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  1. RJ actor is terrible. Not to mention his head is too small for his body. I cant with him. Luna actress deserves better than him.
  2. Of course he did. Is anyone surprised. Why leave more for your minor children than a grown woman. He is truly trash.
  3. Sam waking up to what a POS father Jason is, is the best thing about his return. 👏
  4. What a POS father. Protecting a grown ass woman over your kids. At least Jake knows whats up. Danny needs to learn.
  5. How many times is Thomas going to propose. Cant he catch the hint, yet. This is pathetic even for him.
  6. She is the new Hope. Everyone praises her and what a good person she is.
  7. Of course Liam is only worried about one of his daughters at a time. The one whose mother he is obsessed with at the time. Why not worry about Beth too? Her granddad is dating Sheila.
  8. How would Steffy leaving Finn make her safer. Hayes still exists. Its not like Finn would be out of her life for good. They share child together. Who is also a grandchild of Sheila. Makes no sense. Liam is pathetic and needs a non Hope/Steffy love interest. Neither is interested in his waffling behind.
  9. I even find pushy Thomas annoying. Why not just let her come to you. He cant leave her be for a second. They have chemistry but I cant get into them together. I loved the Sinn flashbacks but it did make me pause a bit. JMW looks so much better with her short hair. Its cute. Instead of the long wavy wigs that look like a birds nest.
  10. RJ is the worst thing about this show right now. Luna is fine without him. Them together is a cheesy cringe fest. Who are eating the show. At least Liam and Sheila took a backseat.
  11. Yes, that's another thing. I dont really think Emma has haunted him like he says. He was saying it to come across more sympathetic to Hope.
  12. MA and AN have such great chemistry. But Hope being the reason for his change is so unhealthy. His obsession with her hasn't changed. He is just not crazy/criminal about it anymore. Thus far.
  13. Ugh. No use for Taylor??? but Sheila is still around 3 yrs later. 🙄 Bell just didn't want to write for her that didn't include his precious Brooke/Ridge.
  14. So, they were just going to shut off his life support without his other family members saying goodbye. 😒 Thorne and Bridget should have been called to the hospital. I cannot stand Ridge. He doesn't think of his siblings at all. Just Ridge is the only child of Eric's. Like others have said TK does not play Ridge sympathetic at all. Just growly and yelling. Brooke, way to make your goodbye all about Ridge and not the children you share with Eric. 🙄 JG is an awful actress. The only blessing this story has is zero Liam involvement.
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