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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I liked the Scout birthday scenes, especially seeing both grandmothers there, BUT - where was Jake? Did someone have a line explaining that he had other plans? That bothered me because during the holidays Drew and Sam told Jake he will always be Scout's brother (even though they're technically cousins). Oscar, who just saw Scout for the first time at Christmas (approximately two months ago), shows up at their door and Drew says they couldn't celebrate Scout's birthday without her big brother. WTF? Also, I guess Kristina didn't send her niece a gift? Has she shut out her sisters too, not just Alexis? It's so nice that Monica can go to a birthday party and see her grandchildren without being forced to deal with Carly and Sonny. Monica has built a relationship with Drew that she had always wanted with Jason; it's great to see her have one decent, living child who shows her respect.
  2. THIS. Sam and Drew should be the godparents for multiple reasons. Carly and Sonny's children are/becoming parents; the one young child of their family, little Avery is being raised by a nanny. Also, has Sonny ever even met Brad or Lucas on-screen?
  3. She's heard Michael speak about his bio father (although can't recall if he said "AJ" to her). So, she could have a win/win by honoring Michael's relationship with his father and infuriating S&C by using the initials AJ for her baby. If it's a girl, the name could be something like Alaina Jamie. AJ would certainly approve of Michael having a baby with a woman who hates Carly, and naming that child after him. But it still seems likely there's a set up for Nelle to have a miscarriage and for Carly to somehow be responsible because Carly always thinks she's protecting Michael, and goes too far.
  4. Has GH ever addressed who raised Griffin (I assume they're deceased now) and who was the biological mother? Maybe some actress who was on the show briefly, then went on to bigger things?
  5. I agree with dubbelzout and ulkis that the Show is trying to have it both ways, and what you're talking about doesn't seem to be what they're going for. Maxie's portrayal regarding children in general and then Georgie specifically, has been ... not great. I remember a scene where Maxie and Liz were held captive together briefly and Maxie was jealous of the attention Liz was getting from Matt, so she said Matt could never be into a woman who smells like spit up (or something like that) - basically implying that Elizabeth was gross because she had young children. Then when Emma was an infant, Maxie was enthusiastic about babysitting her for a couple minutes - until Emma fussed. Then she called Spinelli for back up. Fast forward to when Georgie was an infant. Maxie was crying in the cemetery, saying she couldn't possibly handle staying away fro/not having custody of Georgie for X number of months, so she was going to take pills right then and there and commit suicide. Robin stopped her. So I don't really know *how* Maxie feels about her access to Georgie. Has she just been excited about having another baby because she's in love with Nathan and he couldn't wait to be a father? She seemed fulfilled in working in a field she loves, and being in a committed relationship to Nathan. That's it.
  6. Maxie could be more present by planning to go to Portland more often before she's too pregnant to fly. For example, she could have taken one day off and had 4 days that included Presidents' Day weekend. Kids have off for a week for spring break/Easter in approximately a month; she could make sure she's in Portland for that week to spend quality time with Georgie. To me, the issue isn't about Maxie fighting for custody or not. It's that the script writers don't have Maxie talking about longing to spend more time with Georgie/expressing regret on all that she's missing. It seems she's perfectly content to play the role of occasional "fun aunt" to her own daughter, with Spinelli and Ellie doing the actual hard work of raising the child. Then in her scenes of talking to Nathan's unconscious body, she spoke only of swinging with "our kid" - not of looking forward to spending time with both her children in the future. More recently when she was giving the 'pep talk' to her unborn child, she spoke as if this baby is her sole focus. No mention of, "Georgie will help us stay strong" or some line acknowledging she wants Georgie to be present in their lives.
