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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. It's nice when there are things to love about GH: - Mac, showing respect for Taggert/behaving in his official capacity (even if it was to Jordan) and then being awesome for the way he spoke to/did not respect Jason and Sonny. I adore how he clearly does not give a shit that Robin was once in love with Jason. -Curtis walking away from Sonny and Jason's attempt to fish for information behind Jordan's back. - Nelle's/Shiloh's former lawyer telling Carly "you of all people should understand the word allegedly." Hey Carly, clearly you don't understand the word because they can prove that Nelle is Wiley's mother/birth mother. -Carly flipping out, seething as Robert and the other attorney explained they don't have a clear cut case against Nelle right now (after Carly just spent a scene or two putting down/taunting her) ... and Nelle smugly watching Carly's fury. -Chase being a sweet, devoted boyfriend to Willow ... but now listening to and going along with Sasha's idea makes me think it's going to get out of hand/blow up, and Michael and Willow will end up breaking up with the two of them. -Carly's face when Nelle handed Michael the "suing for custody of Wiley" papers. I have to ask, why did neither Michael nor Carly nor Willow notice and wonder why Valentin would show up in court to see what happened to Nelle?
  2. I like the idea of Elizabeth's son helping/caring for Taggert's daughter after Taggert was gentle with Elizabeth in handling her rape case when she was the age the kids are now. I like their friendship as it is now. Trina is a cool/interesting character, but as of now she's not tied to any major/legacy family. Taggert had not been around Port Charles for a long time. I want Cam's first love story to matter like Joss and (gag) Oscar's did. Joss doesn't deserve Cam. The only age-appropriate female I can think of as legacy (and daughter of his mom's friend) is Emma, but she only visits Robin's parents from time to time and BLS hasn't improved as an actress as she's been growing up. This show really needs more younger actors, like bringing on the new (NOT retconned!) or previously established children of characters familiar to the audience, like a teenage Lila Rae or a son/daughter of Jerry Jax or a son/daughter of Sarah Webber. (I believe Elizabeth mentioned to Nikolas in the past that Sarah has kids.)
  3. That's actually better than my assumption - I really thought Michael would change his name to Wiley Jonah Corinthos. When he turns 18, he can drop the "Corinthos" if he wants to. The focus on Willow's grief makes sense to me because she carried a baby for 9 months, then bonded with Lucas and Michael over Wiley and went to lengths to protect him because she thought this was her baby, in danger from Shiloh. In a conversation in Willow's classroom, Lucas called her "Wiley's mother." When Lucas and Brad decided to leave town, they asked Willow to be Wiley's legal guardian in the event of their deaths. Michael has made it clear he considers Willow to be the motherly presence in Wiley's life, with Brucas as the two dads and himself as an uncle. The point of giving Brucas a kid was to make Carly a key player in this drama - the irony/punishment from Nelle that Carly's brother and brother-in-law got to raise her grandson right in front of her face, and Michael's, and "Grandma" and"Daddy" had no idea. Now the narrative has shifted to Michael "understands Willow's grief" (no he doesn't) because he "mourned her son." Michael wants her to stay close, essentially be the mom stand-in, because Nelle is .... Nelle. However, what we saw on-screen was not Michael looking forward to being a dad and then being devastated/heartbroken for months when his "son died." He looked sad in the hospital chapel while holding the deceased newborn, referenced going to a grief group and we saw him chat with Willow elsewhere because they met in the grief group, and he said something to Joss about keeping busy and focusing on his godson to deal with his grief. We never saw him so depressed he didn't want to get out of bed, or weeping at Jonah's grave, or being comforted as he broke down at the end of a grief group meeting. Willow described Michael's grief to Chase, as she had observed it in the group meeting. I feel for Willow's pain, because I've seen her story unfold, I've seen her have nurturing scenes with Wiley, and she is grieving the way a mother who hears her child died would. I don't feel for Michael's pain because the audience has only been told that he has been grieving; same for the rest of his family. I sort of feel for Lucas, except I can't even recall if he ever had a scene alone with Wiley and the audience has yet to see him look completely devastated about losing his son. I'm not expecting to see much of Lucas, because the writers are focusing on the bond between Michael and Willow over Wiley and possibly setting up a Chase/Willow/Michael triangle.
