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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. The only real positive I can draw from this episode are the Emily and Ren segments. I just couldn't help being delighted when they high five after figuring out the elevator lock and key.


    I think this might just be Ren carrying his partner though, because I also loved the Miko and Ren segments in the early parts of the season.


    It's not quite the same but I get a lot of Season 1 Hiro vibes from Ren, it doesn't matter how dire the situation or how high the stakes, he and his partner accomplish even the smallest goal and then they have a little celebration (Yatta!) and I buy it, it's just fun and wonderful. IMO the only time this miniseries has succeeded at capturing what made the old Heroes great are the segments with Ren.

    • Love 4
  2. I feel like there is a lot of potential set up for something coming out of the sea, but I really don't know what. I mean, he's set up merlings as a potential thing, but I don't really think they're going to show up in the series.

    Then again, I didn't believe the Children of the Forest we're going to make an appearance either, so what do I know?

    Between the Drowned God and Patchface (both his ramblings and his "origin story"), I don't know. It feels like Cthullhu is living in the oceans around Westeros, but it also doesn't feel like there's been enough set up for something quite that big. Oh, and the Seastone Chair's odd backstory, too.

    So I'm in a weird position where it really feels like there's some set up, but there's nothing that really specifically matches what has been set up, and for it to be something that has remained unspecified thus far makes it feel like there hadn't been enough set up for it not to come out of left field.

    I don't know what's up with the water in this story, basically.


    Could be a Sea Dragon?


    We know they actually did exist historically at least because of the bones of Nagga where they held the Kingsmoot on Old Wyk.


    There have been a lot of hints of dragons other than Dany's three, like the one that was possibly dormant in Winterfell's crypts.


    I don't know if I buy these theories, but they'd be fun curveballs for GRRM to work in.

    • Love 1
  3. That was fun.


    Jake is simultaneously a terrible father (putting tons of pressure on Viola to validate himself as a parent) and a great father (being just as pumped that she ran the effects as if she was the lead). So now we've visited with Jake Jr, TV, Kim Kil Whan and Viola. Just waiting for Charlie to get her own episode.

  4. Season five made me wonder how much in detail GRRM actually has his ending planned out and in that case how much he has shared with the show runners. The way they included Dorne or the north plot made it seem like they felt it important to have it in there but they had no idea why.

    I suppose GRRM does have the general ending about what's going to happen with the wall and who's gonna end up on throne, what will happen to the main five characters. But I doubt he has decided how everything he has introduced is supposed to pay off. Like what every iron born or northern lord is going to be up to. He introduces so much new players and concepts all the time. Figuring out how to include all his different ideas into the end game is probably what's taking so long.


    I actually think he has the ending very planned out, and that's the big problem.


    I could be wrong, but the way Martin writes it seems like he plots out the HUGE events (Ned's Death, Red Wedding, Battle of Meereen etc) and decides how he wants the characters positioned, and then he tries to write them there with almost no planning whatsoever.


    When things aren't fitting and the characters aren't getting to where they need to be to fill out these scenarios, he doesn't adjust the event he has planned, instead he goes backward and rewrites the character arc trying to ram it into continuity.


    This is why Dance of Dragons took so long with the fabled "Meereenese Knot". He needed everyone to arrive in Meereen at a specific time in order to kick off the battle how he wanted and it just wasn't working, but instead of just changing the Battle, he instead decided to fiddle with the previous chapters written to ram the characters where they needed to be for his Battle to take place.


    This is also the problem with following so many characters, we know where literally hundreds of characters are if we choose to look into it. They can't just appear somewhere else as needed, we need to know how and why they got there or else the story won't make sense.


    To draw back into the Harry Potter comparison: JK Rowling doesn't need any justification of why or how minor characters are where they are, the only ones we really know the locations of most of the time are Harry, Ron and Hermione. If she needs Dumbledore, or Neville Longbottom, or Sirius Black in the scene she can just have them arrive in the scene, and have them explain what they were doing retroactively. Also they are magicians who can teleport, so that also clears up any issues of time in getting to different locations.

  5. Did not like the trailer.


    It definitely feels more like Guardians of the Galaxy than Star Trek. Not that there's anything wrong with Guardians, it was a fun and fine movie. But when something says Star Trek I want it to be Star Trek.


    It felt like we finally conquered the Star Trek Even/Odd Numbering Law when Star Trek (2009) was good. I guess it's just another anomaly like Nemesis (which was terrible, but by numbering law should've been good)

  6. Anyone else annoyed that they just wasted a 10 commandments murder? 


    Now that we know for sure that John is the 10 commandments killer I assumed the last couple murders might actually have some weight, instead he just kills some faceless cultists.


