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REWATCH: Fall to Pieces


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Well, doing my own Angel Rewatch because:


1.  I have nothing to watch during slow times as work because there's only a few new network/cable shows.


2.  I miss seeing Christian Kane on my tv/computer as his new show isn't starting until sometime in the fall. 


So, starting from the beginning.


Loved Cordelia's lines to Russell:  "I'm from Sunnydale, we had our own hellmouth." "Oh boy, you're about to get your ass kicked."


Angel:  "Can you fly?  . . . I guess not."


Lindsey, not at all phased when Russell got flamed.  "We got a new player in town.  No need to bother the senior partners...yet."  Ah, he looked so young.


Kate:  "Who are you?"

What we all thought Angel should have said:  "I'm batman."


Boy am I glad I never had to hang out in a bar by myself trying to 'connect' with someone. 


Cordy - such a slob with no maid service, heh.  But she's so great with the snark.


Why would that demon continue to go back to the same bar?  I mean, there's loads in LA.  And it sure body jumped a lot, since they made it sound like only a couple days passed from the beginning. 





Haha, Spike's "conversation" between Angel and Rachel. 


Can never understand women who stay with men that beat them up and even nearly kill them. 


I had forgotten what was so special about the ring, since I haven't been keeping up on Buffy.  Still didn't quite understand why he wouldn't use such a good tool.


Trying to remember the timeline.  Since the show started after Angel lost and regained his soul with Buffy, I think this was just as Buffy started college and hooked up with Riley, so occurred before Spike got caught by the Initiative, and definitely before Buffy and Spike hooked up. 


Nice to see Oz again too.

Don't understand how Ronald was able to change a PIN.  I can understand he was able to do "anything" with his own body, but did he somehow read her mind and take control over her to change her PIN without her knowledge?  Did he hack her account even though there's no showing of any major computer skills?  Maybe he could use the eyeball to see her putting in a PIN, but how did he change it?


Why would removing a tumor on an ocular cavity be illegal and cause the doctor to lose his license?  The surgery might be difficult and very high risk, but illegal?


The separating hands in her bed was C.R.E.E.P.Y.


I think the woman's apartment courtyard was the same one they used in Chuck.  I recognized the fountain.





Angel all baffled by Cordelia when she barged into his place, heh.


Yeah, Cordelia should have seen the red flag when all the other apartments she could afford were dumps, communes or had creepy stalker managers and suddenly she's offered this gorgeous furnished apartment.


Don't you hate when ghosts can use your friends' voice.


So nice of the ghost to help with Doyle's demon-bookie. 


Cordelia just had to be reminded that she's a bitch.  And she lucks out keeping the great apartment at a fantastic rent and a "friendly" ghost.

I thought I'd start a thread for the first infamous Buffy crossover: ie, the one where Angel briefly gets to be human and be with Buffy only to give it all up at the end to save her life.


I know a lot of people don't like this episode, but I do.  It was nice to see Buffy and Angel happy together, if only for a brief period of time.  They hadn't been that happy since the first half of season 2 of Buffy.  And their in-between-coital picnic was cute...it was worth it to see Angel go on an eating binge if nothing else.


But as Joss Whedon has apparently ruled, Angel can never be happy. :(

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Lindsey is still not my favorite character, but at least he had a somewhat decent haircut in this episode.



I've seen the actor on other shows since Angel and he's been good. I just wish the Wolfram and Hart attorney had been played by Adrian Pasdar, who had been in co-showrunner David Greenwalt's previous show Profit. He would have been incredible.

I actually watched this the other day as well. I thought it was a pretty good episode and actually one of the ones I revisit a lot during my rewatches.

I think Cordy is just the best. Charisma isn't the most powerful actress but she completely gets her character.

I always love her scene when she realizes he's a vampire. And his response. "No I'm not. " is just hilarious.

I really lIke Doyle as well. Especially when he rams the gate and nothing happens.

Unlike some other people I think the show worked well when it was just the three of them. It felt much more intimate of a show.

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On ‎27‎/‎06‎/‎2014 at 8:24 PM, Hanahope said:

Well, doing my own Angel Rewatch because:


1.  I have nothing to watch during slow times as work because there's only a few new network/cable shows.


2.  I miss seeing Christian Kane on my tv/computer as his new show isn't starting until sometime in the fall. 


So, starting from the beginning.


Loved Cordelia's lines to Russell:  "I'm from Sunnydale, we had our own hellmouth." "Oh boy, you're about to get your ass kicked."


Angel:  "Can you fly?  . . . I guess not."


Lindsey, not at all phased when Russell got flamed.  "We got a new player in town.  No need to bother the senior partners...yet."  Ah, he looked so young.


