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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Especially because she has expressed regret more than once since Jason's "death" about her part (lying re: test results) in Jason not having more time with Danny, and Sam, before he got shot. If she keeps this a secret it'll be as lame as the writers' reasons for her not telling Lucky he was Aiden's father before his wife Siobhan was in the hospital. And it's also stupid because her reaction to Patrick telling her that Sam was moving in was more "Really? You're taking that step now?!" than "Yay! Awesome!" She has NOT been written as a Samtrick shipper. GMAB.
  2. To be fair, she really wasn't with Ric when she conceived Cam with Zander. She found out about Carly in Ric's panic room, and wanted it to be over with him. She conceived Jake with Jason after seeing Lucky with Maxie and truly thinking "my marriage is over." Yeah, she took both men back because they are whiners who begged for more chances after doing heinous things (and with Lucky, because Cam missed daddy). As for Aiden, he is Lucky's son. The explosion of anger at Ric was warranted because he's put her through more hell over the years than even Lucky did, and then recently kept lying to her when she asked him point blank to swear on his life no more schemes/ lies. There's no comparing Liz to Ric's history of psycho/sociopathic behavior. Liz didn't scheme and lie to have a ONS with any guy and get pregnant. Ric went through a lot of trouble and money to set up this on-going deception, and doesn't even feel a little bad about it. That was clear in his argument with Liz. He's just angry he got caught.
  3. They actually weren't happy - Ric was being delusional (yet again) in his talk with Molly. In fact, I'm pretty sure RH got recycled dialogue from either GV or JJ's Lucky's conversation with someone (about Elizabeth) a few years ago. The difference is JJ's Lucky actually could read Liz's mood and feelings whereas Ric chooses to ignore signs/tells of the truth if they're not supporting the fantasy of the life he wants. Elizabeth was not grinning and excited when Molly brought her that little black box, and the camera panned to her when Ric started singing "Wanna marry you." She had that "uh oh this is not a good moment" expression, including when she opened the ring box as instructed. Out of nowhere, Nikolas said "your mother would..." to Spencer right before he went off to the Nurse's Ball with Valerie, so we're probably going to see Ghost!Courtney appear to Spencer sometime soon. Just like we only got to see Brad and Lucas talking about Britt, and Dr. O and Patrick having tense words about Britt because she was about to make an appearance.
  4. Honestly, my first thought was "I can hardly believe Elizabeth's super thin arms have the strength to slap Ric." That dress makes her look alarmingly thin (and I say this as a Liz fan). Or maybe it's just me... I did like throwing the ring and saying "not love." Great performance by Brad. Lucas looks fantastic in a tux! LW looks fantastic in that dress, too. Is that the first-ever gay marriage proposal on daytime? Or just GH? Okay, I will acknowledge I did not expect the cliffhanger to be Elizabeth finding out the truth. Hope Sam finds out Douche Prince Cous told her first and slaps him good.
  5. Now that is a Brad scene I would actually enjoy. Her threatening through the door, and sense of entitlement, made me wish someone would drop kick her like she deserves. I think I might possibly understand what the writers are going for since Jason chose the name Jake based on a memory of a conversation with Elizabeth about little Jake. (So lame that he's never realized that the voice he remembered saying 'Jake' sounds so very much like Elizabeth's.) He 'unknowingly' has spent a lot of time with old friend/love/baby mama Liz, and even lived with her and his late son's brothers for a time. He enjoyed sort of 'being part of the family' (which never fully came to be in his 'previous life' because of the choices he and Liz both made). He's also connected with Sam, and gotten to know Danny a little. He doesn't understand it, or what's going on in his brain concerning her, and neither does he. Soo... as Ron/writers had Patrick 'torn' between Sabrina and Robin when Robin returned, I will speculate Jason will have feelings for both women, so he'll also be 'torn' between his almost-family/family of late first-born son and the family he had just formed with Sam before he got shot on the pier. Yes, SBu's Jason clearly felt he and Liz didn't have a relationship to resurrect, but BM's Jason is very indecisive and the stone cold hitman side of him that scared Liz but Sam was fine with doesn't appear to exist in BM's Jason (when Helena's not involved, anyway). Jason may well end up with Sam and even get all his memories back, but I see this getting drawn out for quite a while because he has much more history and more involved feelings with Liz than Patrick ever had with Sabrina. I never believed Patrick "loved two women" but I might believe down the lines that Jason/Jake "loves two women." I, too, will laugh when Patrick gets hurt/angry about being in competition w/Jason for Sam when they finally figure out or are told Jason is Jake. Karma's not fun, huh doc?
