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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Definitely. The thing with me is in games like this I feel guilty when I'm mean, unless the person is an asshole and deserves abuse. In other cases,

    like Rodrick trying to talk to a fragile Talia after he wakes up

    if I had to be rude I'd probably cry. 


    Of course one of the interesting things about the game is that sometimes you have to be an ass, to be seen as strong, especially with Mira or with the main family.


    Were the reviews for this better than the reviews for the first episode? I enjoyed it a lot more. The only review I read was the IGN one, which, like the first review, seemed oddly negative and abrupt, like the reviewer was burdened playing it.


    The second episode was rated slightly lower than the first.


    It received a lot of praise for character development, but lost a lot of marks because reviewers felt it lacked in story development

    (e.g. We still don't know what the north grove is. We didn't get any closer to resolving Mira's dealings with Tyrion, in the first episode he offered a deal, in this episode he said he'd consider it. If you took the key from Margaery we still don't know what it goes to. We don't have any idea who the coal boy is working for, if he's working for anybody. We couldn't make too much progress against the Whitehills etc.)


    Also the second episode suffered from somewhat poorer reviews on iOS because there were some glitches when it was first released.

    • Love 1
  2. Done the second chapter now, and again it feels like I'm on rails, rather than making my own choices. There were a couple of sections in this one that felt more like I could have gone a different way, but I'm not sure how much it would affect the overall story. I managed to 

    convince Rodrik's betrothed to marry him, and I killed the Lannister guardsman who tried to kill Mira. I also kept the knife, which seems like an unwise move now. I can just picture Cersei smugly holding it after Mira's room has been searched.


    Still enjoying that story though. However, with this being very much about House Forrester, the stuff on the Wall seems a little disconnected.


    Those choices are the ones I have the most hope for in impacting the storyline. 


    I find I'm drawn the most to Mira's story. I can't wait to get back to King's Landing throughout the episode, I'm always upset when they take me to the Wall or Essos. Ironrath is alright I guess, but none of the choices I make there feel like choices, no matter what I do the evil guys are gonna do whatever they were gonna do anyway.

  3. I think you're right abut the choices not having any significant effect. It mostly changes dialogue it seems. I could see why they couldn't write and animate dozens of different stories depending on what choices people make but i hope there'll be some point in the very end where at least one choice made early on has an effect in the story.


    It's a shame to be sure. I love telltales games (so far I've played the Walking Dead and Fables iterations) and a frequent complaint is that many of the choices don't have a lot of impact in where the story ends up going.


    In the most recent Walking Dead game though there were three very different endings. Hopefully they will continue building on that for this game and the last couple chapters will be heavily impacted by choices made at the beginning.

  4. As far as my impressions of the chapter I think I have a new appreciation for how chilling the opening sequence is. Royce is basically like an idiot teen from a scary movie who's going to investigate the strange noise in the basement. They even split up with Gared staying behind, lol. 


    I wonder why it seems to take a while for people to turn into wights? On the show we see that it only takes a moment for Craster's kid to be changed into an Other but with wights it seems to take a bit more time. 


    What a jerk Royce was to tell Gared to dress more warmly as he flashes his expensive clothes at him. I'm almost surprised that a man like him would even be interested in joining the Night's Watch. 


    Another thing that popped out at me during the prologue are the first family names that we're introduced to. Mormont, Royce, and Mallister. Not one of the big eight. 


    Question: Should we spoiler tag things that happen in later books or later on in this book? I've done so in this post just in case.


    Very interesting points.


    In regards to turning corpses into wights and children into Others. Ser Waymar turns fairly quickly it seems, and yet the wildlings took a while, especially if it's presumed that Will watched them. It could easily be that someone killed by an Other will turn fairly quickly, but someone who dies from the cold might take longer. As to the show and Craster's child, he is directly touched by the crowned Other, so perhaps a touch from him will turn a child faster than a touch from another Other.


    As for Ser Waymar himself, he's the third child of Bronze Yohn Royce of Runestone, and is therefore pretty unlikely to inherit anything of note. A second child might hope for a keep and land, even a decent marriage, but the third is commonly left in the cold (pun not intended.) Spoiler for ACOK

    Even Bronze Yohn's second son Robar, doesn't expect much of an inheritance as we see he very readily agrees to join Renly's Rainbow Guard in ACOK. So Waymar can't expect much of anything


    Another point is that the Royces seem preoccupied with glory, Waymar is not willing to let his first ranging end in failure, he demands the honor of command as his right of being a knight. Glory is available in the Night's Watch, and it wouldn't be ridiculous of him to harbor dreams of being Lord Commander. We later find out that Bronze Yohn is an accomplished tourney knight, another mark of a glory seeker. Spoiler for ACOK

    Just as we see Robar is preoccupied with glory and making his own name as he attaches himself to Renly's claim.

