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Everything posted by Oholibamah

  1. Sounds like my boyfriend. He calls Jaime "Kat 2.0" (having seen One World before China), can't tell Danni from Erinn (despite different hair colours and one wearing glasses) and needs an inordinate amount of prodding to remember most young female players. I pulled up photos of Guatemala Morgan, Darrah and Misty and he didn't even recall them existing, let alone who was who (although in his defence, he somehow knew one of them was a mortician). I don't know whether to blame him, the editing or the casting. Lookswise, my favorite women are Brenda, Cagayan Morgan, Amber, Erinn, Samoa Kelly, Tasha and Sundra. For the men, Samoa Erik, JT, Penner, Boston Rob, Sash, Jeremy and John Carroll. I also find Jean Robert kind of hot, but don't judge me.
  2. Reading through Jeff's quote, I'm disappointed in him. I see no evidence that Tasha is using religion as a "tool", especially compared to Coach. There is nothing wrong with praying privately, nothing hypocritical about cursing, and nothing wrong with believing in predestiny. I personally find doctrine that allows one to contravene their morals and then wipe it away later bizarre, but Survivor is a game and good for Tasha recognizing that and playing hard. Also, good for Tasha being hard, stern and closed-off and for being happy about not having a family at 40. Jeff says her "choices" have made her this way as if that's a bad thing, but he's projecting his own values onto her. Not everybody feels comfortable being "warm" and "open", or even wants a family. Tasha strikes me as a very happy person. Normally I would say that maybe there are things we aren't seeing, but given how willing to air dirty laundry Jeff has been, I doubt it.
  3. IMO, FWIW: 1. Swapnil 2. Kelly 3. Ashley (huge gap) 4. Edmond 5. Merline 6. Candice
  4. Agreed. In fact, I think this is the same reason people don't remember her: Galu won everything premerge and then screwed up postmerge, so her number of editable episodes was truncated to 5 or 6. What we DID see of her in Samoa was pretty impressive, so I hope she gets to do some damage this season.
  5. So Peih-Gee is being criticized for targeting Abi AND for not targeting Abi sooner? I get that timing is important, but that's a bit of a damned if you do scenario. The drama between them was going to come to a head eventually. Working with Abi indefinitely when she hates you is just a ticking time bomb. Given that Tasha and Andrew were parroting a "keep the strong!" argument for staying, I don't blame Peih-Gee for thinking this was the time to take out Abi. It'll be even harder to get rid of Abi when challenge strength is no longer a factor, and Peih-Gee has a working relationship with Jeff. IMO, her only error this week was coming across wishy-washy. Yes, she could've just stfu and went with a Jeff vote, but where does that land her next week? There's nowhere to hide in a 6 person tribe. The China players were extremely rational and predictable. I don't think Peih-Gee was expecting volatile players like Jeff and Abi or overbearing players like Spencer and Shirin. I will miss her, because she is my favorite player this season as a human. It's a shame that she probably won't ever be back.
  6. Devil's advocate: do we know for sure Terry is pulled from the game versus being released from sequester to return home?
  7. Brian and Jenna, back-to-back no less. But those went over so poorly that I think they started presenting their winners through rose coloured glasses. You could make arguments for Rob and Tony, but they were presented as loveable masterminds, not as pure evil.
  8. My theory was always that he voted alphabetically because every Pagong player was higher alphabetically than every Tagi member, and Kelly was the first Tagi player. That way he got to vote with Tagi indirectly without actually being "aligned". IIRC, he confirmed this at some point. I think his shock at Jenna going home was either acting, or he thought Gervase was going next.That is a very interesting point about Gretchen!
  9. Eh, I think she still loses. Sean, Richard and Rudy seemed to prefer Sue to Kelly, and Greg probably as well (since apparently the pick-a-number was just a gambit on his part). Given that, putting Sue on the jury and hoping for her forgiveness wasn't a terrible idea, although I've also heard that Colleen/Gervase switched their vote to Kelly because Sue was so harsh. So she was probably screwed in any scenario.