  4. I am sensing the writers will try to sort of recreate the Lucky and Elizabeth post V-day trauma love story with Cam and Trina love story post winter formal kidnapping/her dad's death trauma. Joss will be jealous that Cam isn't all focused on her pain anymore.
  5. Absolutely. She didn't understand nor did she care that Willow needs to grieve the loss of her son. She's clearly not Willow's "girl friend" as she claimed to be when Willow had the pregnancy scare. Instead, Willow is ideal for Sasha's life: a woman who already loves Wiley can fill the role of maternal presence (because Sasha doesn't want it), while not being a threat to her relationship with Michael because Willow is in love with Chase. However, Michael telling Willow "you'll always have a place in my family" (not "you're always welcome in Wiley's life") and Sasha's "we'll just figure it out" attitude to Michael about their relationship (not "I love you and Wiley/I'm committed) combined with pressuring Willow to be there for Michael and Willow makes me think the Michael-Sasha relationship isn't going to last very long (a breakup in six months - a year). Sasha's unknowingly rolling out the welcome mat for her boyfriend to fall in love with Willow. I would be fine with Sasha leaving anytime now because her character serves no purpose outside of Michael (please, Lucy is rarely seen-that 'storyline' doesn't count.)
  6. Don't get your hopes up, GHScorpiosRule. He was seen after Lucas/medical staff worked on him. Trina and Jordan both spent x number of minutes with his body (closed eyes/face exposed) and with Epiphany in a supporting role.
  7. I wonder if the actor just wanted to come back briefly? You should watch the last scenes of him with Trina, and I mostly liked the last scene of him with Curtis and Jordan. Hated that Sonny got a moment alone with him, but it showed how much he loves Trina that he would ask Sonny of all people to look out for her. So, will Gia make an appearance in the wake of her brother's death?
  8. That scene was of Trina talking to her father, but he passed away shortly after. As soon as he asked Trina to go get him candy and looked like he was fighting to stay awake as she was excited for him to get better and stay in Port Charles, I figured he knew he was going to die shortly but didn't want her to see it. I'm mad that he is dead and also that when Lucas is seen, he's the doctor who has tell Trina there's nothing more they could have done. LOVED the big Cameron-Elizabeth hug and then the scene of Cam describing his trauma to Elizabeth. Beautifully acted, very moving (thankfully Franco just stood there and kept his mouth shut). Becky Herbst also deserves props for the way Elizabeth stepped up in a combo of off-duty nurse and mother to gently give Trina the sad news, then hold her while she cried. I liked Brando pushing back against Carson but UGH Carly holding a baby doesn't curb her obnoxiousness/smug face. Shut the F UP, Sasha. The best, subtle bit, was Willow giving Sasha side-eye when Sasha touched her shoulder as she tried to emotionally manipulate Willow into being around to make life better for Michael and Wiley. Little tip Sasha, bringing up Nina re: Charlotte as a symbol of motherhood when you have knowledge that Nina was awful to Willow re: Charlotte is a stupid move when you're trying to get your way. I liked Willow's "yes, you are" in response to Sasha's "I'm not trying..." line. Jason, what does it say about you that even Sonny closes his eyes for a moment and has a slight regretful look on his face at hearing Taggart died/seeing Trina cry, and you just ... live up to the nickname of Stone Cold. I like how Laura manages to make the Big Bad squirm a bit while he blew off both Sonny and Jordan when they tried to be fierce. I also liked Curtis blowing off Jason when he wanted answers.
