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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. As I born-and-bred Northeasterner, I find it comforting to know where all our r's went. I mean, they had to go somewhere. ;o)
  2. Yeah, movies, plus Lumiere wasn't just one person--the French cinema pioneers were a pair of brothers. Which just made the answer of Lumiere for that clue even odder. But if you can't think of anybody at all, I guess it's better to write something than nothing.
  3. My guess was that the third possibility he was referring to was George Westinghouse, but I wish he'd said. I've read several bios of Tesla, so FJ was a snap.
  4. Defendant said flatly more than once that plaintiff's former business partner wasn't her boyfriend--and plaintiff never challenged that, so I tend to believe it was true. I'm pretty sure she said all three of them had been friends before this brouhaha and that business partner had one bedroom, his daughter (I think) had another, and she had her own bedroom downstairs. They never uttered business partner's name, but she did mention her boyfriend a number of times--Pixley the artist. Who knows who really vandalized the house? My guess is plaintiff or his people, while she was evicted, but she never hesitated to acknowledge that Pixley was the one who did the graffiti (which wasn't bad!) and claimed that a clean coat of paint had covered it up before she left. I swear, sometimes I think I know more details of these people's lives than I do about my own!
  5. She admitted that her boyfriend did the painting. JJ asked, "Who's the artist?" And she said it was Pixley, or whatever his odd name was. I came away with a sense that landlord and tenant somehow deserved each other, but I don't know why. Definitely some story behind the story there.
  6. Back atcha. In my case there's all kinds of background info I could find out about reality-show books (and who really wrote them), but I'd have to tell the folks I work with why I want to know, which I won't do. But here I'm with my people.
  7. Yeah, but from other Google hits, it looks as if he's moved around in the general northern Midwest area, and I think it was mentioned on the show as well. The church connection is there, too. I'm prepared to be wrong, but I suspect it's the same guy.
  8. I Googled the husband's name in the child-transfer case. He's a nurse, an LPN apparently (according to a different article). And a saint, according to this one. The article mentions his wife, Samantha, and their child. Was Samantha the name of Hitler Hair? I don't think it was, but maybe I'm misremembering. If not, then he had a wife and a child before her, and now, according to a post above about his Facebook status, he has more kids. Peachy. http://www.grandrapidsmn.com/news/taste-of-itasca/article_ad50b66a-abfa-5095-9f2a-4cd498b3e2fc.html Couldn't agree more about the funeral director. I kept waiting for something sketchy to happen, but it was just pure goodness. I may go out to Texas to die, just to give him my business.
  9. Thanks for that link! It looks like a relaxing house in a beautiful setting (what we can see of it), but six bedrooms and five bathrooms crammed into only just over 2,000 square feet? The bedrooms and bathrooms must all be very tiny, given how open the main floor is. I wonder if the house wasn't built to be rented out to groups for short vacation stays. Otherwise the size and number of rooms don't seem to make much sense. I wonder if it's part of some planned leisure community or something.
  10. I haven't seen today's episode yet, so I don't know specifically what asshole moves he pulled, but in general I think the producers do do something about him--they encourage him to act like a schmuck. People here have been saying for a long time that the goal has been to make this show more like The Chew--all the shouting and hysterics and lately all the crafts projects. I'd never watched that, so I couldn't say if I agreed or not. This past week I watched every day, and now I totally agree. I know that lots of posters really like The Chew, but I find it almost as annoying as The Kitchen. Maybe more annoying, since I was familiar with The Kitchen before it started getting over-the-top obnoxious. My advice to The Kitchen is, if you're going to try to imitate another show, imitate something good.
  11. Normally I love a nice snowstorm, but not when it knocks out the TV signal. Now I'll have to go buy an illegal J! recording on some street corner. If we had street corners. Glad to hear it was a good game, though!
  12. I've always thought all the little George Foremans were hilarious. Like, "This is my brother Daryl, and this is my other brother Daryl," times five. I just looked up the daughters' names, assuming they'd all be Georgina (or George!), but there's one Georgetta and the rest have non-George-related names. Somehow I doubt they feel offended.
