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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Laura went off on Sonny and Jason back when JJ's Lucky "died" in the fire. But a lot has happened over the years - most notably Laura 's daughter married Sonny's son and they share a grandson. That's significant. Lulu is comatose from an explosion that happened just four months ago. Laura is hurting over that on a daily basis, so I think that her getting upset and wanting to back off from Martin upon learning he helped the guy get away who set the bomb, is understandable. Yes. I wondered how her hair would look if the ceiling caved in on her for that line, but I much prefer your suggestion! Yup. But of course, she doesn't see herself in Gladys. I guess LW is delighted to be in a scene with her boyfriend. Let's go with the suggestion that the floor could open up and swallow them both. Yes, please and thank you. You're going to have to be more specific with regard to the GH women; you could mean Carly, Sam, Anna, Sasha, Josslyn ... I personally thought Sam was deeply stupid today when she was surprised to see Dante wearing a suit to come to court. What did she think he was going to wear?
  2. She was upset because the specific actions Cyrus brought up had to do with Martin helping Julian get out of town after Julian set the bomb that blew up the Floating Rib, and that explosion is why her daughter is now in a coma. Cyrus is of course directly responsible for that, but I can understand that Laura, who is hurting deeply over Lulu's current circumstances, may feel like she needs to take a step back from Martin right now after hearing this information.
  3. Well, Finn is correct in saying that Peter's the type of guy to have Elizabeth arrested for assault and refuse to drop charges unless Maxie specifically asked him to because hearing the news caused her (and thus the baby) stress. Well, he should be afraid of Leisl. She's the who held him captive for weeks and tormented him. Now's she even more enraged knowing he killed her dear friend Franco. Judging from the scene of Carly showing up at Anna's door, it looks like the Show has decided Anna and Carly are working together. UGH. Anna....wasn't wearing pajamas? I thought she was in pajamas because Anna felt her confrontation with/warning to Leisl Obrecht was so important she was doing it first thing in the morning, before even getting dressed for the day. Yes, his desperation and repeated insistence that Jason must not get away with killing Franco definitely seemed to make Elizabeth wonder about him as well as what Carly said (UGH). She now knows he originally wanted Andre and Franco dead, and I believe she also knows Peter kept Jason alive and a prisoner for years in order to use him against Faison. Or maybe she doesn't know that detail? I like how Jason dismissed Carly's aggravation regarding Elizabeth with the fact that Elizabeth did see him over Franco's body and it's circumstantial evidence which isn't the problem.
  4. It seems like the Show is trying to set her up as a sort of a reformed bad girl (who still knows how to have fun and be devious) and contemporary Robin Scorpio blend, which would attract Jason. Britt has spelled it out that her parents were both criminals who hurt people, and that her brother Peter has learned everything he knows from their psychopath father. Jason already knows that her father was obsessed with Robin's mother for many years, which is connected to Robin missing out on decades with her parents. Britt was at boarding school(s), college and medical school all her life, and I'm under the impression she rarely saw her parents. It's certainly been made clear there was not a positive/healthy relationship with her mother. Jason made the comment that he thinks Britt "knows what its like to be alone." Robin felt alone with her HIV+ status at the time she and Jason met, after Stone died. We know from certain moments, like Britt saying she "never had girlfriends before" that she does feel alone, esp. with Brad in prison. She's suffering from what may be a serious illness, which Jason will no doubt find out about before long. Britt, like Robin, completed medical school and is a doctor. Britt is the chief of staff at General Hospital; Robin used to be chief of staff at GH. Both Robin and Britt were/are employed doctors, not dependent on a man's "power" or money to function and potentially have positions of authority in the community. Britt doesn't need Jason other than for the Cyrus situation, whereas Carly and Sam have been highly dependent on Jason for a long time now. I remember way back when Sam got very angry at Alexis for harshly telling the truth, that she didn't have any goals or desires in life other than to be Jason's girlfriend. That was essentially true up until very recently; even when she was "independent" during her brief relationship with GV's Lucky, she got together with him to spite Jason. So I'm sure it stings for Sam to see Jason looking comfortable in close proximity to Britt, and holding her hand, just a few months after she dumped him "for the kids sake."