  9. I still want to see at least one scene of Willow and Lucas together mourning the betrayal together and leaning on each other, and then Michael and Lucas agreeing (maybe after Willow encourages Michael on the subject) that Lucas needs to be a big part of Wiley's life. Michael commented that Willow got hurt the worst by this, and I agree. However, Willow and Lucas have the shitty bond of both being betrayed by someone who made legal and (imo) sacred agreements with them. Brad along with Lucas signed documents promising to raise, love and cherish Willow's baby. Then Brad broke Willow's trust and treated her baby like a defective appliance within 24 hours, then lied to her for a year and a half, so that she would continue to be invested in a child that wasn't hers thus ensuring his own "happy family" stayed together. His behavior toward Willow strongly reminds me how Carly used and lied to AJ, and did not feel guilty for the pain she caused him because she only cared about herself and hanging onto Jason. I rolled my eyes at Michael's line that there is only him and will he be enough for Wiley. Ummm, hey fool, Lucas is still Wiley's legal father and you live in a mansion, why not invite Lucas to move in? Your grandmother has been friends with his mother for decades and knows Lucas well! The best thing for comfort and stability right now would most likely be you, Lucas, and Willow being around Wiley as often as possible since he's had enough confusion between Daddy Lucas being out of his life for months and now Daddy Brad being MIA. I want to see Monica and Bobbie bonding over their shared great grandson, too. I also want a horsie.
  10. If it had been any other police rep. saying that to Elizabeth, I would agree. However, Jordan previously asked Franco privately to take responsibility for murders to lure the serial killer out of hiding and asked him to keep it a secret from Elizabeth and everyone else. She didn't get that cleared first and tell Chase/police colleagues about it, so I call b.s. on her giving a civilian, esp. Elizabeth, crap for not following the police-preferred protocol. I remember Elizabeth spoke about her boys being traumatized because Franco got arrested, the Webber home got ransacked by police, and kids at school were talking about their stepdad/family as a result of Jordan's secret deal with Franco. I agree with GHScorpiosRule that Cam did the right thing in the kidnapping escape/rescue situation, and I didn't like how Jordan behaved with Elizabeth.
  11. I really thought the babydaddy was going to pull a gun on either Rome or Regina and Eve. Regardless, I agree with everyone this is not going to end with Rome and Regina getting Eve's baby.
  12. Good for Cam for fighting back! It's so predictable that Jason shoots the guy who's aiming at a teenager, defenseless on the ground. My heart went out to Trina, seeing her dad get shot saving her/distracting the bad guys so that Curtis could get her out. I would have vomited from the stress, too. Those two teenagers acted their hearts out today, well done! Kudos to Cam for talking Trina down from doing something stupid, and then comforting her. It SUCKS however that Jason will get credited in being a partner in stopping the bad guys from murdering Taggert. My heart broke for him with all that blood and "Take care of my daughter." I will guess that next week he has a very close call but survives. I really liked the Willow/Chase and Willow/Michael scenes. I anticipate Michael having feelings for her as she spends time with Wiley, and growing distant from "business woman" Sasha, in the not too distant future. Molly, I totally understand your feelings but seriously, how could you hurt the love of your life like that AND never have a conversation about marriage in 8 years together.
  13. In my opinion: A) The kidnapping was personal; the goal was to use his daughter to make him compliant. He feels guilty that Trina and Cam are in danger because of him. So, he hopes/wants to resolve it without Jordan's/PCPD/s help and without scaring Elizabeth. B) He got to know Elizabeth because he was a police officer and she was a rape victim on Valentine's Day; Lucky found her crawling out of the bushes when he was walking home from the high school's V-day dance. Fast forward to 2020: her son and his daughter are now the same age Elizabeth was when that trauma happened. I am sure he was remembering that when he told Cam to make sure Trina got home safe after the dance. They were en route to a winter dance at the school when they were kidnapped. It's not the exact same situation, but I imagine that it could/will bring up memories and she will be upset that her son is afraid and his life has been impacted by a violent/dangerous man. I imagine Taggert feels awful that her son is in this potentially traumatic situation because someone wants to get at him. I assume Elizabeth left out a lot of important details in explaining to Franco how she and Taggert know each other because of Franco's issues and behavior. If she brings up how kind Taggert was to her in the aftermath of being a teen rape victim, Franco is likely to get snarky and lash out because Tom eventually got out/why didn't the police find a way for such a monster to accidentally die in police custody, etc. If she brings up how Taggert was so gentle with her when she was devastated about believing Lucky died in the fire, Franco would fixate on how Lucky was the true love of her life and that's hard to live up to when he just loves her soooo much and it's not fair and.....UGH. I laugh at her explaining that she was friends with his sister. Ummm, I remember how they did NOT get along and Gia was involved with Nikolas. I found the brief scene with Taggert disappointing; hopefully Elizabeth gets a scene or two with him about the past and present that has more substance when Franco isn't around to be difficult/annoying.