    • Love 2
  5. It was mentioned in the book that LF"s House is so meager that he has no prospects for a good marriage.  Granted, he could probably find SOMEONE who would marry him but he would never tie himself down on it.  The meagerness of his House might keep more people from speculating about him because they just don't except him to secure a good marriage.


    Is it? Where?


    It's mentioned that he can't marry a Tully, but that's hardly having no good prospects. Just because he can't marry into a great house. Many nobles would be scorned if they sought such a match.


    Also his wealth alone can ensure a good marriage. He's currently buying the heir to the Eyrie for his bastard daughter. I'm sure he could do the same for himself.

    • Love 1
  6. That's even worse than his daughter, in terms of clout. Nobody is going to expect a man LF's age to continue on to the end of his life with no sons. She'll be seen as a stopgap measure. I think they didn't do it to make her a more important person. If anything it makes her less important, because LF could legitimize a bastard at any moment if he wanted to. I think they did it so it's less squicky when they start to have sex, and so it's actually possible for him to marry her as Alayne.


    I don't know about that.


    Littlefinger never married before Lysa, and he's pretty old to have never taken a wife. Even Lysa can be seen as a fairly obvious ploy to bring the Eyrie under Tommen's protection, not a marriage made because he desired a wife, but a marriage made because the Crown commanded it. Really I'm surprised there isn't more made of Littlefinger's extended bachelorhood; by all rights he should have tons of rumours flying around the kingdoms.


    He also doesn't seem to be a person who cares very much for his family lineage, he had no qualms about abandoning his father's sigil for his own mockingbird. A man who does that doesn't seem like one who would be terrible concerned with carrying on his family name.


    It's not unreasonable for anyone to assume he doesn't want to ever take a(nother) wife or have a child. 

  7. Oh, I'm sure she knows the story. But I'm equally sure she couldn't make a pie if her life depended on it.


    First off that is not a question of motivation, but a question of ability.


    Secondly, as the Lord Protectors daughter Sansa/Alayne has tons and tons of resources at her disposal. If she can manage to get the Freys killed, I'm sure getting a few chefs to bake a few pies is a task that is easily accomplished

    • Love 2
  8. The idea that Sansa could do what Wyman Manderly could do is ludicrous. Manderly has men at his command and he is a very large, battle-trained man. Sansa is not battle-trained, she's not a large man, and she has absolutely no motivation to start baking Freys into pies. Killing them, sure.


    Sending Alayne somewhere alone to make an alliance would be like the Starks sending Jon Snow instead of Ned, except even worse because she's a girl. Girls are sent places mainly as marriage tokens, and a bastard daughter of Littlefinger isn't even a good marriage token.


    I don't know about that. Old Nan told the story of the Rat Cook to Bran, I'm sure she told Sansa too.


    It's not difficult to connect the dots from there.


    But they could even have like a creepy monologue piece where Sansa tells the story in voiceover while Freys and Boltons scarf down the pies.

    • Love 1
  9. It's just a dream. From the wiki:


    "In the books, it is emphasized that Ghost is unnaturally silent: Jon tells Tyrion that he named him "Ghost" partially because of his albino coloring, but also because of how little noise he makes. In the books, Ghost is completely mute, utterly silent making no sound of any kind. This wasn't found to translate well to the screen, so Ghost makes noises like growling at Rast in his bunk or whining at Gilly holding rabbits."


    It's a wiki. Anyone can edit a wiki.


    In the books Jon even wonders if Ghost will howl for him if he should die. So even Jon isn't sure if he's completely mute, otherwise why would he wonder?

  10. Why include the detail of Jaime being born second if it isn't to make us suspect that it'll be the valonqar? Don't we find out about their birth order in AFFC?


    No I think we find out in ASOS.


    Oberyn tells Tyrion that even if Tywin crowns Tommen in King's Landing, Doran might crown Myrcella in Sunspear, and Tyrion thinks that Cersei might side with Myrcella's claim since it would set a precedent for her inheriting Casterly Rock cause she is the eldest.

    • Love 1
  11. We aren't leaving it open to anything.  GRRM left it open to almost endless interpretation.  Depending on it's final resolution, D&D can only narrow it.


    Personally I don't think GRRM left it open to all that much interpretation. He just tried to misdirect us into thinking it would be Tyrion. And then our own perceptions make Jaime a more likely culprit then Tommen.


    But, I mean look at the quote in context.


    "Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, she said. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."


    Maggy talks about Cersei's own children and then says "the valonqar" so to me it doesn't make any sense unless it's the younger brother among her own children, so Tommen.


