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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Should we be afraid for PB's life?


    God that was weird. I never want to be in friggin Gunter's dreams. 


    It is nice to see Prismo again though. Play that banjo Prismo!

    • Love 1
  2. The Prince That Was Promised is a different prophecy from Azor Ahai, isn't it? It's possible they cut the PTWP stuff but not the stuff about AA.




    Meli seems to talk about them interchangably in the books. Although she seems to prefer to call him Azor Ahai.


    For instance when she is talking about the coming war, Aemon says she is talking about the war for the dawn and asks "where is the prince that was promised?"


    Mel then indicates that it is Stannis, and calls him Azor Ahai. She never refers to him as the PTWP, but by answering Aemon's question she is either indicating she believes he is the PTWP or is trying to trick Aemon (or others) with clever wording.


    Here's the appropriate passage from Samwell V in ASOS


    But all of the seemed surprised to hear Maester Aemon murmur, "It is the war for the dawn you speak of, my lady. But where is the prince that was promised?"


    "He stands before you," Melisandre declared, "though you do not have eyes to see. Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai come again, the warrior of fire. In him the prophecies are fulfilled. The red comet blazed across the skyto herald his coming, and he bears Lightbringer, the red sword of heroes"


    In the same chapter Aemon also accepts the fact that the PTWP should have a sword of fire (which is a part of Azor Ahai's prophecy and not explicitly mentioned in the PTWP prophecy) but thinks Stannis' does not meet the requirements because it gives off no heat.


    In AFFC Samwell mentions the PTWP (but NOT AA) and Marwyn echoes back the lines about salt and smoke and the bleeding star.


    Also later on in ADWD the red priest Benarro mentions that AA is also "born amidst salt and smoke." But he makes no mention of the PTWP. 


    So it seems pretty likely that AA and the PTWP are the same guy (or girl), especially since aspects of their prophecies are similar. Specifically both are said to be born amidst salt and smoke and both are heralded by the coming of a red/bleeding star.

    • Love 1
  3. I've been reading through these posts and everyone is awesome.


    What I'm worried about is why hasn't she been out there with a fucking whip and raw meat TRAINING her dragons? They know her, and maybe still even love her, but if she doesn't dominate they will never LISTEN to her. 


    I would have been out there with a sharp stick when they did wrong and kisses/charred meat when they did right ever since they were babies. And saddled their thick hides as SOON as they became big enough. 


    She has no idea how to wield her biggest asset.


    Thanks you're awesome too!


    Dany has no idea how to wield any of her assets.


    She ignores her councillors, she sends her army to be shock troops, she isn't using any of her huge amount of resources to build a navy to protect the city or (god forbid!) start planning an invasion of Westeros. She created probably thousands of useless mouths when she freed the slaves, and all she seems to be doing is sheltering them, she should be employing them.


    The strong she should have Daario (or Barristan before he died) training them to be actual enforcement agents (police) instead of using her Unsullied (military.) The masons and shipwrights should be producing ships because I assume she still has eyes on conquering Westeros. The smart she should be employing as tutors and teachers to educate the less educated slaves, teach them to read and write and do sums etc so they can be employed as scribes and accountants etc.   


    She knows that Jorah was spying on her, I can't imagine she's stupid enough to think they gave up after he was discovered, and yet I don't see her developing her own intelligence network to find out what is happening in Westeros, or even in her own backyard in Yunkai or Qarth or Astapor.


    Again more opportunities for employment. And she could pay all these people with the money she is using to support them, instead of just creating the welfare state it seems like she is creating. Her city is going to eat itself to death eventually.


    Dany is a piss poor rular and a piss poor mother of dragons and a piss poor mhysa to the former slaves.

    • Love 3
  4. House zo Loraq and the other Great Masters are all guilty of being slavers, and if that's not worthy of capital punishment then Ned is a villain for sentencing Jorah to death. Or what about that time he sentenced poor Gregor Clegane to death without any trial?


    Slavery wasn't illegal until Dany came to town.


    If alcohol were to become illegal today, would it be fair for the cops to arrest you cause they saw you having a drink at the bar a week ago?


    Conversely slavery was very illegal in Westeros when Jorah decided to take up the activity. Ned is justified in humanely executing people by painlessly beheading them when they knowingly broke the laws that were widely known.


