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Everything posted by tvgoddess

  1. Yes, so stay away, stay far far away. It is the less offensive one (although that's hardly saying much) and I do love MW's acting in this particular episode. But to watch it again? I don't think I can torture myself that much.
  2. It's Nathan and Maxie. They're spoiled for some fireworks this week, in the kissing sense. You guys need to stop freaking me out about Morgan and Kaka. I wouldn't put too many high hopes on Ron writing a veteran without throwing him under the bus. Look what he did to poor Brody on OLTL. When's Lucy on next? I miss her.
  3. I couldn't find very much to love about it. It was incredibly boring for a Friday episode and not even a shirtless Morgan was enough to save it for me. Mainly because he's forced to be in scenes with such a crappy character. She brings absolutely nothing to the team. Kiki, you should be riding the bench. You're hardly starting material. My one thing, hmm my one thing. I'm going to say yay for new character interaction. Morgan and Maxie in the same scene leading into Monday. With the dreaded Dunkleman, but it's better than nothing. I also liked Morgan talking about Sam's past to Kiki. At least he acknowledges he knows who she is. I just want to see characters in scenes with different people for a change. I wouldn't mind if they did a standalone episode with people that never interact together, just so we can get something fresh. Oops, I realize I've just set up the perfect scenario for BC and KT to have their dreams come true. Ah well, I'm not wishing for Britt/Morgan, but I'd definitely like to see any two people that aren't enmeshed in the same storyline shake things up a bit, if only for a day. The only thing that the Sonny/Franco scenes showed me is that Carly has truly terrible taste in men.
  4. As someone that had to sit through a Town Hall Power Point presentation this week on how our company has gone from good to great over the last year and being bored out of my skull, I would have so welcomed Dr. O's "How to Win a Prince in 10 Days" alternative. Winners today: 1) Molly/Alexis but really Haley/Nancy. They are so believable as mother and daughter and the scenes were so well done. Dialogue, acting, all of it. 2) Nathan shirtless with Anna. Just keep on feeding my fantasy. Especially when Maxie told her, "he's all yours". 3) More Samtrick, kids. An entire episode of Sam away from Coma Boy and Cray Cray focusing on something else entirely? Praise the soap gods. RoHo really does look so much better dressed up. It's like night and day improvement in the character. Ugh, more "I know everything" from Kiki. Just shut your stupid mouth, you twat. I am not liking tomorrow's preview with her and shirtless Morgan. For the love of all that is holy, that is what must be killed with fire immediately. Just say no, Morgan. Please, I'm begging you. But otherwise, I'm all for you being shirtless again. I so hope this Levi interfering with the Brownstone project leads to Morgan putting his fist in Levi's face. I'm going out on a limb and saying that they won't put CarSon back together. Unless people start giving it a good reaction, that is.
  5. See, this is what I get for being so nice about yesterday's show. Today was massive suckage everywhere you looked. You guys know how I always try and usually find one thing to enjoy. Today was like looking for an engagement ring in the Atlantic Ocean. Just not going to find it. Ugh, I guess I'll go with Sam dumping the Silas/Nina mess to go off with her new guy, Patrick. Don't judge me, but I had a dream about Samtrick last night. I dreamed we were floating down some river in inner tubes to get to an appointment to find out about who ran the car off the road. And I told them how jealous all the other Samtrick fans were going to be. I'm blaming that piece of chocolate cream pie I had last night right before I went to bed. Off to read the rest of the snark on today's show, because you guys are so much better at it than me.
  6. I had to do a double take, because I thought the same thing. Literally, I kept saying to myself, "what the hell is wrong with me?" But I will always like someone who calls out the Slagbeast on her behavior. And what a liar. Really. Anyway, if they were smart, they'd put Franco and Ava in scenes together to scheme. But Ron has his mind made up no matter what. I'll go a step further, I actually kind of liked almost the whole show today. Obviously, I'm feeling very generous. But Samtrick, impending Naxie, Rosalie calling out Silas, Franco finally being anything but unwatchable, Mac and Nathan bonding, and the best part, my girl trolling the hell out of Sonny. She's so far ahead of him it's not even funny. Of course, this is Sonny so a dog would probably be smarter. But I loved watching her tricks play out just to get under his skin. The milk was a nice touch, but ewww, milk. Disgusting. Can Nina add Levi to the list? And Sonny too while we're at it.
  7. Sorry, but there is no way in hell I can buy that Morgan would ever find Sabrina interesting enough or sexy enough to be around. She'd be like a lap dog, same way she was for Patrick. BORING. I find Sabrina to be the exact opposite of interesting actually.
  8. The day that MW exits this show is the day I leave for the barge. I personally think it's utterly stupid as hell to waste such a talent and such a great character, but this is why the show infuriates me at times. My favorite part of today was Ava snarking Carly, because of course. Carly deserves every bit of snark thrown her way, and then she should be thrown into a pit of hungry alligators. No pizza for you, Slagbeast. Sonny, we know what goes on a pizza, we're not as stupid as you that you have to list what the toppings are and what food groups they belong to. My other highlights were Nathan's awesome Aussie imitation and Rosalie's comments back to Nina.
  9. Let's just change that to stay in Puerto Rico or she can be thrown at Michael. No need to subject my hottie Morgan to Princess Sobby. First thing I thought when I heard this KMc news today, I wonder how many will dare to come back from the barge. Feel free to let us poor land-dwellers at least feel things out before you venture back towards port.
  10. They were awful. I followed on Twitter and occasionally checked the feed when it was someone I was interested in like Maura. But they were really offensive. Supporting Actor and Actress given out and no awards for GH so far.
