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Everything posted by sasha206

  1. She has the WORST taste ever. The hair is too dark, too long, the bangs are awful but the atrocities she wears. Who told this woman she should have a fashion line? Or be involved in a It's either a really loud frumpy print pajama looking thing or a super tight bandage dress that highlights her stumpiness. If she had someone cut her hair, stop dying it jet black, and wear figure flattering clothing, she would look gorgeous. Meanwhile, you know that husband Fabio (yes I know that's not his name) probably has a couple of side chicks.
  2. It's so ridiculous. I have some well, vulgar friends. I would not be upset at them if I were being bawdy within earshot of the kids and they asked me to cool it. This whole storyline is stupiid. I think the only reason it's a storyline right now is there is no storyline other than Kyle's horrible bangs and her terrible taste in clothing. I'm just disappointed that Denise apparently also has terrible taste in women if she was with Brandi. Aaron gets dumber and more strange every time he opens his mouth. They'll be divorced in 2 years.
  3. Bingo. People are using gaslighting incorrectly these days.
  4. Yes, who the fuck cares who Tins is seeing and who she isn't. I almost wonder if what Dorinda wants to prove is that Scott pays her rent and therefore, Tins isn't swimming in family money. Maybe what Dorinda is thinking is: she isn't paying for that hotel herself. Scott is. So she MUST be still seeing him? Whatever the case, it's fucking weird. And I think what Dorinda really is saying about Leah is: I need her to be drunk so I'm not the only drunk in the room. She didn't seem to like Leah until Leah got drunk. This is the woman telling Lu she can drink.
  5. But Dorinda thinks with her "clip clip clip" stuff is well loved by fans. She thinks her tough guy act with the "make it nice" stuff makes her relatable. So she has amped up what she thinks people love. This is where Beth went wrong in my mind. She was snarky, a bit vulgar when the show was new. Then when she became wealthy and came back, she amped up what people loved about her but did it to the point that to me, it was rarely funny or endearing.
  6. She would've been on the Tell All no matter what, so she didn't need to stay in touch with Ed at all.
  7. Great body. Now she needs to do something about the teeth.
  8. Anyone who uses that word I want to throat punch. Dorinda was loved (or think shew as) when she was taking on Sonja, Lu. Trying to take Tins down is like kicking a puppy. She miscalculated this one.
  9. YES! He went from a nice, normal chunky Brit to this fame whore looking for more shows to be on.
  10. Oh wow, so "Us-Man" was the correct way of saying his name and his shrew wife has been saying it wrong the whole time?
  11. Ed is a fucking creep, but I believe Ed's version of the who reached out to who first. I do not believe Rose, if she hates him that much, would have responded to Ed b/c she "didn't want to be rude." That doesn't hold water for someone who was supposedly seething and crying in anger (no tears BTW -- she held her hands up to hear face during her supposed crying jag). Ed is cheap. She tried one more time b/c she knew he would want to get back with her. She wanted a gift/more money. It didn't work. He's too cheap. No one is going to keep trying to scam a turd that isn't going to produce. I was 100% Team Rose until reunion. I mean, no one is foolish enough to think she was in love with Ed. But she came off as a total phoney to me during the reunion and came off as a major scammer. I just don't believe someone who hates Ed, who was so embarrassed by Ed, would ever respond to another note from him unless she wanted something. I believe his side of the story.
  12. I don't really understand why there is any man attracted to overfilled lips of Heather Rae Young. Her skin is terrible, she's not pretty. Christina with the terrible hair, overdone makeup, injected lips. Is there no one in CA that doesn't have their original lips? And another superficial comment: I hate the faces on Jason and Brett.
  13. Agreed. She's pathetic but there is something endearing about her.
  14. I think he finally realized US is not worth having to be married to that shrew.
  15. Oh I'm sure. I think Ramona and Lu did it right though -- it's only been the last couple of years when it became very noticeable. Lu still looks good, but I think the fillers are making her look masculine. Just a few years ago... Now the masculine look with fillers
  16. BGL also forgave Usman when she busted him telling another woman he loved her. You know, after she said she was "DONE" for the 1000th time!
  17. Me thinks Lana has zero intention of going to Vegas or even in the US. She's making enough money off desperate elderly men that she probably lives in luxury with her husband. (She should put that money into quality dental work). I love it when these dumb Americans go over to Eastern European countries b/c they think that Ukraine/Russian women are nothing like American women. Shawn did indeed call him "Us Man." Can she at least try to pronounce their names correctly? (oops, I spelled her name wrong while complaining about her not bothering to get his name right!)
  18. Tom: So what i got out of this is Tom is really turning on the cad behavior because he loves his reality show fame. Not that he isn't a dick in general, but he's obviously playing a role. He also looks like he's got too much filler in his face. He could use some lips. Ash: Does this mother fucker tell the truth about anything? Except for telling the truth about lying? Avery: I like how she's so unruffled by it all. Of course, Tom was hitting on her. Lisa: She's always "done" with Usman, until she isn't. Meanwhile, did I hear Shawn say his name wrong? I mean isn't it Ooooosmahn? Darcy: "It's so funny how Tom is getting so much enjoyment out of this because it actually hurts people." This was the best comment of this Tell All. I love Darcy, I can't help it. I hope she finds someone that will love her. Truly. Steph: I wish Tom hadn't hit on her. Her boobs aren't even that great from the nude leaks. Dave: I remember when I thought he was a failed actor. Now, I agree -- he's just stupid. I enjoyed Ed's riding him on that!
  19. Yep! As I said in my posts about Ramona and Lu, they have had work done, but they looked relatively untouched for a long time when they were her age. Leah looks better with the work done and she may look fantastic at Ramona's age. But she's already had work done at a young age.
  20. So Dorinda has been posting Black Lives Matter related stuff on social media. And while that's a great thing, I'm always so tempted to type: remember when you handed your coat off to the one person you thought didn't belong? But decided not to b/c that one interchange, even though on TV, was forgotten. It was a mistake, a dumb one, likely with racial overtones -- she didn't think he belonged as a patron, so she assumed he worked there. But I know in this cancel culture, a twitter post like that could really fuck with someone's livelihood if people suddenly think she's a racist.
  21. I loved Dorinda's hair when it was this style. I think right now, it's too short up top. She doesn't have the face for it. She needs soft hair. I also think whomever is doing her hair now needs to add several Olaplex treatments to it. It looks fried now.
  22. Yeah, I mean NOW she looks like she's had too much work. But in my view, she was well into her 50s and looked amazing during the reunions. It was when Mario and her divorced and she got the boobs that she went downhill.
  23. Even scammers have standards! Imagine fucking that guy for a green card? Of course, this is the same woman who thinks Nigerian local talent is in love with her.
  24. There is nothing about an overseas trip to meet someone that doesn't even know how ugly you are in person, and you fear that reality that = "easy." If Ed was just looking for sex, he could take a really cheap, short flight to Vegas to have easy sex. What he likely wanted was teenage-looking, subservient wife that was desperate to marry him knowing he could not get a teenage-looking subservient wife in the states. Obviously he did not get that with Rose.
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