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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. I'd really have to think about most of them but I would put Jaime Lannister as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard because he will put down a King if he absolutely has to.  Sam as Grand Maester.


    You know that's typically not a good thing about the Lord Commander. "Oh he'll totally kill the guy he is sworn to protect."


    Anyway, let's go all female. That sounds fun.


    Queen Daenerys I Targaryen - Not that she'd be a great Queen, but it's an easy choice, out of the girls we know.


    Hand of the Queen - Catelyn Stark - Honorable enough not to go super evil, probably shrewd enough not to Ned Stark it all up.

    Lady Commander of the Queensguard - Brienne of Tarth - Another easy choice, out of the girls we know.

    Mistress of Laws - Ellaria Sand - Let's get some more progressive laws in all of Westeros. Bastard Rights! Female Rights!

    Mistress of Coin - Sansa Stark - Littlefinger Trained, Littlefinger Approved.

    Mistress of Ships - Yara/Asha Greyjoy - Yet another easy choice, out of the girls we know.

    Mistress of Whispers - Olenna Tyrell - Just as sneaky as Varys and with all her parts intact. 

    Grand Maestress - Melisandre of Asshai - Got all the potion work down, and with magic to boot. Better than your garden variety Maester.

    • Love 9
  2. No, not at all. This school is called John Quincy Adams, which I think is quite cute.


    Also on BMW, it's John Adams High School (the middle school Cory and co. attend is Jefferson Elementary), the school Riley attends is John Quincy Adams Middle School.

  3. I just looked and I'd say probably yes.



    For sure, he's got the neurosis down. Early BMW was pretty Disney-esque before it became the BMW that most people really enjoyed. 


    I think GMW just looks too pretty. BMW seemed very "normal people" and relatable, even looking at their clothing, it was very plain.  GMW just seems so stylish and clean (especially for being set in NYC).


    I hear that.


    I've been to the Bleecker St subway station. and it is not that nice. And the people definitely are not that nice.


    I get that Disney's instinct is the Disnification of everything, but it's like they're on Sesame Street.

  4. It's a pilot, so I'm not gonna go too heavy on the criticism because there's still time to fix all of these things


    1) Too many parallels. Yeah I get it, she's female Cory, a slightly neurotic kid who wants to be cool and also doesn't want to get in trouble, and she's best friends with female Shawn, a kid from the wrong side of town who excels at getting both of them in trouble. At least the (starting) love interest is a normal kid with a normal name. I might have been out if it had been a gender bent Topanga. Don't get me wrong, I loved BMW, but I already saw that show, I'm hoping GMW will be a different show in the same spirit, not the same show with gender swapped characters.


    2) Too much Cory, too little Topanga. And again I get it, it's the pilot, they're doing that whole pass the baton thing. I expected Cory to be featured a lot in the pilot as he hands the reins off to his daughter. But Topanga was barely in this episode, hopefully they include her more as the season goes on.


    3) Farkle. This kid is too weird. Minkus was weird but he was just a nerdy kid who was super confident in his nerdiness. This kid is just too much, especially when he's climbing all over Cory. I was confused as to whether he was having a psychotic break or somehow trying to act as an umbrella for Cory. Anyway this kid needs to be toned down. Take him back to Minkus levels and not full blown Urkel. Once again, I get it, typically characters in pilots are much more exaggerated then they are when the show gets into a rhythm. I hope this is the case as well.


    Alright on to good stuff.


    1) They did a great job of playing up the nostalgia without making it overwhelming. Most of the show was about the girls. I could've done with a bit less Cory but I already adressed that above and as many have entioned the "the World" lines were getting weary by the end. Nice understated Feeny cameo. I like how they didn't make this into a reunion show. That isn't to say I wouldn't like to see Rider Strong or Will Friedle or any number of old BMW characters on the show in the future, but to have them in the pilot would've been overkill. Good job restraining yourselves showrunners.


    2) While I complain that the mains are a little too much like Cory and Shawn, the writing is spot on. I actually laughed out loud when Cory asked "What's the opposite of innocent" and Maya was there with "Right here!" It was very much a "Shawn" line but it's the kind of writing I would see on vintage BMW, and that is only a good thing.


    It felt a lot like BMW, and that made my 90's heart feel warm. I'll definitely check out the second episode.

