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Everything posted by Tuneful

  1. Well, this was a palate cleanser after Before the 90 Days. Michelle with the teeth. She’s so extra. When she’s angry, her angry faces are very unpleasant. Her Czech date speaks better English than she does, because he doesn’t fill it with “like” every 3 to 4 words. I think she is bitter, in part because the South is so nuclear-family oriented (as is the Midwest), more than the Northeast. As a single woman in her community she does feel put down and left out. But she needs to chill. Don't demand sex from the guy. Let him take some initiative. Be classy. This isn't betraying feminism. All these people need more coaching on how to play the long game, not rush it so much. If it’s real, it will continue after the American departs. And the women should be willing to soften it up a little. (I don't know about Nathaly, I FF'd.) Susan is very mannish, and her (literally) hiding behind her dog is unfortunate. She won’t go anywhere on a date unless she takes the dog, always on her lap or the table. Guys can only see her without the dog for a hour in her hotel bar. She’s like the mother of a toddler with no babysitter ever. Very restricting. In fact, I'm amazed the producers kept her on...The Czech artist seems okay (is that a wig he’s wearing?) but I’d see them more as friends. The language barrier is a major obstacle. Michaela looked scary-thin. Is she anorexic? She, like other Europeans I’ve known, prefers to have “friends” and give it time to see if it turns into more. I felt she pushed Harold too hard physically on the yoga. And he has pushed too hard on everything else, from an all-day date to "come up and see my etchings" to "can I meet your family?" Good for her for remaining noncommittal. It's not like they're already a long-distance couple.
  2. The whole epi was cringe. EverTon’s Mom was lovely when it was time for goodbyes. She gave JorDan quite the glare earlier. Doesn’t like to see her baby boy (who’s pushing 50) lead a foreign fool on, who he uses for money and is not serious about. (Wonder if word got back to her that the GF displays herself naked to other men.) This couple are bad actors. I believed it (eyeroll) when he walked off to take a call so JorDan could conveniently get the dirt. Easy FF through closet case MatThew,. I know it’s Pride Month, but come on. Easy FF through CarLos and VaLentine, in whose honor I’m capitalizing all midDle letTers in naMes today. EsCott is pathetic. Grizzled old man, fat, beet-red, chasing a young lady about half his age and asking her to move to his country within the first hour of a casual reunion. He was having some kind of breakdown, she saw it, glad she extricated herself after he pestered her to tears. Hope she avoids these cute little getaways with dicey guys in the future. EsCott is kind of scary, it was lucky the crew was there.
  3. I don't know who I like less, Escott or Laydia. Why in the world does he have to say "29-year-old" in virtually every mention of his ex? Why wouldn't just saying "my ex" suffice? No, he has to rub it in. And mention more than once the 100s of women he's slept with. He's like a 51-year-old HS boy, and an ugly and insecure one at that. Laydia and her insane family are no prize. And if I never see those ugly glasses again it'll be too soon.
  4. Is she delusional that a guy who cleans a casino and stocks supermarket shelves (honest work that it is) is rich? Like many foreigners, does she assume all Americans are Beverly-Hills rich? Bet he lives in a small apartment. It'll be that and Omaha forever, unless they become a celebrity couple and do unusually well. I really like him. His face is so much more expressive than those of the dolts we usually see on here, and there's more emotion in communicating ASL. I'm glad he has a friend in the bartender, I just hope D. isn't an alcoholic. HIs situation is a lonely one, e.g., compared with DC, home of Gallaudet (the national university for Deaf people) and of many Federal jobs (an equal opportunity employer). I work with a man who is Deaf, and our employer provides an interpreter whenever needed.
