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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Is the DA daddy part of the classic Gordon?  I mean I know a bit about Gordon but don't recall that.  


    I don't think DC has ever gone in depth about Gordon's parents.


    But in the comics Gordon is definitely not from the Gotham suburbs, he was born in Chicago and joins the Chicago PD before getting transferred to Gotham after he shoots a dirty cop and uncovers a plan to rig the Chicago mayoral race.


    But that's Post-Crisis Gordon and may not be an accurate history for New 52 Gordon.

    • Love 1
  2. The Kanes! I'd love a refererence to Batwoman, especially since Renee Montoya is already on the show.


    Also in the Renee Montoya vein, I'm hoping for an appearence by Vic Sage (aka The Question.) He'd make a great informant for MCU.


    In the Crispus Allen vein I'd love for some references to the Spectre, although no appearence. He's (just a tad) too over powered for this universe.

  3. I think they were both debating the same side of the debate at the beginning too. Both argued school uniforms would hurt their individuality. Although, given the monstrosity Riley was wearing, the green tops and orange pants, maybe school uniforms would be good for her. Also, I know things have changed a lot since I was in 7th grade, but why are 13 year olds strolling around school in 4 inch heels.


    Not exactly, in the first debate both raised the point that individuality would be supressed by uniforms. But while Smackle argued that individuality and uniqueness is a precious asset, Farkle argued that individuality will be unnecessary in a future where everyone works for Farkle.


    So I have no problem with that first debate. Farkle was in favor of uniforms, because it supresses individuality preparing everyone for the future. Smackle was against uniforms because it supresses individuality which she argued was a benefit.

  4. So what were the conflicting sides in the debate?


    The topic was "Is beauty only skin deep?" and in a debate typically one side needs to take pro and the other con. Meaning one side needs to argue beauty is only skin deep and that what's inside really counts, and one side needs to argue that beauty isn't skin deep, and beauty either reflects who you are inside, or is more important than what's inside.


    Both sides were arguing that the inside is more important than beauty though. How does Smackle win when she changes her position (which should've been the merits of beauty) midway through the debate? Anyone can win a debate if they just abandon their own stance and adopt the other sides.


    This is the second academic competition that this school has just done in a ridiculous manner.

    • Love 1
  5. I sometimes get annoyed at the way it's considered ok to tell the ending of any classic book. Growing up I read a lot but it was mostly YA and there was many times where the plot of some well known book would be told in passing. Usually I hadn't even heard of the book at the time and suddenly I knew the whole overall plot and ending to it. Just cause I haven't read that book when i was 15 doesn't mean I was never going to read it.


    This makes things pretty difficult though.


    I realize that not everyone reads every book, but at the same time not everyone watches every movie. I know people who haven't seen the Matrix or Star Wars, does that mean I should be walking on eggshells for the rest of my life even though those movies came out decades ago? That's not to say you shouldn't be considerate, if you start talking about something and someone says "I haven't seen/read it no spoilers please" you should shut up and change the subject, but if it's told in passing, well people reference things they know that they think other people will know, and that's never gonna stop.


    There needs to be a statute of limitations on spoilers or pop culture will die.

    • Love 2
  6. Very astute observation, Cardie.  I think you may be on to something.  Can somone refresh my memory  - who did Meg lose?  I know her mother died the day before the Departure, but I feel sure I remember hearing at some point who it was she lost.  I wonder now because she's one of the few people we didn't see in this episode.  Did she lose anyone?  I wondered, because of something that happened in a previous ep that made me think she might be an infiltrator.


    I don't think Meg lost anyone (other than her mother dying the day before.) Or atleast I don't think it's been mentioned specifically yet.


    IIRC her problem was that her boyfriend/fiance wanted to move on with their lives/relationship and get married and be happy like nothing ever happened, and she couldn't do that.

  7. Well, Joshua and Margaret could talk. And from what I've heard, Jake's powers came from a magic mud puddle . . . though I'm guessing we just got a retcon for that.


    Even before this episode Pen Ward had said that Jake did not get his powers from a mud puddle, he just couldn't remember how he got his powers and came up with a random memory.


    Also the fact that some of Jake's pups (Kim Kil Whan and Jake Jr) also have his stretchy powers indicated a genetic source over the magic mud story. Although I guess it would've been possible for the mud to have mutated Jake and then he passed on the mutation to the pups.

  8. BMO is the best! (He loves weddings, She loves flowers, He loves love!)


    Seriously feeling the BMO love today, cause I got my BMO mug today!




