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Tippi Blevins

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Everything posted by Tippi Blevins

  1. Oh, right. Judith. The baby. I forget that more than just dogs have toys.
  2. Was there a green dog toy like this in the basket that Jessie brought to Rick? I couldn't quite make it out. It seemed like a dog toy, and they don't have a dog.
  3. I was expecting Rick's face under the beard to be noticeably paler than the rest of his face. Like, glowing blue-white. Why do they insist on shaving Andrew Lincoln's chest? We saw his little pelt in "Days Gone Bye" and it's been absent since. Maybe all the hair fell off in despair. Enid spelled backwards is Dine! She's secretly a Terminus cannibal. Okay, not really, but something is up with that kid.
  4. I was impressed Glenn managed to run into all those walkers and not flip the car. Lori encountered one walker on the road and she turned things into a frickin speedway crash.
  5. I wrote this for SueB to say thanks for helping me with a project. So Cain could be dead or just gone now Soon to appear with a quirked brow. It's a show that revives Many dozens of lives And leaves you ponder the "just how?"
  6. Dean cut off Cain's hand with Cain's regular ol' knife. Then he got the First Blade and moved like he was going to stab him from behind, but the blow wasn't shown, nor was Cain's supposedly dead body.
  7. I feel like Cain isn't dead and that's why they didn't show Dean making the killing strike. Cain will pop up again with a chainsaw strapped onto his arm stump.
  8. What I don't like about Katrina's turn to Eeevil is that I'm worried it's less a sudden course correction, and more a way to excuse her actions should there be another season. "Oh, well, see, Henry got her with the dream-thorn and that's why she went dark side! She's back to her whispery, ineffective, damsel-in-distress self again!" If they stick to her being dark of her own accord, and have Ichabod acknowledge it and not spend a whole season trying to save her, then I'll praise the 180 degree change to high heaven.
  9. Meanwhile, Headless is sitting in his shack, twiddling his thumbs or doing abdominal work, waiting for Katrina to keep her end of the promise to turn him human again.
  10. So how did Katrina and Henry move the bell? Magic? U-Haul? Magical U-Haul?
  11. It feels like they made an abrupt change of plans and decided to have Katrina turn dark side. Up until she met Solomon, she didn't seem to be pining for a coven or witchy vengeance or any of that. Well, maybe it wasn't a change of plans so much as a "not very well built-up or executed" plan. I did appreciate that Ichabod was so exasperated with Henry. "I didn't abandon you! I didn't know you existed, you dumbass!" I clearly heard that last part...in my head.
  12. To conserve energy, they should start living like sloths. Eat plant material, hang around in trees, move very slowly. Rick is already growing the algae in his beard like sloths do in their fur.
  13. When the skies opened up and the drought finally broke, I wanted Peter Gabriel's "Red Rain" to play as Abraham's hair color slowly washed away.
  14. If Daryl is going to self-mutilate, I wish he'd take it out on his hair. Slash those grease curtains hanging in his eyes! Meanwhile, Abe is maintaining his Manic Panic 'do with absolute dedication. Even his scalp looks bright orange. I almost quit after the dogs. Eat people, not dogs!
  15. I don't understand the Reavers as guards. Why would they be trying to kill the Witnesses when they were supposed to be protecting the Fenestella for the Witnesses? Were they just super hungry and cranky after not eating for so long? Should Crane and Abbie have come back with a crate of Snickers? Why on earth were there so many of them? It seemed like overkill. Were they breeding down there? I felt kind of bad for them, and I don't think I was supposed to. If Katrina tries to argue on behalf of her sweet baby boy again, somebody needs to read her the riot act. How many times does a guy have to get his mother pregnant and/or poison her before she smartens up about him?
  16. I wondered because the angels were still using that backdoor at the playground, like Heaven wasn't just generally open again.
  17. So when Andrew poofed away, did he go to Hell? Did he just cease to be? Heaven's still not open for business to the general public, right? What kind of metabolism does Dean have that he can eat like that, spend most of his time driving and reading, but have that physique?
  18. I know it was supposed to be scary and all, but I couldn't help but hear the voice of Ned Flanders in my head: "And right here's where they found the torso heap!"
  19. I thought the blood in the shower was supposed to be from getting scrubbed with those push brooms. But then later, Bellamy's skin looks completely undamaged, so I guess not. Unless he healed even faster than usual. It was sort of nice of the mountain men to give him some nice clean underpants, though. Totally over Abby. I liked her last season, but ugh this season.
  20. And then in Season 16, Tina shows up embittered by a life on the streets.
  21. Remember when Jenner said they didn't know if it was a fungus or a parasite or virus? How do you not know? Like maybe it's a virus unlike any you've seen before, but shouldn't you be able to tell (if you're all full of science learnin') the difference? I know they're pretending the CDC stuff never happened so it'll never be addressed, but that always stuck with me.
  22. If they were supposed to be wearing "business casual," shouldn't Katrina have been in something like slacks (or skirt) and a cardigan? That was cocktail party attire. And is Abbie supporting both the Cranes now? Did she have to buy Katrina that dress, those heels and the veritable pounds of makeup she was wearing?
  23. Plus, plants are generally pretty slow and easy to catch. I just about guarantee you I could catch myself an armload of purslane or amaranth before someone bow-and-arrowed a deer. I just pictured a bunch of dogs driving a car through the zombie apocalypse. Also, if some person tries to eat my dogs I'mma eat that person.
  24. My Jack Russell would either get me eaten by zombies by barking, or eat me himself when I didn't find him super premium food in a timely manner.
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