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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Actually the episode is worthwhile. I had to LOL that Lois recognizes nuJagger/John and goes right over to talk to him despite BLQ protesting that he's a "dirtbag." BLQ asserting herself as "Ms. Quartermaine" is dumb because I'm pretty sure he knows who her dad/Lois's ex-husband is. Jagger/John was positively glowing about catching up with Lois, and vice versa. I liked the quality of the Finn/Chase and Laura/Kevin conversations. The negative: Anna, Carly is not a "strong woman" and Jason doesn't deserve to be seen as a noble/sacrificial man. Jason not appearing to realize Carly will do something stupid regardless of what she knows or doesn't, like flirting with first John/Jagger and now Brennan and talking about being "friends" with the FBI agent. Jason rationalizing his decision to "play dead" because his sons have great moms and good homes whereas Donna's a little girl who needs her mommy. Also, Sam being all teary-eyed and disappointed that Dante has decided to stay true to himself and not resign. Spare me the "learn to live with the fear" bullshit - you're the same woman who had a long-term relationship and child with Sonny's hitman, and only wanted out because you got scared that Danny narrowly missed being blown up by a bomb meant for his Dad. Dante, Sam isn't sacrificing a damn thing by deciding she wants to stay together !
  2. Today she said "my little kicker" and "we" regarding restaurants/food, which resulted in Alexis and Sam *exchanging looks*. Alexis wasn't wrong to ask if Kristina was being cynical about TJ and Molly's behavior, but she also hasn't seen their behavior with Kristina. TJ absolutely is treating this pregnancy as a goal that he doesn't trust Kristina to complete for them and check off that "life accomplishment box." Alexis isn't wrong to be concerned about Kristina thinking of this baby as being hers as much as Molly's - but it is in fact her baby until she signs away her right and Molly adopts. Episodes like this one remind me of why I find it hard to like the Sam character. She tells her mom and sis she has to leave to pick up her "almost grown teenage son." (Danny certainly is not.) She says nothing supportive of Kristina. She returns home and asks Dante if Danny is there; he says no. So, she didn't actually pick him up and is not concerned that Dante doesn't know where he is? Then says she's late because she had to check on Kristina and that Kristina is "hormonal and cranky." No, she wasn't! Then attempts to shrug off/dismiss Dante's honest (DZ's well-acted) self-reflection about being a cop and being the son of a Mob boss. I rolled my eyes at the conversation happening in the park, just so these two college girls could watch Dex run around with the class of police recruits. At least Josslyn had some mature lines about why she's re-considering her major. How did Carly think Sonny would react to saying no visits with Donna at his place? Of course she goes for his meds -in a home that isn't hers - and demands they call his doctor. The Drew/Nina scenes in "Washington" could not have been more unrealistic. Does the Show seriously want us to believe Drew is falling for Nina?!
  3. Thanks for the info! Yikes!! So if Kristina doesn't sign away her parental right at birth, TJ as the biological father has to take her to court to settle things?
  4. Thank you! He's also dancing right on the line of disrespect/abuse toward Molly as well. Yes, it's true Curtis was shot standing near Sonny. But it's also true that TJ's bio father, with whom he has a good relationship, used to work for Sonny. He even went to jail to protect Sonny. It's also true that tween Michael was shot in the head because he was standing near Sonny, and that Morgan, Kristina's brother/Molly's cousin whom TJ knew/considered a sorta friend, is presumed dead from a Mob car bomb. TJ knows all of this because he and Molly started dating when they were teenagers. So for TJ to now act like Kristina spending time around Sonny is unacceptable because he lives a dangerous life, is absurd. Molly is also Sonny's family. What's he going to do next, tell his beloved "domestic partner" she is forbidden from ever letting her uncle see their baby? Speaking of boundaries, I'm unclear on something because I missed the beginning of this storyline. Did TJ/Molly/Alexis have Kristina sign legal paperwork spelling out that she is the surrogate and will give the baby to TJ and Molly at birth? I also wonder about Molly's legal rights because she is his domestic partner but not his wife, and the baby is Kristina's biological child. It seems like that domestic partnership is doomed. TJ wants Molly to unconditonally agree with him regarding the baby. When she left their home, her body language spelled out "I don't even like you right now, let alone love you." His body language spelled out that he is clearly not okay with Molly having independent thoughts as a parent-to-be.
