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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. Walnutqueen, that made me laugh out loud! And yep, when we knew, we knew. Pretty much right out of the gate. I will say that I am shocked that they did not carry the charade on until at least after their first anniversary. TomCat must have really pissed Lu off royally. Lu must be really ticked off, as others have said, that she gave up her countess title - all for a white wedding, apparently. I doubt she can get the title back, but I would not be surprised if she goes back to the count's last name and justifies it that it is her children's last name. I think Lu should go for an annulment - maybe she could retain her title that way. Lol. Sorry Lu but Tom has never come off as a rose, but thorn (and a really prickly one) title suits him just fine. Regarding Beth in the nude - wow. It makes me glad that I am not thin, (just average sized) as while she wears clothes well, the protruding ribs were not a pretty sight. I also find at my age (almost 60) that my face looks younger than my thin friends' faces. There is something to be said about having enough fat to fill out wrinkles (and rib cages).
  2. Ya, I also think that many international airports are not actually in the city which bears their name due to the amount of land needed for an airport. Just off the top of my head, Vancouver International Airport is in Richmond and Toronto's Pearson International Airport is in Mississauga.
  3. Ha - apples and oranges indeed! Or to look at it another way, comparing RHoOC to RHoNY is like comparing West Palm Beach to Palm Beach. They share part of a name, but one is much more enjoyable place to hang out at than the other.
  4. Of course he had power. To move out and take care of himself. He chose to continue to act like a dependent child into his 20s, and have someone else look after his needs.
  5. Depending on which season that clip is from (3, 4 or 5) Ryan was either 21-22, 22-23 or 23-24. If I cared I would check, but my guess is the last season Tamra and Simon were married which would mean Ryan was 23 going on 24. He'd been an adult (at least age wise) in any/all of those seasons for several years. Maturity wise, he is still not an adult at 31.
  6. Ha, I made the same Cruella DeVille reference last episode! Sounds like many of us think their cars are ugly. I was a bit confused when Jim asked Megan if the nanny was qualified, and Megan said she didn't know as if that question had never occurred to her. But the nanny was identified in her first scene in writing as Megan's cousin. So one would think that Megan would know if her cousin has any experience with babies. Personally I think the nanny is just there to take Jim's place since he is away so much. To keep Megan company, look after the baby on and off, and to film with Megan since it appears that the show is moving towards filming family scenes. As cute as Girly Girl and Aspen are, I don't think Megan's one sided conversations with them would add much. Not even sure that the nanny-cousin will. I also don't believe that Peggy knew nothing of Vicki's past history with the cancer scam. And as someone who's mother died of cancer and has had her own bout (and I think I also read the gene?) that scared her enough to have a double mastectomy, Vicki is the last person Peggy should let into her house. Let alone confide in. How desperate was she to be a Howife?
  7. He certainly looked much younger than he does now, and acted even younger. I just wanted to point out that far from being a poor widdle boy, he was a grown ass man treating his step father and mother like his personal servants whose purpose in life was to take care of him. Sadly the only thing that appears to have changed is his looks, and the step father. Not much else. Oh, other than now Tamra and Eddie are likely financially looking after his daughter, and to a certain extent his own step children. I am sure if Ryan was employed Tamra would tell us, since she went on and on about the job he had at the gym. Which of course she handed to him.
  8. Ha! How true. He has not aged well in the last 10 years or so. I wonder what he would look like if he wasn't fashioning his look after Charles Manson? Tamra is so lucky that Eddie is so easy going. They clearly have had many disagreements regarding Ryan as well, including Tamra paying for Ryan's rent when he was well into adulthood and approaching 30. Not sure how patient Eddie would have been had he had Ryan in his life years earlier.
  9. I assume that you think Ryan was a poor little guy, a young teen, because that is how young he acted? Tamra joined the HW series in the 3rd season (filmed in 2007) when Ryan was 21. (I am being generous since Ryan would have turned 22 at the end of 2007). So depending on whether this scene is from 3rd, 4th or 5th season (the ones where Tamra was married to Simon) Ryan was 21, 22, or 23 years old. I think 22 or 23 as I don't think this scene was from Tamra's first season. In any case Ryan will be 32 at the end of the year, and doesn't seem to have matured all that much in the 10 seasons Tamra has been on the show. But he was far from a young teen in that scene. He was an adult who was mooching off his mother and step father and treating them like crap as he did it.
