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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. The whole "Luke sees Rayna as a prize" theory seems likely to me, due to the WAY he proposed, the way he blindsided Rayna with it, and the way he clearly did not think about Rayna's girls. Maddie's dismay and Daphne's reaction tell me they A) had no idea this was coming and B) aren't what we would call delighted at the idea of Luke as stepdad. Luke, Rayna, or both, absolutely should have asked them how they felt about the idea before making it official. Getting engaged to Rayna seemed like a publicity stunt more than anything else.
  2. TPTB did the same thing with Silas, though. Patrick was supportive of Sam from the time she brought Danny into the hospital to be "checked out," so I believe he cares about the kid. Are we also supposed to forget the tidbits where Jason hinted Sam should consider abortion because they thought the baby was Franco's, was cold and distant toward Sam during her pregnancy (she moved OUT!), thought of Danny-in-womb as "Sam's baby," and finally decided he loved the boy like 5 minutes before getting shot "to death" on the pier by Faison? It's understandable at that time that Patrick didn't care about Jason's life at the expense of Emma's mom's/ his wife's - a thug's life v. a healer's life. Hmmmm. Jason was always going to be a hit man/thug. If Danny was raised with a real sense of values, he'd want nothing to do with Jason Morgan (as played by Steve Burton) or Sonny.
  3. First Elizabeth spending non-work time in JohnDoe!NuJason's hospital room out of concern because "there's just something about him" and he's all alone ..and now Danny running into the room for no reason and refusing to let go of NuJason's hand/being bratty toward his Mommy is just ... such absurd writing I don't even have the words. NuDanny has a precious little smile and a cute voice. Good casting for NuDanny, btw. This kid and the late Jake certainly could pass for brothers. I know some will hate that the more experienced mother/Jason's first 'baby mama' Elizabeth helped Sam, but I liked Liz with Sam and Danny until the horrible dialogue about people being there who love this John Doe - instead of strangers. It's not cute/ironic/clever Ron - it's just lame. Side question: Were those candy canes on Liz's sleeves? Can Kiki, Sonny, and Carly all just go DIAF right now please. I'm vaguely amused that Sam refused to tell Silas they think "Luke" put Rafe up to the hit-and-run, but then Patrick pretty easily gives up the information to Sabrina. "Bye - good seein' you." - Yeah, I totally believe Patrick was joyful about marrying her last fall. Please Nathan, stop telling Maxie how awesome she is. She's really not. Dante, you are so very whipped. Lulu, ugh. We know you're thrilled that Dante says he'll prove Luke's innocence. I'm reminded of when JLB's Lulu begged Lucky to go get Luke because she needed her daddy, so what if Lucky was in an emotional place of pain and betrayal. Dante should not even be working a case involving his FIL - yes, I know, this is GH I'm talking about.
  4. This especially ticks me off on the heels of Robin crying and saying tell Emma I love her via Skype, then hanging up on them. Did Patrick really say, "I guess we're going to Amsterdam"? Um, dipshit, your school-age daughter has made it clear she's missing mommy a lot, you don't know when Emma will see Robin again, but you're ready to jet off to Amsterdam with Sam (because it's fun being adventure guy/you want answers about baby Shamwow)? Emma needs her father. Dante can go to Amsterdam because it's his job to investigate Luke; he has a wife present who shares the responsibility of Rocco. Nathan or Anna, both cops without young children, can go with him. I still would have hated that line coming from Sam because she has Danny to think about - but I would have hated it slightly less because she's a PI. Silas has been SOL ever since he left his brain behind in the park the day of Danny's b-day party, when he wheeled partycrasher The Nina home to his apartment.
  5. All I can do is roll my eyes at Carly's "you promised!" Everything that's happened to Michael, and him being ... not upset ... by the dead body, is a direct result of her choosing Sonny to be her precious boy's father. Shut up, B. STFU x 100, Kiki. Blech. Luke "deeply regrets" killing Jake? You really sound pathetic defending him to a room of people who were all connected to the child in some way, Tracy. JE plays the lonely, defeated, angry older woman well. So nice to see Robin seems to be the last person/thing on Patrick's mind. [/sarcasm.] Yes, Julian and Alexis were hot today, but I don't get why the spoiler made it seem like this was an important today for Julexis fans to watch. I thought maybe Julian was going to propose or say he wants to take her and his family out of the country.