  5. Not exactly the cast, but George had a drop in at Last Week Tonight with John Oliver



    The whole bit is good, but if you wanna just skip to George and the Thrones shoutout skip to 13:30.


    Good news for those of us waiting for TWOW, he appears to be at home in Santa Fe, and he appears to be writing on his ancient computer.

  6. What's funny is that all the things you bring in favor of him can seen from a totally opposite perspective. Rewarding Rolly Duckfield? Lack of political sense, that Kingsguard place could win him support of some lord if he didn't waste it on a nobody. Brave enough to lead an attack himself? More like foolish, overconfident and reckless.


    Anything you can see from two perspectives.


    But I would still maintain that a leader at the head of his army would be easier to follow then one hiding in his castle. Especially as a prince everyone thinks is dead, he needs to be seen, and he needs to be seen as strong and powerful.


    Also while Aegon may have limited himself politically with one appointment he still has 6 remaining. And he knows that Rolly Duckfield will fight and die for him. I'd rather have him in my kingsguard than Meryn Trant or Boros Blount. You can also point out the Dany's Queensguard is filled with Dothraki and Strong Belwas, that won't win her any points with the Westerosi.

  7. Entitled, petulant little child?


    So the child who grows up learning to be a deckhand is MORE entitled then the two who grow up in a nice house in Braavos, and later found refuge for free in a Pentoshi manse?


    Everyone brings up that cyvasse scene like it's the biggest proof of Aegon's character. I would probably get pissed too if someone needled me, pretended to give me advice and then just tricked me into losing.


    Nobody brings up the fact that before that he saved Tyrion, even though he could have just let him perish of greyscale. Or that he rewards his friends, like Rolly Duckfield. Or that he's brave enough to lead an attack himself.

    • Love 1
  8. I didn't feel sorry for Cersei.  After everything she had done, she deserved to be brought low and embarrassed.  The only thing I will say is that she got punished for the least of her crimes.


    Great point brought up that Robert very likely spent the night before his wedding with another woman.  A very revealing thing about Robert is despite how much he said he loved Lyanna and fought a war for to get her back, he was still screwing whores.  He even managed to father one of his bastards at the brothel in the Stony Sept.  He would have continued to cheat if he had married Lyanna...he likely just would have been more discreet about it.


    I don't even think he would've been more discreet about it. 


    Lyanna herself told Eddard that Robert's love for her would not stop him from cheating after they got married. So she knew about Robert's indiscretions beforehand and was less than enthusiastic about the prospect of marrying him. And Eddard said Robert only ever saw Lyanna's beauty, he didn't know her well, and didn't ever notice her boldness or strength of will. This is one of the reasons that it's suggested that Lyanna went with Rhaegar willingly, because he saw her, unlike Robert who just saw her beauty.


    Robert thinks Lyanna would've been a dutiful wife. She would ignore how he screwed around on her and when he finally came home she would be sweet and loving, not to mention horny as hell and every so often she would pop out an heir for him to ignore. But that probably wouldn't have happened, from what we know of Lyanna's wild nature she likely would've been more of a handful for Robert than Cersei is. Now I doubt she'd be screwing around with her brother(s), but she wouldn't have just let Robert do whatever he wanted, and be a painted china fuck doll, which is what Robert wanted.


    To me Robert never loved Lyanna, he just loves her now because he's idealized the beautiful girl he knew when he was a teenager but never got to be with because Rhaegar took her away from him.

    • Love 6
  9. There's one exception to this in the books-the Mormont family in Westeros is known for the fact that Mormon's sister, and her daughters all reproduced without any husband in the picture-thus ensuring the kids kept the Mormont name.  Their official explanation was that they were skin-changers and that the children were fathered by bears.  (Or in other words none of your business.)  Their fellow Northerners accepted this-but that seems like a Northern thing.  I doubt it would work in the Westernlands. You might want to look up the story of the Blue Bard for some context there.


    BTW neither the Blue Bard nor the Mormonts are spoilers for anything so relax.


    The Mormonts are never really discussed in great detail. I don't think they actually use the skin changer excuse, it's more of a slur directed towards the Mormonts, like calling the crannogmen bog-devils. They just made it their own after people started up the japes. "Yeah, we bed down with bears, so you better watch yourself!"