  7. I sort of expect that Carly will say something like "Since Sam has decided that Drew and this media business are so important to her, then she and Drew can pay for and arrange the clean-up. It's not like I as the hotel owner invited Faison here." Spinelli and Ellie did NOT move to Portland against Maxie's wishes. Spinelli told Maxie that Ellie got a great job offer, and he and Maxie talked about what to do. Maxie said Ellie should take the job, and Spinelli should go with her and take Georgie; she (Maxie) was a mess and not up to parenting her child. (After that, she went off to 'find herself' and left the apartment in new acquaintance Nathan's hands, eventually returning with awful Levi.) Did Spinelli and Ellie get married at some point? Maxie asked Spinelli was she wrong to not want Georgie at the funeral, and Spinelli said that instead, Georgie went on her first school field trip. Maxie didn't know ahead of time that there was a field trip, or the destination. Maxie spent months working elsewhere and seeing Georgie more regularly. She didn't go off to Portland to be close to her daughter at the expense of her marriage. Maxie and Nathan apparently being incapable of smart decision-making in their own lives/marriage is what caused the strain in their marriage. Spinelli has never suggested that Maxie give up everything to be more present in Georgie's life.
  8. A) Agree with you. B) True, but I wonder about Georgie developing issues about her mother the way Maxie did about Frisco. I said I feel sorry for Georgie, because it would be horrible if she had come with Spinelli to see Maxie, and overheard her mother say time spent with him and Georgie was a "waste" when it should have been time spent with Nathan, and no I'm not going to devote time to Georgie now because I need to spend the time accepting that my husband is dead. I would image a little girl would go running back to Ellie and being excessively clingy ... maybe at some point saying "Mommy Maxie doesn't love or want me." At some point in the future I imagine Maxie would ask Georgie to be a good big sister to her child with Nathan, at which point Georgie would be justified in saying "Go f- yourself, I really don't care what you want or expect."
  9. Clumsy writing I figure, to remind Sam and Jason in a "cute" way of when things were good between them when Sam wanted to be pregnant with Jason's kid up until the point in the honeymoon where Franco decided to torture them. Sam said a couple "trying to get pregnant" which was a nice awkward moment for them since that was their past. All the writing is just crap. Faison would want to torture Anna, Robert, Robin and probably Leisl, not Jason and Drew since he had zero history with them. I would have expected the reading of Faison's will to be leaving video recordings of Robin's ECT torture for Anna and Robert with a note "to remind you both of your deficiencies as parents, that this happened to your kid because you didn't figure out sooner what really happened and rescue her." A bonus for him would be Leisl going on trial for administering the treatment.
  10. Kirsten Storms is doing a great job of playing Maxie mourning Nathan, but the scenes of Maxie turning down Spinelli's offer to come home with him to visit with Georgie were poorly written IMO because Maxie comes off like spending time with her own daughter should always have been secondary to focusing on Nathan, and now mourning him. Felicia should have gone with Spinelli to see Maxie, reminding her that she won't be able to fly to Portland in a few months due to the pregnancy, and that she will be consumed with the responsibilities of caring for a newborn after that. Right now she can make memories with Georgie, just for a couple of weeks. Also, focusing on depression and despair over the loss of her husband can't be good for the development of her baby. I felt so sad for little Georgie, and that was probably not the writer's intent.
  11. Gotcha. I was looking for details about an apology because in my mind, Obrecht's defining moments have to do with aiding Faison/helping hold Robin prisoner and torturing her. That was her introduction on GH, and the audience knows it was on-going. If someone referred to her apologizing about messing with colleague Fin's career, my reaction would be to quote actor Victor Garber's character's line on Alias, in reaction to his ex-wife apologizing for having been unfaithful during their marriage: "Of all the things you've done, that's what your apologizing for?!" It bothers me that after everything she put Robin and Anna through, and the hostage situation in Liz's home which resulted in her shooting Liz, she still behaves like they're not even worthy of her time for a conversation about the hospital/ profession of medicine let alone an apology.
  12. So he wants his son-in-law's ex/baby mama? That is a Sonny level of skeevy. Eww, Julian.
  13. Are you saying she apologized to Robin for the torture?! And to Anna for letting her think her daughter was dead? If so, point me to the scene(s). Gati's acting makes me believe Liesl did love Nathan and is sad that he's deceased. But I don't feel sorry for the character; it's likely Faison would not have succeeded as he did in torturing, murdering, scheming, kidnapping etc. if not for her encouragement, enabling, and protection.
