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Everything posted by tanyak

  1. I'll join you in that rant. Didn't your hear Nate propping Audra up today to Victoria? She's "bold, out of the box and innovative." And not a single example of anything she's actually done. She's supposed to be an IPO consultant. I would guess she has more knowledge and expertise than most in-house legal teams, which is why companies bring her in. But I would also imagine there's a fairly routine and standard way in managing an IPO. Where would Nate had seen an opportunity for her to be "bold." Of course she takes the job with no negotiations whatsoever. How bold of her.
  2. The Harrison/Tara/Summer thing has been bugging me, too. Like others said, she committed a white-collar crime, but by all accounts appeared to be a loving mom. There's no reason she should be completely out of Harrison's life. And does Tara have parents/siblings? Even a throwaway line of "Harrison has a video call with Tara's parents later" would go a long way. Also, are CEO and COO the only positions any company in GC are allowed to have?
  3. It was a little “Mary and Joseph at the inn.” It was fine, but I was definitely expecting more of a big party scene at the Abbott’s and or Newman‘s. The couples wishing happy holidays was nice at the end. Of course they would have Nikki and Victor, but boy they couldn’t wait to put Cricket and Danny back together. Lol But it makes sense since the messaging was both about the holidays and the show’s 50 years.
  4. Oh Geez. Sally had a slight wave of nausea. 🙄 “Who’s the daddy” is about to go into effect.
  5. A quick note about the Amazon commercial. I find it sweet but sad, too. I know they usually have longer forms of their holiday commercials, so I looked it up two or three weeks ago. The puzzling thing is in the long commercial, when he sits the snowglobe down by the photo, it’s just a photo of him and his daughter. Which is completely weird, because it changes the whole vibe that you get from the short commercial. Maybe they have re-edited it — I haven’t gone back to look lately and I’m in a rush to get out of the house tight now. The longer ad is nice because you see that several of his neighbors help him put everything together: one gives him leftover newspapers, another one has some tools, One of the ones who donated an item is actually outside of the greenhouse and is the one who flips the lights.
  6. I skimmed the last couple pages, so forgive me if I overlooked it. What happened to Abby and Chance's house? Did they downsize recently? Or did Y&R take the set to build Noah's new nightclub?
  7. So I need a history lesson. I remember Diane being on the show years ago, but I was working in an office and only caught Y&R on vacation days, holidays, etc. What about her makes her a compelling subject for a series of stories on a website, much less a book? Who is the audience for this outside of Genoa City? I felt the same way about the constant blathering about stories on Ashton Locke. Again, who cares. Was his fame supposed to be on the Steve Jobs/Jeff Bezos/Bill Gates level? Also, did Nate have an undisclosed head injury? That's the only way I can figure out how someone who has always been very reasonable is going around throwing fits and screaming about his "bold" ideas and not being respected. Not to say Devon is perfect. But has he even been with the company six months? Now he thinks he's qualified to be CEO? (I realize no one on this show is qualified to be CEO, but humor me.)
  8. After dragging the past couple of Dr. Rick commercials, I have to say that the newest one that's centered around the book signing is pretty funny. It seems to get back to the original humor and doesn't seem mean-spirited. "The line is in shambles, people. Tuck it in!" lol
  9. Yeah, I was annoyed by the airport one where he chided Julie (poor Julie!) for packing a snack or lunch or whatever. I've never gotten myself together enough to do that. But I would never make fun of anyone. I'm the idiot paying $20 for an airport salad and $5 for a bag a chips that would be $2 at a convenience store. What room do I have to drag someone? That said, I really liked the one where Dr. Rick took the crew to a game and the one where he helped the guy shop for the party. Now that it's football season again, maybe those will pop back into rotation.
  10. Yeah, that Dr. Rick commercial really annoys me as well. I guess I’m just old, but I don’t text professionals unless they indicate that’s their preferred way to communicate, or they text me first. This includes my son‘s teachers, a therapist that he saw briefly, etc. Texting to me is still a bit chummy and informal. Unless Dr. Rick had told them to text him, I would’ve called and left a voicemail, too. And to spin it out even more, I think a lot of younger people have no idea how to leave an accurate, precise voicemail.I know the commercial is just being funny, but it’s a skill I don’t think we necessarily need to be making fun of. Now get off my lawn. Lol
  11. If Nick is going to pick a sibling, can he just go ahead and pick Adam? Victoria's entitlement is off the charts, And I'm still irritated that she asked him to leave New Hope, a position that he loved and was thriving in, to come back to the family business. Because it's what she and Victor wanted, not Nick. It looks like he's starting to see the light, but of course, they are shipping him with Sally, which will be another obstacle to his and Adam's relationship. Minor point, but if Devon hadn't come back, was Abby cleaning up the entire party herself? lol
  12. This! She absolutely should be working on the winter collection now. Chloe said they had missed a couple of deadlines "for the season's line." Which I assume HAD to be fall because summer stuff will start going on clearance July 5 (get your swimsuits now!). Even Old Navy will begin bringing in early fall items in less than four weeks. And that whole conversation was stupid, with Chelsea blowing off production deadlines? What? Even creatives understand their stuff won't get seen/made if you miss enough deadlines. I guess her head is in the clouds thinking about Marchetti.