    Sure it could be a "none of your business" type thing, or it could be as simple as Maege married a commoner, or a landed knight, or a noble bastard, easily a possibility for the daughter of a reclusive minor house. She probably never expected to inherit after Jorah was born. If Maege did marry a man of a lower station, he may have taken her name, as the Mormont name would've carried more prestige then his own (if he had one), this would be simlar to how Bronn takes the name Stokeworth, since he has no last name when he marries Lollys. If Maege married a bastard she would not want her daughters to be "Snows," that would imply that they are bastards, so they would've taken the name Mormont.

  10. I'm pretty eye-rolly about the horns, and I don't have a problem with the show skipping them entirely.  I know the show has magical elements like shadow-baby assassins and the walking dead and dragons, but mystical artifacts with magical properties just seems too... deus ex machina for my tastes.


    I don't even know if they'll perform as advertised in the books either.  The Horn of Jorumund is something of fables.  Supposedly it awakened the giants, and can topple the Wall.  Are we supposed to take the legend literally, or is that a metaphor for something?


    The Dragon horn makes even less sense that it will work the way Victarion thinks it will. 

    "Okay, Rhaegal, Viserion, listen up!" 

    [minion blows the horn]

    "Now you must obey me!  What, no, not him, he's just the guy who actually blew the horn, and he's been roasted from the inside out.  But he is my thrall (or at least was until the aforementioned internal-roasting), and you are his thralls, by simple transference of authority you now are mine!  Wait, no, stop eating him and listen to me!  You are mine!  Why are you looking at me like --- oh by the Drowned God that burns!" [Victarion is Quentin-ized]


    It's not who blows the horn, it's the horn's master.


    Moqorro says Victarion needs to "claim the horn with blood" whatever that means. It seems like a blood ritual would be needed though.


    After that ritual it doesn't matter who blows the horn, it belongs to whoever did the blood ritual.


    I was actually under the impression that Euron had already claimed the horn with his blood, and that's why he was cool with sending it with Victarion.


    As for the Horn of Joramun, it was already revealed that the horn Mance had was a fake, I doubt the real horn of winter even exists. It probably just was a fable.


    As deas ex machinas, the horns are a little annoying. But now they are kind of getting to the point where it'll be annoying if this one doesn't work too. Seriously if GRRM introduces 2 Chekov's Horns, and both are phony? That's just bad storytelling.

    • Love 1
  11. I wonder if it would be possible for Jaime to marry Cersei and acknowlege Myrcella.


    Obviously acknowledging Tommen would be a bad idea, given that he's sitting on the throne based on his Baratheon last name.


    I don't think you can do it retroactively. She'd still be a bastard for being born out of wedlock. Although Tommen, as king, could legitimize Myrcella as a trueborn daughter of Jaime and Cersei.


    However it would be foolish to acknowledge Myrcella, it would cast doubt upon Tommen's already doubtful lineage. One bastard apple spoils the whole bunch as it were.


    I mean what's Cersei gonna say "Oh the middle child was Jaime's, but the other two are totally Roberts..."? Like that would fly in Westerosi culture.

    • Love 2
  12. But would Cersei's kids inherit Casterly Rock? The kids wouldn't be Lannisters...they'd be whatever family she married into. It's one of the reasons why, once Jaime joined the King's Guard, I was surprised Tywin didn't just suck it up and put his money on Tyrion (his sole remaining male heir).


    Yes Cersei's kids would inherit the Rock. The Lord's children and grandchildren inherit before any others (unless they are bastards), despite their official last name.


    To continue the line, the heir would usually "become" a member of the House and take the name Lannister. Frankly, the name isn't as important as the lineage.


    So for instance if Cersei were to die now, Myrcella would forsake the Baratheon name and take the name Lannister and become Myrcella Lannister; Lady of Casterly Rock. By the rules of Westorosi inheritance all of Tywin's children and grandchildren and great grandchildren etc. would come before his brothers and other members of the House.


    In AFFC, they talk about how Robin Arryn's heir, since he has no brothers or cousins, is a boy named Harrold Hardyng, because he is the grandson of an Arryn woman. If he were to actually inherit the Eyrie, he would take the last name Arryn and become Harrold Arryn

  13. Dorne/Arianne is good. Much better than Sam, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Brienne, Jaime, Davos...And the only "new" storyline the book needs to keep, way over fAegon, the other Greyjoys, or Quentyn.