    You can theorize until the cows come home that it'll be Arya or Stannis, but it doesn't make any sense unless it's Tommen. Even Jaime doesn't make much sense to me.

    • Love 1
  12. That's only satisfying IF the valonqar is Jaime or Tommen or if there is a valonqar.  That prophecy is kind of a mess, as prophecies should be.  For example, it never says "younger more beautiful queen" it says, "comes another, younger and more beautiful."


    The mystery for the Unsullied would be, "what did Maggy say at that moment and why does Cersei think it's Tyrion?"  


    If the valonqar is say...Loras, who is also a younger brother, or Rickon, or Bran, it's not going to be satisfying at all to use the word "valonqar."


    Even, "he shall wrap his hands.." would be enough.


    So then we're leaving it open to every male in the entirety of existance?


    I think they need to say something about either the valonqar or younger brother. There needs to be a reason beyond her hatred of him that points her to Tyrion.

  13. They could always just leave out the valonqar line and say and when your tears have drowned you (leaves rustle water running) shall wrap his hands blah blah blah and if this flashback is crazy Cersei, why not during that running water moment have various images flash Jaime, Tommen, Arya, Loras, Rickon, etc, with the longest image being Tyrion?


    Yeah...I'm film schooling ideas here.


    That kind of robs people of the satisfaction of solving the riddle though. It goes from an actual puzzle to a scenario where anyone could be the culprit and really you're just guessing.


    If it does turn out to be Tommen, or Jaime it would be more satisfying for them to say little brother (or valonqar) and figure out that it's not Tyrion the Maegi is talking about but a different little brother.

    • Love 1
  14. I'm generally not a fan of prophecies and such but I'm really excited about the Valonqar one because there's been so many crazy theories for it and I want to see what the unsullied makes of it. I think they might change Valonqar to Younger Brother in the show. Since it essentially means the same thing and they can't have the Cersei monologue thinking this is what valonqar means.


    Don't really need her to monologue. I doubt little Cersei spoke a ton of High Valyrian. And even if she did it's super doubtful Melara did. One of them could just ask in the flashback. 


    But I agree they might just change it.

  15. Ghost is mute.


    I don't think Ghost is mute, he just is quiet by nature.


    There's a chapter in a Clash of Kings where Jon has a wolfdream where he (Ghost) howls cause he misses the others and Bran hears the howl and answers him through the weirwood.


    Even if that was just a dream (which seems unlikely) and he is mute, that doesn't stop Jon from feeling his emotions when they are dreaming together.

    • Love 1
  16. that might be why the last time we saw Shaggdog, he had just been gored by a unicorn.


    I think you're reading too much into the wound. Ghost would've been in much more distress if Shaggydog had been mortally wounded. 


    For instance, Grey Wind, Summer and Shaggy howled incessently when Lady died. And Jon (via Ghost) and Bran (via Summer) both get visions when Grey Wind dies.

    • Love 2
  17. Did I forget something from the end of S4?

    What happened to Tywin?


    You must've.


    Tyrion killed him by shooting him on the toilet or the privvy if you prefer the medieval terms.


    "You shot me. You are no son of mine"


    "I am your son. I have always been your son"


    Ringing any bells?

  18. This was really weird. But also a lot of fun.


    Finn's plan to escape was the best, especially  how it fell apart almost immediately. It reminded me of the plans me and my friends used to make when we played Dungeons and Dragons. The first 2-3 steps would go off without a hitch and then the poop would hit the fan and panic set in.

  19.   Richard Madden plays Prince Charming in the Sir Kenneth Branagh-directed, live-action remake of Cinderella.


    Hopefully the wedding in that movie will go better for him.

    This article about an indie movie called Blue Angel is mainly about the casting of Stanley Tucci, but the word is that there's an offer out to Sophie Turner to be in it.  The show has evidently put her in serious dangerous of being typecast as the object of the affections of much older men.


    Especially if there is a Jean Grey/Wolverine (Turner/Hugh Jackman) connection in the X-men movie she's cast in.

    • Love 1
  20. Agreed that they'd probably welcome someone else if by doing so they could get out from under the Boltons. But if Rickon shows up with a beard on his face and no wolf in tow, and no Theon Greyjoy or Maester Luwin in the place to vouch for him, things could get ugly quick. Moreover, if Littlefinger can bring a fake Arya and Jon Connington can produce a fake Aegon, then who's to say that the North by the time Rickon returns, might not be simply crawling with fake Brans and Rickons?


    Oh if he has no wolf that's a crapshoot for sure.


    That's why Manderly is insistant on Davos bringing Rickon back with the wolf.

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