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Apparently, the price for getting rid of Tyra was a sub-par looking 720P picture and a boatload of commercials. The TV Gods have a cruel sense of equities 😄. I forgot that the show was on both Disney Plus and ABC so I watched it on D+ with the same mediocre video feed and all of the commercials. My DVR has been set to record new episodes for years which I discovered later. I should have watched Ahsoka first and then the recording of DWTS. I won't make that mistake again.
Selma did say that, among other symptoms, she has little or no feeling in one leg. You could see that in her halting, leg dragging gait when she was leaving the floor for the sky box. Unfortunately, advanced Multiple Sclerosis may not be too far over the horizon, but even with that, her waltz was miraculous. You wouldn't have guessed that her MS was impacting her life that much. Sasha's choreography was brilliant but he will face more challenges when the faster dances are on the menu. I. along with I'm sure everyone else, hope that Selma can stay in the competition for as long as possible. As far as the show itself goes, they really pulled it off. Without any commercials the pace almost seemed too fast but as contestants leave that should even out. Alfonso's sky box interviews were not exactly insightful but he is very earnest and likeable and he does even out Tyra a bit. Speaking of Tyra, I gotta admit that she looked great. Her gown (or dress?) suited her and because things were moving so quickly, she didn't have time to make many foolish remarks.
I forgot that the show was on this week and, based on the comments here, I'm glad that I did. It sounded like a complete shit show of stupidity and intolerance. Did Maher really say the he would like to punch people who mask up, even jokingly? Talk about intolerant and stupid. Once again, Bill's lack of empathy and his complete inability to put himself in anyone else's shoes is stunning. Maybe he should get out and mingle with "the little people" on occasion and/or actually talk to people who choose, for whatever reason, to continue to wear masks. He might benefit from the education that he appears to desperately need.
After giving up on the show for months, I did watch last week's and found it to be very good but this Friday's show, not so much. Bill telling us about all of the good that Ivermectin had done over the years was blah. Sure when it's used appropriately not to treat Covid pateints Bill. Leonhart's comments about masks being "performative" were downright stupid and offensive. Maybe Dave hadn't seen the reporting on the annual Gridiron Dinner in Washington DC last week. It is now considered to be a super spreader event. According to reports few of the guests were wearing masks and even though they were all vaccinated over 50 people, including some very powerful dignitaries, have now tested positive. So let's see, what possibly could have been the cause of that? Oh, I don't know, maybe no masks and breathing in each other's faces perhaps? For people to still not understand that the vaccines are designed to prevent serious illness if you get infected and not necessarily prevent infection, astounds me. Omicron BA2 is almost as contagious as the measles, the most contagious virus known. With the relaxation of the basic Covid safety measures all around the country, I just hope that we don't pay for that soon.
NIgel Lythgoe's statement about not returning: “I am so thrilled that America’s young aspiring dance talent will get to work with some of our greatest creative choreographers,” he tweeted. “On a personally sad note, I have not been asked to be on the judging panel this season. I don’t know who will be saying “Cue Music” but I wish them well.” He will remain as one of the show's Executive Producers
Is this judging panel some kind of joke? I mean seriously? Twitch is OK but Matthew Morrison, while a Broadway star is not a dancer and JoJo is still a kid. How are any of these folks going to critique the ballroom numbers? This looks like yet another attempt by the show runners (and perhaps the suits at Fox) to capture a segment of the audience that pretty much abandoned the show at one point. The show's continuously sinking ratings were a testament to this. These gimmicks didn't work in the past and I don't think that they'll work this time. While I'm thrilled to see the show and continues to launch the professional careers of many dancers, this panel is a major disappointment.
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I haven't watched the show since sometime last year. I just got tired of Bill's brand of self-indulgence and a parade of terrible guests. I did, however, catch his opening "Covid" monologue on YouTube and without going further, I will say that Bill has never had an ability to put himself in the shoes of anyone who isn't him.
I haven't watch the show in months but I did see the interview on YouTube. I just watched Nicole Wallace, who unlike Bill, hammered Chris Christie over his curious omission of Fox News and, especially Tucker Carlson, when he "addresses" those who push conspiracies. He actually said that he's doesn't watch Carlson and isn't familiar with the garbage that he pushes on a nightly basis. That has to be an out and out lie. Of course he knows all about the boy Swanson heir but won't criticize Fox News because he knows that if he does and decides to make another presidential run, being on the wrong side of the Murdochs would not be a wise idea. On the other hand Christie said that he watches Ingraham and Hannity. Hmm, they've never pushed any baseless conspiracy theories, have they? Talk about trying to have it both ways. Christie is gas lighting the country in order to sell a book and remain viable in 2024.
