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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. One thing I have been wondering, how much time has passed between the beginning of season one and end of season 4? A few months? Several months, a few years? Its not easy to keep track of the timeframe based on the show.


    Because there are so many child actors, the writers/creators decided that each season corresponds roughly to one Westerosi year. That way it's impossible for the actors to outage their character.


    So 4 years have passed from the beginning of Season 1 to the end of Season 4.

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  2. The Tullys of Edmure's generation have a pretty strong track record in that regard.  Catelyn got pregnant on her wedding night, and Lysa got pregnant by Littlefinger seemingly on the first try.


    Judging by Walder, and the Freys lengthy family tree, I'm sure the Freys are similarly very fertile.


    It's not so surprising that Roslin got knocked up on the first try by Edmure.

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  3. Was that Finn's father? I thought it was the space pirate LemonHope met in his wanderings.


    I also wondered how the comet returns if it hits Earth every time.

    It doesn't return. It reincarnates.


    It's not the same comet that hits earth every time, it just happens that every 1000 years a comet hits earth. Naturally if something happens every thousand years like clockwork, people (well people who live for many thousands of years anyway, like Glob) are going to associate them.

  4. Having the words 'quote' or 'word' isn't a necessity FYI.


    I thought of "Say Her Name!" but that and your suggestion above would be considered spoilery as part of a topic title. I want to use something that  can be in view of anyone, such as someone who is marathoning GoT and is still on S1, i.e. the chicken line I have used temporarily means nothing out of context and isn't directly related to any major plot points.


    Season 1 no spoilers...maybe something from Syrio?


    "What do we say to the God of Death?"


    "My tongue lied, my eyes shouted the truth"

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  5. I was an adherent of the "Benjen is Coldhands" theory, but now I believe Coldhands is probably the Night King or some other character I care not one bit about.


    Benjen is either the hooded man at Winterfell, or he's just dead and we'll never find out what happened. Most likely the latter. And no, it's not a surprise, it's not better writing. It's just indifference.

    I think he does benefit from drawing it out like this.


    I'm hoping we don't get any confirmation.


    It makes it seem more real, sometimes people just die, and sometimes people go out into the northern wilds and don't come back.


    Also Benjen isn't all that important a character. His whole purpose (as far as I can tell) was to introduce the Night's Watch and threat of the White Walkers. He did that fine. You're right, it's not better writing, but it's also not necessarily bad writing to just drop him. Every named character doesn't need to have their storyline all wrapped up in a neat bow, some characters just fade into the woodwork, Benjen might be one of those. I'm not gonna cry foul because Edric Dayne doesn't show up again, he was a colour character too, whose purpose was to explore the "Who is Jon Snow's Mother?" mystery a bit further, he did that.

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  6. I watched a playthrough of the first episode because I don't have a computer advanced enough (yet) to play it.  One question: is this House Forrester more advanced and/or noble than the House Forrester mentioned in the books?  I got the impression that the "clans" had power, but were otherwise pretty crude, like the mountain clans in the south.  Ironrath looks more like I would imagine the seat of a Glover, Karstark, or Umber to look.


    In the game (and I guess by extension the TV series) House Forrester is obviously a Lordly House in their own right, probably sworn directly to the Starks of Winterfell. You can judge this by the fact that the head of the House inherits has the title of Lord of Ironrath. And also that it's possible for their daughter to serve in the retinue of Margaery Tyrell, who was at worst the daughter of a High House and at best the future Queen, a non noble House probably could not hope to get their daughter into Highgarden as Margaery's handmaiden. 


    In the books

    it seems like they are much more lowly. They're sworn to House Glover, where the head of the house isn't even a Lord, but Master of Deepwood Motte. It's unlikely that a Lordly house would be sworn to a Masterly house (whose vassals would probably be smallfolk and clansmen) so we can say that the book Forresters are probably not nobles.


    So in short, chalk it up to another difference between the books and show.

  7. Isn't that a bit of a chicken and egg thing?


    Not really. No main character has been left with a dangling storyline. You can't say "If they stayed alive they could have become important." That's just arguing for eventualities that never were going to happen.


    What I'm talking about is someone who has had a lot of time invested in them, has a definite story path, and just dies, without resolving their storyline.


    The closest thing is Robb, and I would argue that Robb isn't really a main character, because the main characters (IMO) are POV characters (that doesn't mean that all the POV characters are main characters, just that all the main characters are POV characters.) The only main character to have died permanently is Ned, and his storyline wrapped up, cause he's the Obi-Wan (and also the Franz Ferdinand).