    I am seriously thinking about throwing out all my other drinkware today. I clearly will no longer need anything else. But I guess I should keep something around in case I have company, or in case one day BMO is busy hosting the human incarnation of a baby.


    In short: Yay BMO!

    • Love 3
  9. A politically incorrect one who notices what Lucas looks like!


    And I guess this proves that Corey's class isn't the only one Riley simply decides to stand up in and take over with her issues.  If this wasn't a Disney show, I'd suggest a drinking game based on that.


    Ok, let's use ice cream instead of liquor then.


    Sugar highs and brain freeze here we come!

  10. Random thought, I been thicking about this plot point now for a couple of days. Did they get the meaning behind Damocles wrong?


    They did.


    The Sword of Damocles is supposed to illustrate that power/fortune and danger/anxiety frequently walk hand in hand, or as the immortal Shakespeare wrote "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." Damocles wants to be king but doesn't realize that those in power are also those closest to danger until he sits the throne and feels the constant threat of the sword about to split his skull. It's very similar to the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones, it's a super dangerous uncomfortable chair made of swords because being king is supposed to be a dangerous, uncomfortable job. Riley was never in any real danger, and didn't really have any real power in this episode. If anything the nerds had power over her as they were able to change her entire persona overnight.


    Cory and Maya try to illustrate it as a sort of "be careful what you wish for" tale instead. This can also work, but even then it doesn't gell with what happens in the episode. Damocles actually got what he asked for in his tale: Dionysius II vacated the throne and gave Damocles exactly what he was seeking. Damocles simply did not consider the downsides to power. Riley, on the other hand, ended up in a very "corrupted wish" or "bait and switch" scenario, she wished to be popular, and ended up popular... with 5 people largely seen as outcasts. That's not at all what she wanted, what she wanted was to be popular with the cool kids.


    And then it turned into a "be true to yourself" moral, which has nothing at all to do with Damocles. Damocles was true to himself, he never changed who he was, he just didn't consider the downsides to power. 


    A better way to illustrate the Sword of Damocles would have been to have Riley get in with the cool kids, and then find out that there are downsides to being one of them. An easy way to do this would be to make the cool kids ostracize or even bully her old friends ("Cool kids only hang out with other cool kids, so being cool means you can't hang out with your uncool former friends") or make her cut class and put her grades in danger ("It's cool to rebel, so being cool means you cut class") or something else along those lines.

    • Love 2
  11. That's pretty sharp. It doesn't, however, say that people will vanish, no?


    Translations are difficult. But you could point to 2 Corinthians 12:2-4


    2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows.

    3 And I know that this man was caught up into paradise—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows—

    4 and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter.



    The same verb (translated here as "was caught up") is used as in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17


    15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

    16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

    17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.



    You could easily argue that "whether in body or out of body" sends a message that souls that are taken to paradise are taken either whole (and thus would vanish, as their bodies would vanish with them) or are taken without their bodies (in which case perhaps their bodies would just vanish, and their souls would ascend)


    But obviously as with all translated texts it could be interpreted differently too.

    • Love 2
  12. Those New York City DoE budget cuts are HARSH, man.  One teacher per school is the limit! (also he has to do all the student counseling and other odd jobs as well--other than that one janitor we saw once, I guess).


    Eh his workload isn't that much. 


    As far as Cory's concerned there's only 4 real students in the school, the rest are a bunch of interchangable faceless nobodies who are content to sit by quietly while he tailormakes lessons for his daughter and her friends.

    • Love 1
  13. I've given up on realism so let's count the only on Girl Meets World things that happened in this episode. Shall we?


    1. Once again Maya and Riley take over the class and not one student gets tired of this. This seems like a daily thing with those two.

    2. Riley changes the way she dresses before she goes to school and neither of her parents saw her leaving.

    3. What I'd assume is a junior lawyer at a high-powered law firm blackmails the firm that she works at  and not only does she not get fired but she gets what she wants.

    4. The Matthews apparently aren't worried about their financial future since they're spending their money on a business that's in the black ( Admittedly not unrealistic, just stupid).

    5. History teacher at one school is apparently allowed to moderate a spelling bee between his school and another school.

    6. Student's are apparently allowed to interrupt said spelling lessons to teach life lessons to their best friends.


    I get that this is a TV show and I have to suspend belief from time to time but COME ON MAN!


    7. The word (harajuku) which was submitted by a student for said life lesson, is a proper noun and therefore is not in the dictionary, and is also therefore not a permissable word for any legitimate spelling bee, but still results in the disqualification of a competitor.