  6. TVeyesonyou, I think that's an understandable reaction. Even if he's not upset right now on his own behalf, he should be furious that his mother, daughter, and fiance Kate were left deeply worried and scared for two months. He didn't even seem to register an emotional reaction to Kate saying she had rituals trying to keep the faith that he would come back alive. He reacted like it was sweet and touching, but I didn't see anything suggesting it was a gut punch to think of his loved ones fearing he's gone forever/dead. I still remember his look of heartbreak during the dirty bomb crisis, thinking he might never see Alexis again when he sent her out of the city. I wanted to see a hint of that same heartbroken look at the realization that those he loved most were afraid they'd never see him again. That's the Rick Castle we know.
  7. For those of you who've been upset, or disappointed about the lack of Kevin aka "Doc" on-screen with Mac and Felicia or Lucy - just FYI Jon L. was the FBI guy on "Castle" tonight. Clearly he has other options, unlike some lousy GH actors who keep getting waaayyyy too much screen time. I say good for him, as I'd imagine acting with LH, RoHo, KS, much be draining because those characters are currently just tedious.
  8. I thought Stana did some great acting, and I'm SO glad she got to lose the hair extensions. The shoulder-length hair, with just a slight wave, looks great. I liked the last moments with Castle Fam + Beckett, toasting his return.
  9. Taking the baby out of daycare to get back at Jack shows what a disaster of a human being Charlotte is at this point. I get that she's angry she was kidnapped, but who uses a toddler to hurt/scare someone? Even if she wasn't literally high at the time, it certainly proves she's unstable. As evil as some think Emily is, she's never used a baby/young child in such a way. Charlotte really is her mother's daughter.
  10. What on Earth has happened to Nolan's hair ?!? Being carried in on the white couch was funny, though. Jack looks SO much better with short hair, and no facial hair. I laughed at Jack's disappointment that Emily's reason for staying in the Hamptons was Charlotte (not him). Charlotte trying to be mini-Victoria? Puh-lease. And Gideon is gross. Victoria's escape was entertaining.
  11. Lindsey trusted Voight and thought she knew him. Halstead asked her earlier in the episode (because of the USB drive from Jin) if Voight could be mixed up with IA and she was mad he asked - like it was an absurd idea. Halstead also wondered if Voight could be connected to Jin's death, and she was appalled. So now she feels stupid, angry, betrayed. Halstead said she didn't know everything about the man, and he was right. It will be interesting to see where she goes from here with Voight and Halstead, since trust is such a big issue for her.
  12. Ava is feeling hormonal and desperate and knows how to use a gun, and she knows Shawn and Sonny want to manhandle/kidnap/kill her. A smart script choice (so we know it won't happen) would be for Ava to shoot them both in the groin and also in the chest/neck area. She could legitimately say it was in self-defense; she was in fear for her and her unborn child's lives.
  13. I think at least a few viewers will be doing the same. Probably myself included. I just don't see any other point to Elizabeth doing the chest compressions on "John Doe," and him squeezing her hand to let her know he heard what she was telling him. It's been made clear that Liz is concerned about this patient, and we also see Sam working on the who killed baby Shamwow case w/Patrick. I assume NuJason will either see Sam kissing/looking romantic with Patrick or he'll overhear from someone that they seem involved, and (while in the process of healing) say something to Elizabeth about her voice helping him live and how she's always been there for him when he's been wounded/in trouble. And of course, there's the deceased Jake connection. I think he'll be unsure if he and Sam have a future (esp. knowing she moved on with Silas and sort of w/Patrick). I just want to see Elizabeth with a man who is not A) present or former killer, B) related to Lucky and C) connected to Sonny Corinthos in any way. I also want to see NuJason reject Carly (in all ways!) and Sonny.
  14. I'm sure Victor had those fixed/removed so he'd have his perfect assassin specimen once Jason recovered (and so the GH makeup dept won't have to be bothered). After all, Helena got shot point-blank and bled out and she's back, looking fantastic. If I had money to spare, I'd bet you all that once NuJason starts talking, he'll say something to Elizabeth like hearing her voice made him want to live/saved his life. He'll recall how she found him when he was shot, face down in the snow, and nursed him back to life in her art studio. Also Sam will overhear some or all of this, run away in tears, and lean on Patrick (assuming she doesn't hate him at that point because she knows he withheld the Jasoncicle info.) Calling it now... I'm an Elizabeth fan BUT this show is so predictable.