    I get that it makes sense that he needs to kill randoms to avoid detection, but it just makes the murders boring and lifeless. There are also so many people we curently know in the show who would fit the criteria of "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"


    Oh well, most of this season has been boring and lifeless, i guess there's no reason to change anything now.

    • Love 3
  7. Because March is dead? But maybe there is a way to kill a ghost. I wouldn't put it past this show.


    Even if there was a way to kill a ghost, I don't see how it would be possible to take a souvenir of the murder and put it in a glass case.


    I think he's gonna have to kill an actual person, my bet's still on John himself.


    Or maybe for worshiping herself as a god?  Have they done pride, yet?  (I can't keep the murders straight because, honestly, zzzzzzzz.  These guys are rank amateurs compared to "Hannibal" when it comes to memorable murder scenes.)


    Pride is one of the seven deadly sins (Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Lust) for more on that check out the 1995 David Fincher movie, Seven


    These killings are based on the 10 commandments.


    I: Thou shalt have no other gods before me: Cultist's ears (cause apparently AHS has to do everything the boring way and kill people we don't know or care about)

    II: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image: Brain (what was left) of the guy who was selling (maybe making?) award trophies and also may have been a pedophile

    III: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain: Televangelist's spleen

    IV: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy: Teeth from migrant workers

    V: Honor thy father and thy mother: Twins' hearts who killed their parents

    VI: Thou shalt not kill: ???

    VII: Thou shalt not commit adultery: Adulterer's tongue and eyes

    VIII: Thou shalt not steal: Thief's hand

    IX: Thou shalt not bear false witness: Gossip columnist's vocal chords

    X: Thou shalt not covet: Cop's genitals who coveted Alex, John's wife.

    • Love 1
  8. Any thoughts on who our last two victims are?


    The commandments we have left are


    Thou shalt have no other gods before me (A follower of the Countess? Alex?)




    Thou shalt not kill (Probably John himself. I don't think AHS can resist the urge to have everything end in a nice bow with John taking his own life to complete the "masterpiece")

    • Love 1
  9. That's what I thought, too.  It just seemed way too contrived that Morgryn had that sort of power.  It only made sense if 

    originally, Cersei was going to find Mira guilty for being a conspirator and order her to the black cells. Even so, couldn't they have made an option where Margaery could speak for you and set you free? That would have really made the "be loyal to Margaery" option pay off.


    I think

    there might have been a plan to have a trial, that way evidence against (or for) Mira could be piled up. For example, if you kept the knife that would obviously work against Mira, but keeping the Ironwood Decree would work for her, because it would provide a motive for Morgryn to frame her for murder. This way you could also get witnesses to testify for you, if you were loyal to Margaery she would speak for you, if you told Tarwick about Sera he might speak for you etc.


    It feels like they ended up just hastily ending Mira's story instead. Very unfortunate.

    • Love 2
  10. But the thing is, we're told that Aerys left the treasury full of gold, and that under Baelish revenues have increased tenfold. There may have been postwar expenses, but the government can't possibly be ten times more costly then it was in Aerys' day.


    I think we need to be skeptical about how Littlefinger runs things.


    They say he can rub two dragons together and breed a third, but there has to be some kind of creative book keeping going on there.


    I wouldn't be surprised if Littlefinger was running some kind of medieval Ponzi scheme. The Crown does have debts to multiple entities, maybe Littlefinger keeps robbing Peter to pay Paul and the way he keeps the books make it seem like the Kingdom is raking in cash when really it's not.

    • Love 2
  11. Hey Taco, long time no see! To be cleai was "oh, duhr" ing myself , not the show :-)

    It made perfect sense I've just felt stupid for not thinking of it.


    To be fair to you, they were very deliberate about keeping it a secret. Most of the time you can figure it out because there are more and more clues as the episodes continue.


    Pretty much all the clues here were in either episode 1 or episode 2, and then they made a point about limiting the cast, having episodes where we didn't see a lot of people (or saw them very briefly.) It didn't feel strange that we didn't have more time with the Murphys because of course we wouldn't see the Murphys if it was a Laurie/Tom episode, or a Matt/Mary episode, or a Garvey family episode or a "just Kevin" episode. or a Meg/Tom episode.


    It was a very clever way of trying to outfox the internet community. Most of the time these things are cracked on forums or reddit long before they get aired, because each episode has a clue, and they can't help dropping clues because in most shows the main cast is usually in each episode.

    • Love 2
  12. Another thought, I have to think this game was hampered by actor availabilty.


    I mean,

    the Cersei/Tyrion story thread just drops off the face of the map. I have to believe Lena Headey wasn't available to do her VAing and they weren't comfortable going with a soundalike after using Dinklage, Dormer, Clarke, Rheon and Harrington in their roles from start to finish. There's even a point where Mira can suggest going to Cersei for help against Morgryn. There must have been atleast one scene with Mira and Cersei that had to be cancelled. 