  14. I think Michael has been living somewhat in denial about what a truly awful person his mother is, dating back to before she hooked up with Sonny. That denial extends to her OTT hatred of AJ and the rest of the Qs. Jason is one for contradictions, what can ya say. He tells his mother he loves her, but spends far more time with Robin's mother. I think he's had maybe two scenes with Monica since returning?
  15. Michael knows basic facts about Carly's actions, but I don't believe he and Monica have ever had a conversation where she spelled out the pain/trauma it caused her and Alan. He has never heard Carly speak her uncensored contempt for AJ and the utter lack of remorse for how she hurt him and helped Sonny cover up the murder. Carly's tried to talk around it in any conversation with Michael about AJ. She has acknowledged the facts of what she did, yes, but he has yet to hear her be the real Carly talking about his murdered father and the rest of the Q Family. He should really take in how Carly has no respect whatsoever for his grandmother Monica, or the relationship he built with AJ before Sonny shot him.
  16. He told Drew sometime ago he wanted to know what H/P's plans had been for him/does he still need to be concerned about people coming after him, and are Sam and Danny safe. He was concerned about his family being targeted to make him (Jason) comply with with whatever the plan had been, and still might be, for Patient 6.
  17. I am hoping this happens as the baby shower is concluding, when Michael is there. He needs to hear Monica, uncensored, go off on Carly for complaining and speak some truths about Carly's behavior,and how Nelle's behavior is nothing compared to what Carly, and then Carly and Sonny, did to AJ and the Q Family. Carly of course, would retort that her loser son deserved everything that happened to him and the only good thing he ever did in his life was conceive Michael with her. Michael would hear this, give Carly the smackdown she deserves, and warn her he'd consider cutting her out of his life and his child's. Then, he would demand she apologize to Monica. That is the show in my head, anyway. :)
  18. Yes, after Lucky's verbal smack down of Elizabeth and Nikolas in Elizabeth's home, she started to break down and then reacted strongly and negatively -in front of Ethan - to seeing a Valentine's Day event flyer. He didn't understand why, mentioned it to Nikolas, and Nikolas explained Elizabeth's emotional reaction.
  19. Since you're already upset, you should be warned not to watch the Robin-Jason scene in Kelly's. She thanks him, and it gets worse from there. Aside from the Jason propping, the dialogue came off badly to me as well because she didn't sound concerned about Maxie being in pain/mourning Nathan because of having people like "Amy, Spinelli, Sam and Drew" around to support her. Amy started a scam that Nathan eventually went along with but she wasn't Maxie's friend, and Spinelli is the ex who lives with their daughter on the West Coast. Maxie has suffered yet another devastating loss in her life, so I thought Robin would sound worried and comment about checking in with Maxie often.
  20. I agree with you; was using her as an example. I don't think GH should attempt a dementia storyline after how poorly other social storylines have been handled in recent years. I just think the best character for such a storyline would be Lesley (since we're unlikely to ever see Audrey on-screen again). Lesley is older or am I wrong and just making an assumption because Laura is supposed to be in her mid-60s, while if he had survived getting shot AJ would be 50ish? Anyway, it's also just wishful thinking that Genie would still be on GH with a compelling storyline to play, after Geary (not Herbst) got to have important scenes with JJ after the Jake hit-and-run when Luke *didn't even have a relationship with Jake*. I would love to see Laura and Lesley talk about regret over years missed due to the Cassadines, Laura's illness, and how much they cherish their time together now with each other and Laura's grandchildren. Instead, we get a story that is in theory about a mobster's father, but is really about giving said mobster something to do other than recycles of the same conversations and swooning about Jason's return to do his bidding.