  15. SO MUCH THIS. What gets me is that before their marriage, there was was a storyline where Robin told him she and Nikolas had become a couple, and lied her ass off about why that had happened and why she didn't love/want to be with Patrick. Patrick's reaction was WTF??? He knew her well enough back then to think that something was off. I remember he had a conversation with NL's Emily about it. So he went out to Wydemere, eavesdropped and heard Jerry Jax threatening Robin and Nikolas. Now it's years later, they are married, have a daughter, and Patrick knows how much Robin loves Emma. (He was there when she planned to have a child on her own, before surprised by the Emma pregnancy.) In this case, Victor was in their home ordering Robin to come with him. Then he sees Robin at the clinic and she is clearly not happy he is there. She says he and Sam need to leave, and keeps looking around. He takes Robin's lies at face value, gets angry and hurt, says he's divorcing her, and leaves. If nothing else, her willingness to miss out on time with Emma should be a major red flag - this is the woman who was crying when she swept her daughter into her arms in that church less than a year ago and then did the unofficial vow renewal w/him at home for Christmas. So now he knows his wife less well than he did back during that 'Nikolas and Robin are together' crap?!! Such a hateful storyline ...
  16. Loved Ned calling Julian out. And Julian threatening Sonny. And Alexis saying "preppy" in response to Julian's arrogance/putting Ned down. So NuJason will remember Elizabeth's work to revive him pre-surgery, and holding his hand - yeah I see a NuJason-Elizabeth-Sam-Patrick quad in the near future. Elizabeth looks great in red, but good Lord that camera shot from the back really shows how crazy thin she is!! Shut up Mac and Felicia. Maxie showing self-awareness FINALLY is a good thing, and Nathan IS too good for her. It's too bad he doesn't get that. The Britt-Nathan conversation about Maxie annoyed me so. Morgan is still naive about Sonny, blech.
  17. Yes, it make so much more sense for Ava to cry and creep slooowwwlllly over to his unconscious body than to just call 911, give the location and keep going. The dramaaaaa = so lame. Sonny's fakeout/stop just short of throwing barware = we're being trolled/were at TWOP. Sonny's reaction to the engagement news = UCG. Laughing at the smug going bye-bye. I really wanted Morgan to say "But you could to mine?!" when Kiki told him she couldn't lie to Franco's face. Somewhat amused that Morgan didn't consider Rosalie a date. Anna's hair looks fantastic. Robin's does not - we get it TPTB. Now instead of Victor being the one to bully Robin, it's back-from-the-dead Helena's turn. Robin looks like an almost a-sexual research scientist, who was gullible and walked away from her family solely to deal with psychos who rule her life and threaten her family. What a lovely tribute to KMc's years of great work on the show, Ron. [/sarcasm} Ron's plan for NotTodd!Franco/Carly/Sonny backfired, because I don't feel sorry for him - I just see them all as utter LOSERS. Although Halloween does seem like an ideal time for a sadistic freak-turned art therapist and narcissistic succubus to get married. This attempt was so much better when acted by JJ, BH, and TC. I felt for JJ's Lucky. Patrick, were you worried when you were telling Sam you and Robin are over, and when you were making out with Sam, too? Gah. The only thing done right is Patrick and Anna seeing that Robin seems to be in a state of despair, like someone with PPD or PTSD.
  18. For those of you who know the L&L history really well, I have a question: has Laura ever acknowledged that the rape at the disco was actually rape, and that Stavros coercing her in exchange for a little freedom equaled rape? I've been watching some Return of the Cassadines clips. When Lucky confronted her, she refused to say she was raped. Same thing when she and Nikolas were on a park bench and she said there were a lot of layers to her and Luke. Nikolas tearfully asked her if his father raped her, and she said no. She said she and his father loved each other 'in their own way' - but I'm wondering if that was the time when she was thinking Stefan was actually Nik's bio father while Nik assumed (and Laura didn't correct) that they were talking about Stavros. She told Nikolas he had been a wanted child, and a blessing. In a scene in the hospital, Laura told Luke that she didn't want to have sex with Stavros - that she gave up fighting/agreed to 'function as his wife' as long as she could have some time for herself. I found it disturbing, that it seems like Laura thought it was only rape if it was like Liz's situation - violently assaulted by a stranger in darkness. She seemed practically apologetic to Luke that she had a son via Stavros, and Luke was such an asshole about Nik that he actually referred to him as the "specimen" when talking to Lucky. I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around Laura being angry and defensive that her kids found out about it and wanted to know how she could love Luke, defend him, marry him - unless deep down she felt she was very emotionally unhealthy and hated being called on it. Maybe it was too painful to admit she was a victim of the obsessiveness of both fathers of her children? Also, when Stefan came on scene, he had nothing but contempt for Laura - despite knowing she had been his brother's prisoner, didn't want to be the "wife," and she abandoned Nikolas because she thought Helena had Lesley killed. He knew his brother was insane and obsessed, so all that business about her "crimes," being responsible for death in his family, and being the worst mother ever (re:Nikolas) does not compute.