    I'm disappointed. I was really looking forward to explaining myself to Cersei after the meeting with Tyrion.

    • Love 1
  13. Well, after Erica's revelation that she was leaving John Evie having chosen to disappear made sense and we briefly talked about it in our household, but we couldn't figure out any reason the other two girls would go. I felt pretty "ohhhhh, duh" when it was revealed.


    To be fair we don't know a lot about the other girls, they could have problems at home too.


    But think about it this way, they live in a town where hundreds (thousands?) of tourists come through every week looking for salvation and probably telling them how lucky they are to live there, etc. When to them they're just in their hometown. It's no more holy or unholy then any other place, and just because nobody departed doesn't mean they don't have problems just like everyone else.


    If you look at the first episode when they're singing in the choir Evie keeps glancing at her friend with a sardonic look, she's almost singing sarcastically. Her life isn't perfect just for living there. And she probably sings or atleast hears that song like every single freaking day.


    It would probably grate on you if you had problems (even if they were reletively small) and almost everyone you met could only talk about how great your life is because of the town you live in and you had to sing about how blessed you are for living there every single day.

    • Love 7
  14. My heart.


    So many no win scenarios.


    What did you guys do?




    As Asher, proposed poisoning Ludd and allowed my mother to poison herself to let the plot go through.

    As Mira, sold out Sera further to get back in with Margeary, and then sold out Tom and married Morgryn to stay alive. My Mira's a lot like early Sansa, anything to survive.

    As Gared, gave Cotter a painless death by Nightshade, and left the North Grove to head back south (my theory is that Lord Forrester sent me there to rescue his bastards)

  15. Why would anyone assume she was?  People can have aunts on both sides... and more importantly cousins on both sides.  One set won't be related to the other even if all are related to you. Alien society or not, that's just genetics and (admittedly) an assumption of similar marriage rules, but that's how it works here.


    My memory of the comics is that Kara's Kryptonian Dad is named Zor-El (see, it rhymes with "Jor-El"!). That sets him as the common genetic relative between Kal-El and Kara Zor-El. I can't say I understand why HER name carries her Dad's full name in it and Kal's doesn't, then again stuff like that exists in Earth cultures too.


    It's just Kryptonian naming culture.


    Females carry their father's full name. Males carry the house name. Names are not changed when individuals marry, even though wives are formally considered members of their husband's house.


    For instance even though she is a member of the House of El, Kara's mother is named Alura In-Ze, because her father was In-Ze of the House of Ze.

    • Love 3
  16. I never read these comics.  Were the comics so unoriginal that they also decided to have Kara clone Clark's life by going to a different city to work at a different newspaper.  I'm trying to decide if the lack of any original thought is on this show or on the source material.



    As far as I can recall Pre-Crisis Supergirl was an actress in her Linda Danvers secret identity, she did do a stint as a TV Reporter, but I don't think she ever worked at a newspaper like Clark did.


    The more recent Post Crisis and New 52 Supergirls never really got old enough to get jobs, if they did have secret identities it was for what were usually brief stints in either highschool or university trying to be a "normal teenager." Supergirl rarely maintained her secret identity on a regular basis though, and I don't believe she ever went as Linda Danvers in post-crisis continuity, she was Linda Lang (Lana Lang's neice) in post crisis continuity for a while, and she's been Kara Kent (Clark's cousin) in both Post-Crisis and New 52 continuities. Typically she's only Kara Kent if she's staying at the Kent homestead in Kansas or she needed to see Clark in his civilian identity.


    Really the lack of a secret identity was one of the things that seperated Kara from Clark, especially in the newer comics. She really never seems to understand what he gets out of his civilian identity, and she prefers much more to associate with her superheroic peers, like Batgirl, Power Girl, the Teen Titans and the Legion of Superheroes.

    • Love 3
  17. Thanks for providing the extra details. Part of my point was Jake should have been able to trust Amy to turn on Holt if she had done it before. The set up of no one wanting Amy didn't quite seem right given that history. I could see Holt being skeptical because Amy's relationship with Jake had newly changed.


    That reminds me, extra points for this show not turning Amy not being picked into a relationship crisis for her and Jake. 


    The only counterpoint I might have is that Jake probably remembers that he had to offer Amy a weeks worth of paperwork to pull of the most minor portion of his first caper (all she had to do was tell Holt that Jake got arrested scaling the building) and she didn't even really have to lie to Holt, (Jake DID get arrested scaling the side of the building.) When conversely she betrayed him to Holt for nothing more then the pleasure of humiliating him.


    Sure Jake and Amy are in a relationship now, but I think they still take delight in pranking each other.

  18. I don't recall the details of the past capers. Didn't everyone, including Amy, help Jake? I seem to remember he bribed them all. I also kind of wondered what was in this for the teams, other than just a night off. But yeah, I think a well placed bribe could have made Amy loyal to a team.


