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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. It seems like those scenes were about both. Sam calmly tells off Nik and refuses to help him, then instantly changes her mind for Spencer's sake, drops any hint of hostility, and seems to show concern for Nik's feelings if Hayden turns out to be un-trustworthy. ITA agree with you about the set up of Nikolas, though. Everyone predicting Nik would get a slap on the wrist is right. Sam showed more anger/hostility toward Liz in their confrontation(s) than she did toward Nik today, while being well aware that the Jason deception started with him, her own family.
  2. Douchey Prince gets Sam to investigate by playing the protective father/"my son" card. Ugh. And then she cares about how he feels if she finds dirt on Hayden? That is some Saint Sam propping all the way. Of course Nikolas having Hayden shot didn't come up as he's saying he doesn't trust her. I missed some of the Sloane stuff - is anything Paul told Anna true, or is he just trying to play on her sympathies as a mother whose daughter has been through trauma? Regardless, Anna looks fabulous, esp. that beautiful hair. Good to see Diane. Nobody deserves to have their kid screaming at them more than S&C. He is sooooo Sonny's kid.
  3. I liked the mentoring/friendship in this episode between Burgess and Lindsay. Burgess away from Ruzek is so much better. I liked Platt again in this episode; good scenes with Roman. The teasing, sarcasm and then mutual respect works for them. I was amused that the Green Clinic owner thought she was being charming/flirty with Halstead and he was just like Do.Not. Care, but yeah I'll do the job (because he wants $ for a better place to live). That professor should be on his hands and knees, begging for his wife and daughter's forgiveness. He was seriously delusional.
  4. Maxie and Kiki propping Nina is not going to help make the character believable or likable, Show. Watch it, Paul. Anna could break your wrist/hand/arm with little effort. I like how Avery just seems over all the posturing. I wonder if any of you are still conscious after the danger anvils of the Dante/Lulu Haunted Star scenes. I assume "Roy" is that Raj guy? Re: previews: So Sam finally gets to sorta confront/tell off Nikolas? How long's it been now since Liz admitted to Jason that Nikolas told her the truth?
  5. I'm amused, mybabyaidan, because the full-name repeated -what, 6x? in one episode came off glaringly clunky. I could sorta buy all that infomercial dialogue if it came out of just the medical professionals Monica and Liz. LW sounded like she was reading off of cards, and BM looked like Jason was anything but concerned about/invested in Jake's recovery. And then his tone/attitude when Jason said goodbye to Sam made it seem like Jake's an obligation. Not okay.
  6. I understand it is only the TPTB's fault. It's true other characters have had family members on canvas, but in my opinion 10+ at one time is excessive. The reason I brought up Sam is because in two episodes, the stark contrast in the support of these two characters got to me. Sam just saw Lucas yesterday for a few moments, she's having a scene with mom and a sister, the mention of her parents' wedding, and then Jason appearing. The non-Jason worshippers around Liz after she's lost her house and her son's been injured include Lucky's mother and brother, and f*ing Franco. I hate how TPTB continue to prop up the Mob-centric chic, her amnesiac husband and their Mob families/friends while crapping on Liz and ignoring what should be an important core family on a show called General Hospital. I'm done talking about this now.
  7. I should have clarified/explained more in my first post - I mentioned Sam due to Alexis and Kristina being in her apartment today, and then Jason dropping by. Elizabeth is the only member of Webber Family currently on the canvas; Becky's been playing this character on the show 20 years and yet we still don't even know her mother's name. We know little of her life before she came to Port Charles. Her elder brother and sister have had brief stints in Port Charles. Then we have Sam, who came to Port Charles as a con in her 20s about 12 years ago. She's gotten a good deal of back story, and we've heard many mentions of her being on her own with her brother Danny. After the Alexis as Sam's mother reveal, there were complaints for years about a Sam's father story. Now, on her own and via marriage to Jason, she has more relatives/family in Port Charles than probably any character except for Jake. Meanwhile, the TPTB for this SHOW continue to favor Sam/Kelly and do nothing to build up Elizabeth's connections, history, or the core Webber Family.