Yeah, one of the great TV pilots, we have everything we need in the show right there, ironic humour, stick it in and break it off revenge hints of a greater sub plot on the horizon.  

On ‎27‎/‎06‎/‎2014 at 9:37 PM, Hanahope said:

Kate:  "Who are you?"

What we all thought Angel should have said:  "I'm batman."


Boy am I glad I never had to hang out in a bar by myself trying to 'connect' with someone. 


Cordy - such a slob with no maid service, heh.  But she's so great with the snark.


Why would that demon continue to go back to the same bar?  I mean, there's loads in LA.  And it sure body jumped a lot, since they made it sound like only a couple days passed from the beginning. 





Hell yeah, plenty of Bruce Wayne in our boy. Remember this is before Tinder/Grinder! CC gets cleaner later, her new apartment is never so messy. I guess this is a fertile hunting ground for it, plus it doesn't know Angel has linked it to the club.  

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On ‎28‎/‎06‎/‎2014 at 9:19 AM, nosleepforme said:

This is my favorite traditional MOTW-week episode of Angel. I thought the concept with the body-switching demon was just great. It had such a wonderful noir-feel and it is kind of scary demon, taking your body when you're at your most vulnerable. I could also relate to the theme of loneliness and the search for an intimate connection in the big city. And Vast's Touched is one of the greatest songs I have ever heard. After the episode aired, I bought their entire album on Ebay. Haha.


Great introduction for Kate as well. I always loved her and 

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was sad to see her leave the show later.

As a MOTW ep yes, this stands up very well, rather similar to a good sci-fi horror called The Hidden in some ways. Loved Kate too although the eventual end to her storyline was probably the best for her, even without the rumoured cameos which were a shame we never saw. But she's much happier as a lesbian DA in New York. 

On ‎01‎/‎07‎/‎2014 at 6:43 PM, Hanahope said:

Haha, Spike's "conversation" between Angel and Rachel. 


Can never understand women who stay with men that beat them up and even nearly kill them. 


I had forgotten what was so special about the ring, since I haven't been keeping up on Buffy.  Still didn't quite understand why he wouldn't use such a good tool.


Trying to remember the timeline.  Since the show started after Angel lost and regained his soul with Buffy, I think this was just as Buffy started college and hooked up with Riley, so occurred before Spike got caught by the Initiative, and definitely before Buffy and Spike hooked up. 


Nice to see Oz again too.

 Utterly hilarious although these days using language like a 'great poof' probably wouldn't be allowed, no matter what the context. As for domestic abuse well that works both ways and in gay couples too, look at all the girls who fantasise about Spike or Angelus abusing them, look at everyone who idolises the Spike/Dru and Darla/Angelus relationships? Does Buffy ever have a boyfriend she DOESN'T beat up? She even says her romantic MO is to 'slap them around a bit, make there lives a living hell'? What's that song by Taylor Swift, you know, the bunny-boiler anthem...?

On ‎01‎/‎07‎/‎2014 at 9:13 PM, Hanahope said:

Don't understand how Ronald was able to change a PIN.  I can understand he was able to do "anything" with his own body, but did he somehow read her mind and take control over her to change her PIN without her knowledge?  Did he hack her account even though there's no showing of any major computer skills?  Maybe he could use the eyeball to see her putting in a PIN, but how did he change it?


Why would removing a tumor on an ocular cavity be illegal and cause the doctor to lose his license?  The surgery might be difficult and very high risk, but illegal?


The separating hands in her bed was C.R.E.E.P.Y.


I think the woman's apartment courtyard was the same one they used in Chuck.  I recognized the fountain.





Yeah, that was guess, he used his eyeball to see her at the ATM. Plus it can be illegal to perform various types of surgery depending on whether the authorities think it has any chance of success, even with the patients permission. Yeah, we see the same locations again and again, the outside of her apartment building is actually the Hyperion. 

On ‎03‎/‎07‎/‎2014 at 7:27 PM, Hanahope said:

Definitely a more humorous episode.  Angel really doesn't do 'sensitive' very well, haha.


Felt bad for Kate though, for such an asshole of a father.


W&H finally returns, though not yet my lovely Lindsay.

Yeah, fathers get a bad rap in the Buffyverse and Kate's is pretty bad although we will later see he does love his daughter, he just can't express it. I think in the early seasons they were trying out different WR&H characters, Lilah and Lindsay made the grade, poor Lee didn't. 

On ‎11‎/‎07‎/‎2014 at 6:51 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Cordelia's rant where she rediscovers her innerbitch and stops being a "sniveling little cryBuffy" is hands down the best part of that episode.