  11. Wait, that's an actual spoiler about the candy? I thought one of you guys made it up.
  12. I would never waste Maxie in a romance with that pasty face. There's a reason he's boring, it isn't just Kiki (and trust me, I think she sucks on multiple other levels). He was boring with Abby, he was boring with Starr, and he continues to be a bore on my screen. I see nothing compelling about his character or his performance. He might as well be a male Sabrina.
  13. Slut-shaming aside, being a "slut" on a soap is no reason for a mother to lose visitation rights of her child. And as you said, it's in the past. (I didn't start watching until she was with Spinelli, so I can't answer whether she was or wasn't). Regardless, if you want to start looking at every female's sexual record so to speak, no one on the show would have custody of their own children. Not an effective argument IMHO.
  14. I thought he sounded like a complete asshole, but I have no love whatsoever for SBu. Didn't he just resign his contract over at Y&R? So, even if he wanted to come back to GH, which it is pretty clear he doesn't, he wouldn't be able to right away, right? And I agree that I can't believe people inferred he wanted to come back. That was nowhere in that interview to me.
  15. Don't worry, they can put the new baby under the couch. Or he/she can share a drawer with Ben. Yes, that's his name to me. Wow, again tough to come up with something likeable. I'll have to do a repeat of my likes from yesterday. Loved Sam's "kiddo" to Molly, and Naxie are definitely my new sparkly summer pairing to replace Brik from last summer. But other than that, really the best thing about today's show? NO Sonny, Kiki, Franco, Carly, Sabrina, Felix, Rafe, Shawn, Fluke/Luke, Olivia, Liz or Duke.
  16. Sometimes it's the little things. For me, it was the Davis Girls scenes, specifically Molly and Sam. I'm totally Team Molly in Ric vs. Julian, so I don't care what she said. I loved her. And I loved that Sam wasn't judgmental, she was just there for her little sister, regardless of the fact that Julian's her father. But even still, she's had Molly in her life for 16 years versus 1 for Julian, no contest. Anyway, Sam looked great and Molly's description of CarSon was hilarious. Love my Davis Girls, if only we could get Lexi back. You guys have already said everything there is to say about how much Kiki sucks. Really, there aren't enough words. The only one worse is Sonny. Both need to DIAF.
  17. Kiki sticking her nose into where it doesn't belong? Again?? I'm truly shocked. Kiki would do better to worry about her ass in those jeans. That was not a good look for her. Dante, on the other hand, looked scrumptious. If he had punched Sonny, it would have made my year. I want Dante/Morgan scenes, damn it! Aw, Nathan and Maxie are so cute. I love how Sonny thinks he can order Ava around in every respect, but he gets all perturbed that she has the sheer audacity(!) to leave the couch a mess. Shut up, asshole. Morgan being protective over his little sister? LOVE. Free Sam. Free Nina.
  18. Yes, you are. I'm going to need you to stop that peachmangosteen. What ickiness? It's certainly not like anything has ever happened or even hinted in that direction. Yes, they have inappropriate chemistry, but it's not their fault the actors sell it so well. Eeek, I actually forgot to weigh in on Joss. Sue me, I liked her. The last couple iterations of Joss have been either zero personality or painful acting. This one is good on both those fronts. And even though it won't last long, I'll savor her Franco hate. Kick him all you want. Carly deserves to have a little brat, so I'm completely fine with her.
  19. He didn't. But some watch a special feed. And seriously, he's only 20 and living at home with no job? My brother is 40 FUCKING YEARS OLD and just moved back home with no job because otherwise he would have been on the streets and then killed himself due to his depression. So I think Morgan is doing just fine. I love his continual hate for Franco, that has never wavered with him. I also liked his line, "Oh, they swore, so that makes it okay". Love my MWOP. And he looked good, aside from the fact that I'm over that shirt. I see they're trying to soften Ava's look now that she's pregnant. The dress was completely not her at all, but I didn't think she looked that bad. It was pretty hilarious though, did it have dogs or horses on it? I like that she's embracing the pregnancy, even though Sonny is being a total dick about it. Sonny, you have no room to talk about being honorable for so many reasons. "How do you look at yourself in the mirror?" Bitch please, have a seat. Or fifty. Nina/Sam, they both need to be freed from the suckage that is Silas. Maybe now that Ava knows, Nina can get more interesting. Kiki, I think Tee Vee said it best, STFU, you delusional bitch. Ava doesn't deserve to be stuck with this wench for a daughter, but it certainly looks like that is what's happening. Michael, he's so boring. And droopy. And just, that suit. He looks like a 12 year old going to a bar mitzvah. Most unbelievable CEO ever.
  20. I thought that chick looked familiar in the promo that I kept seeing.
  21. I just said recently how I can usually always find something to enjoy in any given episode. That task proved to be near impossible today, but I finally settled on the two seconds of Saxie sitting together at the funeral! Please, please, please - now that Maxie's finally been given scenes with Patrick, let's get her in scenes with Sam too. I want to see them catching each other up on their love lives over drinks. The only other thing that I liked was not gonna lie, seeing Nathan in his running attire. Glad to finally have Ava back tomorrow, even if it's with her lameass daughter. And glad to see Morgan too, but that shirt has made its appearance one too many times I think. Plus it's just going to remind me of the 10/2 episode when they had really hot sex so it makes me bitter on top of that. Finally, DIAF Sonny. You don't care about Ric, and you're disrespecting Anna. You can STFU and go to hell now any time.
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