  10. Ryan was talking about his own step kids, and how hard it is to get them to do things. That is when he said that he realizes now that Simon was trying to help him when he was being hard on him, and Tamra said that she is glad that Ryan finally realizes that. But personally I don't think Ryan has changed all that much. What does he do for a living? The only jobs he seems to have had are the ones that his step fathers and Tamra have gotten for him - car dealership ages ago and the job at the gym before he moved away. Now that he is back, how does he (or Sara for that matter) support themselves and their kids? On a side note, WTF were the tattoos that Ryan has on his legs? Ugliest things I have ever seen, though I could only see part of each as he sat on the counter. I frequently think WTF when I see some of the ugly assed tattoos some people have, but Ryan's were even a step above that.
  11. Vicki's TH when she said that she likes nice people? We know you like rich people, Vicki. They are worthy of your attention and friendship. Did Vicki really say that she wasn't going to ask for Peggy's medical records - she wasn't going to go there. Really Vicki? The twit never ceases to amaze me. I half expected when she was telling Peggy that she would be there for her, she would add "If you need an IV in the middle of the night, just call me. I can arrange it". Peggy is an idiot if she has no idea of Vicki's cancer scam over the last couple of years. Not to mention the insurance selling cancer scam she was trying to disguise as a charity last year. WTF is wrong with you, Peggy? Way too much Vicki and Kelly in this epi. FF'd past Kelly's vag rejuv. Don't waste my time, Bravo. Mind you any time Kelly is on my screen is a waste of my time. I am glad that Ryan finally realizes that Simon was in fact trying to help him. From what I remember Ryan was a PITA, and Simon even went so far as to get him a job at the car dealership where he worked which Ryan blew. As I recall Ryan was lazy and unmotivated, and I don't in the least blame Simon for getting tired of supporting an adult who was mooching off him and being an ass at the same time. Being a step parent is no walk in the park, and it seems Ryan is finally realizing that since he is one now. I continue to be mortified for Tamra's daughter that Tamra continues to talk about her daughter shutting her out of her life. Wasn't the fact that her daughter felt Tamra chose TV over her one of the things that drove her away? Awesome regarding the post above about Shannon losing 15 lbs. On Shannon's thread someone posted an instagram pic of her with her daughters from 10 days ago or so, and she looks fantastic. Way to go, Shannon!! Bravo really made a mistake in bringing both Vicki and Kelly back. Besides the fact that they are both vile people, it is obvious that the cast can't/won't film together. Trying to piece together a few scenes here and there with Howives, and focusing on their own families is just not working. I hope your ratings are way down Bravo, because they deserve to be with the stupid casting decisions you made this season.
  12. Regarding the Tracey Richter case - the woman is nuts. And obviously dangerous. Just based on the episode alone I didn't believe her story. Supposedly Dustin comes into her home, steals a computer which he then carries to his car parked out front of the house, then returns to kill Tracey. Oh, and brings another guy with him. But they don't bring any weapons. None. Supposedly death is to be by pantyhose, which just happen to be hanging on the stairs banister, drying. Hmmm, what would have been the murder weapon if the pantyhose happened to be drying in say, a bathroom or laundry room where most people would hang them? The strangle marks to me did look self inflicted. They only go across the front of the neck. Also Tracey had very long thick hair which one would think would impede being able to wrap the pantyhose tightly around the neck. One would think to get good contact the would be murderer would have to ask Tracey to lift her hair. Again, what self respecting murder-for-hire killer arrives with no weapon and then chooses pantyhose? Tracey said that she had no idea it was Dustin that she killed because it was too dark for her to recognize him. However she was able to, in the dark, reach the gun safe in the bedroom. punch in the correct code for the gun safe, open and locate a gun and shoot it multiple times. In the dark. And hit Dustin nine out of 11 times. I did end up doing a bit of searching, and Tracey's motive for trying to set up first hubby was that he was trying to take custody of their son, and also stop paying $1,000 a month in child support. In the 'diary' found, Dustin writes that first hubby hired him to make Tracey kill her (their) son, then commit suicide. Yeah, that seems plausible. Just what a father trying to get custody of his kid would want - for the kid to be murdered. Apparently first hubby did not provide a weapon to use to make Tracey do these things. So pantyhose it is. Google "Dentist - Tracey Richter tried to extort him". She is one twisted person. I also don't believe that first hubby sexually abused his son. Disgustingly, second hubby has to take their two kids together to visit Tracey in jail (he wanted to move back to Australia) because a moronic judge thinks she was a good mother, and deserves to see her kids. Ugh.