    Nothing is worse than Dany in ADWD. Scribbling Mrs. Daario Naharis over and over in her pink trapper keeper while Meereen goes to shit.


    I'd rather have chapters and chapters of Dornish and Greyjoys then have moon faced Dany wishing she could stay in bed with Daario all day. blech.

    • Love 5
  14. Not to mention another problem with waiting for the books is that either you or Martin might not live long enough to finish them...


    George seems in fine health, yeah he's old and kinda fat, but he seems healthy enough to travel, and travel a lot. Most people who are dying are jetsetting that much. And it's uncommon for someone to just drop dead at 65.


    Most people bring up GRRM's death as a possibility because it happened to Robert Jordan, but Jordan had cardiac amyloidosis. If he didn't have amyloidosis he probably would've been able to finish his series as well.


    If you're worried about your own health, that's a totally legitimate problem, but I know I'd be worrying about things other than a fantasy series if I was dying. Anyway people who say George will die before finishing are just being morbid.

  15. Maybe they should have sent Rickon and Osha to Howland Reed, instead of the unknown Umbers. If they are going to deal with the R + L =J business, isn't Howland the only one who knows the truth?


    In the books that's true.


    In the show we have gotten very little information about what happened.


    All we know in the show is that Howland Reed fought in the rebellion and one time he saved Ned's life. As book readers we can infer that he's probably talking about the Tower of Joy, but we can't say it for sure. Also as book readers we know that in the books only Ned and Howland walked away from the Tower of Joy alive, but we don't know that's what happened in the show.


    In fact the Tower of Joy is never mentioned in the show. All the information we get about that encounter is the really quick scene where Joffrey is reading the White Book, on Ser Gerold Hightower's page it says he Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Oswell Whent were defeated and killed in the Red Mountains of Dorne by a force led by Eddard Stark, no mention is made of Lyanna.

  16. My problem with stopping the show and waiting for the books, is that I think I would find myself in the position a lot of show watchers are now. Namely that their book reader friends can't help but spoil them cause they love to talk about GoT/ASOIAF. I'm very good about not spoiling, my friends typically thank me for this.


    But everyone I know watches this show, and it only takes one of them making a mistake to spoil me. I'd rather be spoiled by the show, then spoiled by someone telling me what happens accidentally or on purpose.


    But I also hope George hurries up and puts out atleast TWOW before we get to season 6.

    • Love 3
  17. Equally, isn't that true of all 'children' in that time? Viserys bartered his sister into marrying Drogo; she had no say in it; Catelyn arranged for Rob to marry a Frey in order to make an alliance; Margaery was lined up for Joffrey (and now boy Tommen) to cement those families, Tywin ordered Tyrion to marry Sansa to secure the North etc.


    Men and women have been bartered/sold/traded into marriages by their families for ages. I'm just surprised that Tywin was lining up Cersei for another round of "take one for the Lannister team". I can't really blame her for thinking "hey, fuck you, man. I already married one asshole for you! I've done my part!" ;)


    Is it that surprising?


    She's the Queen as well as the heir to Casterly Rock and she's still of child bearing age. It's a chip that someone like Tywin really couldn't resist. I'm just surprised he wanted to marry her into the Tyrell family. Margaery has already sealed that alliance by being betrothed to Tommen, it would have made more sense to try and marry her to someone else, whose allegiance he was still seeking.


    In any case, as the head of a house Cersei would have been expected to marry again, and conceive another child who would not be heir to the Kingdoms, but heir to the Rock. Tommen would've inherited had Joffrey lived, and I suppose Myrcella is lined up now. But having a single heir, and girl at that isn't the most prudent strategy to continue the family line.

  18. Well, they went to the trouble of having an extra portraying Wylis Manderly in a prominent enough place during the Red Wedding scenes. The only reason to cast a new Umber instead of a new Manderly would be if Davos is just going to find Rickon right there with them.


    Personally I hope they stay with the Manderly's and we get to go to Skagos.


    I wanna see Shaggydog kill a Unicorn. Or Rickon ride a Unicorn. I want some Unicorns dammit!

    • Love 1
  19. I also say read the books.


