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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. What a great set up for a season finale.


    The AL West and 1 WC still up for grabs. Jays and Royals and Bucs and Cubbies and Yanks and Stros and Rangers all duking it out for homefield. And the Angels fighting to get in.


    I feel a game 163 incoming. I hope it's the Astros and Rangers for the AL West. But the Angels and Astros for the last wildcard would be fun too.


    Halos need to win though to ensure a game 163. Go Angels!

  2. Well, the 'Stros are a little more scary after last night.


    21-5?! That's a football score. Well kinda, it's kinda weird for one team to get a safety and a field goal for 5 points, but still.

  3. Out of curiosity . . . what would happen if the game I'm slated to see gets rained out and not made up? Would I get my money back, or would I get a voucher for the following season? I tried calling the Mets ticket office, but I did that too late.


    According to the Mets website, no refunds are given, instead you can exchange that ticket for a same priced or lower priced ticket or apply the cost (face value) of the ticket to a higher priced ticket to any future regular season game at Citi Field within 12 months of the original game date (subject to availability)




    But I'd expect the game to be rescheduled if it gets rained out. The Mets are tied with the Dodgers so 1 game could very well impact homefield in the NLDS.

  4. Finally! God.

    Michael Kay said that the Yanks are the first team in the AL with 10,000 wins. Is there a team in the NL that has that many?

    Also their 52nd postseason trip, first in the majors. The Dodgers are second with...28.

    Sorry ekb but we need to go in hot so we need to win this weekend.



    According to baseball-reference.com


    The Giants have 10,863 wins


    The Cubs have 10,604 wins


    The Dodgers have 10,577 wins


    The Cards have 10,571 wins


    The Braves have 10,367 wins


    The Reds have 10,320 wins


    The Pirates have 10,239 wins

  5. Naturally, as I am reading this thread Betts singles in a run and cuts the deficit in half. Sigh.


    Don't worry you got this. Up by 2 and 2 innings to go.

  6. This is one of the many reasons why I love Canadians, you're all so nice!  In 1996 the ex-husband person and I vacationed in Toronto and we saw two games at SkyDome, one with the roof open and the other with it closed.  I'll never forget how polite the fans were as it was such a departure from the drunken asshattery that seems prevalent at games on this side of the border.


    I have a couple stories like that, the one I like best was when I went to Fenway Park. This jerk Red Sox 'fan' was swearing up a blue streak at me when I went with my little cousin dressed up in our Blue Jays gear. All the Sox fans around us yelled at him to shut up cause I was with a kid. It was a little surreal being a fan of the away team and having the home crowd on my side. You're alright by me Boston.


    Most actual loyal sports fans who go to games during the season (and not just during the postseason/push) are very nice and I've found it's true in most places. Go to a sparsely attended game anywhere and most everyone will be really nice.


    The playoffs are fun, but it brings the asshats out too.

  7. Is there something wrong with their old fans or do they just need more of them in general?


    I don't think they need more. I went to some of the games at Rogers Centre last week. It was bedlam.


    Some of them are jerks though. It happens a lot in Toronto, for all our sports. It's a very bandwagon-ish city. As soon as any team makes the postseason the jerks come out of the woodwork. I apologize on behalf of the nice ones, like me.


    Speaking of the Jays, looks like the Jays/O's are getting rained out. It is a mess at Camden Yards.

  8. Congrats to the Blue Jays and their fans.  But really, couldn't the O's have scored a couple more runs?  That was embarrassing...  


    Looks like the O's saved all their runs for game 2.

  9. WOO!


    My Jays own the East!


    It feels just like 1992 all over again. I was only 6 then, but i remember being pretty excited.

    • Love 2
  10. If only Yunel Escobar respected the sport more! Then Papelbon wouldn't have tried to strangle Harper.

    Damn foreigners perpetuating that American on American violence!

    • Love 3
  11. Double headers all over the country today.


    You gotta love baseball!


    Hope my Jays can clinch in Game 1. Would love to see all the bench guys come in for Game 2.

  12. Which is impressive since Schur got his sitcom start writing for The Office and on that show they seemed to make will Jim and Pam get together or won't they last, what seemed like, forever.


    You think? IIRC Jim and Pam took about the same time as Jake and Amy, about 2 seasons.


    I guess technically Jim and Pam took 3, but the first season of the Office was only 6 episodes.


    It's really more impressive Jim and Pam got together so quickly, since Pam was in a serious relationship at the beginning of the Office.

  13. When Holt and Wuntch had a petty feud, I could understand the humor. It's not my favorite gag, but I get it.


    But now she's actually for real tampering with is career and the work of the entire department-- multiple departments, actually-- and seriously tormenting him. That's not funny to me at all. In the past, they actually made a point of how she did NOT mess with his promotion or otherwise sabotage him. He only thought she had. But now they've changed it so that she really is interfering. How is that funny? I don't get it.