    In the first caper Jake offers to do everyone's paperwork for the week in exchange for their help, but since Holt had wagered Jake's paperwork in the bet, Holt ends up doing everyone's paperwork.


    In the second caper everyone (except Boyle) agrees to double cross Jake and help Holt just for the fun of seeing Jake humiliated.


    This time it seems they just wanted to have fun, and since Jake and Holt had done their work for the evening they figured it was fine to do so.


    I'm not sure that a bribe would've gained Amy's loyalty, it really just seems like she wanted in on the fun this time and was disappointed when both her boyfriend and her mentor didn't trust her enough to include her. If either had chosen her at the beginning I think she would've gone along with whatever team picked her, if Jake or Holt had taken her on at her second urging instead of both yelling at her breasts I think she still would've helped them. But after the 4 rejections I think she was committed to humilating both of them.

    • Love 4
  19. It was fun I guess. But what I liked about the old Halloween episodes was that it was a bit of a question how Jake/Holt pulled off their heists.

    This time it seemed obvious that Amy would win, which is fine, but how she won was also very obvious. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never did. Just a little disappointing.

    • Love 5
  20. Well that was frustrating.


    My Jays fully deserved to lose. I don't understand how you can go 0/12 with runners in scoring position. Hats off to the Royals, they earned this one with Bautista trying to will the Jays to a win.


    Ok done being gracious in defeat.


    Go Mets.

    • Love 2
  21. When Ren and Miko were in that coffee shop trying to figure out where the Eternal Fortress was, and Miko draws that logo she saw in Evernow so that Ren can look it up online only to discover that it was the logo of Renautus.  But they had just come from a Renautus facility in Midian, Colorado -- so how did they know to go to this different facility based solely on the logo ?  And how did neither of them recognize Renautus' logo immediately ?  That was pretty stupid.


    It wasn't Renautus' logo (that's a stylized R, this was a stylized e (or maybe a sideways power symbol?)) it was the logo of their research division. So the building they went to was probably Renautus' R&D headquarters, and the building they were in before was their corporate headquarters. They probably wouldn't recognize internal logos in the company because they likely aren't used for marketing.


    Ren proclaiming his love for Miko was unnecessary, and a lilttle awkward.  And why does Ren keep shouting "Leroy Jenkins" while inside Evernow -- WTF ?


    Leeroy Jenkins is a meme. In a World of Warcraft video that went viral a while back a guild is planning a very difficult raid while one of the members, Leeroy Jenkins, is away from the keyboard. Immediately upon returning to his computer Leeroy charges in without knowing the plan yelling "LEEEEEEEROY JENKINS!" His guildmates are subsequently all slaughtered because of Leeroy's impatience and impulsivity. It's become somewhat of a nerd battle cry now, especially when facing impossible odds.


    It's just Heroes trying to be funny. I stress the word trying.


    And why would Luke have been trying to buy soda if he was about to kill himself ?  Couldn't commit suicide on an empty stomach ?  Last meal ?


    It wasn't for him it was for Melina. He saw her trying to rob the vending machine, she was obviously hungry, and also probably scared Luke saw her use her powers. By using his powers he both said "I'm an Evo too, so you don't need to worry about me seeing you use your powers" and also gave her a drink. If you notice he doesn't even take the drink even though it does dispense, he just gives her a smile and walks by.


    Miko and Ren suddenly both speak English -- how convenient ?  Could have saved the audience a lot of time by ditching all the unnecessary subtitles up until this point.


    I guess. But they are Japanese. Hiro and Ando both spoke in Japanese when they were with just with each other, only switching to English when they were talking to the other characters in the earlier seasons. It makes more sense for them to converse in their native tongue.


    How exactly could Phoebe choke someone to death with shadows ?  Let alone shred him from the inside.    And to do that to her own brother was pretty shitty.


    They're clearly not just shadows, they have some kind of tangibility since she can use them to hold his gun down too. It also seems like she can absorb power in pretty much all its forms, if she's shoving raw power into his mouth I don't think it's all that unbelievable that it would shred his insides. It was a bitch move to be sure to do that to her brother who was desperately trying to save her.

    • Love 1
  22. So, how did Renautus manage to trap Hiro in the eternal fortress in Evernow in the first place ?  


    And how did they manage to finagle the wire plugged into the back of his head in a virtual environment and somehow connect that to a machine in the real world.


    I'm guessing it has something to do with Hachiro Otomo's (Miko's dad's) powers.


    It seems like he can (could?) both put things into a digital environment (like Hiro and the katana) and take them out (it's pretty obvious he created Katana Girl in the game and then brought her out into the real world)


    Maybe he was also tricked by Erica and then had a change of heart which resulted in him creating Miko to free Hiro.

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