  5. TJ is just being an asshole. I meant Natalia re: the entire conversation with Alexis in which she was not told off (I understand that Alexis didn't think it was in her pregnant daughter's interest to do so), and Aiden clearly being ashamed (not telling Elizabeth) that he's being bullied. I think you were trying to be funny about the actor in the role of Aiden. However, I don't find jokes about bullying teenagers/young people funny for any reason, ever given the truly horrible things that go on in our society today regarding bullying of young people. YMMV. I love Becky Herbst's chemistry with all the actors who play her sons, including him. He was cast a few years ago because the cute kid actor who had been playing Aiden since the toddler years got a new gig.
  6. It's way worse today. TJ questioned Kristina how much sleep she got "after a fight." That's right, jackass, she's getting into a brawl while pregnant. 🙄 Then asks what Sonny's been up to that they need to be concerned about and asserts that they need to keep her away from her family. Then tells Molly he won't back down with the woman "carrying our child." So now he doesn't even see Kristina as the beloved sister of his domestic partner?! Glad to see Molly finally get mad and hurt. That was a good disgusted reactionary look when her beloved domestic partner said Kristina is someone they have no choice but to tolerate in their lives at this point. Blaze's mom tells Alexis that Kristina's pregnancy is "a disruption" in life and that she is worried about the public thinking that "star" Blaze and "bartender" Kristina are lesbians having a baby together. Elizabeth is worried that Aiden is being bullied in school. Way to have an anti-LBGTQ+ episode, Show. Wow. Drew and Curtis practically twinning, aww how cute. The WTF look on Curtis's face at Drew flirting with Nina represents all of us, in my opinion. Good lord, shut up Lucy. No explanation on where Scott has been. He's such a wuss with her, too.
  7. Is Amelia old enough yet to eat regular food? Well regardless, Drew lives there too. Since Danny has his own room, I assume Scout does too. It seems likely they eat meals regularly with the family. They are both the late Alan's grandchildren after all, not to mention that their live-in father figure's mom, Olivia, lives there because she is Ned's wife and has appointed herself responsible for hiring a cook since she has made it clear she considers the kitchen to be "hers."
  8. Yes. She actually was in a healthy romantic relationship with Chase, but her attachment to the baby she thought was her biological child was her downfall. After Sasha and Chase pulled that stupid stunt to break up their two relationships for "Michael, Willow and Wiley's own good," Willow felt alone. Michael's family surrounded her, just like a cult, and Michael knew how to use his money and his son to a) manipulate her into believing she would be the luckiest woman in the world to have him by her side, and then b) use both again (+ now Amelia) to control her in their marriage. Willow never got into therapy to heal from growing up in a cult and getting pregnant from what was essentially rape by its leader, therefore she wasn't capable of recognizing how deeply unhealthy her fixation on Wiley was or how unhealthy her relationship with Michael is.
  9. Maxie telling Blaze's mom that BLQ is "my best friend" makes me think the Lulu character will not wake up/be re-cast. The flirt/vibe Drew is giving both Nina and Willow is so very icky. Willow's obvious crush on him is embarrassing. I assume Willow will somehow find out from Maxie that Drew and Nina have been having sex? And then her 'considering forgiveness' of Nina will evaporate? Olivia telling Cody and Sasha there will be no sneaking into Sasha's room and that she'll have her eyes on them...UGH. Valentin took Charlotte to boarding school in Switzerland which made him readily available to do business for Pikeman - than turns around and wants to suicide Anna again, knowing quite well she and Charlotte are still dealing with being traumatized from the shooting? Ew and ick doesn't even cover it. I rolled my eyes that Anna is teary over Valentin's lies. Seriously? Eye rolls over Jason/Anna/ Dex, too esp. Anna personally handing him the acceptance letter.
  10. Josslyn sort of apologizing to Kristina and then showing a quality resembling humility is shocking to me. Good to know Anna has functioning brain cells ... but c'mon Jason being her friend/amateur therapist is not a good look. Valentin is either really naive or just stupid. I just can't with Carly, Michael and Willow. Same with Nina wanting another round with Drew. Ugh. If I'm supposed to think John/Jagger is some big bad regarding Jason and Carly, GMAB. I don't buy that Nikolas would be teary eyed with worry about Nina. He looks like he's totally over the presumed death of his own son and no thought to ask about his son's beloved girlfriend even though he's talking to her mentor. Ugh.
