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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Merely being a Targaryen doesn't = fireproof. As evidenced by Viserys' demise :)

    As Joffrey pointed out to Margarey whilst giving her a tour of the Sept of Baelor (S3E04), "Over there in that urn, the ashes of Aerion Targaryen. Aerion Brightflame they called him. He thought drinking wildfire would turn him into a dragon: he was wrong."


    I was always curious about Aerion Brightflame's demise.


    They say he died from drinking wildfire, but that doesn't necessarily mean he burst into flames does it? From what we know about wildfire it needs a spark to start burning. I mean I would die from drinking gasoline and nobody would need to set it on fire.


    I guess saying his ashes are in the urn clears it up a bit, but it seems that a lot of families support cremation as a means of body disposal, I'm almost positive the Targaryens would, so it's still not certain.

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  2. Why did Viserys die from fire if he is a Targaryen? Or is that a spoiler?


    It's not really a spoiler. It's not really addressed directly in the books, and I believe GRRM answered this question in an interview or comic-con panel or something. It doesn't spoil any future plotlines, but I'll tag it anyway cause it's not discoverable from just watching the show.


    GRRM has said that what happened to Dany when the dragons were born is a one time deal. Targaryens do not have a natural immunity to fire and that includes Daenerys, she was just immune to fire at that moment due to magic, essentially.


    The following are minor book spoilers, that also do not spoil future plotlines.

    Aegon V and his son Prince Duncan died in a fire, despite being Targaryens, and later on in the series Dany gets blisters on her hands from getting too close to dragonfire.

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  3. Ok so is it?

    Master Aemon ____(sibling) ____ Aegon ---- (wife) ---- Rhaella



    Elia Martell (wife)---- Rhaegar ___ (sibling) ____ Viserys (sibling) ___Danerys



    (Issue killed by Mountain)

    Oy....the formatting got all messed up.


    You're slightly off.


    Aegon was not married to Rhaella. His son Aerys II (The Mad King) was married to Rhaella.


    Rhaegar, Viserys and Daenerys are the children of Aerys II, not of Aegon.

  4. Agreed. She should be older. It would work too because half the Northern Lords know it's a farce anyway.


    And even the ones that don't, it's acceptable. It's not like they are visiting Winterfell frequently and checking up on Ned's kids and they wouldn't be too occupied by the age of Ned Stark's youngest daughter, not until she comes of age and they can start asking for her hand. And Ned wasn't even entertaining offers for Sansa. He only agreed to marry her to Joffrey because it was the King who was asking.


    So if they age Fake Arya up to Sansa's age it would be totally believable.

  5. There is obviously a book canon explanation for this if you want to know:

    Aerys and Rhaella hated each others guts and did just do their duty with Rhaegar. When Aerys later became more and more unstable he started to rape Rhaella again, Viserys and Dany ensued.


    Not only that:

    He only raped Rhaella after he had finished executing someone by burning them alive.  He needed the fire to get hard. I guess he only did that sometimes and not super frequently, that's why Viserys wasn't born until much later.

    • Love 1
  6. I am wondering if they will include the Fake Arya story, tho I'm also not sure how they leave it out. I couldn't read the Reek chapters in Book 5 it was so disturbing. And after the outcry from the Jaime/Cersei rape scene, I wonder if Ramsey, a guy who makes Joffery looks warm and fuzzy, sexually/physically/mentally abusing a 12 year old girl, a stand in Arya no less, might be a bridge to0 far for viewers.


    I think they need to stick with the Fake Arya story.


    How else will they trigger the Battle of Winterfell? Or Jon's men turning on him? Fake Arya is a big part of those storylines.


    I do think they'll tone it down, probably a lot. I mean there is some truly just disturbing stuff in those chapters that I don't think will make it past even the most liberal of censors.

  7. Well, Rhaegar's wife was married to a Martell, so at some point they must have stopped inter-marrying.


    Rhaegar's only female sibling was Daenerys, and she was born after he had already had two children of his own.


    At a certain point practicality has to set in. He might have married his sister if he had a sister who was only a few years younger/older than him.

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  8. My guess is that the final scene will be either by LSH or Dany learning her dragons have killed a child.   Hoping for LSH


    I may be in the minority, but I don't really care one way or the other if we get the Tysha confession.  I'd be OK with the time spent instead on whether Shae was always a Tywin spy and faking her emotions, as I'm going to need something to make it plausible that Tyrion would be driven to kill her, beside just a sudden fit of rage.  


    I'm also really hoping they don't clearly and unambiguously kill off the Hound.  I'd like for the gravedigger theory to be correct and to see him in future episodes.  It just seems like a waste of good character to have him die from some random wound.  


    I don't really care about the Tysha confession for it's own sake, but I'd like it to happen because I want Tyrion to cop to killing Joffrey. "Yes I killed your vile son!"


    That will be such an amazing scene.


