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Everything posted by iRarelyWatchTV36

  1. You're right, in that most of the individual clues weren't very overt, but just the sheer number of them in most of the episodes was totally a clue in itself that something was definitely up with Peter's backstory.
  2. Great points. That's what I love about rewatches, is witnessing something in earlier episodes and then connecting the dots to knowing what is coming down the road. Also watching character progression from earlier episodes to the later ones. Or the fun part of seeing something occur on a show and having forgotten about it, and then connecting that to later events.
  3. A lot of people only seem to appreciate and/or just like to talk about the longer mytharcs, but I think most of the 'MotW' eppys are quite underrated. Some good moments to be had in those and they still help move along other series-spanding plots; such as the P/O, multiverse and such.
  4. Its a good thing the *handwaving* isn't a literal thing with this series, because we'd be testing if its true or not that you can get carpal tunnel syndrome from just watching a TV show.
  5. Not a bad episode - surprising since it involved Jin - but mostly because most of the run time wasn't yet another heavy-handed advertisement of the Miggy endgame. Bit too convenient how the people Magnum & Higgins were after were at the same vet clinic that Jin took the lads to, but hey, its a TV show. And classic Jin, starting a dog walking business to fleece money from suckers, but doesn't know dogs shouldn't have chocolate. And seriously Higgy, you trust Jin with the lads? I thought you loved them?? Also, Jin told Kumu he got the energy bars from Magnum's fridge... so does that mean that Jin has free unfettered access to anywhere he pleases at Robin's Nest? That's asking for trouble. @SnazzyDaisy, you said Miggy will be named the godparents of Rick and Suzy's baby, but don't forget about TC. He'll be the other godfather.
  6. I didn't really stop to think about this, but you're totally right. Especially after how Higgins ended up being shot because of the events started by she and Magnum buying the story their 'client' gave them about looking for her long lost brother, when in reality she was part of a 2-person hit team looking to whack the guy they had Magnum and Higgins track down for them - referring to last season's premiere, of course.
  7. Get your extreme heat retardant suits ready, because if they have her stick around for more episodes than just the one hinted at - and have her be a PLI for Magnum - I am going nuclear. The very last thing this show needs is another meaningless Miggy endgame roadbump in the form of another directionless LI for one of them. (sorry, but the way that MacGyver's writers portrayed the constantly on-then off-then on-then off Mac/Desi relationship is still making me gag in annoyance to think about)
  8. Don't you just love it when the main thrust of an episode is completely centered around the Miggy WT/WT? I mean, I sure as hell don't mean to make light of cancer and its sufferers, but when you focus on the endgame subplot early on and then a few minutes later have the client double-down on that exact same point, in an indirect way, to enforce the message?? I about fractured my skull because I facepalmed so hard. And they didn't take long to sideline Lia completely [not listed in the cast list for next episode, either]. The synopsis for next week's episode says Jin will be back, but why do they need a character like Jin when Rick is virtually the same character (at least) a few times per season already? IE, a character who provides slapstick-like comedy while tackling the episode's B-plot. The B-plot in this episode is a prime example of what I'm talking about. And we all know that even though Magnum was on his way to pay off his tab at La Mariana, they'll be bagging on him in the next episode or two about how his tab has started to pile up again - or how he owes money to TC or someone else - or some other way about how he's just a mooch.
  9. Is The Osbournes Want to Believe watchable now? I tried to for a bit of one episode from its first season and Ozzy was mumble-murdering everything he said. It was extremely hard to figure out what he was saying.
  10. God, I frigging hope so. They've only went out of their way to highlight the eventual 'ship since all the way back in the middle of S1.
  11. Episode was an ok Xmas episode, but let's call it what it was... yet more blatant Miggy anvils. The main thrust of the episode was driving the necessary wedge between Magnum & Det. Kaleo. I mean, in so many words, he told Higgins "I can't trust her, so she's gotta go.". As if they needed to make it even more obvious, the ending of the episode had not just one, but two Miggy heart-eyes moments. And then you add in the press relesase of the synopsis for the new episode on 1/7 ........ Can we just stop the stalling already? Please?? We've all been Wile E Coyote'd to death with dodging the damned anvils out here in front of our TVs. Kumu should look into expanding her social circle for better friends. Having to babysit a criminal - albeit a harmless petty one - on Christmas Eve, as your trying to prepare a big family meal, is just straight up doing a friend dirty.
  12. Tell me about it. I don't miss the one or two commercials, every break, on the day the shows were airing. And all those shows [1K LB Sisters, MBFFL, 90 Day Singles, Dr Pimple Popper, etc] look like stuff I would only watch if I wanted to punish myself for some reason.