  5. Sam saw Jason and Britt talking comfortably (with Britt looking gorgeous in the red dress) the day of Maxie and Peter's non-wedding, and Jason told Sam something about monitoring things at the hospital. So she knew they had some sort of alliance. But now she sees Britt in Jason's jail cell, and he's holding her hand. I interpreted Sam's look as surprise mixed with jealousy and hurt that Jason appears to be having a personal moment in some sort of partnership with a woman (who's not Carly). There seems to be a level of trust and understanding between Jason and Sam that he and Sam haven't had in a long time, if ever. I wonder if the fact that Britt is also an educated woman, with a high-profile job as chief of staff at GH, also stings. Yes, I liked that line more and I totally agree with your assessment of Laura Wright. As I said before: I think she is feeling stressed, and remembering/projecting her feelings about being in prison while visiting Jason in his jail cell. I'm sure she knows Jason has been to prison before. She does not want to deal with Cyrus without Jason. She said something about how being in Pentonville is less scary than facing Cyrus. Jason acting so calm made her concerned that he doesn't fully appreciate what he's dealing with when it comes to Peter. It's not the same as dealing with the less intelligent/devious Mob guys in his world. Olivia, Sam and Dante haven't said a word about Sam as a potential stepmom, since Sam and Dante aren't actually dating at the moment. Olivia said Sam has been good for Dante; she didn't mention Rocco. Sam has not been in a scene with Rocco so far, whereas Dustin and Rocco started forming a bond on-screen pretty soon after the Dustin character met Lulu. I recall Rocco said something in front of Olivia and others at a family holiday that he saw Dustin with his arm around Mom. Then Olivia overheard Lulu and Laura's conversation about how Laura had recently walked in on Lulu in bed with Dustin, at a time when the ink was barely dry on the Lante divorce papers. Of course she was upset. I'm not a fan of Olivia, but I get that Dante's health and having his family waiting for him when he eventually came home were her priorities (however unrealistic).
  6. Though it's extremely annoying, this is totally in character for Olivia. She has this delusional mentality that she's the ultimate Bensonhurst badass Italian mama. She recently made noise about wanting to get at Peter for firing Dante. Before that, she threatened Tracy when Tracy said she would go get Leo for his adoption celebration, as she - Olivia - was trying to figure out why Tracy had framed Alexis for drunk driving.
  7. Yes, she's being nice (because of poor writing). Charlotte and Aiden are the same age; they were in the same class. Aiden should be 11. Maybe Charlotte liked being a big sister-type influence on Violet? Charlotte, Aiden, and Avery were all at Violet's birthday. Avery and Violet are about the same age. I think she is feeling stressed, and remembering/projecting her feelings about being in prison while visiting Jason in his jail cell. She does not want to deal with Cyrus without Jason. Also, Sam's bitchface at seeing Jason holding Britt's hand was funny. Well, she is gung-ho about Sam being a supportive friend to Dante who stopped him from murdering someone and going to prison as a result. I can understand that. It's not really comparable to Lulu and Dustin's romance. The cake was adorable! Same here. She was clearly very jealous and also mad that she witnessed it because she came to see him out of concern, but knew she's not in place to give him a hard time about it since she's the one who broke things off (and also recently held Dante's hand). Highlights; Sam's face and then demeanor with Jason because of seeing him holding Britt's hand/the two having a "moment." Laura talking to Martin about growing up with her sister Amy. Carly being irritated at Cyrus offering his condolences. Taggert calling Jason his "roommate" in the jail and the dig about Jason's history. Anna sticking up for Robert and his career (not present in scene) when Olivia dismissed the WSB as a disaster. PLEASE get a job writing for GH and MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!
  8. I think about 11 years old? 5th or 6th grade? Per Finn, Violet is in kindergarten, so Charlotte is definitely too old for a playdate with her. I didn't realize that Charlotte is friendly enough with Anna to hug her. This is the second time BL has acknowledged knowing Lulu is in a coma. She told Ned she mostly flirted with "Dusty" to irritate Lulu. Does she know that her friend and so-called ex/former muse "Dusty" died from his injuries? Maxie is best friends with Lulu, but also knew Dustin pretty well since he was Lulu's boyfriend.