  14. My reaction was "Seriously, Show?!!" when the first thing Elizabeth does after receiving the text for help from Cam is call Jason to save her son. I assume that last scene with Sonny, Brando and Carly, Joss and Dev means Dev is staying. UGH.
  15. Couldn't happen to a more deserving mother with a history of disregarding danger herself. My sweet Cam better be okay! (I missed the show today for an interview.) I actually don't want to see him get together with Trina since she liked Dev first and he rejected her. When a girl has single Dev and single Cam as options and goes after Dev (ugh) first, I feel she doesn't deserve Cam. Not that I think Joss deserves him either, I mean she had a crush on, then was in love with, Oscar.
  16. And how entitled she is along with her ex/current love, and CarSon. Carly encouraged her and Jason to work together to find a way around the big bad parole officer who has the nerve to do her job. Yesterday I saw just how much of Sonny's personality she had absorbed. The way she spoke to and threatened Nelle could have come from a script between Sonny and another character. In fact, her threat yesterday sounded like it was lifted from the time Sonny wanted to get rid of AJ when AJ and Sonny's blonde sister were getting married.
  17. Yes, she and Lucas were friends. Bobbie mentioned that history of friendship when Brook showed up at General Hospital to try to see Lucas right after the accident.
  18. She recalled her conversation with Julian (when they were strangers) about him wanting to terminate the partnership, and saw him fighting with Brad. Immediately after that, Brad and Lucas were in the car accident. She claims it makes sense that he was Brad's accomplice who wanted out re: the baby switch and believes Sonny will agree with her theory.
  19. Olivia rightly fired Brook. She shrugged it off and told "Daddy" that she needs to spend all her time writing music. He told her she needs to get a job now that pays bills, and suggested office ELQ work. She didn't like that idea, so her response was to get angry and walk away from him. ETA: Brook told Julian she thinks he was Brad's partner in the baby switch and threatened to go to Sonny with her theory. It appears she is going to demand money/a big favor from him in order to not sic Sonny on him.
  20. The saving graces of today: Wiley's "whatever lady" dismissive looks/ignoring Josslyn's yammering, tone regarding Brucas and pleading to hear him say "Aunt Josslyn" and Alexis being absolutely exasperated with Sam's attitude about her parole officer/determination that she will not be kept apart from Jason. Actually I also like Alexis telling Sam "I can speak for myself" when she was getting on Julian's case and giving him bitchface because he said Brad needs a lawyer. (Kudos to Julian though, for the implied dig that since she got back together with Jason maybe Lucas and Brad have a chance.) I assume the audience is supposed to see the parallel between Sam's behavior toward Julian and Carly going to Pentonville to threaten Nelle. I feel bad for Ned that Josslyn is coming off as less self-obsessed than Brook is. UGH. The only positive thing she did was confirm that Monica is thrilled about the surprise great grandchild.