  13. I think David Dooley did it as well. As usual when I watch a Dateline show these days I tried to find out more information as so much is left out of their shows. David and his wife had a contract for cleaning the offices for $1200 a month and were also paid hourly to clean the warehouse. The motive was supposedly double dipping - clocking in and then cleaning the offices which they were already paid a monthly salary to do. And I did wonder - if they were both supposed to be cleaning, why was his wife at home? I don't remember this being mentioned but Michelle's husband was second in command at the business, and had had a couple of previous run ins with Dooley as well over cleaning and what he was wearing to work. In one case Dooley told Michelle's husband to F-off. Not that that is of course a reason for murder but there was a history with hubby. Dooley had too many inconsistencies in his stories. One time he told the police that when his supervisor said there was someone lying there (in an area that was dark except for an emergency light) he just took their word for it but didn't see anything himself. (Obviously the supervisor went and looked. So Dooley just stood around twiddling his thumbs? Because if it is dark, how do you know the person isn't still alive and you could help? Unless you killed the person and know she is dead). There was another time he said to the police that he saw the feet of the person and did not want to see any more. He did say he was cleaning near there earlier but because it was dark did not see the body. From what I remember they said there was quite a bit of blood, so one would think he might smell something - blood has a pretty strong and distinct smell. (Unless he is lying of course, which I think he was). Also the wife changing her story? First when she is interviewed she said he didn't come home. Then she said he did. Kind of a huge fact not to know one way or the other. Also Michelle's body not only had blunt force trauma to the head which she died of, but her hands were tied, and there was a plastic bag over her head. Seems like kind of a personal thing to do to someone you are murdering. Now if random dude was the killer, and just happened to still be in the building hours after being spotted on video the night before outside the building, why would he bother to tie Michelle's hands and put a bag over her head? Wouldn't he just get the heck out of dodge? Of course there is no video of him the next morning leaving the property either. Because he wasn't the killer. And of course David refusing to take a polygraph. Why if you are innocent? The others took it. Dooley said that he did offer much later and they said it was too late. Don't believe that either. Dooley was sentenced to an additional 5 years for tampering with evidence, but I can't find what that relates to - seems like it has to be something tying him to the murder for him to get an additional 5 years for it. In any case I thought he was guilty as soon as he said to Josh that when they arrested him "I didn't know what to say or what to do. I was never going home". He starts crying and continues "I knew I was never going home". If you are innocent and are arrested. you would think this is a mistake, they have no evidence and I will be cleared. If you are guilty, you assume they have the evidence to convict you, and that you are never going home. Guilty.
  14. After the shit show that was Monday's episode of RHOC, I enjoyed every minute of this RHONY episode. Wow, those flowers Scott sent to Tinsley were gorgeous! And I actually did believe that Scott sent them, unlike when Vicki G received flowers in Ireland. I loved that Sonja made Tinsley's 5 day long first date with Scott about herself. Something along the lines of Tinsley friend jumping once again. WTF does that even mean? Tins should not get so upset about the Page Six article. Anyone who knows Sonja would know that she is exhausting to be around, let alone live with. Most likely think Tins deserves a medal for lasting this long. I know I do. When Ramona was handing out the bags she bought the ladies all I could think of was the Oprah show where she announced "You get a car! You get a car! You get a car!". I hope they all thanked Lu, who actually bought the bags. Lu is just so much more fun without Tom around. Or even mentioned for the most part. I miss this Lu.
