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Everything posted by Tuneful

  1. I have a very mild case. Among the triggers are spicy foods, alcohol, and stress. I think for David it's stress and strong emotions.
  2. One of the few happy and uplifting times this whole season. And the excursion was a doozy. Everyone involved seemed relaxed, it was so scenic, and the undersea viewing...it made me miss doing that, I haven't felt the same about it since various underwater events. Is Sheila up the spout? That dress was tight over her stomach, which looked that way, and she had her hands there.
  3. Jasshole is throwing all the remaining irons she has left into the fire. Even though we're not married, I want you to love me more than your family, and I want you to prove this to me by buying me anything I ask you for and giving me a high standard of living (the best) in the U.S. She is vile. Gino is dumb at times, but she is vile. I'm glad he's pushing back. I don't believe a word of the breakup, though.
  4. Crapler did everything but drop trou and shake her pee pee around the bar. She's infantile. And she's embarrassing to Americans, as in moi.
  5. Saw preview and will say Statler is a Royal Arse to Dempsey and her friends. Awkward for all concerned. I did enjoy the Northern accents.
  6. I'm just glad he's standing up to her, finally. I had a parent much like her. It was a nightmare, and the parent might become violent when crossed. She walked out--fine, pack your stuff, Gino, and get to a hotel until you can fly out (if the staff can't move that up). Let her ex pay her rent or have her move in with him. Do not give out your hotel info. Leave her a note that it is over, and there will be no more payments. Block her, and consider yourself to have finally dodged a bullet.
  7. Christian is a man-baby whose emotional development probably stopped around age 16 or 17 is my nonexpert guess. He's distracted by whatever shiny new thing is in front of him at that moment, and, yes, I think he does seek validation form women. It was odd IMO to invite a stranger to an intimate holiday dinner with the woman he is in a relationship with, and her friend. Personally I'd also be turned off by now by his drinking habit. Oh, and his backward ball cap and open-mouth gum chewing in the cab? Gross.
  8. "If he did it with you, he'll do it to you." I don't know why I remember that old saying.
  9. Dawn is the Bomb! (hey, that rhymes) Voluptuous I am not!
  10. I shouted "FINALLY!" at the teevee when Razvan told Cool 'n Chilly he wasn't sure he wants this relationship and that he's exhausted.
  11. That sounds like a healthy POV. I won't quote numbers (numbers on tags can create an obsession for me) but I'm moderate-sized and comfortable. I have a long, angular type of face that actually looks better when I'm not real thin.
  12. King Kill Emotions strikes again. Out on a nice trip around the city, getting along well, and he decides to lay the private investigator on her. I don't think he ever needed to reveal that. Is he a self-saboteur? Hates women? I just don't know. I wish he'd take his B-cups and get off my teevee (and out of the closet if that's his problem).
  13. I think you can easily find a FWB online if you describe what you are looking for and are specific about "no married men, no men who are living with a GF." Just an available single or divorced guy who'd like to get together casually sometimes. I wish you luck in deciding. From what I've seen many times, at least one person and sometimes more get hurt in the vision you describe, which also commonly gets found out by the spouse or partner.
  14. You all are stronger than I am to stay the course tonight. Maybe I'll watch Pillow Talk on demand to get the highlights or lowlights. We've been seeing the exact same s**t from Gino and Jasmine for, what, 3 years? And the typical 90D story about GFs in Asia and American guys. Sharp needs some new script writers.
  15. Oh dear. Been there as far as opportunities, and I understand loneliness. Looking back I suggest not meeting up again with him in person (just be "busy right now"), not saying anything in correspondence you wouldn't want his wife to read (hopefully he can perceive if you are backing off), and saying on the phone if he calls and gets personal, "I value you as a friend but I don't get involved with married men." Don't debate it. Take my advice or leave it. Good luck. I don't even date separated men. Divorced and out for awhile, okay I'll consider.
  16. I'm glad he's not her doormat anymore. But he thinks this screaming harpy (who appears to need assertive professional help, medication, etc.) is the love of his life? I see we get another crying spell from Razvan next week. I think I'll have a cry along with him. I was in the mood for one tonight. I almost got it going at that fishing scene or when Vivi called Riri the King of Kill My Emotions.