  11. Awesome: Tracy telling Olivia it's NOT her kitchen it's actually Monica's, and the great conversation with stubborn Gregory. The last line, a sweet compliment from Gregory to Tracy. Awww! GF all day, every day. Laura's truth telling to Sonny when he asked if she's turning on him, too. "Who's going to protect [your children] from you" Strongest line from her. Also making the point that in the Sonny/Cyrus situation, there are two bad guys. Nina telling Carly, so much for earning the MC back on your own and Carly unable to dispute that. Alexis being an excellent sounding board for Molly and then Finn. Good for Alexis saying that TJ's anxiety/distrust of Kristina is the problem here, when Molly clearly doesn't want to think or feel anything negative about her domestic partner.
  12. I must admit, I was shocked to see Sonny call out Jason on abandoning Jake and Danny for two years. I know he did it because he's feeling defensive once Jason brought up Kristina in the conversation, but still. The other shock was seeing "Ace" walking on his own. And again, SHUT UP TJ. Trina recently lived through a trauma and believes that her first love is dead, while all you do is verbally express distrust of Kristina and "her family" - which includes the love of your life, btw.
  13. Learn how? She takes after her mother. The sense of entitlement she demonstrated by going to the office without an appointment, calling Anna by her first name, trying to assert her will in the face of a police/city official, etc. is learned behavior from Carly. Carly is just generally louder and more obnoxious whenever she goes/has gone into the PCPD because of Jason being questioned, arrested, etc.
  14. Welp, you know there are different writers at play when Kristina gets to call Josslyn on "virtue signaling" and being drunk. It's good to see cast integration in two different celebration scenes, where those being celebrated are not Sonny and/or Carly's kids. The great- At BLQ's bridal shower: everything Tracy, Brooklyn's makeup, Lois giving the sweet speech about BLQ, and Kristina being over Josslyn's I-hate-your-dad spiel. No sign of Carly or Sam. At the ax throwing thing - Ned finally appearing and welcoming Chase to the family, Dante calling Chase family in front of everyone and the gift, Blaze appearing to raise that sweet toast to Chase, and Chase being appreciative of his family and the rest. The awful - Why must Dex be propped at two different parties? I hated that use of the groom and Dante. Why did Curtis and Drew both get mores lines than the bride's father?! Curtis gets to brag to his ex about how well he's doing. Ugh. Drew was out of place there; he may be BLQ's cousin but they don't talk and he does not have a relationship with Chase. Spinelli is the best they could come up with for DJ-ing the party?! I felt bad for BLQ that the idiot thought he should take over the dance floor. He was the only one who could make miss "I'm hot stuff/we Bensonhurt babes are so awesome" Olivia's dance moves look less hideous. I understand why LC/Monica wasn't at BLQ's bridal shower, but I hate to miss out on seeing Monica Quartermaine and Lois's mom at a family event yet Carly's brat daughter is invited.
  15. The Jason that Carly knows is brain damaged and has spent the bare minimum time with Danny. So in my opinion, Danny could not have learned habits/ways of behaving from Jason. Carly missed Jason and wanted to remember him (not knowing in that moment she would see him very soon), so she decided that Danny's behavior reminded her of Jason. YMMV. A teenager not talking much to their mom is in no way a sign of being just like another parent. Lots of teenagers internalize things and don't communicate much with their parents. Sam has never raised a teenager before to understand that. She has a history of being angry at/frustrated with Jason for not talking to her about things she wanted him to share, esp. the "Jake is my son" secret. That is why, in my opinion, she is so upset about Danny lately. She got together with Dante having never really worked through her feelings about her relationship with Jason ending and why, so her gut reaction to Danny sneaking out once and drinking is "OMG he's just like Jason this is a crisis situation WHAT DO I DO." Then of course, Danny lying to his mom because his dad asked him to seems to endorse her fear of Danny being like his dad has come true.
  16. In scenes after Danny was brought home by the police - before they knew Jason was returning to Port Charles/alive - Sam told first Dante that Danny was being "Jason's son" and then said to Alexis that Danny is "hard-wired" (as in, DNA) to be drawn to danger, and not think through actions, like Jason. Sam did not know 14-year-old healthy Jason Quartermaine, so her repeated statements that Danny is just like Jason are nonsense. I had the same reaction to delusional Carly telling Danny he reminds her so much of his dad. She didn't know 14-year-old Jason Quartermaine, either! Ladies, dangerous/impulse behavior resulting from traumatic brain injury is not hereditary. Sam also complained to Elizabeth that Danny doesn't talk much "just like his dad." Elizabeth responded that the not talking is common teenager behavior. From my perspective, Sam is projecting her remaining anger and hurt toward Jason for how he failed their family, combined with self-disappointment that she chose him despite all the evidence (and warnings from Alexis) he would be bad for her/kids in the long term, onto this Danny/Jason and Danny situation. Sam worrying that Danny now wants to emulate what he perceives as his dad's cool behavior is another story.