  15. I have always assumed (and certainly could be wrong) that the stretch limos are provided by Bravo? Since it is essentially a work party they are going to that will involve drinking (the venue for the two year old's party had a beer garden) would they not be covering themselves, making sure that no one drinks and drives? If I were Shannon's girls I would have thanked Shannon for having a reason to leave a 2 year old's birthday party. I am surprised that the daughters went in the first place.
  16. Regarding Shannon's house, when she first came on the show before anyone even knew about David's affair, David was pestering Shannon to sell the house. He never liked it, and never wanted a home that size. I think selling the house was a compromise, and Shannon realizing that she had to give and take and that giving David what he wanted - a smaller house - was part of moving their relationship forward after the affair. Regarding Shannon's health (which judging from this thread is the number one topic so Shannon is certainly earning her orange) we have no idea if Shannon is on medication. (Other than she would likely tell us, of course). I went on an anti depressant for a time after my mom passed, and one of the side effects was weight gain. Which made me depressed in its own right. Once I went off it I was able to lose the weight. I also tried 'western medicine' remedies for menopause, which had worse side effects than the ones I was trying to alleviate. A co worker suggested a supplement for menopause which could be purchased at a health food store. It ended up being a godsend, eliminating my symptoms of menopause with absolutely no side effects. So western medicine isn't always the answer (though it certainly can be for many things). In the picture above posted of Shannon at spring break she looks fabulous!
  17. Regarding Peggy - the thing is, we all (I assume) have friends and or relatives who have come to the U.S. (or in my case, Canada) from other countries. I have friends who came from China, Italy, and other countries as young children. Even if they had relatives who did not assimilate and learn English, they certainly did. None have an accent and have understood English fluently since their early school years. My husband is first generation Canadian, and has cousins who came from Italy when they were under 10 years of age. Their mother never did learn English to any degree, but they certainly did at an early age. No one that I know who has come from another country as a child (or even teenager) is in his/her 40s acting like they just landed in the country. And never did, for that matter.
  18. This in a nutshell is why, after only seeing her on my screen for two episodes, I have no use for Peggy. I am sure her kids, who she claimed to have had the operation for, would be just as devastated to lose their mother due to her own careless driving, something completely avoidable. Moron. I also give a side eye to Peggy talking about English being her second language (and implying that she doesn't understand it all that well). She moved to the U.S when she was all of one year old. So even if she was surrounded by Armenians and family members not speaking English I assume she went to school? Graduated? Had lots of people around her who did speak English? She is in her 40s FFS. And has three kids, two in their late teens, who I am sure speak perfect English. Peggy barely even has an accent, if at all. I think this is her story line - she is an immigrant trying to understand the confusing ways of Americans. Not buying what you are selling, Peggy. Your reaction to Shannon's conversation regarding the house she built, and the rumors about David were just plain ignorance, nothing else.
  19. That was so annoying! Apparently because Peggy is driving Cruella Deville's car, she thinks she is invincible? And WTF was Lydia doing, giggling like a little kid who has never been in a convertible before? Peggy is obviously only impressed by OTT spending, so Shannon should have told her about the basketball court in the basement of the house she built. I am sure Peggy would have been impressed, seeing as her child has to play basketball in the foyer of her house. Maybe mommy and daddy should sell a few holstein cars and build the kid a proper court.
  20. First of all Shannon, you are my hero. To go on TV and not only show your body but your weight takes a lot of guts. And then to go on and be vulnerable with all of the ladies, including the vile Kelly? Heartbreaking. Because Bravo has set you up to be the ongoing target for the mean girl. And I detest Bravo for it, as much as I detest Kelly. Peggy is an idiot. When Shannon tries to share why she built her house as she did, Peggy tells her to put in humidifiers. (I think that was her solution - my mouth was gaping open and I was a bit distracted). When Shannon shares the lies that were told about her husband, Peggy decides it is a joke. What a twit. And the way she turned her head when he hubby tried to kiss her tells me it is not all paradise in her relationship. STFU Peggy. So Vicki claims that an employee embezzled from her? That is her new storyline? So freezing and reading what was actually shown under the headline, Vicki did not bother filing charges against this employee. And the employee also poached clients from her son Michael. But Vicki only employed this person for two months. Sounds like another made up crisis, and Vicki is the victim once again. She is just too darn nice. I have a casserole in the oven as I type this.
