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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. In his conversation with Brad, Julian called Shiloh a "worm." Did I miss a scene of Alexis and/or Sam telling him about what Shiloh tried to do with Kristina or generally that he's a sexual predator? As far as I know, he only knew from Lucas that Willow reacted toward him and Brad because Brad wanted to take Wiley to Shiloh/the DoD house, and Lucas wondered if DoD could be a cult.
  2. This makes the most sense because Nelle's kidney went to Jax's daughter and Nelle gave birth to Jax's former stepson's child (as far as the audience knows right now, baby Jonah aka Wiley is Michael's). She can be written to admit that she gave her baby to Brad and Lucas after plot points involving Brad, Dr. O, Julian, etc. The Corinthos Family tells her she's going to face consequences for giving Brad and Lucas Michael's baby, and in return Nelle could try to blackmail them with threats about legal action against Jax for her kidney being taken, or go to Lulu/Peter with her exclusive story which if published would likely hurt Jax's public image/business dealings, or even possibly threaten them with harm to Josslyn.
  3. Also, Cameron 's been through enough - he doesn't need to hear Ava telling him "Franco was so good to my daughter, he's so much more than a former serial killer, you're so lucky to have him as a stepfather.. Ugh, blech.
  4. Curtis didn't know. When he and Laura were having dinner in Canada, he said "it's like they're setting themselves up to be targets" and Laura got this look on her face but didn't confirm that was exactly what was going on. Mac and Felicia knew (although Mac didn't want to go along with it). Lulu, Girl Reporter, was told so she could help her mom and stepfather and of course continue to advance her "career."
  5. I'm not invested in Laura and Kevin, but Lucy is showing complete disrespect for Kevin and his choices. She considers herself to be one of Kevin's dearest friends after their divorce, and a woman whom he could still love again if the marriage to Laura was over. This is not how a friend behaves. Her ego got hurt upon learning he and his wife worked with Felicia and Mac and Ava on a plan to draw Ryan out of hiding. This is after Kevin already told her their was no hope of them getting back together. So she is now starting to understand she's no longer a major VIP (like Mac) in Kevin's life whom he would trust with an important secret, and she's mad that Laura doesn't feel compelled to tell her everything because Kevin is Laura's husband (not Lucy's), so Lucy in return throws out a snide remark about their marriage.
  6. I assume this means you saw the Lucy/Laura and Curtis, and Lucy/Lulu/Laura scenes today. Yes, Lucy is definitely into the Carly-esque OTT inappropriate entitlement behavior realm. To me, the difference is Lucy only (not that it makes it okay) behaves this way about Kevin and maybe Scott in the past. Carly has been acting this way for decades toward the wives/love interests, baby mamas and previous lovers of Tony, Jason, Sonny, and Jax.
  7. Sorry, but she's on today again worrying about "Doc" because she saw Laura and Curtis hugging. After another dig at Ava, I was like, "We get it, Lucy. You hate Ava." The eavesdropping/getting on Laura's case, bragging to Lulu about providing the lead, and then the "Hope springs eternal" snark when Laura said "my husband" made me wish Scott had dragged her away after the first scene. For once, I totally agreed with Lulu's wide-eyed WTF are you kidding me?? reaction. At this point Kevin should get a restraining order. I wouldn't put it past Lucy to - in her entitlement about "Doc" - try to run Laura down with her car. I am unmoved by Sam's tears, nightmares in recovery and the tears in Jason's eyes. Puh-lease, you two are STUPID. NOW you're not sure if getting the "leverage" was worth it, Jason?! Uggghhhhh.... Oh, and nice Godfather imitation, Sonny. Sonny and Margeaux were both pretty much correct in what they said to each other, but Sonny was a hypocritical messenger in warning her about DoD. It's fitting that Ryan's condescending words/arrogance toward Ava is what gets him critically wounded. That last moment was a terrific cliffhanger. Go Ava!
  8. I believe the hype is that Kim Mc was trusted with/expected to perform material that was difficult at a young age, and is admired that at a young age she stood up for herself when TPTB at GH pressured her to do stuff she was not comfortable doing, e.g. kiss a much older boy when she was middle school age. As an adult, she stands up for the young actors/entertainers (via her blog) by sharing her memories. When she resisted doing what they wanted, TPTB at GH threw Genie's work experience and age in her face to say being sexy when you're young is no big deal. After that, she was in danger of losing her job because the show wanted an older-looking/sexier Robin. It's up for debate how talented or not Kim Mc is as an actress, but I definitely think she and JJ (Lucky) were much better actors as children/tweens than most of the kid actors on the show in the last five-10 years or so. The only non-teen minor actor I think is great right now is the boy who plays Jake.
