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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. You don’t ask those questions because you don’t want to know the answers. Easier to make the person into your dream partner if you can write/fantasize your own narrative. Who wants to remove the rose colored glasses and face reality?
  2. If Jesse thought she looked pretty without makeup, he could have said, “You don’t need any makeup because you are beautiful without it.” Not so hard to put that into words. And if Darcy was fishing for compliments, he could have gone along with it. Doesn’t cost anything to tell her what she wants to hear and make her feel good about herself. But that’s not how Jesse rolls. Why say something nice when you can put Darcy down? Darcy would feel so empowered if she stopped letting Jesse have control of her, stood up for herself and stopped allowing him to browbeat her. Another thing he does is that he makes it her job to keep his emotions on an even keel. Not good.
  3. Just another weapon in Herr Jesse’s Toolbox (hehe) of Control: His reactions are inconsistent and unreliable, so Darcy thinks he’s going to be happy that she toned down the makeup like he asked her to do, and then he berates her/verbally slaps her down and she can continue to feel like a beaten dog. This ends up making Darcy meek and constantly walking on eggshells. Nothing is ever good enough and the goalposts keep moving. I lived through my own version of this years ago. Your lifeblood gets sucked out of you.
  4. Want to make everyone aware that Drogo has announced a live chat during the 9pm show. Check the main topics listings. Hilarity will ensue. Hope to see you all there.
  5. Of No wonder Jesse finds older women appealing. He finds the most needy, most desperate women who are staring into their own manufactured abyss, anxious about being single and middle-aged. They are absolutely smitten when a younger, decent looking “hunk” looks their way and will prostrate themselves in front of him, losing all self-respect and sense of self because they are that desperate. Jesse knows he holds all the cards and gets enormous (I believe sadistic) pleasure out of watching them/Darcy grovel. He’s in control.
  6. ❤️ I found my one true love on Previouslycupid.tv.
  7. Idiotic? Ignorant? Say no more. That pretty much sums up Grangela.
  8. Drogo, marry me. This development needs to be posted on the Season 2 boards.
  9. Grandgie needs to showcase those expensive, yet bad looking dental implants.
  10. Her name was mentioned, since we all know it’s Ella. I’m positive Rachel said it.
  11. I rewatched the first episode of Season 2. Rachel’s older daughter, Ella, was definitely shown. She and Rachel were playing with a very large Barbie dollhouse. Perhaps we didn’t get a clear view of her face, but she was on camera nonetheless.
  12. @zillabreeze, I just looked it up because I figured I got the spelling wrong. I think it’s the diminutive of pisher, which means “child.” Pish means to urinate and pisher means “an inexperienced person” (and I’ve only heard it used derogatorily). A pisherke is a child. My grandparents spoke Yiddish and my parents were pretty fluent. I grew up with a ton of Yiddish idioms but don’t know many people who understand them. When I took German in college, I realized the similarities. It was so gratifying. I have an entire list of Yiddishisms that will die with me, unfortunately.
  13. What the hell does a 24 yo pishaker (my mother's Yiddish word) know about life or life coaching? Herr Jesse is a sadistic poser whose M.O. is intimidation. Everything is fine as long as you agree with his proclamations and kowtow to his every opinion. Darcy is a piece of work herself, but she doesn't need a man-child to tell her how to act and how to present herself and how she should think and how she can't have a cocktail with friends. Does Commandant Meister believe that you can drink but only if you don't get tipsy? And, btw, why the hell would he worship that mother of his (also a drinker), who could stand some growing up herself? Look at who his mother picked as a husband? That cray cray "free thinker" who is a caricature? So far, all I hear is about what Darcy needs to fix about herself. Apparently, Herr Jesse is perfect, at least in his eyes.
  14. Guess I've learned from Intervention, when someone says that their kids are the most important thing in their lives, it really means that the kids come first AFTER the drug of choice/the equally screwed up boyfriend or girlfriend/searching the world for the perfect love of their lives/you name it as long as it anything other than the kids.