  6. At this moment they're not getting married - Britt jumped to a conclusion when he said "exchanged" and he corrected her with "the L word." I think Show is just trying to make Brad seem like a guy who really loves Lucas and is worthy of the doc/son of Tony Jones, as he has given up the scheming ways that were an important part of their friendship.
  7. I'm so amused that Sam lied to Patrick's face that Dr. O was in fact giving her a hard time about Jake. The "Papa's not so bad" "miss Nikolas" going on about what a great kid Spencer is, "I really miss Mother" ... Britt is still delusional, and now insufferable. The only nice thing is that she was happy for Brad and Lucas. Molly is so much smarter than Ric. Ric's self-delusion is just sad. I'm going to guess that Carly will have Fake!Jake do a truth-telling thing on stage just moments after Ric pops the question. I was distracted from Elizabeth's lines because the red square and marks in the painting behind her head are the exact same color as her shirt. I guess that truth telling about Hayden and his lingering feelings is a set up for him being extra furious when Hayden's lies are exposed at the NB. Becky did a good job with the sad face/almost tears to stopping and plastering a big smile on her face when walking over to talk to Ric and Molly. Nikolas is as delusional about Spencer as Britt is, so I guess maybe they were right for each other. He truly sucks as a dad. Also, he is again showing his Cassadine-ness with Hayden.
  8. Sophia Bush was fantastic. Hope we get to see her mourn this loss, with Halstead allowed to comfort her and Voight be okay with that.
  9. No, the pregnancy was not planned. Juliette decided not to get an abortion when she realized (based on how far along she was) it was Avery's. She didn't think about parenthood beyond it bringing her and Avery together again, as friends if nothing more. As far as we know, she has not thought about the future at all (aside from getting her star power back after the birth.) I also thought Maddie was in 9th grade. I don't know any parents who wouldn't react strongly to the idea that a kid that young is thinking of becoming, or is already, sexually active and start on a lecture that includes hey, do you want to be in a position to have to go to a HS which includes a day care center?
  10. She is, and the lines made it clear that TPTB just wanted Sam to overhear. So very clunky. Would have sounded more natural/less grand-statement-y and not just for someone to overhear if she had said "Thank God Julian hasn't tried to pick our story apart" or "I'm just so glad Dante didn't hear all of it, and get put in the position to lie to the Jerome Family about this baby." BTW, did anyone else see the previews and think, "It's sad that Molly is more sensible than her father." He really wants to propose to Elizabeth just days (?) after they've gotten back together? So pathetic.
  11. For once I liked the Brad-Lucas scenes because we got an acknowledgement of what a POS Brad is (Lucas has morals; Brad doesn't). Loved that Lucas wasn't buying into Brad's defense of Spencer being "in on" Britt's scheme because seriously, he was 9. Go Lucas! Also liked that Lucas is still disgusted remembering Brad's role in the baby being kept from Lulu and Dante. Lucas deserves a much better boyfriend. Way to make your dad look even more desperate and pathetic, Molly. I felt uncomfortable on Elizabeth's behalf that she just kept going on about Ric being miserable and missing her. Sam asking Jake to come to the Nurse's Ball and be with his friends (including Patrick) is just funny. She clearly feels something regarding him and doesn't care if it makes Patrick uncomfortable. Ha!
  12. That's because Sonny is delusional, thinking of himself as an always powerful man who could get his own way because, as he's said recently, he believes he made Michael who he is now and would be able to "break" him. Morgan is his own dumbass spawn who would do whatever Sonny wanted. Sonny has never really allowed himself to acknowledge Michael's DNA and truly doesn't get that Michael, the grandson of Drs. Q and great grandson of Edward, is smarter than he could ever hope to be (the gun shot wound affected his impulse control, but not his intelligence). Show has had Morgan go from one extreme to another. Young pre-teen/pre-SORASed Morgan looked up to Michael, and really adored Dante. He was a good, sweet kid until Carly sent him to military school to get him away from Sonny, and then we didn't see him again until BC was cast as young adult Morgan. Years of parental neglect, having Jax removed from his life, and pent-up jealousy of Michael being the favorite (along with inheriting stupidity from his parents) have created the perfect storm: a guy who irrationally hates his older brother and will do anything to destroy him to gain his family's loyalty/his father's love. He is impulsive and doesn't think about the future or consequences - he is absolutely Sonny and Carly's spawn. In the past, Jason was around to save them from themselves, or at least do damage control so the worst of the consequences wouldn't 'bite' them constantly.