    • Love 3
  14. So if that's accurate the "Meets World" shows are so far in their own corner.


    Hmm.  Actually not totally.  Boy Meets World crossed over with at least a few other 90s ABC sitcoms (Google Fu sez Sabrina The Teenage Witch and Step By Step at the bare minimum).  So it WOULD be funny if GMW gets tied in to the other Disney Channel shows, because then we have something from The Archie Comics company step-tied-in with Disney!


    (and of course through those other ABC sitcoms BWM is probably tied into the entire Tommyverse)


    The Tommyverse encompasses all.


    BMW crossed with Sabrina The Teenage Witch, which crossed with Clueless, which crossed with Moesha, which crossed with The Parkers, which crossed with The Hughleys, which crossed with The Drew Carey Show, which crossed with Coach, which crossed with Newhart, which crossed with The Bob Newhart Show, which crossed with St. Elsewhere which all took place in the mind of Tommy Westphall.

  15. OK, this one's been bugging me - why didn't Sansa fake being "deflowered" (or rather, why didn't Tyrion suggest it)? Anyone who's read Arabian Nights knows that it was the standard way for a girl to say "Yeah, we totally did it!" while remaining Virgo Intacta (mostly because the "husband" was actually another woman, as I recall). Admittedly, in the long run it'd be suspicious if Sansa never got pregnant but it's unlikely (though not impossible) Tywin would insist on a pelvic exam to verify Tyrion had "done the deed", as it were.


    She does have maids and servants with her a lot of time (if not almost constantly), she says the only place she can be truly alone is the godswood.


    Kind of hard to fake it when the help are all gossiping how she won't even allow him to sleep in the same bed as her.


    I suppose they could have claimed they consummated the relationship, but I don't see anyone buying it.

  16. I could live with out Arianne being in the show, but want Quentyn  - not only does he free the dragons, but he shows Dany that she does have some support in Westeros.  I HATED the ironborn chapters, could live without those, but we probably need Victarions horn.  Want Tyrion's travels REALLY condensed, though I liked all Arya's chapters.  I also want fake Arya, she is kind of pivotal to Winterfell and Theon storyline. Plus it would be great to see some characters reactions when they meet her and they know who the real Arya is (maybe that is why Brienne met her in the show?)


    I hope the dragons become more tame.  Laughed with my husband that I didn't get upset over any characters death's in the books, but got teary when Dany locked up her babies.


    I want Quentyn too, but I want him cause I want to see another guy (a more important one than Pyat Pree) die of terrible dragonfire burns.


    I mean how can D&D possibly pass that up?

  17. Okay, but the show didn't tell us. Actually, there is quite an amount of things that could've went different. Take Loras, for example. So if he had children with Cersei, that would be Tyrell children (and not replicants)?  So if he and Cersei had children, that would be Tyrells?


    But then, why would any children of Tyrion and Sansa be Lannisters?


    The head of the house can choose to take/retain the House name, as the power is established through that descent. Also politically it is good for morale. The bannermen swear themselves to a house, and it's easier for them if their lord/lady bears the name of that house. You'll notice that even though she was wed to Littlefinger, people continue to refer to Lysa as Lady Arryn because it's better for her to be thought of that way. Her connection to Jon and Robin are more important politically than her marriage to Baelish.


    Cersei is now the Lady of Casterly Rock (since Tywin is dead, Jaime is sworn to the Kingsguard and Tyrion is convicted of regicide) so she would probably take the name Lannister in order to strengthen the legitimacy of her title and claim on the West. Any children she would have with Loras would come after Tommen and Myrcella (and their descendants) when it came to the Rock, however Loras' children would be first in line to inherit Highgarden, therefore it makes more political sense to give them the Tyrell surname, to strengthen their claims on Highgarden and the Reach.


    Similarly the Northerners were sworn to House Stark, so if Sansa should inherit she would probably style herself as "Lady Stark" to atleast keep up the appearence that the Starks still rule in Winterfell. Her heirs would also take the surname Stark, and if Tyrion did not stand to inherit Casterly Rock he also might choose to take his wife's name.

  18. Sean Bean Open to Flashback Appearances  This is the interviewer's own suggestion so it's not like it means much of anything at all, I just like the part where he talks about "unfinished business" and says he's "obviously not Jon Snow's dad".


    That interview is hilarious. Especially how excited Sean Bean gets. 


    Hopefully D&D saw that interview,it sounds like Sean wants back on set for some flashback scenes.

