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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Definitely. She's made some strategic mistakes, but I don't think there's any way she's dumb enough to claim to have favorite books/writers she's never read. If she had given this interview during this campaign cycle, Assange would be trying to hack her Kindle account as we speak. "Hey, hey, look here - she downloaded a couple Harlequin books last May!"
  2. For their purposes, all they need to do is prevent the accusation from having any credibility until Tuesday night so they can get their lord and savior elected. They probably assume that, once he's in office, he'll have the ability to make that trial go away. (He probably assumes that, too.)
  3. It's awfully convenient for the deplorables that their actions (threatening the victim) led to the press conference being canceled so they can now say "see, we told you it's fake!" You've got to love those self-fulfilling prophecies.
  4. I agree with this. There will always be people who take things too far and have an agenda. But, without any political correctness, we have someone like Ann Coulter running around spouting offensive shit and nobody saying "Hey, that's not cool." I think a lot of people tend to use that "oh, that darn PC crap!" angle to be able to act like complete assholes and because they actually want to dictate what people say. Like Ann Coulter being pissed that people called her out for calling the President a "retard" (a word she seems to love using, since it's not the only time I've heard her use it). Or, the whole "war on Christmas" BS. The same people who stand loud and proud for their right to offend anyone get offended because you dare to say "happy holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. And don't even get me started on the hypocrisy of the anti-PC crowd, who like to mockingly say "oh, are you triggered? Do you need a safe space?" losing their collective shit over a man taking a knee during the National Anthem as a form of peaceful protest. But, you know, since they've claimed the "anti-PC" label, they're not called out for being their own extreme version of PC. Bringing this back around to Hillary - I don't think that the woman who called a segment of the voting public "deplorable" is going to somehow spearhead some over the top exaggerated PC movement. I've never seen her as someone who is overly concerned with the PC thing. Something tells me she'd love to be a little less PC than she has to be to be a POTUS candidate (well, to be a female Democrat POTUS candidate, a male GOP candidate can say whatever the fuck he wants). And, with the trans community, specifically, I think that it's a learning curve now. People are erring on the side of extreme caution because, for a lot of people, it's a relatively new topic and they don't know much, including what is and isn't offensive. It will even out at some point. (Well, unless Trump wins, then it will swing way back over to an anything goes mentality.)
  5. Never fear - I'm sure we're getting a second phase of the story where Rebecca Budig saves the hospital with her fantastic financial know how. Why use the hospital story to prop one of their pets when they can use it to prop two of them?
  6. I'm honestly curious, what exactly is the trend towards political correctness, and how is it going to get worse? I mean, specifically, what is going on these days that bothers you that you see under the umbrella of "political correctness"?
  7. This. This. This. I've said to people who are undecided, who say that they just can't feel good about either candidate, to think of their vote as a vote on what kind of Supreme Court we will have. We already know one spot is up to be filled, and there are decent odds that at least one more will open up during the next President's term. Whoever we vote into the White House this year will, in effect, decide what happens with equal rights for the LGBT community. They'll decide if Planned Parenthood is forced to close, and if women will have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. They'll decide if we will be getting big money out of politics. (And here's a hint on that last one, since Trump keeps paying lip service to wanting to upend the "system": In order to get big money out of politics, we need to have Citizens United overturned. A conservative Court will not overturn it. Trump has promised to nominate the most conservative justices he can. So, despite his talking points to the contrary, he would, as President, enable the system to remain exactly as is for decades.) What really bugs me about the lack of coverage on this case and the collective shrug from his supporters over it is when you contrast it with the outrage over Hillary being assigned as the defense attorney for a man accused of raping a 12 year old. Apparently it's somehow worse to be the attorney representing a man accused of raping a child than to be the man accused of raping a child. What world do we live in??