  13. Just binge watched both seasons. Really hoping for more. Both seasons were very fast-paced with a few slower expositional moments that pushed the story, or at least a subplot, forward. I gotta admit to pulling for a Joe/Mae endgame - even if its in the very last minute of the series - but I really suck at picking the 'winning' ships.
  14. I guess that "call a doctor if erection lasts more than 4 hours" is more than just a baseless disclaimer.....
  15. Ghost Adventures is thought of as TRVL's "flagship" series?? That explains soo much.
  16. Has anyone watched the Voice series, or at least the first season? Finished Voice last night and will be starting Voice 2 shortly. I liked it, a lot. But then again I'm usually a sucker for the action+mystery+thriller genre combination. A good series like this one keeps one engaged in the whole story. Very much liked the lack of tears, compared to most other Kdramas. I really appreciate the talent of all the actors in these Kdrama series, as they make it very easy to side with the protagonists because the antagonists are quite easy to dislike. Maybe it was decided beforehand, but
  17. Agreed. Instead of only having to do it because Higgins wasn't around to handle it.
  18. This show is nothing if not fairly predictable. see: The synopsis for 4.08.
  19. This episode had more storylines than the past 3.25 seasons combined... and that's not a compliment. This episode was so packed, Kumu couldn't even get a quick cameo in. Higgins tells the MI6 lady "no more secrets!", but Magnum still getting the "sorry, its a secret" treatment at the end. Magnum already knows she's ex-MI6 as well as the worst parts of that past, but lets pretend this interpersonal drama between the two is needed or meaningful. Aggravating. Haven't seen Magnum so overzealous in beating down the bad guy like that since he hobbled-by-gunshot and punched the guy who shot Higgins at the beginning of last season. Kinda feel bad for ZK, when his character's only friends - outside the 'ohana' & Katsumoto - are criminals, who usually only bring trouble down on himself and the 'ohana' when a storyline about them comes along.
  20. Just finished I (Can) Hear Your Voice. Turned out to be quite a bit better than first couple of episodes' impressions left me with. Overall fluffier than I usually prefer, but just enough plot and other drama to keep going. Only question I have is why was it shot like a US soap opera? It looked like 'live action' instead of filmed. The PQ was great, it was just weird and took a few episodes to get used to.
  21. This episode's case was only there to shine the spotlight on the series romances. And they weren't even the slightest bit subtle about it. The phone call from Higgins to Ethan is his 'Dear John letter', isn't it. Not even "how are you?", just a serious faced "we need to talk". Which will likely also start the subplot of Higgins pining for Magnum and because of that, being catty with Lia. And of course the Magnum/Lia pairing will be starting showing strains so Higgins can parrot his words back at him about love not having to be about choices, etc. Cool to see TC is gonna be a surrogate parent for Cade, as well as getting a little more clarity on his (TC's) backstory. Gonna get kinda boring, kinda fast, if the cases are just going to be there to pander to the Miggy anvils they love lobbing at us.
  22. Its not my first experience with Kdramas, but just finished watching Signal. It is a really good series overall, but the ending was the kind I dislike very much - especially when you know there's no more (further episodes or seasons) coming. I detest investing nearly 1200 minutes of my limited free time just to find out that its a 'CYOE', from a viewers standpoint. For a series like this one, I appreciate that romance wasn't a main theme. I will say this for Kdramas though, they do not skimp on the emotional front one little bit. Even though I think they overdo it some with all the tears, you have to have to some faulty wiring in your brain or have to be a complete sociopath to not feel even just a tiny bit of anything while watching a good Korean drama. I watched Bad Guys before this, and I liked that one quite a bit as well. Same for Rugal, about a year ago. If you can't tell, I prefer action & mystery vs mainly romance, but I did mostly enjoy Hotel Del Luna. It helped that HDL had a heavy sci-fi/fantasy lean, though. I can handle a kinda sappy romance if its mixed in with an interesting plot and/or subplots. As a comparison between good and bad Kdramas, I tried watching the Korean version of Criminal Minds and could only barely stomach 3 episodes. Maybe my view was too heavily colored by having already watched and known the original US version, but the Korean version is well, its bad. Bordering on pretty terrible. Some could say I should not be allowed to rate a season I didn't even watch a quarter of, and maybe it gets better as it goes on, but of what I did see left me very underwhelmed. None of the characters, with maybe the lone exception of the 'Prentiss'-based character, none of the other actors/actresses were anything much like the counterparts they were based off of.
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