  10. In fairness, a lot of it is editing. Woo got a more present and favorable edit than most "female eyecandy" types. I think Woo sounds just as stupid, if not moreso, than Purple Kelly. Monica was unfortunate to be on a tribe that won everything in the beginning and lost after the merge. When she WAS shown, she was eloquent, cagey and assertive. I'll take that over braindead surferboy any day.
  11. His other behaviour was repulsive, and is the reason I no longer watch Big Brother. I will join those who say Peih-Gee's items should have been fair game, but I guess that would be making more future work for themselves in having to search them better. Easier to just have zero tolerance and call it a day.
  12. This is exactly what I like about her aesthetic. Unfortunately, her clothes are simply not telegenic which is what PR is actually looking for each week. Personally, I loved her Hong Kong outfit, her orange suit from Episode 4 and her Intimates look. I'm hoping she learns how to meld her aesthetic with something more "showy" and comes back for Allstars.
  13. I think what the OP is suggesting is that we should have been able to only vote for the people we like (but still split by gender with 10 each) rather than be forced to fill a ballot, i.e. being able to vote for as many or as few people as you want on American Idol. I would have preferred to not be forced to give Keith votes, but he was a lesser-of-evils of the remaining 7 male options after exhausting my first 9.
  14. Kelley and Jeff were the stars of the episode. Loving both of them! I will miss staring at dat ass, but Vytas is no big loss. He was being pretty gross. But Abi is making me regret ever softening toward her post-Philippines. She talked a big talk about her "growth", but she is just an unpleasant person through and through. I hope she is gone next, and I hope it's Peih-Gee's vote that sends her ass home. I hope this Stephen-is-screwed editing is just a red herring, because I don't want him to go home too soon! Overall solid episode, thanks in large part to the cast.
  15. It is especially hard for me to swallow because that slot would have gone to Kelly Goldsmith, my alltime favorite player. That said, Jenna really loves the game so I don't hold it against her.
  16. Very pleased with the winner. Kyunghoon showed a lot of improvement this season, but I still don't think he is well rounded enough to deserve the big win. The two new games were amazing. My eyes were like saucers the entire time during Mystery Symbol. Dongmin earned my respect forever when he figured out the 8-billion number. I also loved Number Janggi, but feel even I would have performed better than Kyunghoon. The number one rule in Chess-like games is to not sacrifice momentum to your opponent by making nothing moves. He only gave Dongmin time to set up his offense. We did pretty well with the Snowglobes. I misinterpreted Yoohyun's love/hate relationship with Kyunghoon, though. The way they were acting at the end like this is the last season had me shitting bricks. But then Bandageman said "see you next time" and all was right with the world. (Although I've heard the producer might be leaving, so I hope the show is still as good!)
  17. I love the revisionist history and embellishments in her CBS bio. Ciera aligned with Katie 5 minutes before they drew rocks and her vote against Laura was not a deciding vote. I technically agree that Ciera is "overrated", but that's only because the praise she gets is out of pace with her actual strength. That said, I DO think she played pretty damn well, especially against Returning Players. Even experienced players against n00bs wouldn't make such bold moves. She was a convincing liar, made solid pitches to Monica, and is technically good at puzzles... She only looked bad because she was always facing Laura who is a puzzle beast. I would love to see her do well and justify her inflated reputation with more solid play.
  18. Honestly, I never bought the anti-alliance thing. I think she's an opportunist, and in the game of Survivor that's a great thing. Her alliance carried her far enough that she could start appealing to the Pagongs with her "integrity". If people give her a chance to ingratiate herself she could do some damage as a nominally aligned free agent and probably win some key challenges.
  19. I think they are always prepared to play fast and loose with the elimination order. Season 10 had 2 people quit in the same episode. They brought somebody back, had a non-elimination, AND had 4 people show at Fashion Week. Having the Tim Gunn save in the mix also essentially adds another person to the numbers. I'm too lazy to count the episodes forward, but I suspect they'll do solo eliminations until the end unless they have a Team Challenge planned and need to sustain even numbers for a particular week.
  20. I love her! Personalitywise, she's rapidly approaching my personal Top 10 Project Runway designers of alltime. (The existing top 10 are Elena, Seth Aaron, Diana, Christian, Jonathan, Amy, Jerell, Fabio, Uli and Amanda).