I thought that was a little unfair on CC's part although perhaps understandable, Buffy has a lot to deal with, look how CC went to pieces when Xander cheated on her?

On ‎12‎/‎07‎/‎2014 at 3:22 AM, Kalliste said:

This is one of my favourite episodes of the shows. I don't even know why, just really enjoy it. I do tend to like episodes that go back to another time though so  maybe that is why.

You should watch Highlander. 

On ‎01‎/‎08‎/‎2014 at 5:27 PM, Spartan Girl said:

I thought I'd start a thread for the first infamous Buffy crossover: ie, the one where Angel briefly gets to be human and be with Buffy only to give it all up at the end to save her life.


I know a lot of people don't like this episode, but I do.  It was nice to see Buffy and Angel happy together, if only for a brief period of time.  They hadn't been that happy since the first half of season 2 of Buffy.  And their in-between-coital picnic was cute...it was worth it to see Angel go on an eating binge if nothing else.


But as Joss Whedon has apparently ruled, Angel can never be happy. :(

True love is sacrifice, Angel could never be happy with Buffy knowing that he would eventually cause her death. I agree it's nice seeing them as a normal couple for once but that would have been boring if it had continued, as Joss says 'Buffy in pain, show good!' 

On ‎16‎/‎09‎/‎2015 at 5:12 PM, VCRTracking said:


I've seen the actor on other shows since Angel and he's been good. I just wish the Wolfram and Hart attorney had been played by Adrian Pasdar, who had been in co-showrunner David Greenwalt's previous show Profit. He would have been incredible.

I always thought he was rather wasted in AOS but you really have to check him out in epic vampire flick Near Dark, he is terrific. He's also one of the pilots in Top Gun.  

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On ‎16‎/‎09‎/‎2015 at 6:51 PM, Delphi said:

I actually watched this the other day as well. I thought it was a pretty good episode and actually one of the ones I revisit a lot during my rewatches.

I think Cordy is just the best. Charisma isn't the most powerful actress but she completely gets her character.

I always love her scene when she realizes he's a vampire. And his response. "No I'm not. " is just hilarious.

I really lIke Doyle as well. Especially when he rams the gate and nothing happens.

Unlike some other people I think the show worked well when it was just the three of them. It felt much more intimate of a show.

CC can be powerful, her performance in To Shanshu in LA was incredible. Doyle is a good character and could have become a truly great character but with only 9 eps I prefer Wes, it's interesting to consider if Doyle had remained what future role Wes would have played in the Buffyverse? Just the three was intimate but Gunn etc gave the show a whole new dynamic. 

On ‎23‎/‎09‎/‎2015 at 11:24 PM, nosleepforme said:

I'm doing a season 5 rewatch, thus why not open a couple of episode threads? Maybe someone will join me at some point.


Conviction - not the greatest season opener, but since this is basically a new pilot, the characters, sets and the premise had to be re-established which is a daunting task, therefore I can forgive the more boring and generic case of the week.


I hated the opening teaser of the episode, I just felt like it was too overly silly and not very subtle. I liked however how  Angel's final confrontation with Hauser went out with a bang and no mercy, being a sharp reminder that while Angel is the hero, he's still more on the morally ambiguous side and not a saint. 


My favorite parts of the episode belong to Harmony. Her first appearance is priceless and her reaction to Spike's return at the end is just such a great way to end the episode on, particularly since Spike's return is not such a big unexpected development for the viewer to carry a cliffhanger, given that James Marsters is in the opening credits.


Bringing on Mercedes McNab for the final season of Angel was such a great decision, She brings such great energy to her scenes that is totally different from everybody else's and she's just wickedly funny and lightens the mood of a scene. Someone like her was desperately needed in season four.


The introduction of Eve...I really don't know what to think of her character. I like Sarah Thompson who is doing a really good job, but the character seems too much like a pale imitation of Lilah to really pop and since her character doesn't really go anywhere later in the season, I wonder if it would have been better to bring a completely different character onto the show as a liaison to the senior partners.


Aside from that, there are major developments concerning Gunn. Rebooting his character here doesn't work as much as they want it, but at least it is getting paid off later. That being said, J. August Richards looks good in a suit.





1. Conviction is okay, it has a steep hill to climb in terms of rebooting the whole show. The teaser was great, countering all our expectations and showing us (and Angel himself) we're now in a very different Angelverse. Plus BLONDIEBEAR! Shame they couldn't have kept Spike secret but the network obviously wanted to have viewers transfer from BTVS. Harmony was great, Eve was a poor replacement for Lilah.

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