  21. Some people do that. I never have. I once had a friend request from someone who was friends with my husband's three nephews, and from his hometown. I asked one nephew who she was as I thought I may know her under a different last name and had forgotten. He said he had no idea who she was. I told him "Well you and your brothers are friends with her on FB". I have never understood why someone is friends with someone they do not know, even if they have friends in common. What is the point? I know, I know, the point is to have as many 'friends' as possible for some people. Apparently Bonnie knew these people would be just that vain. I get friend requests from people I don't know (some are friends of friends, some not) and they stay just that - people I don't know.
  22. I would agree JudyObscure that all three loved the drama. And as people on the 48 Hours site pointed out, Frances could have easily blocked Bonnie from sending texts to her. And whoever started the texting had to get the others number from Bill. Same with Bill's daughter who called Bonnie. She either got the number from her father or mother, but my money is on her mother. I did laugh when the daughter complained that Bonnie had made up a fake Facebook account and then friended all kinds of people in family, including aunts and uncles from what I remember, in order to stalk the family. Why did all these people accept a friend request from someone they do not know (and clearly does not even exist - lol). Stupid, stupid people.
  23. I think Dateline showed Bill's tombstone but not close up? I guess they did on the 48 Hours show, and according to poster RedheadZombie it has Frances and Bill's wedding picture and the date of their marriage on it. Who does that? RHZ made a hilarious comment that all it lacked was "Here lies Bill, killed when his selfless wife ran him down". The posters on PTV never fail to crack me up.
  24. I just went onto the 48 Hours thread since this case aired on that show last fall. There are several posts regarding it, starting around October 16th, and interesting to see views of the same case from a different site.
  25. I remember this case previously as well, so googled it and it was covered on 48 Hours last fall. Pretty much an identical show with still lots of holes in the reporting (unusual for 48 Hours). Like cooksdelight I wondered why they could not prove who was lying about what with regards to the texts. The wife claimed that the mistress sent her texts of she and Bill having sex, mistress said she did not. Since wife didn't have them to show I assume she is lying. With regards to the experiment that the expert did with the two cars and a coin to represent the purse? I did it as well, and the coin went backwards. However since in an actual car there would be a barrier (ie the back of the passenger car seat) I did it again with a barrier dividing the box, and the coin did indeed fly forward. So I give a bit if a side eye to the expert, who should have been able to come up with a more realistic experiment. Of course though that might not have fit the outcome he wanted. However if I were Bonnie I would have been putting the brakes on too (if she indeed did, and I wouldn not have felt the need to lie about it). Why would you continue to go faster while this out of control woman chases you? Heck, if I have someone tailgating me I touch the brakes so my brake lights come on and they know to back off. Trick taught to me by my dad when I was a teenager - works every time. In this epi the cousin alluded to Bill having lots of women. In the write up on the 48 hours site he said that Bill had lots of women over the years, and that Francis looked the other way. So I also give a side eye to her claim that she had no idea that Bill had been cheating on her for 3 years, and had tears in his eyes when he told her, since he had cheated on her for years with other women. I do think she was threatened that this one was such a long affair though. In another article it reported that the 911 caller said that an Escalade side swiped a motorcycle, and that the rider was in need of medical attention. I don't believe that Frances did not know that her back window was blown out. In any case she put many people in danger by deciding to chase after Bonnie, and is just lucky that she did not kill an innocent person. IMO had she she would be serving a lot more than two years. A side note when I googled this case: the two adult children are embroiled in a fight over the father's business which has been languishing since he died. The daughter has apparently transferred assets and money to her own company, as well as to her boyfriend. And also sold property to her boyfriend way below assessed value. The brother is suing her. Looks like the mother's actions have had far reaching consequences. Especially Bill, IMO.
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