  13. I really, truly expected Michael to spell out that he was sparing Morgan from the violence of Pentonville, which is more than Sonny ever did for him. Something like, "While I hate Morgan right now, I do not want to see him become a target for violence because his name is Corinthos. Living a lifetime as your son, and having Jax taken away from him (shoots Carly a look), is punishment enough." Also, I had to shake my head that Carly was falling over herself to apologize to Michael for believing that he was drunk and a threat to the baby, but is still not apologetic that she helped cover up the murder that started all this. (Recall that assuming Sonny is the bio father, the whole reason Sonny and Ava were in that crypt to conceive her was because of AJ's murder.)
  14. LOL jsbt!! I think you just wrote another T-shirt statement! Morgan is really being written as Sonny Jr. in some ways (thinking he's clever and badass; having relationships with a daughter and then mother) and acting like Carly in some ways. He is exactly the son Carly and Sonny deserve. Their 'parenting', or lack thereof over the years, created these insecurities in him that are now coming forth in ugly ways. Also, I agree with the poster who talked about the understanding between Sonny and Michael now. Michael even told Sabrina today that he and Sonny "understand" each other. I think CD is playing Michael as accepting what *IS* and has just decided to be cool, distant and civil when need be toward Sonny rather than raging at him for the rest of his life (because it won't result in Sonny going back to jail, nor will it bring AJ back). I think Carly will get the same treatment.
  15. Today I got the impression that Morgan's actions were supposed to be shades of young Carly, with him bordering on delusional too. Carly had this warped perception that Bobbie deserved to be punished for giving up her for adoption; Morgan has a warped perception that Michael needs to be punished for getting custody of a baby he's "not even related to" and thus being disloyal to the father who's love Morgan is desperate to receive. The fact that Sonny and Carly only value Michael because they took him from AJ and because he was the fixer/made them feel good about their awful selves doesn't even register in Morgan's pea brain. He's choosing to shut out memories like Michael protecting him during kidnappings, Michael getting shot because he was near Sonny, Michael going to prison, etc. because he's so angry about his parents showing favoritism to Michael over the years, and because Kiki "fell in love" with Michael while dating Morgan (while conveniently forgetting the fact that Morgan and Kiki had loud sex around Michael's apartment and never paid him to crash there). Morgan today said Michael was always the golden child while Morgan was the screw up. (He wanted Michael to have a big, public screw-up so people would see Michael the way he 'should' be seen - in Morgan's opinion. Remember when he told Kiki at Kelly's, "Michael wants to be a Quartermaine? Fine.") He plotted to make Michael appear to be falling-down drunk, "like his father/the Quartermaines before him." He wanted to get back at Michael for being the treasured son, for Michael taking Avery away from their 'good dad', and for turning his back on their family and embracing his Quartermaine family. It was clear (to me) from the Michael-Morgan argument that Avery's safety and happiness was never even a concern when putting this plan together.
  16. Yeah, Morgan's utter lack of remorse is gross. He's acting like he would be glad if Michael was just gone (died or disappeared) and his anger at Michael's very accurate accusations was so WTF. His attempts at lying his way out of the situation was laughably terrible. I'm assuming that Duke bug-eyed look of shock when Jordan walked in was intended to be UCG? Because it was kinda hilarious. And his very obvious shock that she's alive didn't even register with Jordan? Ookkkk. LMAO at the preview of Morgan looking at baby AJ and wondering, "How'd she get into the apartment?" He really is such a moron. This was my thought too, because Kiki was "so in love" with Michael up until a few months ago. "How could you do this to the man you loved so much Kiki?!" not seeing the irony re: her most recent ex-husband, Jax.