  8. I can only speak for myself, but I know that I haven't put up a sign in my yard or a bumper sticker on my car because I don't want to deal with what some of Trump's more overzealous supporters might decide to do in response. People who know me know how I'm voting, but I'm not really eager for some stranger with a hair trigger temper to decide to make an example of me or my property. So I don't think that people who aren't being super vocal about voting Hillary are ashamed as much as just wary of a group whose candidate has been revving them up to be violent for months.
  9. I will admit that, if something bad is going to happen to Nicole, I kind of prefer it happening with a second pregnancy. Only because then it makes Rick and Maya look even shittier. The first baby you high pressure sales pitched her into having isn't even a year old, and you just had to go and push her to pop out a second ASAP? And now look what happened to her! Add in that Zende can attest that Nicole had every intention of turning them down, until Maya got her over there for a "sisterly bonding lunch" (AKA the high pressure sales pitch part 2), and they look even worse. I'm thinking the Adobe (now we see how many people are old enough to get that reference). OK, now I need to go inform my husband and our one child that we're not really a family.
  10. What Trump apparently did was when the debt was forgiven, he issued the creditors new bonds "worth" $40 million. Then, instead of reporting income of $40 million, he reports outstanding debt of $40 million. Of course, he knew when he was issuing these bonds that they were worthless, but when has anything like honesty and ethics been an issue for him?
  11. Trump said, not too long ago, that the Enquirer, owned by one of his buddies, should have won a Pulitzer. They're 110% (at least) in the bag for him. Nope. What Trump did was issue new bonds to his creditors for the difference, instead of acknowledging the forgiven portion of the debt. So he gave them bonds that were "worth" $40 million but, in reality, they were worthless. I think, last time I looked, she can still win even if he takes both. It's a lot tighter, but she still has the edge. I won't say I'm not nervous, but, essentially, if Hillary takes all the solidly Dem states and takes just like one swing state, she's got it. Trump needs to make a clean sweep of the swing states to get to the win. It's not impossible, hence the nerves, but from the sound of it, in terms of the early voting, I think she likely has at least one decent sized swing state (NC or Nevada). Either one of those should give her the win.
  12. Does he mean that everyone else would be forced to experience humility as Cheetos reminds us on a daily basis how we're all not worthy of his excellence?
  13. So, what you're all telling me is that I definitely do not want to fire up the DVR and watch the shit that happened today?
  14. That's exactly what this is, too - it's giving in to bullying. The GOP is pissed off that we're not voting their way in the White House, so they sit back and refuse to do anything other than relentlessly attack and obstruct President Obama and, now, Hillary. And I've heard more than one person express that same thought - "well, if Hillary wins, nothing is ever going to get done because they'll do the same thing to her they've done to President Obama." OK, then here's the solution to that problem- vote out the assholes who refuse to do their job because they don't like who the American people have voted into the White House. Replace them. That's how you send the message that this shit is wrong, not by sitting back and saying "well, let's just give them their way so they'll do their jobs."
  15. I have the same thought about this that I had when I read about the Trump supporter trying to vote twice - what makes them think, if they believe that votes are being switched to Hillary, that their second vote will somehow magically count for Trump? Wouldn't they just be casting two votes for Hillary, if the system is rigged and all that? If they had any power of rational thinking, they'd realize that this "the voting is rigged" BS by him is just his effort to get them to do his bidding and double vote - a process where they assume all of the risk on his behalf. They can get arrested for double voting, and their lord and savior can just shrug and say "hey, I mentioned that part about voiding their mail ballot, it's not my fault they didn't pay attention to the fine print."
  16. We have absolutely no information to know whether the emails were confidential, classified material. Not every email sent within the State Dept fits that description. Since Comey admitted, via an internal FBI memo and via his letter to Chaffetz & Co., that he had no idea what those emails were or what they contained, then we have absolutely no way to know if they were confidential classified information or not. It's not remotely unreasonable to think that two people who have known each other for years might not want to have cameras and cell phones recording a brief personal conversation catching up on each other's lives. If they really wanted to have a secret meeting to plan something to subvert the law, they could absolutely find a better way to do that than by meeting on a tarmac in full view of the media and other onlookers, and demanding the media stay away. And they certainly have the resources to do just that, so that meeting on a tarmac was not the only chance Bill was ever going to get to speak to Loretta.