  9. He did? Well, it could be that she believes Trina is Taggert's, but she's wrong. She seemed sincere when talking to Chase about having doubts about being a mother, and for her to lie to her father this way and hurt him by getting invested in a grandchild that's not real, while he's already under stress because his marriage is on the rocks, would be a shitty thing to do. BL seems to genuinely love her dad. I'm also not sure she would lie to Michael when they supposedly have an honest, trusting cousins relationship. The "traffic was murder" line was sooo bad. Eye-roll worthy.
  10. Nina had a good explanation today for "Mike." Her daughter was taken from her and she did not choose the adoptive parents. She regrets that Nelle could have had a better life. Her only chance now to sort of do right by her deceased daughter is to have a loving relationship with her only descendent, grandson Wiley. Sure she loves her former stepdaughter Charlotte, and her brother/cousin's son James, but it's not the same. Because Laura came to tell Elizabeth that Jason had been arrested for her husband's murder, and Elizabeth responded she already heard the news from Carly, who was intent on making Elizabeth change her mind about Jason's guilt. Laura was confirming what Elizabeth had just experienced. Laura was wrong in a recent episode when she told Carly that Franco had been murdered, before she even spoke with Franco's family!! Yup to all of this. Charlotte does NOT want to share "Papa." I was expecting her to ask, "Who's going to be the mom?" after she pointed out that Rocco is "mom's son." Britt was great with Peter, but Maxie's confidence in how she's going to deal with Peter, and BL's confidence in how she's going to deal with Valentin, pretty much guarantees there's going to be some kind of baby kidnapping or swap plot. I actually had to laugh that right after Carly tried to shut Ava down by saying Michael and Willow make the decisions about Wiley, she proves all of Nina's points in her conversation with Michael. I hope Willow finds out how dismissive Carly is of her and her feelings regarding decisions about Wiley's life. It's not like Wiley's life was in danger when Michael told Nina in front of Carly that she couldn't see Wiley for now. Michael absolutely could have waited and spoken to Willow first. By "we" Carly means herself, with Michael going along with whatever she says/decides and Willow will be expected to fall in line. YUP!! I get the impression "Mike" is developing a crush on Nina? I find that hilarious. "Mike"/Sonny is far more tolerable around her than he has been around others in ... not sure I can remember that far back. I enjoyed the happy, devious smile on Nina'a face. Trina, dear, Franco was Cam's STEPdad, not his dad. You've known your dad your entire life. So, are Portia's "I still have feelings for you" vibes toward Curtis, the mention of their past, and Trina making peace/being friendly with Curtis leading up to a "Taggert's not her biological father" reveal in the future? NuLucas being supportive of BL and giving off potentially interested vibes to Felix just seems clunky.
  11. Yep. From tomorrow's preview it appears that Carly assumes she knows why Nina is calling and acts like a heinous Bitch (in other words, her typical self) and so she doesn't get to find out from Nina that Sonny is alive. Ha! Your forgot that his cousin (Ric's daughter) is her sister, Molly. But really, the fact that she had a baby with his father, and also slept with his uncle, and his ex brother-in-law should be enough for them to both say "No" (regardless of how many mutual relatives they have). Ava calling out Carly today, in front of Jax, was terrific. See Carly, that's how you can push back on someone without screeching. I laughed that Martin looked relieved when Ava and Carly were like yes, that's all we needed to hear from you. Score one for Ava, making Carly look not so sure of herself. It was sweet to hear Finn tell Elizabeth they would always be family because of Violet. Their friendship is reminding me of when Elizabeth was friends with Patrick Drake. I cried along with Laura and Elizabeth when Cam sung/played his beautiful goodbye song for Franco, and I say this as someone who didn't like Franco. WL is so very talented!! I thought I even saw tears in Trina and Portia's eyes, as well. I saw that longing look Portia gave Curtis!