    I can draw on my sister's experience here, she's all caught up with the show and just started reading A Game of Thrones midway through this season and is currently midway through A Clash of Kings, she has said that after just starting to read the books she is getting such a bigger appreciation for the show, especially since she can remember all the characters a lot better. Now when she's watching with my brother-in-law and he asks "Who's that?" and it's like a fringe character, she's right there with the answer, because their role in the book is more expanded, and she remembers them that way.


    She did have a bit of confusion over the whole Reek and Theon and Ramsay issue since in the books there's like 3 Reeks in total including Theon and Ramsay himself. But overall she's very happy with the books and it has deepened her appreciation for the show; although she does say she likes the books better than the show now, but that's because it gets more in depth in the surrounding story, and also because she doesn't have to wait for the next episode (wait til she finishes ADWD, then she'll learn our pain of waiting...)


    I'd say if you're at all interested in learning about the world of Westeros and all the background stuff and fringe characters, read the books. if all you care about is the main characters it might not be worth it.

    • Love 3
  20. I hope Marg's next black widow mating ceremony has a dress and hairstyle as fabulous as what she did for the Purple Wedding.


    Maybe their old allies House Targaryen could finally come back into play, though the Tyrells better hope for some amnesty after collaborating with the enemy regime.


    To be fair to the Tyrells, they stayed loyal to the Targs until Rhaegar and Aerys died. They only started collaborating with the Baratheons after they had already seized power. And at that point who could blame them? It was submit or die.


    I think Dany would be quick to forgive if they come over right away.

  21. Very interesting interview with D and D about Season 5...




    They also said "Who wouldn't want to spend time in Dorne?"  My answer is a lot of people who have read A Feast for Crows.


    BTW, I agree that after losing two lightening rods like Tywin and Joffrey, the show needs a villain for the audience to rally against.  It could be Cersei but D and D seem to bend over backwards to make her sympathetic.  Can the show (and the books) really build up another big villain this late in the game?


    Well they'll have Roose and Ramsay for next season. If they keep in the fake Arya storyline in all its brutality, Ramsay will probably soon be more hated than Joff. And Roose has that cold calculating Tywin Lannister vibe going on.

  22. See, I think they'll want the final shot next season to be either Dany, Tyrion, and the fleet sailing off from Mereen dragons flying high OR Jon's resurrection.  I just don't see D&D wanting to stall anymore on Dany's storyline.  


    I agree.


    Based on the show's track record I'd expect episode 9 next season to be the Battle of Meereen and also possibly Battle in the Ice (or whatever they call the Bolton/Stannis encounter)


    That seems like the only way they can up the stakes. Double up on the battle.


    That leaves episode 10 for wrap up, which would be Dany sailing for Westeros.

  23. Ha!  Fortunately from what's been leaked so far, it sounds like the show's going to make it a LOT more lively and having characters we already care about, (Bronn and Jaime) in on the action should help as well.  


    Also they seem to be expanding the roles of the Sand Snakes, who are immensely more intriguing than Arianne. Although I do hope Arianne is there too.

  24. I didn't really see that as him insisting so much as him pointing out battlefield etiquette to Mance. We all know what a stickler for the rules Stannis is. He dropped it quickly enough. I know some people have claimed they thought he was pouting but I didn't see that in his expression. Stannis respects courage and honor. Mance did the right thing by his people and Stannis knows it. I don't think he's really looking to humiliate him or the wildlings at this point, since his obvious move is to absorb them into his army.


    I don't think Stannis is looking to humilate or dishonor anybody. But at the same time he can't tolerate slights to his power.


    He said Mance had to kneel or him and his army would be put in chains, and likely not fed. When Mance refused to kneel Stannis really had no choice he couldn't be like "Oh ok, no biggie."


    He definitely wants the Wildlings to join him, but he also can't have them being willful and disobediant. He needs them as supplicants, not as equal allies. A faulty weapon in your own hand can be as deadly as a weapon in an opponents.

  25. So according to TV show lore, Brienne is the best fighter in all of Westeros. She bested Loras, Jaime, and The Hound.


    She hasn't beaten Barristan, No one has beaten Barristan. Unless you aren't counting him cause right now he is in Essos.


    She also didn't beat the Mountain, who I also think has yet to lose a fight. And according to Qyburn could recover and be just as strong as he always was.


    She's good, I don't think you can call her the best yet.

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