  8. Aiden sighting!! Such a cutie pie!!! STFU, Carly. How many people has Sonny had killed over the years, huh? It's fine if one or several people want to complain about Alexis being a hypocrite, but Carly should not be the one to do it. Ugh. I laughed along with TeeVee about Kiki walking in on Morgan sexing up Darby in the warehouse. It's so weird seeing Tracy's son spending time with Anna for any reason. I can't be the only one annoyed that Sam has her mother and sisters(s) loving and supporting her, meanwhile Liz.....gets an offer from Franco to text her once in a while to check up on Jake's progress in Philadelphia. UGH. I hate that there's not a single on-screen Webber/Hardy there for her. And no, I don't think her former MIL and BIL are enough.
  9. I didn't say she had good reasoning, but she has something of a history toward women who gain financially via scheming/relationship with a man. Hayden wasn't specifically paid to sleep with Jason, but she was paid to convince him they were married, and that was one way she went about it. Grey area, I think. Liz isn't involved in the ELQ takeover; she sees that as Nik's business. I believe she did give him attitude about that scheme the night of the Nurse's Ball. Also: The Kanye West comparison made me LOL, thank you! Except Nikolas went to Elizabeth and asked her to move in. She didn't jump at the chance because of Hayden, and his attitude was basically I don't care how she feels about it, you're my best friend. She's hardly hitting on unhappy newlywed Nik. Totally agree. I'm actually thinking Nik may start attempting to "try again" with Liz down the road as this mess with Hayden is unraveling (beginning now), and because he sees that Liz and Jason are definitely over.
  10. I agree with you all that Johnny is an *actual* threat. The writing for Dante to leap to the "Lulu and Dillon are having an affair" conclusion was definitely weak, but it wasn't completely without merit due to their history *and* Dillon's behavior toward Lulu at that time. Dillon was close to Lulu pretty much every chance he got, was discouraging Lulu from leaning on/calling her husband, was in on supporting her worst impulses (which Lulu knew Dante would not do - she acknowledged that today), designated himself her great protector (when Dante's the one with actual protector skills), etc. Dante was aware of *a* secret w/Dillon, that she wasn't sharing w/him. When even Morgan picks up on the vibe that Dillon wants Lulu for himself....c'mon. Dillon was just not as openly manipulative in wanting Lulu as Val was with Dante - and he didn't have a dead parent card to play. Dante was stunned to find that Lulu had been *in* a hotel room with a guy she'd once slept with, and had a massive overreaction....but he wasn't wrong not to trust Dillon's intentions. Both Dillon and Val were being inappropriate with/toward Lulu and Dante and knew it, they just. didn't. care. All that being said, doesn't excuse Dante from sleeping with Val.
  11. I think, in Liz's mind, the difference is money (and scheming involving $). Ric not only lied to her, he paid Hayden to go to Liz's house and come between her and Jakeson. He gave Hayden false documents to make the scheme believable. I think Elizabeth believes Hayden is also now attached to Nikolas for money (pre-nup or no pre-nup) and underhanded schemes. Liz believes she loved/loves Jason, and that was all that mattered. She believes herself to be protective of her BFF, Nikolas. Her choices have not been motivated by money. Of all Liz's flaws and sins, getting a pay day from scamming someone or being a gold digger w/a guy are not on that list. She has always worked as a nurse, has always wanted to support herself. SBu's Jason didn't consult her when he bought her the house; he asked her to accept it because of Jake. When Liz was pregnant with Aiden and Nikolas talked about establishing a trust fund (or several), she snapped that she could support her own children. I kinda think Liz sees Hayden as a high-class hooker; the only reason Hayden and Jason didn't have sex the one night is because Jason turned her down. And the audience knows Hayden has not refrained from sex with Nikolas.