  12. I'm now really, seriously disappointed that this didn't happen!!! 😢
  13. i don't know, Peter bellowing at Olivia and Valentin in the Metrocourt's restaurant today, and his parting line to Valentin, seems like a done deal for a set-up of him stealing the BL-Val baby. Was Carly's deafness to the bellowing from a few feet away because LW isn't allowed to acknowledge her boyfriend? I've seen LW's Carly screech at people so much in her restaurant/around the hotel that my first thought was "Wow, LW and WR are a perfect match." So much awesomeness: Britt giving Peter a hard time once Maxie convinced him to unlock/open the door, and Robert showing up as Peter's trying to get Maxie to listen to him. Peter really hates being called "Heinrick," LOL. He looked like such a petulant teenage brat, trying to snarl at Robert. I 😂 at Peter. That' was probably not the writers' intention. He had to step around Britt and Robert when asked to leave, which was also funny. Carly, after crying to Jax that she can't lose Jason and getting reassuring hugs that she's not alone: "I care about you." Me: "Yes, you care about him when you're getting what you want from him. The real reason you think it's good news that Nina has left town for now is because you don't want to hear the name Nelle, especially around Wiley." Now I wonder if she's going to have grief sex with Jax or Jason right as Sonny returns. For the love of all that is holy, Chase dear, don't become BL's Jason. The BL character is still being written as an early 20 something who doesn't really know what do with herself and doesn't truly have a plan for her baby/for herself as a mother. Chase is way too good for her. Good grief, Mo is terrible.
  14. This would be one of the very few times I'd want to watch a Dr. O scene! She had good chemistry with Billy Miller. I would think that Jason isn't very invested in his (Jake's) feelings, which i think is a correct interpretation, and that Jason hated Franco (which is also a correct interpretation. I kind of laughed at Jake referring to himself as "your son" in his statement for Franco's memorial. Jason deserved to hear that. Still, to me the sentiment about Franco from those boys about Franco being their "dad" kind of made me roll my eyes because I looked up the history. Franco had been their live-in male role model for 3 years and about 7 months. That's less than a U.S. Presidential term. But yes, I understand he was the primary male influence on their lives on a daily basis. Not to mention, Sam's the mother of Dante's baby sister who passed away, since Sam had an affair with his father. I assume this is all the thought TPTB gave for this new pairing. Yes, Alexis seems to be the most likely choice for Finn if they pair him with someone between now and summer. I personally thing NLG and ME have much stronger chemistry than he has ever had with FH. When Anna said "my life is you and Violet now" in the Anna-Finn break-up scene, I thought/hoped she would add "and of course, Robin and my grandkids" - or he would mention Robin's family - but I guess that's just too much for her to think about when she's so focused on saving Maxie from Peter. It was a major oversight that there wasn't a mention of why Robin, Patrick, and the kids didn't come to see Robin's mother and Robin's cousin and "brother" get married!!!
  15. A major reason for the Anna and Finn break-up is that Anna lied to/withheld information from Finn so that he thought his kindergarten-age daughter was safe around devious murderer Peter. I liked Finn's line on the wedding day that his daughter has been around a murderer "so you could play Spy Games with Valentin!" Finn also got shot and almost died in part because Anna kept the Alex/Peter secret. The Curtis and Jordan break-up is more about him wanting her to be honest about everything except police cases she can't discuss. When Cyrus kidnapped TJ and blackmailed her, the danger was self-created for her and her kid. It doesn't seem to me like she believes fathers don't matter. She has a relationship with Ned. I think she wants to make the decisions about her child's life and is terrified at the prospect of losing that/compromising with someone she doesn't know if she can trust since this is a ONS baby with a guy who does not have a good relationship with her family. Especially since Carly was so appalled/offended that Jordan came to her home to ask questions "hours" after Sonny's memorial service. Carly, you're not the police, go away. However, I did like how Elizabeth got in the dig/reminder to Carly that Franco had helped her get out of Ferncliff. I'm all for any remark that irritates Carly!! YES!! His daughter's Aunt Elizabeth could tell him stories about that lab when she was trying to get paternity tests for Aiden. And she is one of many who has had problems with the lab!! I enjoyed watching Peter stumble and fall backwards over Nathan's headstone. I would prefer that he fall and shatter his skull on that headstone, or as he's on the ground, a tiny earthquake somehow causes Nathan's headstone to move and crush Peter's face or critically injure one of his organs (I'm not picky).