  15. I used to say that about my dog, who was a faithful and constant companion for 13 years. But I NEVER said she was my soulmate.
  16. Crossover show idea: Jesse and the blond kid from Unexpected show up at Dr. Pimple Popper’s office for laser treatments on their acne pits. And Abby (season 1) can get some ointment for her scabies. Next time John(?) goes hunting for the love of his life, he should bring his 12yo daughter who has more sense in her little finger...... Rachel, I’ve known men like Jon. He’s one step away from going Hulk on your ass. One tiny bit of stress and the guy is going to explode. Definitely the person I’d want around my 8 month old infant. Hey, why not have him watch the kid by himself so you can go out shopping? He and the baby can bond, up until he can’t take the crying and throws her into a closet, because babies are really just accessories and when you are done playing with them, you can just put them back on the shelf. Wrt Grangela (hehe), apparently ignorance IS bliss.
  17. Memo to Darcy: Someone who is your true love and soulmate isn’t criticizing you about everything you do, including the way you breathe. I know it’s too late now, but do you really want your daughters to think that love means having to change in order to be the person HE wants you to be? Jesse is a narcissistic, immature bully; he’s verbally and emotionally abusive and he can’t seem to find clothes that fit him, which is kinda a theme of this show. Does Rachel have a job? I can’t seem to recall, but I hope she does because I don’t think my tax dollars should be going toward a 32yo woman who is too stupid to not know about this new thing called birth control. I also believe John has suffered too many concussions. Does his trash picker career have any possibility of advancement? Wonder what the next level up would even be. That being said, color me shocked that they do actually separate trash for recycling. All this time I figured (and have read) that separating is a big scam and all the garbage gets tossed out together. John looks like someone that was sent down from Central Casting for a serial killer role. Tonight’s final comment is for Angela. Please ask your hairdresser from Episode 1 how I can copy the camo paint job on the cabinets in her beauty salon. ETA—What has prevented Rachel from hiring a private eye to find out about Jon’s past?
  18. I hope Sam’s Squatty Potty works because, like him or not, constipation is a silent killer. In the first shot of Dave, he looked like a dark-haired version of James Franco, hopefully minus the perv. Finally an episode in which F’ing Larry didn’t start screaming at some inanimate object or weather pattern. He seemed remarkably mellow. Carving Christmas tree decorations was a good idea. Keeps you busy, something meaningful for a gift and good for an upbeat attitude. Am all in for Britt.
  19. Yes, it was a Rebecca. I chuckled over Jimmy’s law school motto: I shall either find a way or make one. Yep, pure Jimmy/Saul.
  20. I’m just so happy to get this show back. Nothing like it on television. Might have been a little slow but I still enjoyed it. Mike didn’t like the idea of getting a check for sitting around and doing nothing, thus his security audit at Madrigal. Made him feel like he earned his pay. What ends up happening to the money that Howard promised Chuck for the buy-out? I was waiting for him to tell Jimmy how much he owed Chuck’s estate.
  21. How did I miss this show? I watch a ton of crappy tv and this show is a freaking snarkfest! I made sure to set my DVR so I don't miss a single episode. So far, all I can see are matches made in heaven.
  22. I’m thinking that it’s getting cold enough for them to just freeze the meat outside. And they can cook down the fat and refreeze it for future use (my Life Below Zero training is kicking in here). Make as much deer jerky as possible, use leftovers to bait some traps, use the skin as a blanket.
  23. Randy should have put a "for sale" sign in front of his cabin. I thought they just showed time-lapsed footage in reverse instead of actually taking down the shelters. Maybe they do pull down the plastic tarps, but why not let everything else just return to nature. Sort of hate the "ugh! I'm sooooo lonely" b.s. because um, "Alone?" Get it? As I say pretty much every week, Larry is much too volatile for my liking and I find him very scary. He's not someone I would want to have a relationship with, not even a shallow one. I decided that I want to buy a Mellow Yellow. That thing would be great to have here in New England.
  24. Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, la-la-la-la-la. Larry isn’t afraid; he goes out to see if they are hanging around his shelter.
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