  5. Jeymi had every right to get in the van. Production hired it for them, and production runs the show. It wasn't Kris's van; she had no right to tell Jeymi not to get in. If Kris couldn't act like a non-psycho long enough to ride to the hotel, then production should have told her to get out--and called the police when she got violent. I would have loved to see the driver or production tell her, "Get out, I'm (or he's) not driving you!"...and then to Jeymi, "Hop in!" That's one thing I learned from Judge Judy, never put your hands on someone when you're angry. Only put your hands on if necessary for self-defense. There were indeed many red flags from each one in this relationship. What really burned Kris's bacon, I think, was Jeymi locking her into an apt. over budget, plus extra costs such as utilities and furnishing it...followed by frequent requests to pay for more things...
  6. I was passing out in the homestretch but stuck this mess out because I thought the end was in sight. The Universe pulled a really big one on me here. (And, no, it wasn't Yohan.)
  7. If I were her, I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating cracker crumbs (as a coworker of mine said). At his very advanced age, he could say he lost track for a moment. Hell, it happens to me sometimes, and I'm "only" in my 60s (thanks for the excuse to say that). I hope these two lovebirds can fix it up. Other thought: sometimes these things run their course, but this was given as the excuse.
  8. Right! The problem is that the phone owner is as addicted to it as the caller(s).
  9. Aw don't be sad, Suzy. I was sad for a long time because it made me not be interested in marriage or children, didn't even want to date, really. The damage and wounds were severe, and it's hard to find help for it. But I got strong. Got some help. Time passing has helped; so has Mom's passing away. She even "tried to apologize" to me somewhat in the couple of years before she died, when i was the only family member willing to show up and take care of things when she was 86, basically going homeless, with dementia. Screaming at me "I love you" and then "I hate you." A sibling of mine wasn't as strong, and it cost their life.
  10. That could be. I know of other jobs that have prohibitions against taking personal calls at work unless it is a bona fide emergency, and they will write you up for it with a warning, if they do not fire you.
  11. I know what you mean. My mother had this, and a host of other issues as well. Nothing made her crazier than when I went "grey rock" despite the insults, the provocations, hostile actions, physical attacks at times, etc.
  12. All those black outfits and scowls, it's like a funeral parlor up in there. At a racetrack, with bad dye jobs, and too many rhinestones. Gabe may have become a guy, but is still a nonstop drama queen.
  13. Joining late. Greeted by Shaun in the lime towel wrap. Who died and made Gabe co-host? Obnoxious. Was it from editing. or was that how it was the whole time? If so why did no one speak up to the producers about it? Cheap black rag on Randi is awful & puts her into the coven with Beaky. Adding the orange hair...it's Halloween already?...Myra looks great. KRIS is preaching about how to treat your fiancee right? LMAO. I think Jeymi is very controlled about it, more than I would be. Limiting herself to eyerolls and laughs. As Nicole is pointing out, don't assume a person can and will just drop their culture, here thousands of years old, for your culture, especially in their country and hometown. Mom will always come ahead of whoever the DIL is. Rishi and Jen could move out and hire help for the parents and housekeeping. It'll never happen, may be more "shame." Marriage should never even have been brought up these two, as it was by Jen, I'm sure.
  14. Gabe wore out his welcome tonight by 20 minutes in. Great makeup and hair work on Jen tonight. I liked the doses of reality from Debbie's son. I wish I had a brother, husband, or father like that; mine were/are the opposite. Just wish someone had delivered some reality about living on art or poetry in the U.S. People I know who have such a vocation do something else to earn their living. Julian knows his mother won't cut the cord. How old is he? I think Jen's too old for him. She needs to look for a guy close to her age with a stable career. Was it Rishi or Mockmood--one of them had some kind of sculpture in a chair in the background (right side in our view) was just like the figure in the basement in "Psycho." Shiver! Kris's hair is orange and she looks really sloppy. I'd go natural rather than be a pumpkin head with my roots out. I think she's using, if she ever stopped. I tried the Match Me Abroad show. I could relate to people talking about dating being tough, even broken, in the U.S. I'm not sure it's any better elsewhere, though. Susan is extra and got on my nerves. I think her friend (who's also single) was more attractive (naturally) and likeable. I never see these folks aware of the fact that once they bring the foreign fiance over, if they marry them, they will be under pressure to bring the rest of the family over and support them as well. Daniele gets points for seeing this early on.