  16. I did not see Franco seething in that scene; it was part of a casual conversation with Scott. I saw the "you can have him right now" as the truth of how he felt, which was that Cam's comments about his serial killer past and not sticking around and his general non-accepting attitude meant he's a brat and an inconvenience to Franco, but he's part of the package if Franco wanted a long-term relationship with Elizabeth. Franco easily dismissed anyone else who mentioned his past/the pain he caused people, but he couldn't do that with Cam. I didn't think anything bad about Scott's "kids" comment because aside from Serena, he met his children when they were either a teenager or adults. He didn't struggle with raising multiple children. I think he just meant he didn't want to raise young children or teenagers at this point in his life. Aiden did not go to Ireland for Christmas 2020. Elizabeth's family didn't do much because Cam was upset about Dev's death and Franco just had post-Floating Rib explosion brain surgery. Their family scenes involved Elizabeth, Franco, and Cam chatting with Elizabeth's friend/Franco's doctor, Terry. Elizabeth told Terry that Jake and Aiden were upstairs, asleep and Cam told Franco that Jake and Aiden would be happy to see him (Franco) tomorrow (Christmas). Yes, when Franco returned home at Christmas in 2019 after being cured of having "Drew" in his brain, Elizabeth said Lucky invited Aiden to Ireland and she took him to the airport that morning. So Franco saw Jake at Christmas, but not Aiden. Possibly. I think his next love interest will be an ex-lover (NOT Jackie!!!!) I would have noped out, too! Her line about evil being free and pretending to be good is rich with hypocrisy - she's screwing with Dante's mind to take down Peter! Dante is known to be a good man and was her "beloved" late son Nathan's best friend!! Not to mention all the other evil things she's done. The only thing I have liked recently about the Peter storyline is when Cyrus said to Peter's face yesterday that his girlfriend Maxie "kicked you to the curb"😂 and he got this pissy look on his face, retorting that Maxie would take him back. Oh, and I liked Jordan's snark to Carly today about her recent loss when Carly was snarling about grieving widow Elizabeth accusing Jason.
  17. He wasn't joking. He was irritated that Cam had called him out on his serial killer past and treated him like he didn't trust him, instead of just unconditionally adoring and accepting him and believing he was a terrific partner for Elizabeth like Jake and Aiden did. I remember he sang a song with his brothers for their mother and Franco - soon after Laura had a talk with him where she more or less pressured him to be a good example for his brothers and think of his mother's happiness. The "our dad" line sounded very forced. Cameron had accepted that Franco was Elizabeth's husband and their stepdad. He was so upset because he felt guilty about being kidnapped, that Franco stepped up to take his place, and in doing so his mom lost her beloved husband and his little brothers lost the father figure they adored. I agree with you that Ric was not more of a father figure than Drew or Franco (he's just the one who is still alive.) I don't think the audience saw him much with the boys; it was more Elizabeth mentioning Ric spending time with her boys/the family off-screen. No. I was stunned to see how much he's grown up!! I assume we're supposed to fanwank that Cam looks like Elizabeth's mother, since we've never seen the woman or even heard her name. The toddler who came back as 8-year-old Jake couldn't act; Hudson West has done a great job in his scenes with Webber brothers actors and Becky Herbst and Billy Miller in the past. I liked his scenes with Herbst and the two boys today as well. So true!! Yes!! it must be tough acting those scenes considering they didn't act on screen with Howarth for all of 2020. I think the last time I saw Jake (very briefly) with Franco was Christmas 2019, which was right after Franco no longer believed himself to be "Drew," and the last time I recall that Aiden was around Franco was while Franco was a patient at GH with Drew's memories, saying "I don't remember you" don't remember baking/recipes, etc. to him. I loved seeing Laura embrace/comfort Elizabeth, loved Elizabeth embracing her boys and the boys interacting with each other, and Luke's grandson calling Scott "grandpa." Gotta love the irony! Long-ago first loves Laura and Scott being the supportive in-laws and grandparents to this family was great. I wanted both Monica and Ava to materialize out of thin air during Carly's "the family I have left" line, and simultaneously slap her across the face. Those ladies know about loss of family. The only relatives Ava has left are her daughter Avery (yes, what a horror that Ava's only living child is in her home while you, Carly, can spend time with your three children), and her late brother's kids, Sam and Lucas. Ava doesn't have a relationship with either of them. Carly wailing that she has to be strong because she is a mother and has a business to run made me roll my eyes. Focusing on her toddler or Joss's life and running the Metrocourt.....is not how she has been spending her time since Sonny disappeared. Just ask Michael or Nina!! I can't even count how many losses Monica has suffered in her family at this point. To quote her once in a hospital scene when Carly was having a self-absorbed moment in front of Monica:"Pffft! You want to compare losses?!" and then walked away from Carly in disgust.