  17. Involved with -yes, entirely devoted to - no. Elizabeth knew young Jason Morgan, who had a good relationship with his sister (Emily loved Jason Q. and Jason Morgan), who owned and worked on motorcycles, who empathized with Lucky's desire for independence while Lucky and Elizabeth were dating, who had truly loved and parted ways with Robin, etc. He was a real person back then. Sam talks like Jason has always been/is hard-wired to be the dude she knows, and that is what Danny is destined to become without her motherly intervention. Absurd. If instead Sam has been fretting about Danny becoming an alcoholic because he got caught drinking and she's aware of AJ's alcoholism and Alan's history with pills in addition to her own mother's alcoholism (addiction in the genes, both sides of the family), I would say her concerns have merit.
  18. I feel like both versions of Jason had more layers, but then the promising Elizabeth/Jason connection went poof so that Jason could focus entirely on Sonny, Sonny's sister, and Carly. The Show addressed the layers today a little, with Danny telling Kristina that Jason treats him like a person whereas his mother tells him what to do/not do and he feels that whatever he says or does will make her freak out. I don't know why the Show refuses to let Sam acknowledge that she didn't know young Jason. She knows damn well that Elizabeth and Jason's sister Emily were best friends, and so Elizabeth knew Jason before he devoted his life to taking care of S&C. Why not use her as a resource both for young Jason history and as fellow mother of a Jason son? Sheesh!
  19. Sam looks pathetic with her tears about Jason/regrets and Nina looks pathetic with her tears over signing the papers and the montage in memory of her and "Mike"/Sonny. Seriously ladies they are NOT worthy of your tears. Also, the Show needs to STOP with the Danny-is-so much-like Jason nonsense. Sam didn't know teenage non-brain damaged Jason!! The only thing that makes sense is that this is a poorly written set-up for Danny getting hurt while he's around Jason.
  20. You're correct. Molly had lines about recusing herself and said Sonny's her uncle, at the point she was facing Anna while Anna was standing behind the desk. I missed that. When did Anna move in with Sonny?! How long did she live with him? I guess I missed that!
  21. The flag coffin line is good in theory, coming from someone else. However, Joss and Dex are not married nor engaged nor do they share a child, so her line about refusing a flag from Anna's hands made me roll my eyes. Apparently so. Or the writers think the audience doesn't remember Molly's dad/Sonny's brother because he's been gone from Port Charles for so long now. Even Kristina isn't allowed to remember him. I remember a Kristina-Molly conversation where Kristina spoke about Molly being so knowledgeable about/invested in the law because of mom, as if her own uncle/former stepdad, Molly's attorney father, never existed.
  22. She believes she and Sonny are good together/have a special kind of love and also wants to hang onto the "Momma Nina" and "Aunt Nina" roles in Donna and Avery's lives. She never got to have relationships with her daughters when they were children and had to give up the stepmom role in Charlotte's life when she and Valentin split up. I recall that the Nina character even tried to force a mother-type relationship with young(er) Molly during the brief thing she had with Ric Lansing.
  23. It took her a "long time" to see/accept what Sonny really is despite his relationship with her daughter. Molly was surprised and asked what changed, I thought you two were friends. Anna says It took her a "long time" to see/accept what Sonny really is despite his relationship with her daughter. I have considered him a friend. We have to do our jobs in law enforcement, not pick and choose who we go after, etc. Molly pointed out that one of the other ADAs should do it due to her own conflict of interest. Anna got mad and put pressure on Molly to do it.
  24. She wants Molly to prosecute Sonny, after Joss stalked out crying, saying it's on her if Dex winds up dead because Sonny had him killed. Btw Joss, you wouldn't receive the flag at Dex's funeral because you aren't his family. Anna feels guilty and stupid now about Sonny. She got angry that Molly says it can't be her because her sister is Sonny's daughter and her sister is her surrogate. Has this show forgotten the word "uncle"? And has Anna had her brain zapped that she didn't realize/remember/care that Molly and Sonny are related?! So Jason points out he would have talked her out of risking the Metrocourt, and that's all it takes for Carly to accept and go running to the Metrocourt to tell Olivia, like she's a high school girl who just got asked to the prom by the most popular guy in school? Poor Danny, so desperate. And of course Jason can't even manage a smile when he sees him. I laughed at the look on Nina's face when Sonny said Carly, Jason and Nina deserve each other. Re: preview - Nina, you ARE a fool! Not to mention pathetic.
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