    • Love 1
  19. They want us to be sad, but I think there's a difference between being sad when a nice or interesting character dies, and where Margaery was in season 3, where she was more of a central part of King's Landing and positioned as an equal to Cersei.


    I disagree, I think they want us to be shocked, and the best way to do that is make the character as central to the plot as possible before offing them.


    If Margaery was slated for imminent death I think they'd be pushing scenes with her all the more, regardless of her popularity or how sad we'd be if she died.

  20. I took the 3x02 scene as being less about her realizing he was a monster and more about Joffrey testing Margaery's reaction to the idea of her brother being in danger (and her husband's name being smeared), and viewers being invited to be impressed at how Margaery sailed through.


    I don't think the show did a very good job of setting up Joffrey as an increasing danger in season 3. His worst act (killing Ros) was offcamera and done in an oddly clinical manner, with a posed corpse as Littlefinger droned on and on in various accents. The narrative seemed to suggest that Tywin and Margaery could control him.


    Early season 4 told us they couldn't control him, but it also made Margaery's motivations more confusing. Did she truly think she could keep him from hurting her and the kingdom when that was very unrealistic (and Margaery is a very realistic woman)? Did her grandmother just keep her in the dark so she'd look genuinely surprised at the wedding? Or did she not trust her granddaughter?


    I feel like someone decided Margaery was too confident in season 3 and that it would make it more difficult to believe the future stories where Cersei goes on a rampage against her and she goes on trial. 


    For whatever reason, Margaery seemed very one-dimensional this past season, stripped of almost all of her interesting relationships (we should have had more of her with Loras to make up for Olenna and Sansa being gone), and she sometimes seemed very grasping and silly. We kept hearing about the threat the Tyrells posed, but we mostly just saw a few awkward, if well-acted, scenes with Margaery and Tommen.


    Maybe the speculation that Margaery loses her trial and dies is right, and they're preparing us for that so we won't care when it happens.


    That's the opposite of what they would do. They want us to care a lot when people die.


    Look at Oberyn, they spent so much time making him even cooler than he was in the books.

    • Love 1
  21. It's harder to make a good line up if the organizer in question is Cersei Lannister during AFFC and the two most competent people she approaches to be Hand turn her down. She basically only has Tyrell and Lannister men and bannermen to choose from but it doesn't seem like there are too many good combinations and all the best ones are Tyrell heavy.

    Hand = Randyll Tarly (The war isn't ending any time soon so that's why I'd choose a hard ass like him over the more likeable Mathis Rowan.)

    Laws = Daven Lannister

    Ships = Paxter Redwyne

    Coin = Littlefinger (command him to return)

    Grand Maester = Marwyn (I reason that Qyburn could have told her about him.)

    Whisperers = Qyburn

    LCKG = Jaime

    No matter what the scenario I find Whisperers and Coin to easily be the most difficult posts to fill.


    Not to question anyone's choices, this is just for funsies after all. But it wouldn't matter if Cersei knew about Marwyn or not. The Grand Maester is chosen by the Citadel's Conclave, not by the King/Queen. That's why Tywin reinstates Pycelle, because if he stays imprisoned it is rumoured they would select a (former) member of House Tyrell to replace him.


    So you could pick anyone you want as Grand Maester, and it wouldn't need to be limited by allegiences to the rular.

  22. Female court was fun, now for an animal court!


    King: Drogon - Who else?


    Hand of the King: Ser Pounce - He knows the capital well and his council should be heeded.

    Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Shaggydog - Vicious and loyal, the best of both worlds in your first protector.

    Master of Coin - Viserion - A gold dragon, who better to find other gold dragons?

    Mistress of Laws - Lady - One so well behaved will uphold the laws so that all are well behaved.

    Master of Ships - Rhaegal - Burn the ships! Burn them all!

    Master of Whispers - Ghost - Silent and undetecable, the best choice for a spymaster.

    Grand Maester - Mormont's Raven - No need for a rookery, he'll carry the messages himself. And he'll do it for corn!

    • LOL 1
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  23. This isn't really news about Game of Thrones, but an Oklahoma politician accused his primary opponent of being a lookalike who murdered the real Congressman to impersonate him. Esquire's GoT man analyzed this accusation by comparing it to the Faceless Men, minor spoilers for the likely book location of the man formerly known as Jaqen H'ghar.


    Fascinating, this guy sounds like he might have a real life instance of capgras delusion, or a variation of. I've read about it but never seen a real example.

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