  17. I think Show is just doing a sloppy job of communicating to the audience that Morgan's anger toward/resentment of Michael runs deeper than Kiki's and that she may have residual feelings for Michael. I watched part of their scene and he appeared to be trying to give her a 'you caring about Michael is a serious character flaw' look. He wants to be #1 in her eyes as well as his parents'. ETA: I am really, seriously disappointed in Carlos for hiding with that gun when he had a perfect opportunity there with Carly and Spinelli. And Show passed up an opportunity for an awesome headline in Julian's newspaper: Hotel owner gets shot using key to enter guest's room
  18. I think what's gotten lost in all of this is what I remember - a scene in the park of Robin meeting Danny. I don't recall if she and Patrick discussed that later. She ran into Molly with Danny, and there was talk of, oh poor Danny will never get to meet his daddy. Robin told Danny that his dad was better than the best to her. Then I think we were supposed to understand from KMc's facial expressions that she was thinking and feeling like, it's not fair that I got to reunite with Emma but Jason will never get the chance to be a father to his son unless I try to save him. She always believed that no matter the circumstances, Jason would save her if he knew she was in trouble, and she would do the same if possible if the situations were reversed. I understand that some posters here may think Robin could have done more to prevent this situation, in part due to inherited smarts/skills from her parents. BUT the Robin who left had already been emotionally beaten down for two years by Victor and Co. She didn't just bounce back from that, and then wound up in another situation where she's a prisoner, again threatened. Yes she was naive to trust anything Victor said. Yet Patrick was naive too because her behavior during their last face-to-face conversation was exactly the same as when Jerry Jax blackmailed her and Nikolas (and Patrick figured out something was up). Robin was clearly depressed and feeling utterly defeated in that last Skype call with Anna and Patrick. The truly terrible writing at that point was that Anna and Patrick didn't attempt to track her down and discuss her feelings and what to do about Emma. They just let it go. The fact that Faison said "Paris" and "Robin" to Anna's face while in custody should have been a big red flag. That is when I feel she utterly failed as a superspy. Patrick refuses to consider his now ex-wife's state of mind because of his own ego and being inherently selfish. His most recent scenes with Emma and Sam are proof of that to me.
  19. I think Avery addressed that with her other actions in their fight in their foyer? Juliette still thinks everything is all about her, and that was Avery's point. She wants to be a star, not a new mom spending time bonding with her infant. I think the show is trying to tell us she has a post-partum issue going on with a couple of her lines to Avery, but her attitude seems to be well, I gave birth to her, I was with her all the time for the first few weeks of her life, so I'm done now. Back to my real life: my career - Avery and a nanny can take care of the baby now. HP's acting and script aren't telling me she's hormonal and just feeling so tired, or feeling depressed that she's not bonding with her baby, or feeling so not okay with herself that she doesn't want to pick the baby up. I thought Juliette's tear (while Avery was asleep) was because she's unhappy with the state of her life and unsure if she believes in what Avery just said about her future.
  20. LOVED that Daphne got to be the star for a few moments. She sang beautifully - sweet moments with her dad and her almost-step dad. Yay Daphne. But I feel sorry for her too, because his scene putting her to bed was a serious anvil. Wow, Juliette's dismissive attitude and tone about her newborn daughter gave me a chill. I did like, though, that being nasty to Layla and then rude to Jade/Christina really came back to bite her. Good for Avery for telling her off after she picked that fight with Jade in front of the Nashville crowd. Everything he said to her was dead on. Her apology to Avery fell flat to me because it seemed about feeling sorry for herself, not feeling sorry for herself and regret over being an irresponsible and inconsiderate mother and spouse. Gunnar had a great scene with Deacon, and then it got ruined by Deacon singing his praises to Scarlett. She's an idiot if she walks away from Caleb for Gunnar. Sorry Deacon, but the Deacon/Rayna/Teddy triangle was nothing like Gunnar/Scarlett/Caleb. I will give the actors credit that I was moved by Deacon, Maddie and Rayna's tears and fear in the last moments of the episode.
  21. LOL, you're welcome. ;). I actually agree that Anna more or less sucks as a grandmother. Because she knows all the issues Robin had growing up without her, she should have at least insisted to Patrick that they work together on looking into Robin's whereabouts/perspective/emotional state of mind, for Emma's sake. I would have been cool with them going to Paris off-screen, then returning and agreeing on-screen that while they can't force Robin to talk to them, they can get Emma into therapy, Emma can have weekly dates with Grandma Anna, etc. Instead, Patrick has just kept repeating Emma's at sleepover, and/or spending time with Mac and Felicia. The only time we've seen or heard about Anna and Emma together was that night at the hospital, after Spencer's b-day party and the fire trauma. In a way, Anna looks worse than Patrick because she knows all Robin has been through in her life, and Anna's entire career has been about dealing with high-stake situations and people with suspicious behavior. Yet she's not the one making choices that show on-going ignorance of/disregard for Emma's emotional well-being. So Ron is fine with Anna looking like a crappy spy and bad mother because KMc isn't currently working on GH, and because he doesn't want it to seem like Robin (or her story of suffering) is important. It's all. about. Jason. and Sam. And thanks, Heatlifer.