OK, so I'll be the grinch but I thought that JoJo and Jenna should have won with Amanda taking second,while fully acknowledging Inmans improvement and the splendid job that Dani did. I'm still going with the best dancers. I'm OK with Inman because nothing will ever match the Bobby Bones debacle. There's a MsMojo video on YouTube showing shocking eliminations over the years. There were a number of celebs who had been dancers or at least trained (Heather Morris, Sabrina Bryan for example) who were bounced way too early. Part of the blame rests with the somewhat Schizophrenic choices of the show runners. On the one hand it's supposed to be all about untrained celebs who improve over the course of a season but then there's the trained/experienced celeb dancers who are technically superior but can lose out to the former. There are times that there's a a voter backlash against the latter. Maybe the show should just stop bringing in anyone who could be seen as a "ringer" so that the celeb cast would all be starting from ground zero. Of course if that's done, it could be weeks before any decent dancing was even seen. I don't have any answers to this split and, again, this season has actually (minus Tyra) been very good. i just would have chosen a different winner.
But if they did that, then the show would have to really focus on the actual dancing and not whether someone is popular, has a fan base or the darling of the judges. The only way that the format will change is if that needs to happen for the the show to survive. That doesn't work so well at times either as long time SYTYCD viewers can attest to. With the ratings sinking, going back a few years, the producers kept trying to reinvent the show with, at best, mixed results that didn't help.
What a load of BS. With a few exceptions, from a pure dancing ability, this has been one of the better celeb groups in recent years. The execs don't know that in most seasons, the general public doesn't know who half (or more) of the contestants are? This season's ratings may be a hangover from last season's poor showing. There also has to be some backlash over Tom being fired for criticizing the show having politically controversial cast members (and yes, Tom was canned). Tyra is a poor substitute for Tom's calmness, quick wit and consumate professionalism. It also may be that the show's time has come and gone after so many seasons and that Trya's rambling, ungainly presence has hastened that along.
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When they began the routine and Gravity began to play, I kept thinking that I knew this song with another number. Then I remembered and looked at it on YouTube. Thank you for reminding of us of one of the greatest numbers in the history of SYTYCD. Kupono was excellent as the addiction but Kayla (who I felt should have won that season instead of Jeannine) was beyond brilliant. She gave a stunning portrait of what the tragic lives of hard core addicts are like and it was Mia Michaels at her absolute best as a choreographer.
I know that many here didn't like Melora but in my opinion, thew woman was a damn good dancer, certainly much better than Iman whom Daniella did a brilliant job with. After Melora's first dance when the judges gave her high praise and then low balled her scores I knew that she was toast. The suspicious corner of my mind had a notion that, perhaps, this was somewhat, er, predetermined shall we say to make sure that she wasn't a finalist, possibly because the other contestants were more popular and/or had large fan bases. While Iman has certainly improved, the notion that he could have a second career as a dancer is something that I can't fathom. Sure, he's probably the strongest celeb that the show has ever seen and can do infinite lifts but he still looks stiff and a bit awkward at times to me. The Judges have seemed to be hell bent on him making the finals. And don't think for a minute that their comments have no influence on the voting. It happens all of the time on SYTYCD (perhaps now the late and lamented?) where some critiques seemed designed to insure an outcome. I would much rather have seen Suni, whose improvement has been substantial, thanks to her own competitive nature and Sasha's great work, in the finals. At the very least she should have made it instead of Cody who never did quite rediscover his pro dancer form. I was blown away by JoJo and Jenna last night. Because JoJo is bigger and more athletic than Jenna, her dancing as the traditional "male" partner worked. I give Jenna high marks for going all in on the show's first attempt at "pioneering". She has been fantastic. Was their freestyle, as Derek proclaimed, the best in the show's history? To quote Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction: "That's a bold statement". As I recall Derek's freestyle with Kelly Pickler and Max's with Meryl Davis weren't too shabby. Nevertheless, it was stunning, as was Amanda's with Alan. I have no idea as to who will win next week but it wouldn't shock me if Iman won. Carrie Ann can take her idiotic "foot off the ground" point deduction and shove it. It's beyond getting old. Funny, how none of the other judges care about this. It reminds me of the old saying: "When ten men tell you that you're drunk, you better lie down". Lastly, when you watch and listen to Tyra Banks, week after week on the show, you realize how desperately it needs to bring Tom Bergeron back. We're not talking better, but light years better and more professional. Of course it won't happen since Banks is now listed as producer. Despite her presence, it has really been an excellent rebound from last year's mess.