    If Cat had died, that would've been one, but she only semi-died. If Jon dies at the end of ADWD, that's another. And both would have shocked me.


    The only POV characters to die so far (IIRC) are Arys Oakheart and Quentyn Martell. Both of whom are not main characters IMO.

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  8. Does there need to be any significance to the 1,000th leader of the Night's Watch, assuming there even is one?


    Isn't that sort of thing from which, theoretically, GRRM steers away?


    I ask as a one-time only book reader who occasionally skims a few chapters from the books (does that mean I'm a sophmore bookwalker?)


    You might think that at first. A lot of people do on first read through. But if you start really thinking about it though, a lot of the surprising moments in ASOIAF have to happen for the story to continue.


    When you think your way through it, no one super important has died yet. With the exception of Ned, but Ned is the Obi-Wan Kenobi Death in AGOT. He needs to die for the younger protagonists to step into the story. Martin just does a really good job of putting him in the center of all the action to start off so not a lot of people see it coming.


    But if you strip everything down, so the Starks are just a bunch of brothers and sisters in a protective family element, for the story to start that protective family needs to disappear. Like every RPG that starts with the protagonist being orphaned.


    Now if Jon Snow makes no appearence in TWOW because he actually died at the end of ADWD, I will totally change my mind, cause I did not see that shit coming.

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  9. I did all the choices. Load up a game to a new save, go back to whichever part, make a new choice.


    (But I actually didn't do that,on any playthrough now that I think about it. I should, at least once!) 


    I try not to replay Telltale games until I've finished the entire story. I find it easier to keep straight what I did before. I always kind of just want to playthrough the first time using my instincts.

  10. LOL Jake. He's such a jerk, but I can't hate him, cause he's Jake.


    I also love Mr. Cupcake in this episode... and in general. He's so friggin buff and his logic that visibility is the best attribute for a leader to have is hilarious.


    Nice to have a Finn/Peebles episode, it feels like it's been a long time.

  11. With Downton Abbey and The Affair being two of the nominees I feel like this could finally be GoT year. Fingers crossed anyway.


    If I was a betting man, I'd bet on House of Cards, but maybe the Netflix factor will keep it from winning. On the other hand though the Globes like to be the first to do things, it gives them recognition over the Emmys, Maybe they want to be the first to give a streamed show the top prize.


    It would be nice to see GoT win though.

  12. However, this tar was boiling - and it caused the skin on Penny's father's face to come right off when someone touched it.




    The burns alone would kill this guy. Covering him with gross pillow feathers and leaving him to walk home? All those burn wounds are gonna get infected hardcore. He might make it home, and he might even make it to hospital. But he's practically DOA.

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  13. Clearly not the worst of the worst.


    But John Stamos played the ultimate deadbeat dad who poked holes in condoms and slept around to have as many kids as possible. Sure he said he loved them but he clearly abandoned a ton of children.


    I believe that episode was appropriately titled "Bang"

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  14. Alright this is gonna be confusing. It wasn't time travel so much as a pocket dimension created in Jake and Prismo's memories. Finn doing the dream ritual in Jake's memories is what creates the multiple Finns and Jakes and a 'memory loop'


    Let's break it down!


    The First Finn and Jake (right now the only Finn and Jake) do the dreaming ritual and go to bed thinking of Prismo.


    The First Jake went to Prismo's memories and fell asleep in the bed, resurrecting Prismo.


    The First Finn went to the First Jake's memories and figured he needed to recreate the dreaming to find out what happened to the First Jake.


    When the First Finn recreated the dreaming ritual it sent a Second Jake to Prismo's memories. The First Finn woke up and followed the Second Jake to the world of Prismo's memories, and another Finn (the Second Finn) was sent to a world of the Second Jake's memories.


    Recap time: The First Jake is now sleeping in the bed, and the Second Jake is still awake taking the path the First Jake took towards the bed. The First Finn is chasing the Second Jake and he is interrupted by Prismo who tells him to wake up the First Jake.


    The First Finn wakes up the First Jake and Prismo dies again, but the Second Jake falls asleep in the bed just like the First Jake did and Prismo is again resurrected.  


    The Second Finn does exactly what the First Finn does and recreates the dreaming ritual again, sending another Finn and Jake (the Third Jake and the Second Finn) to Prismo's memories again.  We see the Third Jake run by right after Prismo tells the First Finn to follow him cause he needs his help.