  18. Liz got back together with Ric twice, when Cam was a tween. I remember Ric saying hello to him and Cam's response was hey, mom told me you were back in town. She was dating Ric at the time he got "killed at the police station" and then they got together again at Christmas, when he appeared on her doorstep very much alive at the moment she was about to kiss Jakeson. Elizabeth slept with Ric, made references to herself and Ric spending time with the boys during the Christmas holiday, etc. I think after the breakup she told Cam that he and Ric would "still be friends." Cam never knew his biological father Zander, so his father definitely wouldn't have awareness that Elizabeth went on to have two more sons. Also since Zander has been a non-entity to Cam all his life, I don't believe he would be thinking of "my father watching me with my brothers from Heaven." Cam thinks Zander didn't try to survive to be a father to him, that he was a loser who got killed by the police - that doesn't sound like a kid who believes "my father is in Heaven." I wasn't talking about when Cam was a baby or toddler. Liz wanted her boys to spend time with Ric, i.e. being together as a family, during the two times she dated Ric when Cam was a kid, prior to the SORAS-ing. Then she dumped Ric when she found out about his deal with Hayden. Cam felt some attachment to Ric, at which point Elizabeth assured him that Ric could still be in his life.
  19. To be fair, Alexis asked Molly to explain how the law works to Sam and Kristina. Zander knew Elizabeth was pregnant; if I recall correctly Ric and Elizabeth pressured Zander to sign away his rights to the "baby." Ric intended to raise the baby with Elizabeth and basically wanted Zander out of the picture. Yes, Lucky was the only father Cam knew as a toddler/kid. Little kid Cam always called him "Dad/Daddy." Lucky explained to him that he had another man's DNA, but the man died and so Lucky got to be his dad. The first time the audience heard that Cam knew anything about Zander was when SORASed Cam told Trina (just after her dad Taggert "died") that his father died before he was born and did some bad stuff. I said father figure because though little Cam called him "Daddy" and Elizabeth considered Lucky to be Cam's father, it was mentioned multiple times over the years that Lucky never legally adopted Cam. I agree with you that Cam's dialogue to Zander about his childhood was bullshit. Zander is nothing but a sperm donor. Cam flat out said he knew from his mom that Zander had been in a relationship with her best friend and also got in trouble with the police, but that's it. My interpretation was that Cam feels like a loser because again, he doesn't have a "whole" family. I put that on Elizabeth, because she has repeatedly spoken to Franco, in general, and with her sons, about how Franco made their family complete....that they weren't a family without him. It's sad to me that she doesn't think of herself and the boys as a complete family unit since she was parenting them long before she ever met Franco. When he said those words, I thought he was talking about Zander deliberately getting the cops to shoot/kill him, knowing that he had a child on the way because Elizabeth was pregnant. I don't know if Ric knew whether "the baby" was a boy or girl. Elizabeth left town to give birth, and sometime later off-screen Audrey called Ric to let him know that Elizabeth had her baby.