  15. I didn't need to hear about VaLentine and Carlos's sexual techniques. Not much of a listener or helper, are ya, Carlos? Princess Fivehead with OCD p's me off. Looking down her nose at a city that's not rich (but it is her BF's hometown) because she chose to grace it with her lofty presence and it does not meet her expectations...she who botches grammar constantly in her first language (English)... Dump her, Valentin. I'd bring popcorn for that. Alvin the Chipmunk (i.e., Escott) was irritated, and rightfully so. You'd think if Nicole wanted her Mom to find an age-appropriate BF, she wouldn't interrogate him. If she and Mom colluded on it, they're both crazy, but we knew that. Their shrieking gives me a headache. Also, Lidia is homely, not that Alvin and Nicole are attractive either. Pro tip, Alvin, next time wrap the lady's gift, don't haul it out of a plastic bag. Only saw a bit of the Jessica-Juan segment except he's clearly getting shakier and shakier about all this. Come on, Jessica, tell auntie, how did the pregnancy happen, did you "pull the goalie" to seal the deal? The visit looks like total chaos. That her town smells like poop and is crawling with flies is the icing on the cake. Why should he leave his country and a job he loves for that? Is he supposed to be stuck at her home as a SAHD of three young kids, or is he going to be away for weeks if not months at a time still charming the ladies on boats? I didn't think this was possible but I was sick of Caribbean beaches after Episode 1. Too bad "paradise" in Sharp Land doesn't include places like Paris, Florence, or Denali.
  16. Howdy to my neighbors! :-) Well, the pests are not as bad as my relatives had in FL. Or that I experienced in the basement of an old house on Capitol Hill, DC. When our family lived PT in central NH for some years in the 1970s-80s, now that you mention it, my Mom found the ants a real battle. Not to mention the mosquitoes and black flies. When we lived in VA she got swarmed at the mailbox by wasps and nearly died (literally) from it. I wonder if, like other wildlife, fewer people going out from the pandemic has made them more aggressive.
  17. I'm in MD and never dealt with ant invasions in MA or NH, where I'm from. I'm only thankful I have no roaches. Also the BEES here (at least around this residence) are bad, including wasps.
  18. Same here. Recent nice weather I sat out on the balcony, which is nominally screened/glassed. Got no-see-um bites, even though I was covered. And I got the start of the ant invasion yesterday. It happens in the spring. Armies of them, but they are not large, ugh. I bought baits as they're effective but it's a nasty couple of weeks.
  19. It's tough out there, man, being a woman over about 55 trying to find someone decent to date who you get along with. I know whereof I speak, and I basically resigned from it some time ago. Although I am open to the universe surprising me. "Better to be alone than to wish you were."
  20. Debbie, he's been showing you who he is and how he handles anything he does not like that you (or others) do, say, etc. The worst thing for his family is that he won't become someone else's problem, 1000s of miles away.
  21. It looks best on the THs where it's been pulled off her face, cut/shaped, and waved. That old-hippie, bottle-blonde look does her no favors. Does she drink a lot like the other Debbie?
  22. What a drama queen, or king, or...however I should put it. He could have resolved that in 1 minute as soon as he got her first text. "Sorry to hear you won't be joining us. Hope you'll reconsider, but I understand. Have to sign off, very busy going forward with our preparations and events."
  23. I'm running a few minutes behind you all... Jen's face does look weird. I think she may be getting cosmetic treatments in India that are cheaper than in the U.S. She needs to read the room and know when to exit stage right. He is never going against his family. You two will never have your own place. And if you did, who'd pay 98% of the living expenses? She's looking increasingly pathetic chasing this young guy who has no real prospects that we know of.
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