  9. Lucy thinks Ava is scum because of the Ava/Morgan relationship and Morgan's death. She (as a "friend") told S&C she saw Ava throwing something out near their house, which is how they figured out Ava was directly connected to Morgan's death. Also, Lucy is still very possessive of "Doc." She said "my Doc" again this week and I'm thinking, no Lucy, he was no longer *yours* after you cheated on him and you two got divorced. She was hopeful that she and Kevin could get back together if his marriage to Laura didn't work out, so she was livid that real Kevin was supposedly sleeping with Ava after she'd already been devastated that "Kevin" (Ryan) was eloping with Ava after divorcing Laura.
  10. Damn, MW is good. The talking Ryan down/manipulating him with everything he wanted to hear was some A+ acting. And it was great to see Laura and Kevin, Mac and Felicia and also Monica in the same episode, behaving as mature and intelligent adults. BTW nobody cares that you're offended by the secrecy, Lucy. Brad looked like an idiot screaming at Willow that Shiloh would be a great father, and then continuing to defend Shiloh/DoD when he can see that Lucas is already upset. Looks like Brad is going to continue with the lie that Jonah is Wiley until he's backed into a corner. What a dumbass. The other three in that scene will rightly want to take his head off when the truth comes out. The stupid/predictable: Sonny and Jason, Sonny's whole demeanor with Margeaux. As if Sonny could really overpower a guy Dante's age (not shooting him), and then leave the two dudes unconscious at the door while Jason takes off to be a hero to Sam. Sam mumbling she didn't realize the tea would be so strong really, you didn't know that after Jason had carried unconscious Kristina out of the DoD house?! Jason and Sam look like idiots. Again.
  11. Legal is never what matters on this show, though. Case in point, Jake. Lucky is Jake's legal father - he and Elizabeth were married when Jake was born. Jason did not have any rights to Jake and Lucky never signed anything giving up rights to Jake as far as the audience knows. Yet when "Jason" (then played by BM who is now Drew) was angry about Elizabeth's actions, he spoke of taking her to court to pursue custody of Jake. Whenever any concerns about Jake's custody/time spent with Jake comes up, GH presents it like Jason is Jake's recognized, legal father with the same rights as a parent that Elizabeth has. Also, Jake's last name was Spencer yet all three boys have the Webber name.
  12. Hayden is returning with her and Finn's child, while FH is away this summer. The first warning of that was Elizabeth's line (this week during NB) about Finn finding love again after Hayden left and broke his heart. Hayden told Finn in writing that she had a miscarriage (so Finn wouldn't pursue her). It's possible that Skye or Jerry could return as well.
  13. No, Zander was Cam's biological father who was deceased before Cam was even born. Lucky was Cam's dad, and now - very unfortunately - Franco is Cam's stepdad. Which reminds me, shouldn't Elizabeth and Franco still be at the NB today since Cam is there? Someone needs to slap Nina for casually sharing Willow's personal business with Sasha and Valentin. I can't tell yet if Sasha is now realizing her "mother" is a total bitch and doesn't want to stick around, or if she really wants to work with Valentin and continue the scam? I liked Michael's "you're not worth telling off" vibe/look toward Nina, and then that he had Willow's back when Shiloh was being an asshole. I rolled my eyes over Sonny's peptalk and hug and then Joss crediting him for being "right." But Jax giving the second peptalk and snuggling Joss was very sweet. That is how to be a good dad. I really thought either Cam or Ned would perform with her, but I guess the purpose was for writers to prove to the audience that Joss is brave and strong just like her awful mother. I was wondering where Ned and Olivia were, so of course they were going to perform. I will give credit where credit is due: first Ava and now Olivia looked absolutely gorgeous. Those dresses they wore on stage showed off their perfect figures and were sexy without being trashy (ahem, Sam). I really like Joss's hairdo and earrings, as well. I also liked that Lucas put the clues together - Shiloh's angry comments, the looks, Willow's recent outburst at Kelly's. Yes, Tony and Bobbie's doctor son has working brain cells! Woo hoo! I guess Brad will be 'fessing up to Lucas and others in June? The anvils in the conversation at their table would give anyone a headache. Gotta give Ryan credit for the dramatics re: overpowering Kevin.