  21. I wouldn't mind some Swapnil Juice. The anti-smoking movement isn't as strong outside North America, so I'm not surprised that Swapnil smokes. I also disagree that his "strategy" is stupid. Take Ashley for example. She won 2 early challenges and then hasn't won anything since despite performing very well. The judges DO spread around the wins, whether they admit it or not, and Swapnil's point is that he would rather be "safe" while there's cannon fodder around so he can pull out the wins when there are fewer people left. This increases his chances of safety when there are fewer people around, and gives the judges recency bias going into Fashion Week. Also, let's face it: these people come into the show with existing ideas or "tricks" in their arsenal, and using all of those up too early leaves a lot of designers drained creatively by the end. It's possible/likely that Swapnil is "saving" these design elements for later in the competition. There is also the argument of saving energy for future challenges. His stupidity, IMO, is in admitting this "strategy" on camera. TPTB can now purposely impede his strategy or, as we saw this week, manipulate it through editing. I love Lindsey and hope she skates through as long as possible so I can continue being entertained by her THs. I also find her aesthetic refreshing. Her designs are stuff people would actually wear. She'll never set the fashion world on fire, but I dig the dowdy nerdy librarian thing. She reminds me a LOT of Elena. Both have killer construction skills and an extremely specific, niche POV that goes over the judges' heads resulting in tears and frustration. They are also both freaking hysterical and would make amazing BFFs. Thankfully Elena somehow clawed her way to F6 and got to come back for Allstars with a new attitude and completely slayed the competition. Hopefully Lindsey can turn it around next week or her days are numbered. For some reason I assumed she is Native, but I have no idea. That is exactly what Lindsey is doing, though: she does what she does and the judges don't like it. She isn't blaming the judges; she is expressing frustration that "who she is as a designer" isn't what the judges are looking for. And it isn't. As I said, I personally love her design aesthetic and find her approach to simplicity more interesting and nuanced than somebody who riffs on the same goth cliches every week, but she was cast to be filler/attractive/good TV. The tears this week were her recognizing this. Versus Amanda who is potentially the most annoying person on planet Earth.
  22. I dreamed last night that Francesca was on this season and I was rooting for her to go home first again. Part of the reason is that it would save Peih-Gee, but the other part is that I'm just an awful person. I will be crushed if she goes home in the first few boots, let alone first. But I can't see Jeff writing her off in the media if she does well, so I should start preparing myself. I picked her for my pool anyway out of blind loyalty, so I'm going to be losing some points.
  23. I'm not sympathetic. They weren't conversing - they had their own small, disjointed snippets to add. Him not speaking shouldn't have impeded her performance, but she is wooden and bland, and I'm not surprised it was a commercial that sent her home. Of all the girls, her cutscenes were the weakest. BWAH! Anyone wanna place bets on a "Decaying Zombies Washed Up on the Beach" photoshoot for Cycle 23? Ashley's been circling the drain for a few weeks and I find her so boring. I always forget she's there. I'd rather Courtney stick around until they have an actual decent photoshoot because she could produce something great. I do find Courtney puzzling though. Girls like Lenox and C9 Ebony were practically ripped to shreds by Tyra for their confidence, and Anamaria and Cassie were the recipients of a Tyravention for their bodyimage... but Courtney barely hears a peep about either of these issues. She somehow keeps scraping through in the Bottom 3. I mean, I'm glad because there are TONS of people I'd rather get rid of before Courtney, but I am continually surprised that she's still there. That was my favorite song from the ages of 11 to 18. It will always hold a special place in my heart!
  24. I always thought I hated Vanuatu until I actually rewatched it... And it's pretty good. My issue with it is actually a positive: the players are mostly round characters, which is interesting to watch but makes it difficult to fully get behind any of them. 3 of my Top 5 seasons are from the 12-18 era. I've also seen it referred to as "The Golden Era", so I hope you enjoy!
  25. That's exactly the issue: she's way too short for any job that would like her face, and her face is too "edgy" for any job that would make concessions about her height. I am personally in love with her face, but I don't understand how she keeps escaping a smackdown from Tyra considering how much shit Lenox got last season despite being a far (far, far, far) superior model.
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