  19. A) Hahahaha! Awesome! B) Thanks for the info - that's what I thought. The previews for today included Kiki blah blah-ing, Sonny, and Carly greeting NotTodd!Franco in her bed sweetly, and I was just like, "My eyes! My eyes!!!" Horrible and a let-down after seeing Robin be defiant and threatening w/Helena, and three cops along with a Spencer daughter and Jones daughter shooting a door to save themselves instead of being saved by Nik's back-up team or St. Jasus or employees of Sonny. Also: Of course Carly is focused on her serial killer boyfriend in the bedroom while her beloved cousin Lulu is missing.
  20. The reason this particular situation is driving me crazy is because Robin's behavior when he saw her at the clinic is very similar to her behavior when she was being threatened by Jerry Jax, and forced to tell Patrick she didn't want to be with him. Patrick knew her well enough then that it didn't 'add up' - but now this woman who was shedding tears of joy at being reunited with him and their beloved daughter last fall, who just told him with tears in her eyes that she'd always love him - says no I'm not a prisoner and this is important....and he just accepts that and walks away?!? I despise this writing. Helena did make one good point, re: Anna being naive. Anna apparently hasn't heard from Robin at all since she left, and Anna doesn't think something is off? Yes she "went to Africa," but Skye, cell phones etc. could still be used here and there - circumstances and technology are very different than they were the times Anna was off on secret missions or missing and presumed dead.
  21. I just....can't with Patrick. The brain surgeon doesn't think something may be amiss just because Robin hasn't returned the divorce papers. On the bright side, Elizabeth looks pretty and it's sweet hearing her say Patrick and Robin are family to her. "That's the way I like you." LOVE Anna. Dr. O's pouty expression - LOL! Robin saying she'd kill Helena actually beats Anna's line as best moment. But I was a little annoyed that the brilliant doc who created the protocol is actually shocked to see Helena alive and looking fantastic, after she knows it worked on Jason. But so much ewwww at Helena kissing Stavlu-in-a-thermos. Sam was actually describing Carly as an issue in her relationship with Jason - not Robin ever. But I get it - plot point conversation to set up the idea of a superclosebond that could turn romantic between Robin and Jason in the future once the new actor is on-screen. I guess Ron likes the idea of a Jason/Robin/Sam/Patrick quad. But I'm sure now Patrick and Sam will be even closer since he'll cry thinking Robin's really dead now. Because his brain barely works. I'm assuming we're supposed to go GASP! Did Robin and Jason survive?!!! But I'm more like yawn, mildly curious as to where Helena intends to store them for a while, once she finds their unconscious bodies.
  22. Stavros has emotionally tormented and physically violated Lulu (the procedure he had for her when she was unconscious on Cassadine Island amounts to rape). Her brother, Nikolas, is the product of Stavros raping Laura. This is not a secret. Laura loves Nikolas yes, but at the time of his birth/infancy, she was a prisoner who felt very alone in the world. I highly doubt Lulu would want a child created from an embryo formed against her will. I assume Nikolas would be equally skeeved out at the idea of his psychotic father also fathering a child with his half-sister by force.
  23. A - Hilarious!! B - Are we sure? I saw Dante and Stavros struggling, then in the next scene Stavros was on the floor w/eyes closed, a little bloody in what looked like his shoulder or clavicle. Did Anna say he's dead?
  24. "I forgot there were dead bodies around." ... I have second-hand embarrassment for KSt. Was that gun lesson supposed to be romantic?! Good fake-out by Dr. O. I thought maybe there would be a kiss and then Sam would pull away. I truly did not expect it to get as far as horizontal with Patrick getting Sam's shirt totally open. Good for Sam for stopping it, for both their sakes. I hope Patrick is supposed to look like a douche for sitting up/saying the two relationships are over ...juxtaposed with Robin's position: chained to a bar on a wall in the clinic. I rolled my eyes because of course nuJason is the one to find her. UGH that Patrick hoped Sam would ask for a kiss when he lost the pool game. Anyone can tell by the guy's slight/slender build and that hair that it's NOT Steve Burton. Carrying SB's photo around in that folder is a crappy fake-out, show. Yeah, right - Anna and Robin are so NOT going to see each other tomorrow.
  25. I get your perspective about Patrick, but curious about why you say they disgust you together. KeMo's acting tells me Sam enjoys being Patrick's adventure buddy, appreciates his care and support, and is realizing she's attracted to him but is not in a place where's she comfortable with that because they ARE friends, he's still married to Robin, she has lingering feelings for Silas and her history with Jason is in her heart.
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