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I can't wait to see Brona as the bride! I wonder if she will be totally out of it like Proteus and Caliban were, with vague memories, or if she will retain all of her memories because her body is whole (i.e., she wasn't pieced together like the other two were)? Either way, I'm thinking Dr. F. and Caliban are going to have their hands full and she won't be that easy to boss around, especially if she remembers Ethan in some way.

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Either way, I'm thinking Dr. F. and Caliban are going to have their hands full and she won't be that easy to boss around, especially if she remembers Ethan in some way.

I think it will be similar to how Proteus was; at first she won't remember her life before she died but after going out into the streets or seeing a picture or something it will begin to jog her memory and bit by bit it will comes back to her.  


Ha!  I would love to see the classic bride of frankenstein hairdo as well but figuring they didn't put bolts in Caliban or Proteus' neck or give either one of them a flat head (tee hee hee) I don't think we'll see the shreiking, crazy hair from Brona.

Kat, I'd love it if Carney could sing next season! I wasn't a huge fan of Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark but Carney does have a great voice. Besides, I like Dorian and am intrigued by him -- to me, Carney plays him with this kind of refreshing innocence. It would be so easy to make him jaded, but my favorite thing about him is what appears to be a real appreciation for the ways in which people can surprise you (helloooo, Ethan!). Ahem.


I feel like next season, we'll either see Dorian drawn toward some kind of attempt toward redemption, or he'll be a surprise alignment with the season's Big Bad(s).


LittleIggy, I was interested in this as well but it appears to be a deliberate mishmash like so much else on the show, with "Penny Dreadful" taking creative license and moving the Parisian Grand Guignol to London (according to the "Penny Dreadful" Wikia, the show's London Grand Guignol is based on Wilton's Music Hall, which is still standing and which was founded in the 1700s).


I love the show's creative use of the Grand Guignol because the very point of the Grand Guignol was for it to provide an escape -- often into disturbing fantasy or violence that titillated the crowds -- which makes it a perfect setting for Penny Dreadful's combination of the superficially forbidden and repressed with underlaying total violence and abandon. Which is also a pretty good definition of Vanessa Ives herself. And Ethan. And Victor. It's perfect for the setting, all that quiet seething.

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If Ethan didn't kill everybody in the Mariners' Rest, there's a monster hunt despite desperate denialism from the police. Murray and Green must have known where to send for Ethan.  A massacre in the Mariners' Rest should provoke considerable interest. It's hard to imagine why Ives' alleged powers won't fill in the blanks. Murray has already been in contact with the police too. This suggests they will be reporting to or consulting with him. I don't think it very likely "the boys" will be over to decorate the tree. It's hard to see how this isn't the end of the fellowship. Friendly relations will be pretty much at an end. Indeed, Murray, Ives and Frankenstein should be embarking on a wolf hunt. And successfully I should say, since Ethan has no friends in London besides them. Sembene should finish Ethan off by the end of the first episode? I suppose this could be construed as getting rid of the weakest actor? I know that Murray and Ives are much more upset by sexual disorder than by murder, but surely there are limits? I know they have built up the karass-ness of their little makeshift family, but really, the show has planted this Chekhov's gun: It must be fired!


Bronenstein will reject Caliban I expect. There just is no dray-ma otherwise. I suppose it might be indirect and Victor will explain that Bronenstein needs some feminine instruction. And Dr. F. will ask his good friend Miss Ives to help a poor patient of his with brain trauma? Caliban won't terminate the plot with total massacre if he is bemused by a little girl-on-girl into thinking it's entertainment instead of rejection? (Ives is large, she contains multitudes.) I don't see why she and Ethan should meet if she hides from shame, especially if Ethan himself is hiding from the police. 


Ives will be pursued by the Master. She will have two episodes at least dedicated to her further backstory and her martyrdom. Maybe three. Madame Kali will be the point in the Master's pursuit. It will be vaguely Egyptian but barring a takeoff on The Lair of the White Worm I can't see where this show is going with it. 