    I also really hope we get the gravedigger confirmation. That's where the Hound needs to end up.

  9. I'd like to see Sansa also, even if it's just a dialog-free scene of her, Littlefinger and Robin at a feast hosted by some anonymous Vale lord. 


    As far as Harry the Heir, I get the feeling that D&D have combined the characters "Harrold Hardyng" and "Robin Arryn" into a new character named "Robin Arryn".  The story of how Harry is next in line for the lordship of the Vale is too complex for casual viewers to follow -- it's like the plot to that John Goodman movie King Ralph. Plus show!Robin is a) older and b) less sickly than book!Robin.  Now that Lysa is out of the picture, Littlefinger can mold him into a suitable lord of the Vale and husband for the heir of Winterfell.


    (I just realized where GRRM got that plot; it's George I inheriting the crown of Great Britain from his distant relative Anne).


    I really hope that isn't the case.


    One of the upcoming quandries for Sansa that I see hinges on the existance of a Harry

    namely whether or not she will let Robin die, in order to further her/Littlefingers agenda. If there's no Harry it kind of ruins it. Also it'll be all the more tempting for Sansa if Harry is the dashing Lord that she's always dreamed of.

  10. Plus, I have this theory, based on nothing, that Rickon will end up as Lord of Winterfell. I'm not saying Bran will die, just that he may decide that he can't be Lord of Winterfell and do whatever it is that Bran feels he needs to do.


    I tend to agree.


    I always felt that once Bran went beyond the Wall he was not coming back. And even if he does come back, he won't be the same, I don't know that he would want the Lordship. He might easily abdicate and leave it to Rickon.

  11. Well I'm looking forward to these, assuming that #8 means Tyrion Tyrion Tyrion (re: Tysha & Tywin).

    I need at least one minute of Sansa though. Preferably a bit more. 


    I'm hoping for some Sansa too.


    I was always hoping we'd get the scene of her descending the mountain with Randa Royce, it's one of my favourite Sansa chapters, but I don't think we'll have time. Also leaving the audience with a taste of Harry the Heir would be nice. Give Sansa a little upswing after leaving her in dispair the last 3 seasons.


    Also I wouldn't mind a minute with Jorah, maybe a shot of him in a Lysene (or if they really want to stick with the books Selhorene) pleasure house with a platinum blonde whore.

  12. So, what does everybody think about Kit Harrington's interview with ABC, wherein he says he 'may be out of a job' after this episode?  Trolling, or...






    If you watch the video it's more like "They'll get mad and fire me for spoiling" than "My character is going to die"


    But it's a bit funny that some people will probably take it in the spirit of the latter.

    • Love 1
  13. Granted!


    Luckily for Joffrey, Qyburn had been present at the wedding, and being a travelling non-Maester he had all of his antidotes on a small kit he always kept on his person, Lord Roose had always insisted he had to be prepared for anything, the Boltons were rough while interrogating prisoners of war, and while a flayed man had no secrets, a dead man could tell none.


    In any case the young king was saved and life went on in King's Landing. When King Stannis marched his men to the gates in a second attempt to take the capital Jaime led the van and broke the Baratheon host. Joffrey commanded everyone but Lord Stannis put to the sword, and the streets of the capital ran red with stag's blood. For Stannis, Joffrey allowed mercy, he said he would return his uncle to his Red God. He roasted Stannis as the Mad King had roasted Rickard Stark before him and laughed as the Mad King had laughed.


    With Stannis' death peace returned to Westeros and Joffrey was hailed by the small folk for his victory. He would rule for another 40 years before the Dragon Queen across the sea finally (I mean FINALLY) bestirred herself from her city state of Meereen. As the dragons were spotted above Blackwater Bay his councilors begged the King to sue for peace. Joffrey, of course, refused, saying "If the dragon bitch wants my city, she can burn it down to get it and rule over ashes. She can burn them all."


    When Lord Commander of the Queensguard Jorah Mormont entered the Red Keep, he found the 80 year old Jaime Lannister sitting the Iron Throne, his hair had silvered, and Ser Jorah thought that he almost looked like one of the dragon kings of old, so much the ease in which he sat. The body of Joffrey I Baratheon lay at the bottom of the steps, the blood running freely from the wound in his back.


    Ser Jaime smiled as the northern Lord approached the throne and told him to get up.


    I wish that Hot Pie had uncharacteristically given up on the gravy

    • Love 1
  14. It is still a lot more likely that Aegon is fake, because if you can smuggle a baby out of there you could also smuggle the 5 year old girl.


    I don't know about that argument.


    Remember that according to the story, Aegon wasn't smuggled out right away. Varys made the switch, hid him away, possibly in the Red Keep itself, it's been shown he knows a lot of places everyone else doesn't, and then smuggled him across the Narrow Sea after the heat had died down and nobody was looking for Aegon, because Aegon was dead at the hands of Gregor Clegane.