  21. The irony is that Jax and Carly talked about keeping Spencer safe from Helena, Nik's grandmother. Now Carly and Bobbie have told Brad "that's no excuse" and Carly bared her teeth when Brad said one of the reasons for the baby lie was to keep Wiley safe, knowing that grandparents Sonny and Carly caused Michael and his siblings to be in danger, i.e. kidnappings and such. I get what Michael meant. She intended to leave the country with Wiley and never come back. She is a flight risk, and if she saw the opportunity would do it again. As long as Jason was alive and in Port Charles and wanted to have a place in Michael or Carly's life, no way would Carly have ever decided to leave with baby Michael and not look back. Instead she bragged to Elizabeth that she already drove one "angel" away (meaning Elizabeth could never keep her and Jason apart). Michael will never see his mother as straight up evil like he sees Nelle because there wasn't a deceased newborn involved in the AJ/Carly and baby Michael/Jason mess and he's been raised to believe that S&C are flawed people who break the law because it's inherently necessary due to Sonny's business, but they're not actually evil people. Jason has been reinforcing that mindset with Michael for decades. She did have a reaction. She went from surprise to a beaming smile at Michael and Wiley with one look. She was happy to see Wiley, and thrilled to realize he is the first of another generation of the Quartermaine family. I think Monica and Michael made a point of saying that Wiley has spent a significant amount of time there so it doesn't seem to the audience like Michael took Wiley out of his happy and comfortable home, brought him to the Q mansion for the first time last night and just expects him to adjust to a new home life setting. Monica had the "always here anyways" attitude about Danny and Scout when Jason asked about them staying there while Sam was in prison, because Sam or Jason or both are perpetually telling whomever that "the kids are at Monica's" or "I'm on my way to pick up the kids from Monica's." I hope she is in Wiley's life, but I'm not sure it should be dialed back. Wiley should have a mother figure or at least female role model in his life who's not a great/grandparent and she's wonderful with him - they have bonded. Nelle is a definite no-go as a parent, Sasha is just his gf and they could break up at any time, Kristina and Joss aren't fit to be role models to a house plant, and the one smart thing Sam has done recently is tell Lucas since she's on parole it's better for Wiley to have a different guardian (I know in her mind being a terrible role model for children is completely beside the point.) This reminds me of when the Show tried to imply that Sonny and Dante were similar/could really have a father-son bond because they both liked pasta and the Yankees.
  22. The Show did it a little bit when Sabrina was crushing on Patrick while watching him with Britt. She looked crestfallen and said something to Elizabeth like, "Do you think they're having sex?!" and Elizabeth said something like probably, why?, then realized Sabrina had a crush and tried to comfort her, like a woman trying to comfort a young girl with her first crush when the crush is seen with a girl his own age. Kiki was Franco's only supporter other than his ex Ava and psycho Dr. O. The vast majority of their conversations were about Franco, so Kiki's life experience or Elizabeth being in a supportive older woman role weren't even part of the picture. Elizabeth has had few scenes with Lulu (since ER took over the role) that weren't about their children, and in general Lulu is so arrogant esp. about being a Spencer who can handle anything that I don't think it would ever occur to her to ask Elizabeth for advice, or lean on her for support.
  23. She hasn't blamed Brad for SIDS; she's heartbroken over her baby's death and furious at Brad's disrespect/disregard for his short life (handing his tiny body over to psycho Nelle and the baby being purposefully wrongly identified) as well as the long cover up after she entrusted her newborn into Brad's arms. As any parent who has lost a baby would, she wonders well what if circumstances had been different. I could be wrong, but I sensed irrational guilt in Willow, basically: "what if I kept you and held you (instead of Brad taking you to their home and putting you down in the crib to sleep), would you still be alive. I wanted you to have the best life, surrounded by love."
  24. I actually really liked the Monica-Michael-Wiley scene(s) until Jason showed up. It was nice to hear Michael call her Grandma, nice to see her speak directly to Wiley/see the three of them behave like this is a normal family scene. She is clearly thrilled to have a great grandchild, and I was surprised to see him smile and seem to consider the possibility that maybe Wiley's last name could be Quartermaine when she said "another Quartermaine." If Michael is so concerned about being enough for Wiley, he should invite Lucas to move into the Q mansion. I assume the Brucas home is just a space of pain now. I also felt bad for Monica about being so thrilled to have Jason, Michael and Wiley there. They are all she has left of her family, esp. life with Alan other than Jason's sons (whom we rarely to never see with her) and Drew's daughter (also rarely to never seen with her). Brad's behavior today is why I can never empathize or sympathize with him. He feels bad about getting caught and that Lucas no longer has Wiley, but has not given a thought as to how he betrayed Willow's trust and lied to her for so long, nor thought about the baby in that grave because Wiley was the "second chance/replacement." Brad didn't seem to understand he was not replacing a defective appliance! Children are not interchangeable/replaceable. Brad being so focused on Julian hiring a lawyer who would ensure he beats the charges, and wanting to get Lucas back. show he doesn't deserve to be a husband or a father. I actually liked it that Carly got a text from Bobbie saying Lucas wants to be alone. Seriously, why would he want to see Carly of all people right after giving up his son? Hearing a tirade from her about how awful Nelle and Brad are is not going to comfort him in the least.
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