    Dany is not justified in cruely executing people by crucifying them and/or burning them alive and feeding them to her pets for going about their lives before she showed up and changed the rules.


    Also while I'm sure Ned would execute every slaver he came across and was sufficiently proven to be a slaver, thereby ensuring the law is universal and fair, Dany does not do this, seemingly executing people at random for crimes they may or may not have commited, and even knowingly admits her own ignorance of their guilt or innocence.

    • Love 4
  5. Are there any spoilers of Littlefinger surviving next episode or this season?

    I mean he proved that he is too stupid to live by giving up both of his pawns and is not really needed anymore. Also, the sparrows in KL might not like the brothel owner and / or somebody might suggest his connections to Sansa.


    How do you know he's not really needed?


    He's gone off book so we have no idea where his story goes from here. I doubt he'll die though, the show needs villains.

    • Love 1
  6. I just don't think that is what the writers are going for with Dany.  Remember these "innocent" people are the same ones who left crucified children at every mile marker on the way to their city.  While Hizdahr's father may have spoken out against such atrocities, clearly he was in the minority.  Furthermore, at least some of these maesters are in fact behind the Harpy attacks.  So while Dany might not know who is guilty and innocent, she definitely knows there are some monsters among these people. 


    That doesn't make it alright to punish people at random though.


    If I know 1 person among 5 is a murderer can I just pick 1 to punish and call it justice? That's what Dany is doing.

    I won't argue that killing an innocent is "ok" but I think when you are killing someone with "blood on their hands" the moral high ground gets muddled.  The men that Dany were taunting had children crucified and left at every mile marker on the way to their city and at least some of them are backing the Harpy cause.  Dany liberated the slaves and she is going to have to fight to keep them liberated.  If you want to take issue with her decision making - I think that is fine.  But I can't go so far as to call the maesters "innocent" like Gendry or Shireen.


    If anyone on this damn show feeds Ramsey and/or Roose to a Dire Wolf - I will likely cheer them on. 


    Some of them are those people who crucified children. Most definitely, but not all of them.


    Look at Hizdahr himself, he's only the head of his family because Dany killed his father. I assume the same is true for 162 other masters.


    She didn't discriminate when she called all of the family heads in, she just brought them all in and then fed one to her dragons seemingly at random. What if that guy had only come to power because she had his brother executed? Should he pay for his brother's crimes?


    Dany doesn't do any investigation, and aside from the one episode she doesn't conduct trials or have any kind of due process. She does whatever the fuck she wants and calls it justice. Well it's not, it's tyranny.

    • Love 7
  7. Daenerys wants to abolish slavery and to insure it remains abolished.


    Ramsay wants to cream his jeans.


    So there is some difference between them.



    Is that the sigil of House Bolton that I see?


    So is your argument that the ends justify the means? That's a dangerous place to go to.


    Is it alright to kill an innocent for the benefit of others? Would you then be alright with Mel killing Gendry or Shireen if it helps Stannis save the realm?


    Or are you simply saying that Dany is less evil than Ramsay because her injustices are done with a greater good in mind?

  8. You know, for being the most highly trained and disciplined fighting force on earth, and the most feared soldiers, the Unsullied are really getting their asses kicked.


    They aren't designed for this kind of fighting. They're an army, not an enforcement patrol.


    I posted this elsewhere, but I'll say it again. The Unsullied are designed to be deployed as a phalanx in open combat. They use spears and shields and support one another to face armies with great discipline and great numbers. In close quarters against guerrilla forces they are not all that useful. It's essentially the same problem the USA troops had with the Viet Cong. The much larger better trained force is being reduced by being forced to fight on a smaller scale without the help of their superior numbers.

    • Love 2
  9. Sam still has that dagger.  What if he places it in Jon's funeral pyre? What if he also then blows the horn that Jon found with the dragon glass and gave to him?  The magical elements of dragon glass have been established on the show and in the books.  And the show included the discovery of the items in the same fashion it happened in the books.  


    If this is so, then Ghost persistently led Jon to discover his own salvation.  I kind of dig that.


    That horn is broken IIRC, Jon already tried to sound it and he had no luck.