  13. I remember hearing some wit years back saying something like, "The only people with numbers after their names are royalty and Americans." It does seem true--I'm not aware of other countries having anything exactly like the Roman-numerals thing we do here. Maybe we were a teeny bit ambivalent about our Revolution.
  14. I thought it was some kind of crazy malware. Never had it happen before. I plan on not liking a whole bunch of people in the coming year. Nobody's gonna tell me who I can't like, dammit! ;o)
  15. Thanks for the links, Otto! When I'm done reading, I'll know everything there is to know about Svalbard--and still nothing about electronvolts. ;o) We have the entire I, Claudius set on videocassette. And we still have the technology to watch it, scary as that is. Never throw out any electronics unless they explode on you, that's our motto. Well, this is a first. When I clicked to like your post, DXD526, I got a message saying, "You are not allowed to like posts by this poster." I think I did it anyway. Someone is really trying to keep us apart, apparently. Some husbands don't give their wives anything for Christmas. (Feel better soon!) I liked you, Mike, but come on with the no questions on DDs. You've watched the show before, right?
  16. For the first time in recorded history, I sat down with a pen and paper beside me and listed every TS I got: Black Hole of Calcutta, scow, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Elsinore, Henry Moore, Saint-Gaudens, and Rodang (just kidding, Alex). I've never heard of Svalbar (sp?), didn't know electroVolt (sp again?), and wouldn't have gotten the Hunley if I were waterboarded. Oh, and Augustus, if that was a TS. Also got stoker and getting water--I obviously need a better recording system! Or a secretary. That seems like a lot of TSs for one game. I wish Hallie had won, despite her very dumb answer for FJ. She had me at Austin Boston.
  17. I got cognomen, but I thought the fabric was shantung (which in retrospect seems like a weird choice for pajamas). If I'd been playing, I would've written Caruso's full name for FJ, just in case they thought I might've meant David Caruso. I'm glad Cindy lost to someone as nice and smart and seemingly normal as Sam. Nothing about him bugs. So far.
  18. He's 90 years old. He's a great singer, still active, and also a wonderful painter. I'm willing to cut him some slack.
  19. I was actually sentient enough in 1970 to have read the piece in New York magazine that had "Radical Chic" in its title--that wasn't the whole title, but I'm too lazy to look it up. It was about a party that Leonard Bernstein held in his apartment for the Black Panthers. Then there was a book called Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers, combining that piece and another one. So if the clue said there was a book called Radical Chic, I don't think that's strictly true. (I don't think it did, did it?) But she got it anyway. When she was doing so badly at the beginning, I figured she'd finally hit the wall. This is a pretty impressive display of what the human will can do. Yay, Cindy!
  20. The one that says that's why "I have trust issues"? I can relate! It's a fun site--thanks!
  21. I truly hate raisins. I even have a T-shirt that says "Raisins Ruin Everything." But for some reason I don't hate dried cranberries--I think it's the little bit of tang. They also don't seem to acquire that gummy, semi-dried snot texture of raisins. So I put craisins in my curried chicken salad, and in most other recipes that call for raisins.
  22. Thank you, Dish Network, for not believing me when I said I needed a new receiver, not just a new HDMI cable, so that I couldn't watch Cindy win again, but I'm glad she did! And now when I finally get to see the game, I'll be a genius, having read all your correct answers in advance. And I can't wait to find out what the clue was that elicited "caulk" as a triple stumper. "I'll take Sloppy Sealants for $400, Alex"? Is Previously assigning alphabet avatars to everyone who doesn't have an avatar? Just noticing all these new letters.
  23. Our satellite receiver picked yesterday to go on the fritz, right as I was about to watch the J! episode it had just recorded. Today I managed to watch by other means. I'm so glad I saw Cindy not only compete but triumph. Feeling very throat-lumpish yet happy. These days I think we all need examples of goodness and bravery and intelligence to inspire us.
  24. Yeah, but April of 2015. One in April and one in December of the same year would be pretty close to a medical miracle. ;o)
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