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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Samurai headwaiter? It's interesting that the talking french fry didn't mention all those extra assaults till she got out into the hallway. I somehow can't see that particular guy doing those particular things. That I can see.
  2. Anderson Cooper is a Yale grad, and that didn't stop him from embarrassing himself. I have to admit I was a little surprised by how badly he did. I was expecting better.
  3. It does seem that way. Or maybe this is their storyline. If it is, it's a pretty shitty thing to play out with two small children on the stage, too. I did notice that Brandi was wearing a Jesus Juice T-shirt, so she obviously came onto the show armed with at least one plan. She might be in a better place in general if she'd planned for some kind of life beyond cheerleading, because marriage is never a guarantee of anything. Maybe Marie's backbone is leaking out the top of her head through those idiotic fascinators she wears. Those things look stupid enough at actual events, but who dresses the way she does at home??? She looks like every bit the loon Leeann acts like.
  4. Aside from all that, have they completely stopped giving quantities when they cook an actual recipe? I assume this is to drive traffic to the website. But if I have to go to the website to get precise ingredients and amounts, why the eff would I want to waste an hour of my time watching what's increasingly becoming a total joke? I can just go to the site, see if there's anything there I'd be interested in making, and be done with them. When they used to give quantities, I would go to the site anyway so that I could print things out, and that way I would both watch the show and visit the website. Now I won't bother with the former and just go straight to the site. Also, there are still people living in the world who aren't on the Internet, so I guess the hell with them. Smart way to cut your own nose off to spite your face, show.
  5. Yeah, when he got credit for that, I was thinking that just because a thing exists, that doesn't mean it satisfies the clue as a correct response. And here's another nitpick: Not every camel is a two-humped beast of burden. Dromedaries have only one hump--it's the bactrians that have two, so if they were just going to accept simply "camel," why did they specify hump number? (This is a joke waiting to happen, but I'm going to resist.) BMS.
  6. This probably officially marks me as too damn old, but I remember watching Groucho Marx on You Bet Your Life when I was a little kid, and the consolation question for contestants who didn't win any money was "Who's buried in Grant's Tomb?" I think Jeopardy! is getting very close to that territory in this tournament. P.S. As I found out when I went to college in the neighborhood where Grant's Tomb is located, the answer is a little more complicated than just "Grant." His wife's coffin is there, too, and technically neither one of them is buried, since they don't have dirt over them, so if it's ever a J! question, I think they'd need a BMS. On second thought, that question is far too hard for the TT. Blither, blither.
  7. That's funny. I had just the opposite sense, that the doctor defendant kept breaking in before JJ could finish the question and would start talking over her. I was surprised at how tolerant JJ was of that--maybe because the woman was a doctor, although she's usually not that impressed by status once somebody starts acting like an ass. My reaction was to be glad she isn't my doctor--she didn't seem to know how to listen. These people are a perfect illustration of the point I was trying to make a few days ago. All of life's blessings showered down upon them--I know what it costs to live on the Cape, and I can only guess at what the place in Cali costs--and they're still willing to go on national TV and fight over a bag of old tinsel. Unbelievable. Do you really mean she should've set him on fire, Tee? Oh, God, I want to be sure to be on your side in any fight!
  8. I can't even express how much I hated those two trust-fund babies (I Googled him and saw their wedding announcement--they drove off in a blue Rolls-Royce her grandfather used to own) trying to get an honest (I'm fairly sure) small businessman to pay for their own stupid carelessness. I hated them as much as I hated the money-grubbing siblings who drove their father's girlfriend out of the house he willed her so they could make a few measly bucks selling the patio furniture. I hate this sort of entitled greediness so much more than I hate the ignorance of people who are born into the underclass and don't have the extra something it takes to pull themselves up out of it. I wish poor people wouldn't live such messy lives and would try to educate themselves better than they often do, but I feel guilty punching down at them. I feel no guilt at all punching up at folks who by sheer luck have every advantage and still behave like total shits.
  9. I got all the TSs today, but the only one I can remember now is The Normal Heart. And Barnum, so for once a wry observation wasn't Mark Twain, which is nice. I agree with Carpe that this tournament is making me feel like a genius, which is a little sad. It was fun to see a photo of Sunnyside, Washington Irving's house. My husband (boyfriend then) and I went there once a long time ago, and the resident cat latched onto us and took us on a personal (purr-sonal?) tour of the entire home and grounds. We just followed wherever it led. Then it walked us to our car and watched as we drove off. It was a very sweet day and a nice memory triggered by that clue. A beautiful place to see--go if you ever have the chance.
