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Everything posted by slensam

  1. Was the blogger judge nicknamed the "Blond Salad" or did I mishear that? Pretty funny one way or the other.
  2. Bring on the dancing horses wherever they may roam!
  3. Yeah, I'm so over being stabbed in the eye with an ice pick.
  4. Gotta see this movie! Looks interesting.
  5. What idiot dreamed this campaign up? http://youtu.be/RapKqofgWfw A toddler.
  6. Is it true that the Lifetime show producers used to be in charge of "The Real World"? If so, that kind of tells the whole story right there.
  7. I didn't even hear the thing about the money. Guess I wasn't paying attention at that moment. Was she the only one who actively asked for other people's money?
  8. All of it might just be producer manipulation. With somebody like Anya it was the plucky pretty underdog who doesn't know how to sew yet wins in the end. I don't what know story they want to tell with Sandyha. Do they want me to like her or not to like her. With each show I seem to be leaning to the dark side on that question.
  9. Really, it's just a feeling. Probably more of a personal taste. They always seem to say that this is a competition, so yeah a game. Guess I don't like game-playing of this sort. In my opinion, she comes on like an innocent open type of person but I definitely think the wheels are turning in the background for some kind of advantage. Don't know if the other designers are picking up on this or not. She's definitely a head-scratcher for me.
  10. I don't know why Sandhya rubs me the wrong way she just does. I know the money thing was legal and stuff but I just found it irksome. This is the only reality show I watch so I might be missing out on all the angles. She's like an unlikeable Patricia in my opinion. In short, she a phony.
  11. I'm curious, who uses "amazeballs"? Lately, I find myself completely out of the loop. Is it the reality show dudes? And why "balls"? This is a weird inquiry.
  12. I guess it has. It is mostly younger people who are doing this. The evolution of language from one generation to the next. From super to awesome to amazing in one lifetime.
  13. There is something I've picked up recently on certain interview shows and I don't even know whether it's proper or not. The host asks a question and the first thing out of the interviewee's mouth is the word So. I notice that the people who do this are usually younger. It seems like a new development. Just sounds kind of weird.
  14. I kind of liked what Amanda did and thought she should have won, Also, I sort of like her. The 90's thing, at least in my mind. But I'm starting to get the feeling this is like Kate Part 2. The redemption angle, again. Don't remember when Kate got knocked out the second time though.
  15. Is that the one in regards to "Back to School"? There was a commercial and everybody is doing a happy dance for a back to school sale. I've been out of high school for about 25 years now and I certainly do not remember doing a dance like that when mid to late August rolled around. This is a very exuberant generation it seems.
  16. I actually don't mind Korina...yet. Maybe because I've seen much worse like Gretchen or Helen or Asha on the Gunn show. It's quite possible that she might become more of a villain. Why does there always have to be a villain? Can't they all get along? I'm an utopian.
  17. How did "amazing" get to be so big. I hear it so many times on all sorts of shows and commercials. Sometimes I have to force myself to to use incredible, remarkable, or extraordinary so as not to use amazing. The influence is amazing.
  18. So, that's what the "vocal fry" thing sounds like. Kind of interesting I guess. Are adults talking like this now? Hope not.
  19. "Southern Fried Homicide". It is a caricature of an accent.
  20. Semen stains and lots of blood! What's next? Much killing! Great murder! Very sex!
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