  22. I don't think she gets a pass (especially because it's well-established she's a highly intelligent superspy). I don't buy for a moment that Anna would just accept what Robin said and not go investigate. BUT, Anna is not responsible for the day-to-day raising of Patrick and Robin's young daughter. He looks like a douche for his behavior (especially being all about Sam, all the time since the clinic caper) when we've seen Emma get emotional and have a tantrum about Robin not being there to take her to school, Elizabeth and Patrick both acknowledging that Emma misses Robin, Emma protesting "that's mommy's bed!" when Patrick said Sam would be sleeping with him in his bed. Regardless of how Patrick feels about Robin and her choices, he's completely ignoring his responsibility for Emma's emotional well-being. He hasn't made any attempt to ensure his daughter has a somewhat healthy relationship with her mother, or at the very least that's she at peace (through therapy, time with Grandma Anna, whatever) with her mother not being there when she knows she's out in the world, alive. It wasn't Anna's idea to move Sam in to replace Robin an hour (?) after Emma protested "Mommy's bed."
  23. This situation has shades of the back together/sudden engagement to GV's Lucky - a scene outside of little Jake's hospital room after Edward crashed that car during the carnival. She cares about Ric, and wants to believe they can be in love because she genuinely wants an adult relationship, and for her boys to have a whole family. She reluctantly gave him a second chance when he came back to Port Charles, then when he returned from witness protection, it seemed like she confused gratitude that he was alive with love (also, embraced him because the boys, especially Cam, adore him.) Her conversation with Epiphany showed she was happy to give her boys a real family feeling at Christmastime. (Reminds me that Lucky abandoned the boys at Christmas a few years ago; Liz blamed herself for that). Ric has used every opportunity he could with Cam to manipulate Elizabeth into wanting him as a partner/father figure to her son. Cam point blank asked her to get back together with Ric, and Ric told Liz he would always be there for them. (Some of this wouldn't even be an issue if Cam and Aiden actually got to have their dad's attention.) I think she is tired of being a single mom, wants stability for her boys, cares for Ric and is just really hoping he won't lie to her again or screw over an innocent person to hold onto her. Once the hope of a fresh,new relationship with this mysterious guy seemed to end abruptly thanks to the appearance of Hayden, she just caved. Ric certainly knew (a few days ago) that to be true because he, not she, was overjoyed about getting back together. Now he's clinging to the fantasy in his mind of the life he wants to have with Elizabeth, her boys and Molly, and desperately hoping she'll never find out he paid Hayden (and Fake!Jake).
  24. In Nik's last scene with Lucky (in Elizabeth's house), they wrapped up the Niz affair story with I went after/loved her because Emily died.' Before that, he sometimes said it was just about Liz and yeah he felt bad betraying Lucky, and sometimes he said well there was a void left by Emily and Liz made him happy. So now instead of lying to his brother about his fiance, he's lying to his cousin about her husband, and instead of hiding behind Emily's death re: the affair with Liz, he's hiding his greed/desire for the ELQ power behind his child's trauma. The only "consequences" he ever faced was giving up Aiden to Lucky when they figured out Helena switched the paternity test results. To me that doesn't count because she didn't do it to punish Nikolas. He didn't really face any consequences than (whereas Liz got dumped, and then shamed by various people for years over it) and I doubt he will. That's assuming Sam realizes he knew all along.
  25. Maxie's comment shows she knows Spinelli was checking out Jake's butt. That's about the only thing Maxie has gotten correct in.....I don't even know how long. My public service: Fast forward Lucy. She seems to get worse by day. Spinelli is beyond delusional at this point. Yet I don't feel bad for Maxie for having to listen to it. Then him promising Maxie they'll be the "hottest couple at the Nurse's Ball"....no words. I can't tell who's more delusional, Spinelli or Ric. Or maybe the tie is between Ric and Patrick. Elizabeth could not look more wistful, and there's Patrick grinning and asking for a compliment while Sam is looking into his face like she wants to cry with longing for Jason. Lulu is awful. Nik is awful. Hayden is acting like she's his personal hooker. Ookkkk. The implication that Nik is a stallion (complete with self-satisfied look) turns my stomach.
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