if the mom was driving or someone else but the car shouldn’t have been moving without him buckled. Really good for him it wasn’t high impact.

Dan’s growing on me - the poor pup rescued from the tire, then pan back to Dan dabbing his eyes with the tissue - I definitely chuckled. 

Leticha’s patient was in good spirits & their banter was cute.

This show is good for PSA’s.

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I was surprised to see the Furry Rescue from a few weeks back (when the event happened that is) on the show, complete with an interview with one of the rescuers. It felt they handled it all quite well too for that matter. 

The dog from the wheel rim rescue is probably going to be one of the top rescues on the show IMO, or at least the top animal rescues. Very glad it worked out in the end; I can't imagine how they would have done it otherwise. (and I probably still would not have risked using the saw like that so close to the animal).

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Sad, but, honestly, I think it was only a matter of time & this show will most likely be short lived.



I love the show but have been torn about this. The last thing anyone needs in their face when in distress is a camera crew. Even though they 'ask' permission, many aren't even capable of answering thoughtfully while in a traumatic situation, & probably shouldn't even have to deal with such a question at that time.

Edited by gonecrackers

It's a bit of a tough call, but really, I wouldn't mind if they focused more on the "Rescue" aspect. I love to see how fire fighters deal with structure and car fires, or how accidents are pulled apart to rescue people (while tastefully turning away from the bloodier parts). Even the Elevator rescues can be fun. 

I'm less interested in the medical emergency types of rescues which seems to be the cases that are close for the HIPPA calls and such. But even then, it can be a fine line; is it okay to show them helping a drug overdose with a shot of narcan? How about a sugar or insulin shot for a diabetic crash? 


In any case, this seems to be a solid part of the Live franchise so I doubt it will go away. They may need to refocus on the types of rescues they are expected to show and how far they follow the cases after the rescue part is done. 


But I'm loving the show for showing the almost raw rescues. We've had some doozies so far (the pedestrian vs train last year, the California wild fires, and even the big structure fire in NJ a week or so back), and while I don't want to wish ill and misfortune on anyone, I admit I am a bit eager to see more in the future. 

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Live Rescue was supposed to be a new episode this week. 

With the pandemic, they realized flying the hosts in would be difficult so they were initially going to set up to do remote hosting.

But at the last-last minute (too late to even update the schedules) they decided to cancel the live show.


Matt Iseman made a video of what the plans and ultimate decision were. 

Part of me is disappointed, but I fully understand why they decided to do this. Especially with the pressure to discourage travel and keep your distance. It's probably best to let the first responders focus on what needs to be done, and not put additional people at risk. They probably won't come back until things settle down one way or another. An optimistic guess from me is maybe May if everyone is really lucky. 


From Dan's comment in the video, it sounds like things are getting really serious, especially in the bigger centres. Stay safe everyone, and keep your distance!


And finally, I didn't watch all of the repeat, but I must say, it was very surreal to see all the crowds and partying going on from just a few weeks ago, considering how things are now. It almost feels like a different world entirely. 

Edited by Taeolas

From my comment on LIve PD:

Live Rescue went off the air because COVID basically made things too dangerous/difficult to follow paramedics live. Considering the situation in the states, I'm a bit surprised they can return, even with proper time delays and separation. But A&E is probably desperate for the content and to try and keep the Live brand active, so returning Live Rescue will help fill a big hole for now.


New content:

I hope it goes well for them. Matt is probably glad to have a hosting gig again since ANW isn't running this year. I wonder if they're going Zoom like LivePD was or if they'll bring everyone to a studio? If they do do Zoom, I wouldn't mind a bit more time delay just so they could edit out the Zoom-lag. 🙂

I'm sure whatever cities they follow will be as far away from any hotspots (Portland eg) as they can get. It'll be curious to see how they dance around the PD issues; they'll probably leave them unaddressed and just mention the police as little as possible, even when the cops are on scene of whatever is going on. 


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Was there any info on the other people trapped in that fire?  The poor girl crying for her mom was heartbreaking & I hope they're all okay.

My heart was in my throat watching that car stuck speeding down the highway. They gave dispatch kudos but I wish they had given that poor woman a huge shout out for calling & speaking to 911 while controlling the steering all that time which was amazing.

Edited by gonecrackers
On 8/30/2020 at 12:24 AM, Taeolas said:

They're doing well with the extra time and the extra focus. 

What's interesting (especially with the premier last week) is how hard they're bending over backwards to avoid the police as much as possible. Though last night they did have the cops show up at Pueblo Colorado. 

I thought they were doing well with showing how they're also involved with various calls. Even Matt gave PD a shout out on Sat's show - kind of a passive aggressive FU to A&E for the cancellation maybe.

I hope the producers are picking some of these Cali Wildfire eps for Emmy nominations. Those views last night from Medara county were incredible. And that Marshal's voice, was so full of real emotions. The footage of the campers who were evacuated was surreal. 

The other events they covered were nice too; though I'm not so sure about the New Jersey officers chasing the raccoons back into the garage. 🙂

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OK last night was quite the episode. I hope they have that animal wrangler on more often. I could probably watch a full show of him (and similar wranglers). (And yes I'm sure Animal Planet has a half dozen similar shows already). 

Then there were the accident witnessers who had the 7 snakes. I think the guy clearly noticed the cameras and brought the snakes out on purpose. While I'm not a snake fan, it was neat to see them. 


The report of the Transformer fire, I was expecting the caption writers to make a comment, but they slightly disappointed me there. Thankfully Matt saved the day with his "Transformer fires can be more than meets the eye" 🙂 closer. 


And while the weeks of Wildfires in California were good to see, it was also nice to get a break from those. I know they are still roaring, but other fires are still happening. 


The car fire in San Bernardino County, that just shows how fast the car can go, just in the few minutes we were there. 

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