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Everything posted by tvgoddess

  1. Good choices, considering how boring they both are. But I'm going with Michael Tracy
  2. MICHAEL (Die already, would you?) Tracy
  3. I don't know who around here had the unfortunate circumstance of watching 7th Heaven, but that had quite a few GH'ers most notably NLG as Principal at Matt, Mary and Lucy's high school. A young JMB was also on as a friend of Lucy's. KSt was on a few episodes as Simon's girlfriend Laura Cummings. Brad Maule (Tony) was in 12 episodes as well. And ALW (Courtney) was on it for several years.
  4. Catching up on three days' worth of shows, so some random thoughts out of order: I cracked up today at SWSNBN's picture, because I have virtually no history of her whatsoever (I've seen the scene where she comes in and sees Jason and Sam after wine got spilled on her dress and that's about it) but I know she is despised among this crowd. Tuesday's show was freaking awesome. The only thing that made it unpalatable was Carly saying Crypt Sex was all Ava's fault. STFU, you hideous hag. Totally on the Molly has every right to feel and react exactly how she did train. Poor girl has lost her father, a somewhat close friend and now her home in a matter of months. A lot for a 16 year old to handle. HP continues to rock her scenes. And TJ is love for being so supportive. Although the kiddie stuff has been a nightmare, I actually didn't mind Joss and Spencer's scenes today, as they were mostly acting like kids should act. And I thought it was sweet for Joss to show empathy for Spencer's lacking a mother. But damn, Joss has a bigger room than I do. It was practically as big as my whole apartment. Nice for Liz to finally remember HIPPA after all these years of ignoring it. Britt has been hard to watch, but KT looks awesome. The shorter haircut she got was so needed. It's so much more flattering than her style before, which was limp and just hung there. And navy is a very flattering color on her. Sam works much better away from Lameass and Nina and just being a party to what is taking place between her parents. Drunk Ass Olivia was a thing of gold. Finally, thank heaven and praise to the soap gods that they have freed my Ava and remembered she's damn good at being a bad ass. Loved her scenes with Franco, and love her being devious and conniving again. So glad she's interacting with more people on canvas finally. She should never have been isolated with Sonny, and MW should never have to be saddled with MB's worthless ass again. She's so much better than that. And loved her hair and her outfit today.
  5. FPJ was being a douche and was rightfully called out. I'm sure Kim wasn't the only one to say it. As far as I'm concerned, it can't be said enough. I'm just sorry that SMG didn't have the sense to dump his ass like KMc did. Buffy has terrible taste in husbands. And if anyone's career is going to be threatened, it's Freddie's not Kim's. Kiefer might not be the most professional person in the biz, but he's been there for a long time as well as his father. Is anyone going to remember FPJ for anything other than IKWYDLS?
  6. KMc is my new favorite person. http://daytimeconfidential.com/2014/07/31/kimberly-mccullough-calls-ex-freddie-prinze-jr-douche-kiefer-sutherland-feud/
  7. Tracy Michael (because I will not live in a world where Morgan again loses to his brother)
  8. Damn, two thirds of the people still alive bore the everliving fuck out of me. Way too many boring people on this show. Tracy Michael (sanctimonious little prick)
  9. I think it was Ava that was evicted on a morals clause (sleeping with Morgan which didn't sit well with Carly), Julian was just tossed out because Scummy and Olivia were being petty little bitches. So I have no sympathy whatsoever for Olivia. Although I'm always down with anyone shading/truthtelling Carly. Still loving Jeromes back on the same team. WdV seems to be pretty happy about it too, according to Twitter. Regarding Ava, I'll go on the record right now as saying I liked her outfit. I think she can wear a lot of things that others just can't. It was light and summery, and after being held captive for all this time, I sure she just wanted to be comfortable. Sam, why are you even bothering to tell Sonny about your relationship? He doesn't care, and taking love advice from Sonny is the worst idea ever. Nina/Silas. Don't know, don't care.