    Also they could have smuggled Rhaenys out, but they'd have to find a girl that looked similar to her (which would've been a 5 year old with Dornish colouring, not quite as rare as a Targ, but still probably not common.) Tywin (and I'm sure many other people like Pycelle and Jaime) would have been able to pick Rhaenys out of a lineup, maybe not so much with baby Aegon (definitely not after he had been savaged by Ser Gregor.) and if they didn't kill Rhaenys right away you would need a girl who could and would play the part of Rhaenys. You ask a five year old who they are, and they could tell you their name, you ask a baby and he's gonna sit there and gurgle. If they discovered the Rhaenys they found was fake, they'd suspect Aegon was as well and they wouldn't have given up searching for him, making escape across the Narrow Sea much harder.


    Also if Rhaegar was the one who ordered the switch you might posit that he simply cared more for Aegon, he did think Aegon was the Prince that was Promised after all. If all he was thinking about was the prophecy (which might hold true to Rhaegar's character) he might have only ordered Varys to save Aegon, or he might have told them that Aegon's safety came first, even if that meant Rhaenys would die.

    • Love 3
  15. It was Aemon's younger brother, Aegon, that was the unlikely heir, being the 4th son of a 4th son.  Aemon turned down the crown after being selected by the Great Council to be king and his brother Aegon became the unlikely king, Aegon V, Aegon the Unlikely.  Aemon decided to join the Night's Watch after that so he could not be used in a plot to usurp his younger brother's crown.  


    The show however made it unlikely that Aemon would be king because they changed his parentage to simplify his relationship to Danaerys so show viewers wouldn't be confused I guess.  Aemon was an uncle to the Mad King Aerys in the books, but in the show they say he was Aerys' brother.


    He is the uncle of the Mad King in the show.




    "My father was Maekar, first of his name. My brother Aegon reigned after him when I had refused the throne, and he was followed by his son Aerys, whom they called the Mad King"

  16. Wow for the Emmy noms. They submitted the season finale for writing and direction, Guess they have a lot of faith in the finale. Better get our hopes up!


    I'm a little disappointed not to see Alfie Allen in the supporting actor category. I think he outperformed Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Kit Harington this season, even if he was in fewer scenes. Really hope Sophie Turner gets the nod for supporting actress this time around, but if it's anyone it'll be probably be Clarke again.

    • Love 1
  17. Extended Preview!




    Significantly more spoilery than the other one.

    Specifically the scene of Tyrion running down the corridor. I think it looks like Jaime with him.


    If it is Jaime good thing he's getting some sweet action from Cersei this episode, those legs are gonna snap shut if she finds out he let Tyrion go.

    • Love 1
  18. It's also annoying to know that even as late as the epilogue of ADWD we know that Kevan is a very rich man and that there isn't really any reason to think that the Lannisters should be so dependent on the mines for the majority of their finances. I'm sure they make money in a variety of different ways and have done for years so I'm not really seeing how it's logical or necessary to introduce the idea that Tywin is struggling financially.


    I agree.


    It's stupid for the show to outright state that the Lannisters make all their money off of mining gold, they aren't Lord of the Rings style dwarves. That is where they started, no doubt, but they also own the third biggest port city in the Kingdoms, Lannisport (IIRC) is second only to Oldtown and King's Landing in size, and the Westerlands border the Riverlands and the Reach, probably the two biggest suppliers of food and other goods in the Kingdoms. The Lannisters should logically be titans of trade.


    Unless Tywin is a colossal idiot (and we've obviously seen he is not) he should have started diversifying his interests, especially when the mines started running dry. Even if he's lending (read: giving) money to Robert with no return (also a stupid thing we would never expect Tywin to do) he should be able to keep his coffers full based on the strategic position of his Kingdom.

    • Love 2
  19. I love Pedro but a drug show?  Really?  Gorgeous actor of South American descent and that's what he gets offered?  Gah.  


    I'm hopeful.


    Netflix shows have been great lately. Also I can binge watch all 12 episodes and then start missing Pedro Pascal again.


    What's wrong with a drug show? Also is 'drug show' a genre now? I mean I know there's Weeds and Breaking Bad, but I didn't think it was a genre yet.

  20. That's a good idea - I've been wondering if the fake Arya storyline was going to happen.


    I think it is going to happen.


    After Ramsay takes Moat Cailin, Theon/Reek asks if they are going home and Ramsay says "To our new home." I assumed he meant Winterfell. And it looks like Winterfell they are riding to in the distance when he tells Reek that he'll "be needing a bath."


    The only logical reason for them to be going to Winterfell is for the wedding, and perhaps he needs that bath for his impending nuptials?


    Finally just as the showrunners never take out anything that makes us feel sorry for Tyrion, I doubt they will ever take anything out that makes Ramsay seem like a detestable monster, and the torture of Jeyne Poole is clearly his most horrible act to date.

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