  21. It will not be Mike's story; it's already entirely about Sonny. I think the Mike character was originally created to give Sonny a "compelling storyline," and I don't recall Mike having storylines that were independent of Sonny and blond daughter who birthed Spencer. Mike didn't have decades of a presence with professional and personal connections to a lot of people in Port Charles, and he's been gone for many years. That is why I think this story is just about giving Sonny, and to a lesser extent Michael, manipulative and sad scenes meant to prop them. A story not meant to prop mostly one grieving/helpless character would be about Lesley or Monica developing dementia. These are women with long histories on GH, who would have Dante and Lulu, Laura, little Rocco, possibly Elizabeth and more or Drew and Sam and Danny, Ned (and Olivia?), Michael, maybe Jason, and hospital staff members like Elizabeth worried. I can imagine the heart-string pulling if Rocco was supposed to spend the night with Grandma Lesley, and Lulu gets a call from the school saying "Your son is almost in tears because your grandmother didn't pick him up from school today." Lulu and Dante have a scene apologizing to a very upset Rocco, then worry that Lesley was in an accident. They find Lesley, and she's all "Why are you upset? What are you talking about, I don't remember any such conversation about Rocco spending Friday night and Saturday with me."
  22. Thanks to those of you mentioning Monica's great, truth-telling line to Carly. I looked for that scene and really enjoyed it. Carly didn't appreciate Monica's truth-telling, tried to intimidate her (in my opinion) and utterly failed. That last exasperated, eyes close, face up look as she watched Monica walk out was knowing that in her own home/the home of AJ's murderer, she got owned by AJ's momma. I believe after dealing with Carly's awfulness in the last 20+ years, Monica enjoys having an on-going, for-a-good-cause reason to push back against Carly and would certainly have Michael's support. I LOVED her parting line to Carly. I think Monica would have wanted to throw a baby shower for Nelle anyway, after enduring so many family losses in her life. Also: Carly was problematic throughout her pregnancy with Michael and mostly kept him from the Qs once he was born, she didn't know Jake was her grandson until after the kid "died" in the hit-and-run at almost 4 years old, there was no happy time during Sam's pregnancy with Danny and then due to the kidnapping, Monica missed out on her grandson's first few months. She didn't know Oscar/know Drew had a teen-age son until holiday season 2017. Scout is the first grandkid she's been able to spend time with since birth. She will never have grandchildren or great grandchildren via Emily. It's totally understandable she wants to be close to Michael, form a bond with Nelle, and enjoy a relationship with her great granchild/AJ's grandchild-to-be.
  23. YES. Julie played Lulu as carrying the past with her, and she had relationships with Elizabeth, Carly, Nikolas, Lucky, Tracy, sometimes with Luke, with Aunt Bobbie (I think), and with Laura during Genie's temporary appearances. I remember Lulu telling Laura how Lucky was such a great dad to little Cameron. Not only does Emme not play any connection to Lulu's past, she's also very isolated. The vast majority of Lulu's family interactions are with her husband and his family. I think she literally hasn't interacted with Elizabeth or Carly in a few years, never mentions Lucky, and I honestly can't recall if she's had scenes with Aunt Bobbie. Maybe they interacted during Geary's retirement storyline when they "found Pat Spencer, met Valerie, and then Pat died" scenes.
  24. They really don't care to see it; Sonny and Carly believe Jason is entitled to Sam and Danny. I also think they assume that if he doesn't get back together with Sam, he'll eventually move on and they don't want to do deal with accepting a new woman/having her try to disrupt the "statuts quo" that they, their kids and the business come first in Jason's life (plus Carly is comfortable with Sam at this point). In Robin's case, I understand her thinking of Jason/Sam/Drew like Sabrina/Patrick/Robin due to all of Jason and Sam's history, but that's not an accurate comparison for several reasons, one of which is that Patrick didn't treat Robin as an inferior priority to his job.
  25. The only way IMO a dementia story would have been compelling on GH is to have different writers and for Lesley to be the character with dementia, since her daughter, granddaughter and great grandchildren have been in Port Charles (until Laura's recent department). However, I'm thinking of JMB in the role of Lulu in such a storyline because teenage Lulu's backstory was being raised by Grandma Lesley.
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