    I agree. I actually loved Wuntch when she was going through (semi) official channels to mess with Holt. She got him a job she thought he'd fail at (Giggle Pig), then she spied on him using IAB, then she got him a job she hoped he'd succeed at, only to promote him out of the Captaincy. It was a little unbelievable that she had time to bother with all that in addition to her job as Deputy Chief, but it made enough sense that those things could happen and be pushed onto Holt, that it wasn't jarring to suspend your belief that she hated him enough to go out of her way to make his life difficult.


    I'm having a hard time believing that the NYPD would turn a blind eye to her subjecting a recently and highly decorated captain to this kind of behavior though. Dressing up in costumes is a job they could get any uniformed rookie cop to do. Using a captain who just made a bust that can be compared to the largest in NYPD history is a HUGE waste of resources. Also she's been recently promoted, I also have a hard time believing that a Chief in the NYPD could spend all her time overseeing the actions of a reletively small PR group, which seemingly accomplishes nothing. There's no way the NYPD would be happy with her promotion if this is how she's gonna use her time.


    Before it made sense because Wuntch gave Holt a task and then went away. You could assume she was hoping Holt would fail (or succeed) without more interference from her and she was completing her regular duties in the meantime.

    • Love 4
  14. The only problem I had was continuity.


    Taco had already drafted Sebastian Janikowski (and actually a second kicker) when he put him up for auction.


    Come on people, just because it's the final season doesn't mean that you have to phone it in on the accuracy of the draft board.


    I also don't understand how "The Coin" is supposed to work, if every decision is decided by the flip of a coin couldn't they all just keep proposing terrible trades to that team? There's a 50/50 chance they'd accept any trade no matter how terrible.

  15. Does Lucas even like Maya? Opinions on chemestry aside he always seemed into Riley to me, and was cool with Maya but I never got the impression he liked her like that. But I'm sure now he'll be playing it up like he never rode a freaking horse with Riley and asked her dad to take her out on a date.



    It did seem like that at first, but if this episode is any indication he sure fell out of that mood fast.


    I mean how does he go from horse riding and asking her dad for permission to date her to just assuming they are going to the dance together and not even mentioning it to her until the day before? He has to know Riley cared about being asked. I mean Charlie figured out exactly the way she wanted to be asked, and he doesn't interact with her everyday and have the exact same circle of friends.


    Could this be one of those situations where one person is driving the relationship and the other is just along for the ride? Charlie's reasoning is pretty sound he waited for Lucas to ask her and when he didn't he figured there was a problem. He could easily be right here.

    • Love 1
  16. I told the truth, too.  Now Lucan will probably testify against me.  I've read a lot of comments that people are frustrated they weren't offered the choice of Mira giving a significant look or a nod to signal that Cersei sent her.

    I know


    I even

    said "Cersei sent me" at the first opportunity and Lucan coughed so all I got out was "Cersei--" and friggin Tyrion still wanted me to say it outright that Cersei sent me. Read between the lines Tyrion!

  17. How did everyone's meeting with

    Tyrion go? I ended up just telling him Cersei sent me. It seemed like he knew immediately that something was up when I offered him the wine. Stupid Lucan. I could've tricked him if I had gone in without any. It doesn't seem like there's anyway to "win" that encounter though. Tyrion even told me that he doesn't have any witnesses, but that won't help me with Cersei.

  18. Agreed on the part of the traitor. I always suspected

    Duncan, and he seemed to be a lot more suspicious in every way, so it made sense to me that he was the traitor. If it was Royland though it would've made no sense. He had every opportunity to do whatever he wanted to screw me over and didn't. He also doesn't seem the subterfuge type, it seems like he would betray me more openly, if that makes any sense.


    Stupid game

    Sophie's Choicing me at the end like that. I also ended up letting Rodrik stay behind, Asher seems more necessary to me, since he's the better fighter, he's the one who has the army, and he's the one with the connection to Gwynn Whitehill, which seems like it could be important. Still made me feel like a jerk especially after the Rodrik/Elaena scene that happened right before. I should've killed stupid Duncan, his information was useless. I might do another playthrough and save Rodrik, but the way telltale games work I fear whoever you saved in this episode will die in the next episode so the sequel game can start in a place where both Asher and Rodrik are dead. I hope I'm wrong though.

  19. 2 things:


    The volunteered awoke in 4028 with absolutely no problem -- zilch.  No "OMG! I'm never going to see ____ again!!!!"  No mass suicide, nothing.  But the abducted are soooooooooooooo fragile that revealing the truth sends them into deep psychosis.  RIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!


    To be fair the volunteered knew what was gonna happen. It's probably a lot less jarring when you know that you'll wake up in 2000 years, instead of getting into a car crash and it just happening against your will.


    Also in the most recent episode Pam asks one of them how their kid is doing, so it's likely that a husband and wife pair (or even whole families) might volunteer together and in that way at least they'd have each other, unlike most of the Waywardians.

  20. Arys and Arianne is a consensual sex *scene*. Also the one that reminded me why I'm glad he doesn't write very many.


    To give George some credit I think he's much better at selling romance, there are many "couples" I root for even knowing he can't deliver any kind of sexy time payoff.


    You could argue that falls under coercion though.

    Atleast partly, Arianne is seducing Arys to help her in her plot to crown Myrcella.

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