  10. I don't think he's eligible to die, he's not on The List (apologies to Nina).
  11. I suppose you're right. At least Shawn does have his sharpshooter skills to fall back on. Oh, wait.
  12. Shawn is just as gross as Sonny. Jordan is now officially ruined.
  13. Hmm, keeping my thoughts to myself. Tracy Monica I want all the Q's dead.
  14. Not going to lie, I wouldn't hate it. Yeah, I'm pretty sick. Just in my fictional life, though, not in my real one. I blame V.C. Andrews. I'll start off with them, because I agree completely. I owe Julian a debt of gratitude for helping Ava to escape Scummy. The rage I was feeling was going to cause me to have blackouts, I swear. But the ending was so hilarious, one of the things that this show does still get me to do is laugh. Sonny again showing how much he cares about Morgan. Zero. Zip. Nada. The beginning with Franco and the fake sex was really gross. It wasn't actually something I would expect from a Kate Hall episode. Definitely seems more like Scott Sickles. But I don't have a problem with him and Nina. It was the only time I haven't hated both of them. I liked that he found her list and basically told her she was BS. Woo hoo, my other girl is finally free too! Talk about a long prison sentence. I've been hating every minute of Siam since they started. Samtrick will barely even get off the ground and then Frozen JasePop will be back in town. Great preview of the promo upthread. ME continues to have no personality. Haley is just such a beautiful girl. I've really enjoyed watching her grow up onscreen. I saw a picture of Molly, Krissy and AS' Morgan the other day, and she used to look so young, even just a few years ago. I feel like I'm Connie (which I really hate since I despise the character for a) existing and b) having Ava being her killer), but in regards to the show overall, I both hate it and love it. Or, I'm addicted like Cokehead/Heroin addict Rafe.
  15. Warning, rant forthcoming - Since I don't care about Julexis and they don't do anything for me, I will say this: STFU Alexis. Ava's a monster, but poor misunderstood Sonny is a "very good father to Kristina"? Except for the whole almost blowing her up part. She just lost all credibility with me. And you'd kill yourself if you had to live with Ava but again poor Sonny? Stop, just stop. You're making a complete idiot out of yourself. Get your damn kid out of the hospital and just go away. And Sonny needs to die. Now. Painfully. A million times over. His gloating over Ava's time running out is nothing short of grotesque to me. Again, what could anyone expect from this disgusting piece of crap though. I suppose I'm supposed to be all Yay!Morgan/Rosalie now, but I didn't see any scorching chemistry between the two of them. More like friendship chemistry. Better option than Kiki, but then again what isn't? A lizard would be better than her. Still very very very bitter they broke up AMor for this crap. JordAnna is my new ship. Friendship or whatever. Just keep them in each other's orbit. Again, I'm missing the history of Bobbie/Scott/Lucy, but I'm still Scott/Lucy. Loved LH's hair today, very pretty. Very glad Team Jerome is back together. MW and WdV just play off each other too damn well to keep them separated. TJ should have been a little smarter about a DEA agent speaking the way he did.
  16. After today's episode, I feel the need for Sonny to die all over again. Numerous times. Alice Olivia Rosalie This isn't even close to being hard for me yet. I still have many more I would like to see dead.
  17. THIS, A MILLION TIMES, THIS! You can put both of them with anyone else, it will never surpass the chem that Ava and Morgan had with each other. I will go to my grave with this opinion. Ron's such a fucking moron.
  18. To Silas, a guy who neglected to tell her he had a 20 year coma wife? And has basically ignored her (Sam) since she reappeared? Silas is a complete and total ass. He deserves every bit of what's coming to him. It feels good to be a Sam apologist again.
  19. I think a long time ago, he basically said to forget it. I think his exact words to them were "nice try" when they said something about it. And yeah, I agree - I'd see Kelly and Bryan, not Britt and Morgan. And they could be as devoid of chemistry as Chad and Kristen onscreen. Why tempt fate?
  20. They've both been pimping Morgan and Britt heavily, and he's definitely not going anywhere for at least a couple of years. They're just really gaga in love. Which is really sweet, but annoying at the same time because I have no interest in seeing Morgan and Britt together, especially just because they're involved in real life. It's the one thing I agree with Ron on - he seems pretty dead set against it.
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