  12. but why did Dante immediately jump to thinking Lulu and Jar of Mayo, of all people, would be having an affair? It wasn't just Valerie pushing that idea that did it. I think the answer is two-fold. 1) Dante and Lulu once had a talk (when Julie was in the role) about pregnancy/babies, where she told him she had a crush on Dillon in h.s., lost her virginity to him, got pregnant, and had an abortion. So Dante knows that Lulu once had feelings for Dillon, was acting odd (turned out to be because of family worries), went off to Canada with him. 2) Lulu loves and trusts Tracy, her dad's on-again, off-again wife. Lulu and Dillon have a bond via their parents' history. Seems like Lulu trusts him partly because of that. He knew her from before she was married to Dante. The writing for Lulu since this actress took over has been focused almost exclusively on Lulu's relationship with Dante, and babiesbabiesbabies. The Spencer/individual in her was squelched for storyline purposes, including because her two non-Cassadine brothers have been off the canvas 98% of the time, Luke was MIA so often, and Laura living in PC is a recent development. So Dillon being around reminds her of when she was a 'young, free Spencer woman.' *RME*
  13. I think the answer is two-fold. I'll respond in the Spencer Family thread, so as to obey the Forum administrative rules.
  14. I rolled my eyes when Sam looked toward the stairs in response to Jason's "what next?" after kissing and then him cooking her an easy dinner. Um, you're recovering from a concussion and injured back, he's worried about you and his older son's trauma, and you're thinking about sex? Whatever. Nikolas.....NOW you want Sam to investigate Hayden?! First off, yeah the obvious WTF that he's asking her for a favor after what he's done. But after everything that's happened, he chooses this moment to want to look into Hayden's past?! Ugh. The stupid, it burns. Gee Jordan, somebody's defensive. Also, can't take this sisterhood/friendship Jordan and Val have going on seriously. I liked Liz's contempt for the Vegas wedding. Hayden's response was weak/pathetic.
  15. My first thought after the her scene with Lucas and Brad is that she's going to turn out to be bi - she said to them "not straight," and when she first got together with Kiefer she came across as straight - her concerns about sleeping with him were not about a lack of attraction. When she had the crush on Ethan, she *clearly* thought he was hot. I think Lexi could play a bi character.
  16. The best of this V-day episode: the kind/lovely Kristina and Lucas/Brad talk about sexuality, Liz snapping at the insurance person over the phone who asked to speak to her "husband," the Laura-Elizabeth hug (with mention of the past), TJ's 'huh?" face at Molly awkwardly announcing to him she wants sex. (I assume it's only because of what Kristina said to her.) And I guess it was nice of Maxie to want to push Dante and Lulu together for the holiday. Did NOT like" "I read my charts. I'm fine." Really, Sam? You're a medical professional now, too? Lucas just saying okay, you can sneak Sam home when he's not in a position of authority to tell her that was just ....bleh. All just a set-up for JaSam to play family in the Penthouse, and for the kissing/connection when Jason has just acknowledged he doesn't have his memories of living there with her.
  17. I meant that the writers have turned her into a sad, pathetic shell in this storyline; it was her posture and the sad, defeated tone about her as opposed to Jason and Sam behind her, waiting to patch things up with Jake and not seeming to feel really bad at all that Liz/this boy's home is gone. No acknowledgement that Sam used poor judgement in confronting Jake, or that she could have handled things differently by not running down the stairs/ turning on the lights, etc. Liz's house blowing up is being treated like some little oopsy. Jason should be upset that Jake has mental health issues, just had surgery and has to recover from broken bones and internal bleeding, and also now doesn't have a home to return to. Instead, he's telling Sam he's not going to leave and that Jake will be fine - like the kid just has a broken arm or something. That's what I mean about propping - Show appearing to make Liz a shell with a broken life, while beating us over the head with the Great JaSam Love.