  14. I was thinking that when Lucy did the intro for Dr. O. Dr. O happily tortured/helped hold HIV+ Robin captive, endangering her life, so even allowing the woman at the NB is in very poor taste - but having her as a performer is just appalling (and that was my reaction before I realized Franco would be joining her on stage). Anna, who claims to love Robin more than anything, is totes happy to leave this event that means so much to Robin and other survivors, in order to "celebrate our engagement." Excuse me?! Instead of appropriately having Robert, Anna and Mac on stage to each have a line about HIV research, their love for Robin and a mention of Stone, Anna's brief speech was a way for her to be on stage to allow for the yucky Anna-Finn spectacle. It's ironic that Cam - a teenager who does not personally know Robin and never met Stone - is the one showing grace and respect for those who did not live long enough to be there.
  15. No, Zander was Cameron's biological/birth father. Lucky is Cam's father in that he raised him until Lucky left Port Charles. Lucky and Elizabeth considered Cam to be their son (although he may not have legally adopted him). I believe Lucky even spoke of wanting to teach Cam music. Cam, when he was a kid, said "I love you Dad" to Lucky a few times. They considered themselves to be father and son.
  16. Anna looked even more foolish today. That lame proposal and then the hesitation and acceptance, followed by Anna wanting to ditch the NB to celebrate alone with Finn and their extreme awkwardness together in their room ... so much UGH. It is all just a really bad look for Anna. Felicia's "perfect for each other" line was just more WTF-ery. I also thought it was hilarious that Lulu, with no writing/lit background who fancies herself an awesome reporter, told Peter she would be happy to "mentor" Molly. Molly, who has been reading real authors all her life and is studying lit in college, is probably a better writer than you could ever hope to be, Girl Reporter. I turned off Dr. O & Franco's performance. I just can't, re: both or either of them. I wanted Willow to slap Nina *hard* for that uber bitch comment about giving the baby up for adoption. GH is sooo subtle about Cam being Josslyn's next love. Cam's performance was fabulous! It made me wish Lucky could be seen suddenly appearing to see his son perform. Elizabeth, in character, would at least mention Lucky and their past after seeing how talented Cam was. Instead, we get the Hayden name drop because the writers wanted the audience to think that Finn and Anna getting engaged at the NB is so awesome and beautiful and exciting. Uh, no not so much. Ava looked fantastic on stage; I did not know she could sing.
  17. Anna telling Robert "you can't expect me to try again" and that she'll always love him but she's in love with Finn made it sound like 'well, I have no history or deep connection with Finn, so that's easier and I'l go with that.' I liked Robert's WTF ever dude reaction to Finn when he was like nah nah, I got the ring back, you lose. Finn just looks soooo lame and pathetic in that conversation. The ring landing at Anna's feet on stage is also lame, and right after I was already annoyed that she gestured to Sonny re: Stone. (What was supposed to be a moment of Carly& Sonny affection there made me go UGH in part because Carly never knew Stone.) I didn't love Anna's brief speech because she also didn't know Stone, missed all of Robin's struggle as a young person with HIV, and Robin's HIV has rarely been included in the mother-daughter conversations. Mac Scorpio should have been the one on stage talking about Robin, and mentioning Stone. The actor who plays Chase was a good sport on stage, performing. I liked the dancing on stage with Willow at the end. Nina/Nina and Valentine - Ugh. Nina likes to say "my daughter" almost as much as Sonny likes to say "my son" instead of Dante or Michael.
  18. Anna seems to just want Robert to go away. I thought the "God help us all' comment in response to Felicia''s line about the Scorpio brothers was rude and unnecessary. The writing for Anna lately appears to be a lame attempt by the writers to try to force the audience to believe Anna and Finn are an awesome couple, while the ex-husband with whom she has great chemistry is mostly an annoyance to her - but she tolerates him out of love for Robin and the grandkids. Ughhh.
  19. This legit made me LOL!! Sonny should offer that to Willow just as a nice gesture. If written in character, he should hold a big grudge against Nina for both taking off with newborn Avery and defending/repeatedly marrying/living at Wydemere with Valentin, the man who killed his precious nephew Spencer's dad (God knows Spencer never shuts up about the depth of his pain that Valentin took his home and killed "father.")
  20. I'm expecting high drama involving Mike or the baby switch somewhere between month 7 and 9 of the pregnancy. Wouldn't be surprised if she has a miscarriage from stress, or the baby dies at birth, and then soon after a recast Morgan appears at Casa Corinthos.
