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7 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

I know we say this every so often, but it's shit like this why I won't be surviving any ZA.

My awful, terrible vision would do me in. Even if I managed to get a big supply of contact lenses, there's no way to wash your hands, and I'm sure my glasses would fall off/break, and that would be it. I'd be in a completely fuzzy world.

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You'd think that folks still riding bikes would constantly be scavenging for parts for a repair kit.  Would hate to have to leave a working bike behind because of a blown gasket or something simple.

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Is Daryl going to rob one of those walkers? So I don't mind watching him and Carol. At least I know them but - WTF is the point of all this? Is it massive filler?  Guess I better be patient. I'm sure it will get better.😏

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1 minute ago, Superclam said:

Remember folks - they're planning an entire series with Carole and Daryl. We could have 3 seasons of soup and motorcycle repair. 

so HGZA (instead of HGTV)?

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Just now, nodorothyparker said:

Have these writers never met an actual dog? While I can buy a moment of squeamishness at grabbing a rat, there's no way a dog that's hunted would have stood back and watched that passively.

Kept waiting for dog to snatch up Ben. 

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1 minute ago, nodorothyparker said:

Have these writers never met an actual dog? While I can buy a moment of squeamishness at grabbing a rat, there's no way a dog that's hunted would have stood back and watched that passively.

And no way that rat would have come out while the dog is there.

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2 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Have these writers never met an actual dog? While I can buy a moment of squeamishness at grabbing a rat, there's no way a dog that's hunted would have stood back and watched that passively.

I don't think they've ever actually been near a real animal at all.

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Just now, econ07 said:

We're 10 years out and those batteries are still working?

10 years out and Carol, who has faced herds of walkers, who has burned people up alive, shot a girl in the head and seen the worst nastiness, gore and mayhem imaginable including Prince Harry's head on a spike, loses her shit over a rodent? *sigh*

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1 minute ago, Superclam said:

I'm the biggest loser because I'm going to watch the aftershow to hear them attempt to give meaning to this nonsense. 

I am going to watch Talking Dead because I need to have an explanation for this waste of time/

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1 minute ago, nodorothyparker said:

So now we've moved on to home remodeling with Carol.

That is why they have one of the Property brothers on the aftershow....he is needed to give the explanation of Carol's remodeling!

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