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552 Excellent-
S50.E03: Ariana Grande / Stevie Nicks
omophagia replied to Galileo908's topic in Saturday Night Live
I didn't love most of this episode, but it's mostly because I just kept waiting for a Stevie Nicks Fajita Round-Up sequel that never came... -
In case anyone is curious how s37 winner Nick Wilson's first term in the KY house is going, he's the sponsor of this bill, which proposes to increase penalties for incest... while also removing first cousins from the "familial relationships" within the definition thereof: We're doing great here in KY. He ran unopposed for his seat, btw.
I'm dying here. I've been on these forums for ages, following Survivor, and I had no idea this thread exists. Jonathan from CU here. Delighted by this entire thread. Seriously. Love to see that the project is resonating and that folks are reading. We've always been a write-when-the-spirit-moves-you-and-you-have-the-bandwidth outfit, but I will say that Kevin, Zack, and I all wish that the women we are lucky to count among our crew had more bandwidth to contribute. We do pride ourselves on the diversity of our writers' bench-- especially in the country music space-- but always respect when those writers are game to join in or sit out. Which is to say I'm the hold up on the Sirius list, and we'll be back at it soon.
Read this tidbit in one of the "Inside Baseball" type Survivor blogs and found it interesting: After the first episode of "Winners At War," Brian Heidik is now the only winner never to have received a vote against them.
Kim, all the way. I think I screwed up on the survey by entering a second pick on the assumption that there'll be two EoE returns. But Kim. Always Kim.
Yes, that's correct. All intel is that Earl was asked but wasn't able to commit because he just had a baby born prematurely. I haven't read any updates on his family since those initial casting spoilers, though, so I hope everyone is healthy and thriving. I also hope he'll still get another shot someday. It's absurd that Vee wasn't even asked. I get why, say, Brian Heidik wasn't-- but part of me would love love love to see that raging sociopath play again-- but Vee has never seriously been in the running time return. Neither has Chris Daugherty, who had one of the all-time best end-games and FTC performances. It's a shame that the producers short-shrift so many early players who weren't necessarily flashy in their gameplay.
I loved it. Yes, there are always going to be countless nit-picks-- Edge of Extinction, obviously, some of the editing choices based on what we know now was cut from the episode, a few casting decisions-- but I felt that the episode delivered. The tone was celebratory-- which, at least for the first episode, was the right tone to strike-- without being self-congratulatory, and the series, at its best, has earned this as a victory lap. Thrilled to see the Sophie - Yul - Wendell - Nick alliance come together; as others have said, it isn't anything I knew I wanted to see, but I'm in. It allowed Yul to find a way to get his footing in the game, which was one of my main concerns, and it got me invested in three other players I was otherwise indifferent toward. Loved seeing Danni's pragmatic social game on display so quickly; she knew exactly how to handle the situation with Rob in a way that defused his volatility and potentially turned it to her own advantage. Such an underrated winner, and I hope she's able to correct that this season. I appreciated that, unlike on previous returnee seasons, the editing leaned into the significance of pre-existing relationships. That was unavoidable with the casting of both Rob and Amber-- and it's sad that we didn't really get a chance to see her play without him, but surely they both knew that was a risk coming in-- but the "poker alliance" figured prominently in the decision-making, and of course Yul had done his homework on that front. It was jarring to see Kim completely out-of-position and struggling, but I also think she's fully capable of changing that. It was also wonderful to see how enthusiastically Ethan embraced the modern game; it remains to be seen if he's good at it, but he sure seemed eager to give it a go. Ben was the only one who seemed completely out of their depth; he's a bottom-tier winner and not someone I would have cast, but maybe he'll realize his early mistakes and get it together. Even Adam, who I also would never have cast for this, was able to course-correct and move the target off of himself and Denise and onto Jeremy and Natalie, neither of whom had a good read on the social dynamics in their tribe.
Jenna has had struggles with substance abuse in recent years; as was the case with Todd, the consensus is that the producers did not want to put anyone in recovery at risk of relapse.
I'm in! I picked Tyson, Kim, Denise, and Yul!
I'm a s1ep1 veteran of the PlanetSucks and TWoP and Realiiity games and forums, and I've never seen the level of belligerence surrounding spoilers and spoiler sources as has been on display for this season. I know fans feel passionately about this season, but the vitriol about spoilers is bizarre. I've always been pro-spoiler, but wading through Sucks and Reddit to try to find them this year is a chore.
Ha! I said arguably, not that it was the argument I would necessarily make! Bob would be my personal choice and Adam's a bottom-tier winner for me, too, but Jud does come up in that discussion pretty regularly.
Chase Rice, who parlayed his stint as the runner-up to arguably the worst winner in Survivor history into a career as the most overtly sleazy of the "Bro-country" Bros, has apparently taken his sleaze to another reality franchise: https://people.com/tv/bachelor-star-victoria-fuller-faces-ex-chase-rice-on-peter-weber-date/
Was nice to see that she reached out to Brian Corridan from her season for some insight. He's always been at the top of my list of players from Guatemala who deserve a second chance.
Last I checked, the episodes from both of seasons that were pulled had rewards from companies that no longer sponsor the show; since Cindy's ouster hinged so much on her winning the infamous car reward, pulling the episode would be a lot easier than trying to edit around it! Re: Hatch. I try to avoid hyperbole on the internet, but what he did to Sue in All-Stars was assault. And the way that other players-- especially Kathy, who spent All-Stars squandering every bit of goodwill she earned in Marquesas-- was especially gross. All-Stars didn't have any real precedents in reality TV, and seeing that group struggle to navigate the in-game v IRL dynamics really wasn't fun to watch, though there was some interesting gameplay. It's a bottom-tier season for me.
Wow. Just wow. https://jeffvarner.blogspot.com/