  20. NO possible suicide attempt, please and thank you!!!! One of Cam's characteristics is he wants to be a good big brother to Jake and Aiden. Franco even told him at least twice that his brothers look up to him as a role model. He would NOT do that after the boys and his mother just lost Franco. I think it will be fine for him to show signs of being depressed, contemplating avenging Franco's murder, and struggling to decide what choice(s) to make about college/his future, however it's absurd that he would actually think about suicide. Franco has been his stepfather for two years, and Elizabeth's boyfriend/fiance for a couple years before that during which time Cam and Franco did not get along. Franco made a snide remark about not wanting Cam, in a conversation with Scott. He also implied that Cam was ashamed of Aiden during the "Aiden might be gay" storyline, which was out of line. Cam was "all in" with Franco as of the time Franco saved him from Shiloh's brain experiment. Just about any kid would turn around their attitude after that. Lucky Spencer, on the other hand, was Cam's father figure/stepdad for about 7 years. Cam called him "Daddy." Cam's father figures were Lucky, and to a lesser extent Ric, who both left town. But Cam needs to realize that "Mr. Corinthos" murdered AJ at point blank range, and Peter August killed both Drew and Franco. Also, I call b.s. that Zander has been "watching you with Jake and Aiden." He's been abandoned by two. The others were murdered/died.
  21. That line would have more impact if he had acknowledged that it was true. To me, it's so disappointing that it took Peter saying to her face that she knows better than to keep him from his daughter, for her to understand that Peter is ruthless, absolutely would hurt her to get the baby, and she had to give him hope/choose her words carefully to get him out of the apartment. Right after putting the chain lock on the door, she should be calling a locksmith since he won't give her back the key, or better yet, she should call Mac and Robert in order to move her and James out of that apartment today, and into Mac and Felicia's house. I have no use for Gladys, but I loved her snark to Sasha about Carly!! That is the best Sasha's hair has ever looked. A day without Carly, Jason or Sonny and with Sam having a small part in scenes with her mother, sisters and Valentin is a good day. I was a little surprised that Michael showed he had two brain cells to rub together and asked point blank if Valentin is the father of BL's baby. However, I HATED BL yammering on about how Sonny was a good man who was always there for her and how sorry she is that Michael has lost his father. UGH!!!! She grew up with her mother until her teen years, away from Port Charles!!! We're supposed to believe Tracy is willing talking to BL about the state of things between Ned and Olivia. Of course Michael knows about the Ned and Alexis ONS, and BL basically shrugs off that Tracy set Alexis up. I see the Show has officially retconned Lucky entirely out of Cameron's childhood in the scenes at Zander's grave. The anger about growing up fatherless because Zander "committed suicide by having the police shoot you" should have been directed toward Lucky, the father who claimed to love him, called him "my first born" and spent lots of time with him when he was a little boy. What was the bit re: not having a dad to lean on when he was a kid and his dog died?! Elizabeth never had a dog! Did the writers confuse Cam with young Lucky, or with Danny Morgan? Also, Oscar and Cam were not best friends. Well, at least Cam gets to acknowledge all the pain inside about growing up without ONE dad who was always there. I wanted to hug him when he called himself a loser "like father, like son." Josslyn, Carly's daughter, knowing who Zander was rung true.