  18. Nikolas showing up is the first time Liz has a friend in her corner since Jake got hit and her house blew up. I assume ex-MIL Laura will show up soon. But thanks to TPTB (and outside professional opportunities for actors), Liz doesn't have any of her old/other friends anymore. Yes, Felix sent around an e-mail asking for help for her, but they're hardly good friends. I don't think they've ever had more than a surface conversation about men. Liz has been a nurse there for a long time now, it's not surprising that people in a caring profession would want to help her and her family. Aside from Monica (the only living medical professional left of the Qs), they were not invested in Jason, so all that drama wouldn't matter to them. Yes, Robin briefly showed love and concern for Liz, feeling for her pain. But Robin has empathized with quite a few people who haven't been through a quarter of the hell she went through. I still remember her saying well, if not for Lisa, maybe we wouldn't appreciate our marriage as much as we do now. UGH. Carly sorta gave Liz a pep talk because she sees Liz and Jason being in it together with Jake getting well again. Seems like she did it to because Jason is her BFF and feels like she should be supportive in this bad situation. Monica actually praised Carly at the Gala re: Jason after Carly helped cover up AJ's murder by Sonny's hand, so Monica being nice and supportive of Liz as they're looking down at Jake in his hospital bed is fine with me. Jason isn't hating on Liz, so she's not hating on her either. Her grandson, his brothers and his mom need somewhere to stay now and the mansion has empty rooms, so I just see it an act of caring and generosity. Also, I think deep down Monica realizes Jason's sins in life far outweigh Liz's. What bothered me about the Liz/Sam/Jake/Jason scene is both the wording and how Liz now seems to be bowing down to Sam. She told Jake they were together for a "long time" - sure if you don't count the multiple break ups, the ONSs, Sam sleeping with Liz's husband, the separation while Sam was pregnant w/Danny and Jason leading Liz on, etc. Yes I understand you can't get into all that w/a child - but the whitewashing of the JaSam history as just this enduring, great love is gross b.s. I did not like the "Mommy is bad and wrong - I'm going to leave you to bond with Good Sam and your wonderful Daddy now." Yes, I get that Liz is finally accepting responsibility for her mistakes, but she could do that without the writers having her look like this pathetic, sad shell of a woman. I also find it an interesting writing choice that Liz's home, which Jason bought for her when Jake was a baby, got accidentally blown up by his wife/mother of his second son.
  19. Do i sense the potential for chemistry between Elizabeth and Griffin? So much better than every single forced scene of Franco and Liz. My heart broke for Liz trying to assure Aiden (over the phone) that they're going to be all right, and then asking Cam to be a good example for his brother. And of course there's Prince Douchey, trying to sweep aside her point about them setting this is motion. JE did a good job w/Tracy looking out of it. Jeebus with the JaSam propping from Liz now, in addition to the Davis sisters. Ugh. Your sister has been through physical trauma and all you two care about is her feelings about Jason and being rescued. Good shocked face by HP about Molly hearing Parker is a woman. UGH to Talking Tree (everything he said to/about Maxie-.b.s) and to Sonny re: "arrogant sons of bitches." Griffin has to put up with that POS, yuck.
  20. Same neighborhood, but not next door to each other..
  21. Yates wanted to make Erin, and Hank, squirm. And no, Yates is not at large. There was a storyline resolution but I won't spoil it for you.
  22. The difference is that Jason did not hate AJ at the time Carly was pregnant with Michael, nor Sonny when Sam was pregnant. He said he thought whenever he'd look at the baby, he'd see Franco. He radiated hatred for Franco for everything he'd done in the name of being obsessed with Jason, including the mind games and not-rape.
  23. Yes!! Becky did a terrific job, and I wanted to smack Julian for...well, reminding me of Sonny's hypocrisy. But barware is safe in the Davis-Jerome house.
  24. It seriously was OTT. I caught how Jason asked her if she was ever hurt/in danger "because of me" and she replied "Your love never hurt me." When you're trying to speak carefully that way, Sam, there's a problem. Trying to whitewash their past because he's just saved her and is paying close attention to her is just so ....utterly GH at this point in time. Ugh.
  25. The JaSam dialogue today and their voiceovers as Liz looks at what's left of her house and picks up the shattered glass frame of her and Jason....SUBTLE, Show. Same regarding Paul's estranged daughter. The propping from Alexis made me roll my eyes, too. The only good part was how Anna totally played Paul. FH is sooo good.
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