  21. It did give people a chance to prepare. Josslyn was wearing a sweatshirt when she got the text, so she changed into a dress before going. Cam was in the midst of his community service, so he went home and changed his shirt (not sure about the pants). It's a sad day when teenagers dress better to show up to a memorial than a dude pushing 50 who claims he valued Oscar as "family." I will acknowledge that right after Oscar died, Monica was the first person Jason saw and embraced upon entering the living room at the Q mansion. But he has done the minimum being there as a son for for the mother he claims to love, when he knows she's lost so many loved ones and Oscar's death is yet another blow to her family. It's so sad that Monica is thrilled he shows up at all. Jason in general shows more concern for Josslyn, when she has both her parents, her (blech) stepdad, brother Michael, Cam, Trina, and more to support her in mourning Oscar whereas Monica has ... Ned (yes his wife Olivia too, but she doesn't have the history in that family to grasp the hell Monica has been through). Monica is also trying to support Drew in mourning Oscar.
  22. The scene with Jason reading Oscar's letter to Monica and Drew was really awkward, and I felt sorry for the Drew character. Oscar's last written words are directed to Jason, not his own father. The letter was ridiculous (despite Oscar's good intentions) because Jason doesn't have any kind of general practical skills that would make someone think "he could build a tree house." In theory Drew could have such skills because there's so much training involved in preparing people for missions in the military. The letter asking for a treehouse for the three kids also rings false because there haven't been any scenes of Oscar acting like a big brother/cousin to Danny and Scout and Olivia's son. I don't like feeling as if we're being beaten over the head with "This proves how much Oscar was invested in his family even though you never got to see it!" I also wondered, did Oscar and Jake even know they were cousins? Jake was never mentioned, did Oscar supposedly bond with him off-screen as well? Jason holding Monica's hand and telling her that Oscar was "family" rings false as well because he doesn't consider himself to really be a Q and he barely knew the kid. I really liked Cam's speech, and Kim's heartfelt thank yous to Monica and Drew in "Oscar's Meadow." Very touching.
  23. Maxie had a line about Peter's plan not turning out as he intended but that it was a perfect date anyway - so I guess the plane had to land in Canada instead but the explanation scene(s) got cut. I really laughed at how he was beaming with joy about the probability of having sex with Maxie that night (and seeing her new lingerie), but then she deliberately ruined it by returning with Laura and Curtis and inviting them to spend the night. I enjoyed Laura's "well this is awkward" look when she saw the champagne and chocolate-covered fruit. I wonder if she'll end up telling Lulu "Your boss clearly had a romantic evening planned for your best friend, but she announced to him that we were staying." Kristina did well in her scene with Shiloh. I *knew* that the staged Ava-Kevin kiss was going to start Ava feeling a real attraction to Kevin. Can we keep the new psychiatrist Neil and get rid of Finn? He pointed out how not bright Sonny is, without calling him stupid. Jordan's line about Finn's lack of bedside manner was the best line of the day, yet (I guess due to the recasting) I feel zero mother-son bond between Jordan and TJ.
  24. I was so confused about seeing nuValerie holding the baby while sitting with Lucas and Brad, because I was wondering when did they even meet her let alone spend enough time with her for her to get attached to their son? Then she goes running in to tell Chase that her "cousin's husband"... and I went ohhhhhh right. I never thought of her as being a cousin to Lucas because as far as I recall, they've never had a scene together. I believe the last time his mother Bobbie and Valerie had a scene was in the aftermath of the Dante affair. So Val has been pulled out of the closet as an example of DoD isolating Kristina "from friends" and now she's all "my cousin's husband is being brainwashed by DoD!! Help!" The only reason Lucas and Brad have had significant-ish screen time in the last year or so is because Lucas is unknowingly being dad to super precious Michael Corinthos/Quartermaine's baby. The writers are using the Lucas character because he's sort of Carly's brother (I say sort of because they didn't grow up together, he loved his adoptive mother Bobbie while she IMO has always just used her birth mother Bobbie after trying to wreck her life, and L&C never saw each other on-screen during his adulthood years until her newborn grandson became 'my son Wiley').
  25. They don't like each other, but Jax is the type to be gracious. He was gracious to Sonny at Morgan's funeral, and so it's not surprising he would be gracious to Jason about helping/being supportive of Josslyn when she been suffering watching Oscar get sick(er) and die. Plus I liked that Carly was annoyed that she got dissed. I also liked that Jax's reaction to Carly's pregnancy is that he's glad Josslyn has something to look forward to/someone new to love. Jax is all about his daughter's best interests; I don't see him treating Jason or Sonny the way they deserve when his focus is on loving his daughter through the worst of her pain.
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