Dorian...Dorian will have a story line about pursuing Miss Ives, unsuccessfully. But he may snatch Bronenstein from Caliban? No, there will not be any scenes with Ethan Chandler. In fact we should assume that it was all an absinthe hallucination read from Ethan's mind by Ives. Novel Dorian only lasted til his mid thirties until he stabbed his portrait from a fit of conscience. That Dorian was evil for his cruelty to people and his worst offense was murder. Penny Dreadful Dorian doesn't seem to be very cruel. The show seems to think being a sexual libertine is all the evil he needs. I'm not sure they can really go far with that? Perhaps Dorian should be an inversion of how our interior self image doesn't age? And this Dorian is very, very old, instead of just having too many sex partners? 

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Do you want some new story characters to come into the fold?  Maybe a different direction for one of the current characters?


For me personally I would like to see a few new story characters come into play.  Maybe Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde or the headless horseman from Sleepy Hollow!  I know a show can get to clustered and people loose their importance with too many storylines *cough* Once Upon a Time *cough* but I think it would keep everything exciting with new people. 

2 minutes ago, ganesh said:

I thought this was perfect. As soon as Dorian said 'boring', I said 'uh oh.' I'm hoping the little brat doesn't find the painting though. She's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is, but Dorian's own arrogance could do him in. I have no problem with Piper though. Angelique seemed like more fun at least. 

I think Sweet is going to realize he's got way way way more than he can handle with Miss Ives. 

I LOVED Angelique, I don't care for Lily.

And I totally think we will see that scene with Ethan running toward her saying he never should have left and her saying it was to late

Edited by LadyChaos

I am crossing my fingers that Vanessa is playing the long game, though I suspect she has actually crossed the line.  What I am also hoping is that it isn't coincidence that John Clare was the orderly and that he will be the key to bringing her back.  Maybe the serendipity or divine providence of it will ultimately restore her faith, though I am concerned that it will his dying in his attempt that jolts her out of it.  After hating Caliban for the previous two seasons I really want to see him happy and safe :( .

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I'm suddenly very concerned about the future of the show.  I was already peeved that this season is only nine episodes (last season was ten).  But I was reassured by the thought that the finale was a two hour episode.  Now I see there was no two hour episode, and they're actually dumping the last two episodes back to back.  It's a bad sign, in my opinion.   HBO would never in a million years do this with GoT.  This is one of my top shows, and if it's cancelled after an entire season of keeping the gang apart, I will be seriously pissed.

And since we're on the eve of the finale, I'm thinking about Dracula's demise.  Looking back, the deaths of the villains are always extremely anti-climactic.  Malcolm dispatched the creature in seconds.  Evelyn got a quick slash from wolf Ethan.  And Hecate got a gun shot with a lovely death scene.  I'm not into torture porn, but these people are so evil and cause so much suffering.  Then their deaths are like - wham bam thank you ma'am.  Evelyn and Hecate, in particular, had almost laughable deaths.  I hope Dracula's dying tomorrow night, and I hope he gets a death he's deserving of.  And while I love the idea of Ethan providing the death blow, I would prefer that Vanessa show her agency and deliberately choose good over evil.  She submitted to the evil, so I really feel like she needs to choose good again.  Otherwise, it won't seem authentic. 

And I really hope the season ends in a season one way, versus a season two way.  The season one finale was sad, Malcolm was sobbing over Mina, but there was hope - the "boys" were coming over to decorate a Christmas tree.  Season two - Ethan's rejecting Vanessa by note, and the gang heading to the four corners of the earth - no thanks.  I think when I re-watch the season I will appreciate it much more in retrospect.  But the first time around, not knowing everyone will be apart until the finale, was very unsatisfying for me.  And I'm still disgruntled over last season's finale (obviously).  To have Sembene sacrifice his life for the bigger cause of Ethan's destiny to protect Vanessa, only to have Ethan essentially abandon her, and then Vanessa to give up on God by burning her crucifix.  I'm still a little bitter about that let down.  Don't disappoint me again, show.

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