  22. I assume TPTB at GH think "we're evolved" because Sonny is a Latino savior instead of white. My interpretation was "I'm a big/defiant boy when faced with Aunt Anna the Traitor. Can't you tell from my ACTINGGG!!" There were only two adults (aside from mostly off-screen Monica) who were close to Drew: Franco and Curtis. They weren't/aren't friends with Maxie. For Maxie to have an emotional reaction and feel guilty upon hearing that Peter was responsible for Drew's death, the Show needed someone who has a relationship with Maxie to be outraged/devastated, on an innocent child's behalf. They weren't going to have little Scout show up at the wedding and scream "You killed my Daddy!" at Peter. So, occasional friend Sam gets to be Maxie's BFF for as long as Lulu is in a coma. Yup. Also, the Show wants to get credit with the audience for nodding to history and off-screen characters. Look -"Frisco mention!, the WSB is still active, and see we know Anna has a relationship with Frisco!" Frisco's personality and details of his years with WSB are beside the point. The Show uses history where it's convenient/to advance a plot point. I don't think he actually wants to be like Faison; those scenes came off to me as more of an adolescent tantrum "Fuck you Anna! And btw you should have been the one who died so I could meet my real mommy who would understand me!" 😍 🤣Would you be my new BFF? I was thinking the same thing. Zander trying to comfort Cameron is weird since Cam never met him. Has Cam ever even seen a picture of Zander, to know "this is Zander, my biological father." I guess they asked him to do scenes with WL, because Cam can't turn to the guy he called "Daddy" when he was a little kid - Lucky - since JJ is unavailable. They really were!!! I can enjoy with Willow with Chase because she acts like an adult with a personality, who cares about more than Wiley, Wiley, Wiley. I thought maybe since Anna was speaking to Jason, she might mention guilt over Robin and her grandkids forming relationships with Peter. But of course not. It's just crazy thinking to assume she would mention her only daughter/child while getting ready for her wedding, or worry afterward that this will upset Emma and Noah. Well, at least Robert remembers that Robin thinks Peter is her brother. My biggest irritation today, though, is everyone treating Maxie like she is a poor, delicate 'lil lamb deceived by Peter. I am assuming that Peter will either kidnap Maxie, she'll go into labor and give birth at which point he'll try to take off with newborn Lou a 'la Claudia with Josslyn OR he'll drug Maxie to induce labor a la Nina with Ava, to force Maxie to be with him and their baby as a family.
  23. I'm not talking about a secret. He mentioned "custody." which implies that he thought about having Jake live with him part-time or full-time, ultimately choosing to let Elizabeth have Jake full-time. Jason is rarely seen talking about or spending time with Jake, so I call b.s. on the implication that he wanted Jake to be with him but decided to let Elizabeth have her way. Jason's live-in son, Danny, commented right before JaSam broke up that his Dad was only with them as a family occasionally. She can be unsentimental about Franco's death, without being a straight up cold bitch about Elizabeth losing her husband. She immediately dismissed the pain of a grieving wife - someone her own husband Sonny called his friend when Mike was dying - to make it all about how she can't lose Jason. The fact that Jason's son, and Josslyn's best guy friend, are devastated by the loss of their stepdad doesn't even register as a concern for her. That in my opinion, is inexcusable.
  24. I thought the same thing. In Carly's world, the only "dead" spouses who matter are hers and/or Jason's. I also rolled my eyes at Jason saying way back when he agreed to Elizabeth having custody of Jake, and then Sam walks in and is relieved to hear that Jason didn't kill Franco because that could come between Danny and Jake. First of all, Lucky, not Jason, is Jake's legal father. Elizabeth was married to Lucky at the time of Jake's birth. Second, there was never a legal agreement between them because Jake was thought dead at the time Jason disappeared, and when Jake was returned he formed a relationship with Jakeson/Drew who never agreed or disagreed with a custody arrangement. So Jason's words are a retcon and he rarely sees his son. I was genuinely surprised today that both Jason and Sam acknowledged Jake today esp. since Sam seems to have trouble remembering she has two kids, nevermind that Jason has another kid. I thought, "Ummm, does Jake even remember Danny at this point, or vice versa?" I think the last time Jason acknowledged having two sons was when Mike was losing his memory.
  25. He broke my heart in that scene, and in the morgue scene(s) today. Herbst and Lipton are fabulous at playing absolute devastation, and being convincing as mother and son. Just WOW. I'm willing to bet that Howarth had voiced discontent with playing Franco and possibly wanting to leave the show, so "Kim's baby" was established wit the intent to return to a recast Kim +baby "Andy" as part of an exit storyline or at the least a shift in the storyline. I could believe that Franco finding out he has a child motivates him to go be a father to the baby, breaking off his commitment to Elizabeth and her boys in order to do the "right thing." Since Howarth doesn't actually want to leave the Show but is apparently bored with Franco, giving Franco a baby is no longer necessary. Not retconned; it's being ignored. I doubt LW cares since her character got to discuss her boyfriend's character today. Nikolas still exists; he got to have a conversation with his mother at the hospital recently and he and Ava interacted with Elizabeth recently on Valentine's Day. That's just Carly being Carly, and involving Joss whenever possible in drama because she's a bad mother. I don't think Sam can be included in the "pity party" because she only asked him if he did it, and then said be careful when he said no.
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