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Tippi Blevins

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Everything posted by Tippi Blevins

  1. I would have gone with "Meat gr!" because it's what the walkers would be saying/growling if they could.
  2. That's exactly what I think every time there are scenes about the power struggles in the hospital. I just can't buy that these asshole rapists would still be following Dawn's lead at all. They would have taken her out ages ago. And if she were that afraid of the balance tipping, she should have killed the bad cops herself and recruited more decent people to take up their duties. In short, there's just not much about the whole hospital scenario that makes sense to me. If Abraham doesn't have a major sunburn after sitting in the middle of the road all day, I'll call foul. I mean, they should all have sunburns to some degree, but Abe should be like a state fair deep-fried pickle. I loved Rosita in this episode, but it seemed odd that Glenn and Maggie wouldn't know how to filter water.
  3. I guess they mentioned all the other monsters because just mentioning a shifter in the previouslies would have given it away. I like to imagine Bobby got that bit of parenting advice from John Winchester. Like he called John up to ask what he should do about the baby shifter. "Eh, raise it in a secret attic. It'll be fine!"
  4. I hope Crane didn't have to go to the bathroom before he was drugged, and he just drank that soup. What a horrible thing to wake up to. Yes, these kinds of things worry me. I wonder if they'll be a bit suspicious of Frank? Knowing that his soul is Moloch's, would they worry he's working for Team Evil, even inadvertently? Whatever. I'm just glad he's out of Tarrytown Sideline Hospital.
  5. I just started watching this show on Netflix yesterday for some reason. Maybe I thought watching teens in peril would cheer me up. If all crimes are punishable by death, why wasn't Bellamy sucked out of the airlock with his mom? He aided and abetted, at least. Also, "Bellamy Blake" sounds like it should be the name of a porno studio.
  6. In "Marooned," when Lister tells Rimmer the story of how he lost his virginity at age 12 on a golf course. Rimmer is flabbergasted, but not for the reasons one might expect: "12?! You can't have been a full member of the golf course then!" In "Camille," when Kryten's, Rimmer's, and Lister's ideal mates are all ladies, but Cat's turns out to be an exact copy of himself. The whole "double Polaroid" scene in "DNA." Everything in "Back to Reality." Everything.
  7. Starting to think the Millers' toddler is behind the whole thing. I mean at this point, why the hell not?
  8. I've come to like Carl a lot over the series. I wanted him to become walker chow for most of the first three seasons, but I'm to the point now where I'm kind of annoyed there hasn't been more of him this season.
  9. I wonder why Elena didn't just tell him she erased her memories because she was almost killing people? It wasn't just because she was super sad and didn't want to feel super sad anymore. I mean, I think the whole memory erasure thing is crazy dumb to start with, but at least explain it to him. On an unrelated matter, I hope Damon carries that teddy bear around for the rest of the series. Like, every scene he's in, the bear is under his arm, and he never tells anybody why. Even after Bonnie (presumably) comes back, he just has that bear, because the context-free gifs of him dramatically holding that thing are the best.
  10. Man, nothing will keep these people from a party! Yeah, you just died of a nicked aorta and came back, but let's go to the weekly Vampire Diaries fete! Kai is like Christian Bale and Paul Rudd somehow had an adorable, murderous baby together.
  11. The only thing that actually annoyed me in the episode was the teacher referring to the girls as skanks, because then I spent the rest of the episode kind of worried there were going to be more of those kinds of insults, instead of just enjoying it. She could have called them hacks or whatever, since her complaint was about their creativity and not their promiscuity.
  12. Well, I certainly prefer this brand of fans over the drug-and-marry Becky type, that's for sure.
  13. I took it to mean that Ichabod was super hot for Katrina but trying to hide it because of his doubts about her. He hides it so well that it doesn't even show.
  14. "You don't think Baby Moloch has earned my love?!" I'm kind of hoping Katrina isn't under a spell, knows it's an illusion, and is faking her "awww bebby!" reaction to trick Henry and Abe with her "skilled operative" ways. That may be too much to hope for.
  15. When Ichabod compared having faith in Henry to having faith that he would see Abbie and Katrina out of Purgatory, I wanted someone to slap him upside his Jesus-haired head.
  16. "Let's consult an expert!" Is it Jenny? No, of course not. It's Hawley. Last week, I jokingly said Moloch would be a cute baby demon. I should joke about more things and see if they come true. Hahaha, wouldn't it be funny if Katrina disappeared for a really long time? The Cranes get some time to themselves, in a bedroom, in a bed, and they watch reality TV. That's some kind of "evolving."
  17. I thought I saw the same thing. Maybe Abe and his hair were both suddenly aflame with new purpose, and then dimmed with the horror of realization.
  18. I'm starting to be more interested in Team Evil than Team Witnesses. Like, Henry and Abe already didn't like each other, but the tension has to be crazy high now. The "good guys" should concentrate more on redeeming Abe than on Henry. Wouldn't he be easier to turn against Moloch? "Your demon leader gave a cool suit of robo-armor to Henry, and what did you get? A shaved head and then no head."
  19. Most of Ellie's behavior seems to me like a result of her being naive/trusting about a town full of mostly friends, with a relatively low crime rate. Hiring Carver over Ellie... I don't know. I've seen it so often in the workplace that outside men get hired over inside women that it didn't register on my radar as anything more than regular ol' sexism on the job.
  20. On top of everything else that's dumb about the demon pregnancy, it seems like if you want to knock someone up, crawling into her mouth is a weird way to do it. I mean, I know they're not going to show a spider crawling into Katrina's lady business, but still. Everything about this plot was dumb, is what I'm trying to say. What were the other corpses for? The ones in the secret society's secret lab? They were veiny like Katrina. Were they previous pregnancy attempts? How many poison demon spiders does Team Evil have?
  21. If Moloch had been born, would he have been a baby demon? Because that might have been kind of cute. Cranky little baby demon, with Abe and Henry as his dads. Was there any particular reason that Katrina was chosen as the mother? Was it because of her witchy womb? Was it just to get her out of the way because she was having a bad influence on Abe?
  22. I can't believe they randomly find a pair of jeans that fit Katrina like a second skin, while it took me three solid shopping trips and a trip to a seamstress to get a pair that at least don't make me cry. Also, note to Cranes: If your son can now say "I got my mother pregnant with a demon," he is not redeemable.
  23. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, fearful that Beth would break into song. I actually like Beth okay, but a whole episode about her is just... too much. I did like that she seemed to be on her way to kill someone. Wussy doctor? Demented Dawn? In her couple of minutes of conscious screen time, I thought Joan was an interesting character. I wish she'd made it. But at least she got to take out that gross cop. You did the world a favor, ma'am.
  24. I thought it was slightly interesting that Dean didn't actually thank Sam. "I never said thank you" isn't the same thing as thanking him, to me. Overall, I thought it was a pretty boring episode. I liked "Bitten," and I liked Kate in it. But this time, I just didn't care. When they all sat down at the diner to have flashbacks with her, I just... Well, if you ever read my recaps on TWoP, you know how much I just love a good sit-n-chat.
  25. My favorite thing about the episode was seeing Paul "Bunion" trending on Twitter.
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