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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. It's starting to look as if this hasn't been renewed. Anyone know?
  2. Is this dopey argument really worth continuing ad infinitum? Asking for a friend.
  3. Maybe I can get away with this if we're moderating ourselves. I don't know why the postmaster general still has a job. Other than him I love the post office.
  4. I'm pretty sure she remained in Costa Rica but went to San José, the capital, for the surgery, instead of staying in the small surf town. She murdered a woman for having lunch with her boyfriend. She would've torched the whole town with flamethrowers if they'd actually slept together. I really would like to know about her past history of jealousy. Or maybe she just had a psychotic break. She certainly was a persistent escape artist--that clip with her in the striped prison pants was like a Benny Hill skit.
  5. Even though they rhyme, Mallorca, Spain, in August sounds a lot more appealing than Houlton, Maine, in mud season. I may book a flight right now!
  6. Houlton is about two hours and change from us. Got crazy crowded there, plus it's mud season, so we opted to stay home. This is my favorite photo among the many posted by the NYT, from Arkansas, since I love chicken, too.
  7. If it hadn't been for the sister exhibiting a higher level of intelligence, I would've concluded there was some inbreeding involved in that family.
  8. Sorry, I got a little dizzy going through the crime-in-the-subway debate. But if you ever do get a chance to go to the one in Brooklyn, take it! There's a magnificent museum right nearby as well.
  9. There's also a very beautiful botanic garden in Brooklyn, on Eastern Parkway. Possibly you got them confused? I took a wreath-making class there close to Christmas one year, and it started to snow midway through. The walk to my car through the Japanese garden was one of the more magical experiences I've had. If you can get to that one more easily than the one in the Bronx, I'd really recommend it. The Victorian conservatories are so gorgeous.
  10. Can you hang the wreath on a wall beside the door, where it won't be getting moved? Also, another thing birds love for building nests is dryer lint. We collect that and set it out for them. If you have a net produce bag, like the kind onions come in, say, you can stuff it in that and they'll pull it out.
  11. One of the many reasons I miss having my sister living nearby. When we lived in the same house and there were hard-boiled eggs on the menu, I would slip her my whites under the table and she'd let me have her yolks. Now I have to just gulp down as much of the whites as I can stand. This reminds me of something my husband did back in the day. He sent Campbell's a letter saying they must have made a terrible mistake, because he opened a can of pork and beans and actually found a piece of pork in among the beans. They sent him a coupon for another can. Breakfast for dinner is my favorite meal. I call it BFD--which in this usage does not stand for "big f-in' deal," although to me it is.
  12. My favorite Easter Bunny story involved my very close friend, who married a man who was quite a bit older than she was and had two young sons. One of the sons came to stay with her and his dad over the holiday and was gifted with a chocolate bunny. Not being a chocoholic, the boy just put the bunny in the breadbox and left it there. It was driving her crazy knowing there was this big hunk of chocolate in the house and not getting to eat any of it. Finally, in the middle of the night, she couldn't bear it anymore (or should that be "couldn't bunny it anymore"?) and snuck downstairs. She took a knife and carefully sawed off the bunny's head and nibbled away at its neck, then squished the head back on. Then the next day, while the kid was out, she amputated one of its arms and nibbled at part of the upper arm, then did the other arm. She shortened both its legs in the same way. Her stepson came home and decided to have some of his bunny for dessert that night. When he took it out of the breadbox, he was stunned by how it looked. "What happened to my Easter Bunny?! He looks like he's had some kind of surgery! It's Frankenstein's Bunny!" My friend, of course, said she was just as amazed. What monster would do such a thing? I'm the only one who knew what monster.
  13. Notes like the one currently above and the one about moderators leading the way to a glorious new dawn that was at the top of all pages for a few weeks read to me like a death knell for this place, sadly. That's not why I came here.
  14. Couldn't agree more. I have no interest in watching Ina and her celebrity fans giving each other tongue baths for half an hour.
  15. Oy. I don't know why they chose this kiddie recipe to introduce a new "chef"--unless that's the level of cuisine she's going to feature. Not looking forward to seeing more of her. I want to tell her to cheer down.
  16. Try a cream-cheese-based dough. I think that's more standard for hamantaschen anyway. Also, I agree that pastry flour isn't hard to find--esp in NYC. King Arthur is always on the shelves even in my godforsaken area.
  17. Hit the icon that looks like a sun at the top of the page on the right, beside your avatar and screen name. That should do it.
  18. I think you need to step up for her ASAP. If you suspect someone is a victim of elder abuse, call the NYS Adult Protective Services Helpline at 1-844-697-3505 (8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday). My laptop seems to be having a stroke. I meant to post this link before, but I couldn't. Trying again: https://aging.ny.gov/programs/elder-abuse
  19. I was glad Voltaggio won, both because (aside from the fact that he's clearly an amazing chef) of how kind I've seen him be to young chefs and what a bad sport Crista Luedtke was when she lost in the last tournament. Voltaggio only looks intimidating. Back on the subject of nicknames, if Guy insists on using them, he needs to find a writer (I'd volunteer). "Dancing Spice Queen" has been rotated back and forth between Maneet and Aarti Sequeira. And last night he called Shota "Ninja," which used to belong to Nyesha Arrington (what happened to her, I wonder?). If he had to give Shota a clichéd Japanese-associated name, why not "Shogun"? It works better with his actual name. Step up that nickname game, for Pete's sake, and stop recycling them.
  20. Mr. Delicious. God, those nicknames are beyond stupid. Guy should really just step up to meet his destiny as a World Wrestling Federation announcer already and spare the rest of us.
  21. I'm pretty sure you can take back an emoji if you hit the wrong one, just by clicking on it again. I'll try now. I'll hit the rainbow one on your post, emma, and then retract it and hit the teddy bear one instead. Let's see if it works. Yup, it worked.
  22. I agree with this. Ban the problematic posters, don't eliminate the whole forum. There were a few who kept changing their screen names and coming back to be offended all over again. Keep getting rid of them till they're tired of returning. I remember that happening on other boards. I don't think it's impossible.
  23. With Dulos having been a builder, he obviously had access to all sorts of bulldozers and digging equipment. I'm assuming the police have checked any sites he was working on, but he could've buried her anywhere. He definitely traded down with that girlfriend.
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