  10. I'm teetering on the brink of giving up on this branch of the franchise, which is really sad to me, because for years it's been a connection to my hometown for me. But it's become like a mirror of all the things (and people) I hate for destroying NYC, and some days that's too hard to watch. Why was Tig Notaro waiting tables at that brunch place?
  11. I considered that possibility for a second or two, but Alex is such a stickler for pronunciation--especially of French, as we all know--that I couldn't figure out why he'd let that one go by without at least repronouncing it, correctly: Doo-val-YAYS instead of Doo-VAL-yers. Maybe I'm not the one losing my hearing! ;o)
  12. Hello, everyone. I think I'm just watching this because I'm going to give up on Jersey and nature abhors a Housewife vacuum. Coming to ask if I need my eyeglasses prescription cranked up or did Brandi look like she was concealing a pregnancy under that flannel shirt in several shots? I know they edit out of sequence, so the fact that she didn't look pregnant in some other scenes might not mean anything. Anyway, I hope she's not--that doesn't seem like the kind of marriage you'd want to bring another baby into.
  13. I thought the winner said "Duvalius" for "Duvalier" and was waiting for the adjustment when he hit the DD. But it never came, so maybe I misheard.
  14. Maybe she doesn't have the services of the same ghostwriter in her real life that she had in the book. ;o)
  15. Totally agree with all of this. Plus, I drive a Subaru and lost a dog not too long ago, so I blubber like a fool whenever it comes on. Subaru absolutely has my number. My guess is that Buzzy thinks the shoulder brushing is funny and ironic. If he'd just done it once, it would've been.
  16. I'm not black, and I winced when he said it. Mostly because of the pronouns, I think, and the cluelessness to the issue of tone. He could've said exactly the same thing, probably, about famous suffragists: "Who is Susan B. Anthony?" "No, the other one." (Elizabeth Cady Stanton) But that wouldn't have been nearly as winceworthy (though maybe it should be). I think what it really highlights is the laziness of the clue writers and also the sad slide of our educational standards. Because there are just a couple of names in each category that we know to spit out and that we know they'll ask for over and over, and he's acknowledging that. Which doesn't make it any less oafish of Alex, but . . . I guess they'd rather have contestants get things right more than wrong, and that's the easy way to do it. I hope you were someplace wonderful!
  17. I'm liking Buzzy more each day. And if he isn't named after a heroic fighter pilot, I'm going to guess that his real name is Boaz. There aren't a lot of Jewish Buzzys, so it has to be based on something logical.
  18. I got the Pribilofs, which I feel as if I pulled very slickly out of my nether regions. If that isn't too disgusting a way to phrase it. Jerry scared me. He seemed to be making fairly violent physical gestures just slightly out of camera range. I'm very glad he lost.
  19. This I can't disagree with. Why does Buzz seem fine and even heroic, and Buzzy just seems silly? That damn y. Maybe he was named after a grandfather who was a dashing pilot shot down in WWII during a mission to rescue a school full of orphans. That might make it better.
  20. Buzzy seems likable to me, and Andrew was on kind of a downhill slide the last few days anyway. Sometimes players just appear to hit a wall. All he had for Buzzy's win was one single unenthusiastic clap, which was a little disappointing to me. I wouldn't have wanted to start not liking him, so better to end his run on a high-ish note. Was that DD in the $800 slot easy enough? Shouldn't we have had a photo of a moccasin to help? Jeez.
  21. I'm asking myself that very question. I haven't seen all of today's show yet, but I did see the intros, where Katie actually complimented her on her "pretty sparkly eye shadow." Katie must've been being shady about that--I can't imagine it was a sincere compliment. Sunny's been looking as if she went to Klown Kollege Kosmetology Skool the last few weeks. I don't usually comment on people's appearance, but I don't know what she can possibly see when she checks that makeup in the mirror. Someone who truly likes her should take her aside and give her a kind word.
  22. I know, Carpe. It's more of a visual joke, I suppose. Be nice to Matthew. He gave us a pretty great few years. One of the things that's so impressive about Andrew as champ/player, is that he's smart enough to know what he doesn't know, and bet accordingly. Restraint isn't something you see a lot of in J! players, but he has it by the bagful. It's pretty cool to see someone get something wrong (even if it's easy, like today's) and then find out he bet $0. I don't think I could've done that even one day, especially with so much money to burn, let alone two days in a row. Ka-Pau!
  23. You mean Wolf Blitzer isn't returning to defend his title? Jon is definitely a little nicer to look at, but Weiner is very smart and funny, so he has the potential to be an excellent contestant. At least in the chat segment. I just realized they're Hamm and Weiner, both named for meat. I wonder if Kevin Bacon was ever up for a part on Mad Men. ;o)
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