  17. Hear hear! Feel sorry for me, I wasn't wanted. Well, maybe you were wanted but your bio Mom wasn't in a position to raise a child alone. I don't know. You seem to claim your adoptive 'rents didn't love you. Nice job trying to manipulate Dempsey. Dempsey, be firm, not hesitant. But you are not going to slow this mess down. The family Nicola shindig looks pretty juicy. I just can't stand Meisha's nonstop preening like she's in Hollywood. And is she a hoarder? That hotel room and the eight suitcases or whatever are unbelievable.
  18. OK, back to three rooms away to rerun and watch Crapler.
  19. I feel he has had a sad life and been very isolated. IIRC he does not bring up his family of origin? Doesn't sound like they were interested in his world when he was a child. And it is tough he did not learn to read lips at the school. I wonder how much of a Deaf community with ASL there is in his area.
  20. Gino, when someone shows you who they are, believe them. She DOES NOT want another baby, and your hoping she'll change her mind once she gets to the U.S. is not a plan. You're 55! Accept it! You like the IDEA of a child! You're going to have plenty on your plate anyway if she gets her kids over to the U.S. Jasmine has a lotta crazy but she knows Gino is her oldest baby and 99% of the work of another child would be on her.
  21. ITA. In fact I find him rather scary. Barely contained rage, working those facial muscles in rage, etc. If he didn't want to finish out the season and get the checks (and maybe a sequel) he would've in true form stomped out, calling her expletives. I think we'll see his true colors at the Tell Nothing. I hope the rest of the cast and mystery guests clean his clock.
  22. I wish David didn't feel ALL the expense is on him and that he told her, with the benefit of an interpreter, that in this country, in most families both parents need to work (even if it is one FT and one PT) to make enough money. She's really shocked he lives in an apt. and it's not a big one. This is so common among these couples that it floors me. But I'm thinking of Larry and Jenny, for example, she didn't expect a 100% free ride and works right alongside him. The barrettes on Jasmine only draw attention to those ratty extensions. And, yes, she does reverse herself all the time. I support them not bringing a child into their mess, but I feel bad for Gino.
  23. Maybe a cultural difference in that in my culture it's rude to ask direct questions like that especially of someone you've just been with a few days. If we were engaged, different story, but I don't think they are? She could have first asked the contractor how much it would take to do the job and then asked her visiting love interest (who she hasn't been able to see much) whether he can help, let him think on it, and make an offer if he wants to. And if there is no work in that town, talk about another plan, perhaps help in relocating to a better place and getting some work training. (Argh, I can barely manage my own scene let alone theirs...)
  24. I hope David was as uncomfortable with Sheila demanding his salary as I was. I'm only sorry he gave in and gave her the figure per week, which the contractor doubled +100. Watch him get into the job and "run out of money" shortly thereafter. The D & S discussion should have started with her housing plans, how settled they each feel about the relationship, and if he could help and how much. With his help, she could get into an apartment, why put band-aids on that shack (also firetrap)? Does she work?? She needs to. Red flags all over, David, not the least of which is difficulty communicating. As for Gino and Fishface, they wore out their welcome ages ago. Why don't the couples that outright hate each other call it a day? Like Riley and Violet, Cleo and whatsizface (yes, she was crying, but I think over a vanishing opportunity to move to U.S.), Gino and Plugs, Amanda and Razvan (getting there). Cleo could do much better than that shady little drunk. Yes, he is 2 years younger than her but he is immature, IMO. I wonder if they keep ski hats on because central heating is much spottier in UK, just read that 77,000 households in London don't have it. Crapler needs intensive therapy (is she borderline?) and maybe to be locked up where she can't mess with other people. As she blathers on, I'm saying to the teevee, "Don't cave, Dempsey. Don't cave." I wouldn't have even suggested Crapler get a place up the road. I would finish the commitment out for the program and say "I'm not making any big decisions right now, but I'm not ready to live with you." Of course, Crapler would start with the "what don't you know about me?" "When will you be ready?" We did see the put-downs, e.g., implying "something is wrong with you if you love me but won't move in" and her ploy to create jealousy. Ugh, she sucks. Dempsey, get her out of your house; finish out the time in some city and hotel; and get your boss or your Dad there if she won't leave you alone. I bet this nut could go Fatal Attraction. I'm tempted to watch The Last Resort but I can't stand any of those couples and thank God I don't have to live or work with them so I' m not inviting them in. And, TLC, some of us have to be up early for W-O-R-K in the morning, 2 hours until 11 p.m. ET, give me a F'in break.
  25. I can imagine! I love Rod's stuff from about '69 to '72. Wonderful writer, interpreter; great taste.
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