    Also in the books Sam takes the horn with him to Oldtown, and the show also seems like it is sending Sam to Oldtown based on the foreshadowing in the most recent episode. Doesn't seem like he'll be able to do anything at Jon's funeral.

  10. I think the idea is that it could be a one time magical event that is similar to what happened with Dany but I feel like there are still some missing pieces. 


    These one time magical events are getting to be very common.

    • Love 1
  11. I like the idea that Bran will save Jon but who is to say.  The idea of them burning Jon's body and him rising from the dead is a cool one and would be pretty much the official confirmation of Jon's Targaryen genes.


    It really doesn't look like we're going to get the Pink Letter.  The book was building up a bastard throwdown between Jon and Ramsay.


    Why would fire resurrect Jon?


    He burned just like any normal person when he fought the wight to save Mormont.

  12. Yeah Ramsey was totally playing "Hey i'm from North, just like you, lets be friends" card, he doesn't understand that what The North is remembering is The Starks and their betrayal by the Boltons/Lannisters/Freys.


    That's an interesting take.


    I just thought he was using it to deliberately antagonize. He's taking their rallying cry and mocking it.


    Ramsay doesn't seem the type to try and placate Sansa or pretend they are on the same side. He's the type to push her until she breaks. Bringing up what Theon did to "Bran" and "Rickon" and deliberately skirting the issue of what his own father did to Robb and Cat, is his way of pushing her mentally.

    • Love 2
  13. I don't think Benjen's disappearence needs to mean anything, other than North of the Wall is a dangerous place, even for one as highly skilled and trained as Benjen.  As far as I can tell, Benjen became surplus to narrative requirements once he took Jon Snow to Castle Black.  At this point, what would Benjen tell Bran that Mr. Tree couldn't?  What would Benjen tell Jon that Jon doesn't already know?


    This is my thinking too.


    Sometimes people leave and never come back. Especially if they leave to go into a frigid wilderness populated by hostile native tribes, some of which are cannabalistic, and ice zombies.


    If we never see Benjen again I don't think that's a dangling narrative.

    • Love 1
  14. That was my first question! After tonight's episode, as soon as I saw his cute stupid face: PODRICK!!! DUH!


    Just had a thought! How cool would it be if Brienne became the ghost of Winterfell!?!?!?!?


    Brienne might be a bit too large to be the Ghost in Winterfell.


    "Who's killing people!? Perhaps it's that impossibly large woman who recently arrived!"


    I'm actually hoping it's Theon. It was unlikely in the books, cause he was much more physically destroyed, but Show!Theon could do it.

    • Love 2
  15. So if Mel is riding off with Stannis, what is going to happen when Jon gets stabbed?  I know readers generally think in the book she is going to reanimate him, so in the show will he not be as badly injured and will recover on his own?


    The show has really downplayed the resurrection by R'hllor.


    Sure we got a tiny bit of Beric, but he's been largely phased out. I'm not sure if show watchers even remember him.


    With the removal of Lady Stoneheart it might just be confusing if Mel ends up resurrecting Jon.

    • Love 1
  16. Making it, in fact, exactly like leprosy, which is surely its real world inspiration.


    You think?


    I always likened it to Gangrene. Especially with the eagerness to go to amputation as a cure.


    I suppose the tranfer vector and the eagerness to quarantine the Stone Men does liken it to Leprosy/Hansen's Disease though.

  17. I think it's transmitted by touch but not everyone touched will get it. It's like how when there is bad flu running around, some people still manage not to get it. Jon Connington got it when rescuing Tyrion but Tyrion himself didn't get it.


    Exactly. Not everyone gets it and, in the books atleast, children are more susceptible to grey scale.


    So there'd be a higher chance of Shireen getting it than anyone else, cause IIRC there are very few children at Dragonstone beyond Shireen

  18. When Ellis looked at Carisi and said, "So you're new here," for just a moment I saw Captain Raymond Holt of the Brooklyn 9-9.




    In fact in the scene directly following that DA Robert Sean Leonard even specifically asked him "How's life in Brooklyn?"


    And I answered "Hilarious and awesome!" on his behalf.

    • Love 3
  19. So the Ice King apparently evolves into some manner of snow bat? No that's not terrifying at all.