    Recap time again: The First Finn and Jake are now both talking with Prismo. The Second Jake is asleep in the bed. The Second Finn is chasing the Third Jake and is interrupted by Prismo who tells him to wake up the Second Jake.


    The First Finn is now told by Prismo to stop the Second Finn from waking up the Second Jake. The Second Finn is stopped by the First Finn and explodes and turns into Finn Sword! and the Second Jake turns into Old Man Prismo.


    The episode ends then, so we never find out what happens to the Third Jake (and all the subsequent Finns and Jakes created by the memory loop)


    Anyway. Welcome back Prismo.

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  15. The Phillies/Mets game was a GREAT throwback! Although it goin into 26 innings was extremely stupid, but then again I guess their target audience wont care about that.


    I know right? The longest game in MLB history was 26 innings, and that game happened in 1920 and was called a 1-1 tie on account of darkness. If a game went to 26 innings and tied that record, Cory would be a lot more amped.


    That game would've been epic, especially since it was likely a shutout cause the 9th ended 0-0.

  16. The way the equity structure of Atlantis was made up this would have been a tough deal. Leona held 45%; Her Husband's trust (held for the twins) held 45%; and 10% was public. As the owner and senior executive of Atlantis, Leona would have had to disclose any stock transactions. Any moves to acquire stock, not to mention 6%, would have signaled risk regarding ownership and sank the value of the company. Given the nature of the twins as lackadaisical rich kids, the thought was Leona and Reese would likely be able to keep them in line so long as Atlantis could maintain their distribution. Blair was underestimated.


    But didn't the companies stock already tank after Genoa?


    Wouldn't that have been the perfect time to acquire the extra 6%?

  17. How mind-blowingly stupid is Dot, to think that she could have her other head removed, and walk away just fine?


    It does have a little bit of scientific merit.


    There are reports of polycephalic animals who "share" control. Since they're animals it usually results in weird erratic behaviour cause they refuse to cooperate and the brains just "argue" with each other.


    If Dot and Bette work that way, both might have control of the entire body, but they've learned to switch off and not "argue" with each other. Did they explain in the show whether it's a right side/left side thing or do they "share" the whole body? If that's the case, Dot probably thinks that if Bette dies she'll just take full control of the body. More likely, since they share a set of lungs if one of them dies the other will soon asphyxiate. It happened to a brazillan baby with polycephaly a few years back. Once one head died due to lack of oxygen, the other soon followed suit.

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  18. This reminded me of the mothership episode where some boys gangraped a retarded girl, and the judge made McCoy prove they knew she was retarded, and he did, and the judge still set aside the verdict and let them go. The judge also blatantly violated the shield law by letting info about what she was wearing into the trial.

    Back to this episode, I liked most of it but the end was obviously intended to make us think she was going to kill herself, and once they revealed she was going to do porn it was sad but it made her video not make any sense in retrospect. It would have been better if it was something about how everyone judging her for doing porn (while still watching it) is exactly what is making her have to do porn since she can no longer go to college.

    I knew they would have some dark ending. I was expecting suicide, or for her to be raped again.

    I looked up Belle Knox just now and it seems she has been harassed on campus but not expelled. Wikipedia says some professors have asked her to speak in their classes about being a sex worker.


    I think Evie actually deserved to be expelled (or atleast disciplined by the school). The dean said she was flashing her student ID in the porn films, and that probably is a breach of the student code.


    I don't think Belle Knox ever advertised herself as a Duke student, people just figured it out cause guys who went to her school also watched tons of porn. 

  19. 5) Littlefinger is her uncle by marriage, which makes it incest. That's all I was saying. But she'd better be prepared to keep him happy, or she could find herself sold like Roz. And keeping him happy is going to involve some very unsavory things.


    Incest is defined as sexual congress by people commonly regarded as too closely related to be wed. So it's a societally based charge, not just "they're related, it's incest." In our society usually it's second cousins that can marry with little to no backlash. But by Westerosi standards, it's completely reasonable for someone to marry their first cousin.  By example Tywin marries his first cousin Joanna (who is the daughter of his uncle Jason Lannister) and nobody blinks and Lysa thought it was completely reasonable for Sansa to marry Sweetrobin (again her first cousin), who is much more closely related to her than Littlefinger.


    It's icky, because he is her uncle by marriage and because of his love for her mother and because of their age difference. But it isn't incest, atleast not by Westerosi standards.

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