  13. So did the budget get bigger? We still don’t have the ballroom, but the lobby has gotten an expansion past the fireplace. We now see more of a wall, a few tables and chairs and actual doors to the nonexistent ballroom. I also noticed that the party had several extras., although that is probably due to a loosening of Covid protocols. I was really hoping that Nate‘s speech would blow up for him because I’m tired of folks being put in positions with no training and experience and always “rocking it.“ But like someone said upthread, Lily and Devon’s speeches were ridiculous. They didn’t say anything at all. So in actuality, Nate‘s speech wasn’t really big and bold, it was what you would expect competent execs to say at a shindig like this. As lastly, I’ll pull up a seat at the table of those who like Billy and Lily as a couple. They are supportive, low drama and have a nice ease with each other. I also think that the actors have really good chemistry and are believable together. I can see where Lily could come off as not being that supportive about his concerns for his kids. But I also don’t think his kids are any danger at all, and Billy‘s just always doing his thing that he does about protecting Victoria. And I can see how she’s just over it.
  14. Oh for pete's sakes. Three minor points that bug: 1. Chancellor-Winters-Hamilton is supposed to be a huge global(?) corporation. There is no way the co-CEOs, the COO and whatever Nate is supposed to be would be spending this much time planning a party. It would be delegated to the Marketing or whatever team, who would do the actual legwork, then check in with the latest details and make adjustments. 2. The way everyone continues to be impressed by Nate's business ideas, which are hardly cutting edge. 3. Bowie, or whatever his name is, is too old in real time to be constantly in a bassinet or a carriage-style stroller. I get that they don't want to have a baby on set, but they way that they peer at him like he's four weeks old is weird. /rant lol
  15. Wait. Can someone help me with today’s episode? Towards the end of yesterday’s episode, Sharon and Nick go to the coffee house where they run into Chelsea. Chelsea tries to talk and Sharon cut her off saying that she (Sharon) shouldn’t be grieving. Chelsea looks alarmed, Nick kind of looks over at Chelsea and then the scene cuts. But today, the first time we see Sharon she’s back at the house looking for a wedding planner and having flashbacks of Ray. Then she ends up back at the coffee house talking to Tessa and Mariah with Nick. Chelsea is nowhere to be seen. But according to my TV guide it says “Jack drops a bomb shell. Phyllis busts Diane. Chelsea defends herself.” Those first two things happened today so I know I’m watching the correct episode. Do they cut that entire scene?
  16. Catching up on yesterday‘s episode, and I just want to cosign the entire foolishness of this Bowie situation. What doctor signed him out to leave THE DAY of his procedure? And if they are so desperate to have him home, why have the four of them spent almost the entire episode chitchatting and eating Chinese food? They run up when he needs a diaper change? What? I get that the nurse is there, but still. And don’t get me started on Nate, doctor and specialist of everything.
  17. Rebecca is the host of NBC’s Premiere League coverage, so I see her a lot. I think she’s wonderful, and I do appreciate that I’ve yet to see her in anything that looks like she could walk off the set and right into a club.
  18. While I think things worked out the best that they could and allowed for a medal ceremony, my heart breaks for Kamila. Whether she was told to throw it, or she just buckled under the weight of it all, I really feel for her. I don't know much about Russian skating or coaching circles, but I really hope her parents come scoop her up and take her elsewhere. I didn't realize that the skating was this morning until my husband told me to check my CNN alert. I'm hoping they play all of the drama with Sasha in prime time tonight.
  19. Yes!! And I never understood it while it was never called out. That post taught me something literally two minutes ago. lol
  20. I will forever associate “Home“ with the 2012 US women’s gymnastics team. Lol For some reason, NBC decided to make it their theme song during the Olympics.
  21. Yeah. It’s weird because if you look around outside of the courses/venues, it’s all brown mountains. The Washington Post ran a photo of O’Brien’s foot turned out…unnaturally. Ouch!
  22. It looks like Peacock is streaming everything, but that's still NBC. Is anyone planning to watch? I swear the games have had the least buildup of any I can remember in my 47 years. I get the reasons why. I just feel for the athletes.
  23. Maddy was moved from her position in the 2020 routine. I remember because they spent a lot of time showing us how the 2020 routines came together for both teams – choreographers, who made mat, etc. That was one of my gripes about the second half of the season. I thought they kind of rushed through the development of the 2021 routines. I was curious if they kept elements of the 2020 routines since they hadn’t been performed. I was also curious what happened to the choreographer who had originally worked with Navarro but moved over to TVCC. I don’t remember him being shown at all in 2021, and they brought in that other guy who made some changes.
  24. Thank you for this. Someone posted the schedule from last year‘s competition above, and as I scanned it, I noticed there weren’t really a lot of the top D1 schools on it. Kentucky in particular came to mind because I remember they are a perennial power. In the first episode of season two, someone from Navarro mentioned that TVCC used to have more of a collegiate style. If that’s the case, I wonder why they never tried to compete in the UCA open division? And just a random observation: I was all in on the first season. But I had totally forgotten just how big the cast and “Mat TIme!!” were in the weeks leading up to the pandemic. I also agree that while I think Jerry was naturally exuberant, he was really amping it up as his star rose. It was pretty cringe to watch a lot of those video clips. Lastly, i’m all for a good motivational speech, but Jada in particular loved to talk. I honestly think that if I was already nervous, I would’ve tuned her out about halfway through. Brevity has its place. Lol
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