    I guess PB also is currently tracking everyone in the kingdoms with those teeth implants and in the future she puts all the Candy People into hibernation too in the Candy Golems. She is starting to get more and more despotic in an attempt to keep them all safe eh?


    A fun episode all in all. I actually find these ones less weird that stuff like Chips and Ice Cream.

    • Love 1
  20. I understood it that there was no semen, but that because the father said that the semen was planted, they surmised that he thought his semen could have been present on her--which seemed like a stretch to me.


    I thought it was just lawyering. 


    Since he was trying to explain away the semen stains, that's the same as admitting there were semen stains. Even if the investigation turns up none, the prosecutor can still bring up his confession in which he admitted to there being semen stains, and then he can undermine the explanation, without bringing up the fact that there was no semen.




    DA: In your interview with the police you claim your semen was planted on your daughter's clothes didn't you?

    Defendant: But-

    DA: Yes or no please. Did you claim your wife planted semen on your daughters clothes in an attempt to frame you?

    Defendant: Yes but--

    DA: Thank you. Now you also say that she hadn't been home in days. How could she have possibly done this? She clearly couldn't have! Did she really plant your semen on the clothes or is that a lie?! Yes or no!?

    Defendant: It-

    DA: Yes or no sir!

    Defendant: Yes but-

    DA: Of course it's a lie! You lied about the semen, and you lied about the rape, and now you're just trying to cover your own tracks aren't you!?

    Defendant: NO!

    DA: No further questions.


    It would be up to the defense to clear up matters. But it seemed like his defense attorney was not only in the DA's pocket but she also thought he was guilty.

    • Love 2
  21. Even if she could control the dragons, I'm not sure how finely tuned they are as instruments of war in a civil insurrection.  I suppose she could torch other pyramids, similar to what happened to Harrenhal, but otherwise it would appear she'd have to destroy Meeren in order to save it.


    They're also patently useless in guerilla warfare like the Sons of the Harpy use.


    That's how the Dornish countered Aegon's fully grown dragons.


    Unless you want to massacre an entire army (Field of Fire) or torch a castle (Harrenhal) dragons are not useful. If your enemy strikes from the shadows and then runs back into hiding there's not much your dragons can do. Unless as you suggested she wants to throw the baby out with the bathwater by burning Meereen.

    • Love 3
  22. Are we completely sure the Sand Snakes won't try to crown Marcellas?  They said they wanted war, but crowning Marcellas queen could still lead to war.  And as I recall in the books, the people of Dorne had wanted war for decades and it was only the head of house Martell that refused.  In the books, he has good reason to refuse - so I'm interested in what motivation they will lay out in the show.


    Ellaria is clearly the leader of that faction, and she seems to want to chop Myrcella into tiny tiny bits and mail her back to Cersei one piece at a time.


    I suppose they could do a complete turn, but I don't see any reason to speculate that they will.


    Personally I think Trystane will be filling Arianne's place as Queenmaker and Ellaria and the Sand Snakes may be filling Darkstar's role.

    • Love 2
  23. I never bought the Tyrion Targaryen theory.


    The books go out of their way to emphasize that Tyrion is the most like Tywin out of the three Lannisters. And it's not like Jon where there are several clues to his "true identity." All there is are little throwaway lines about Aerys coveted Joanna.


    Tyrion's angst at never being accepted by his family and also being the most like his father, especially the parts his father values in himself and also still being tied to their fortunes and legacy is part of what makes his character sympathetic. It's not as interesting if he's not a Lannister IMO.


    Also I like the love story between Tywin and Joanna, since that is one of the few things that humanizes Tywin. Her being raped and concealing that from Tywin, or worse yet willingly sleeping with Aerys taints that horribly.

    • Love 5
  24. Dumb question: I couldn't watch the fight scene since they had given Barristan all of the 'character death' hallmark moments beforehand and I've seen TV before. Discussing it with a coworker today, he said it wasn't actually clear that Selmy is dead. That isn't the impression I've gotten here (although it sounds like Grey Worm is a maybe). Is my coworker being unreasonably optimistic?


    Very unreasonably.


    He got a sword to the chest and there was a lot of blood. He's almost certainly done.


    Grey Worm is visibly breathing at episode's end, Barristan is not.

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