  17. The more I think about the whole "didn't have a warrant for those emails" aspect of this, the more it stinks to the high heavens. So, presumably, the warrant issue is that they only had a warrant for AW's emails, postings, browsing, etc. Which meant that they did not have a warrant to dig into Huma's emails. So, they had the laptop because both used it, but they were only to focus on his activity, not hers. But, it seems like someone explored a little to determine that these emails existed there. The way this seems to be playing out is that Comey knew some of his agents had a laptop that belonged to one of Hillary's most trusted staff, and he made it known that, if they "happened to come across" anything from the State Department on there, he'd like to know about it. And now he's obtained a warrant for something he already took and, likely read (I don't buy his "I don't know what's in them" BS). This is all so shady. And then, there's the fact that these emails are not from Hillary, and they're not off her server. So they have exactly what to do with an investigation into her use of a private server? The DNC has the same kind of media connections that the RNC has, I'm sure. For some reason, they don't deploy them the same way the RNC does, and they have let the GOP control the narrative for far too long. It's time to work those media connections in two ways. First, use them to get out the counterpoint to Comey's BS, and to make sure that as many people as possible hear the truth - that these are not Hillary's emails and they're not off of her private server. Add in that Comey has violated the standard of professional conduct in his position, along with the evidence that he colluded with Chaffetz and company. Second, get the narrative focused on Trump's issues - Harry Reid's statement that the FBI has evidence tying Trump to Russia, the rape trial, the recently published accounts of the parties with underage models and drugs that Trump was involved in, the two instances where he paid bribes out of his charitable foundation to make investigations into his Trump U fraud go away, his refusal to pay small businesses for work on his projects (dig up some of those small business owners and put their faces on TV for interviews), and the effects his bankruptcies have had on the employees of those bankrupt projects (like the people who lost their jobs when his casino closed). There is an avalanche of shit that you can dump on Trump's head, and it's time to do the dumping. I know Michelle said "when they go low, we go high," but, sometimes, you've got to stop turning that other cheek. This is the time to crouch down and play a little low.
  18. I practically needed a cigarette after reading Senator Reid's letter. Kick his ass, Harry! I hope he works his connections and gets out on the media circuit to ensure that this is out there and being talked about. The GOP manages to do it for every asinine rumor they can possibly dream up, so it's time to turn the tables. Bury Cheetos, Harry. Bury his ass.
  19. He may not still have a job after this stunt. Violating some of the long held ethics and professional conduct standards of his position may very well be an impeachable offense. Of course, whether he ends up impeached will depend on who controls Congress after this whole mess is over.
  20. All she really needed to do was plant some doubts in his head about Kiki/Dillon and then point him in the direction of Darby.
  21. If he was Stavros instead of Franco, Lulu would be the one stuck in that shit shoveling role. You just know they wouldn't have been able to resist having Lulu fall in love with a "redeemed" Stavros.
  22. Some of us have always suspected that Avery is really Morgan's daughter, and that Carly had something to do with messing with the DNA test, to "save" Morgan from being shackled to Ava. If that is the case, now would be the perfect time for that to play out. Carly no longer has to worry about Morgan marrying Ava. She's estranged from Sonny over Morgan's death, and she'll likely become even more done with him after he eventually sleeps with Nelle. So, she decides to reveal the truth. Naturally, I expect her to initially try to find a way to get the truth out there without revealing that she messed with the initial results, but that would come out at some point, as well. I could see Carly trying to fight Ava for custody of Avery, especially if it comes out that Ava had been messing with Morgan's medication. We could have parallel reveals of a mother doing something wrong because she thinks it's in her child's best interests - Carly tampering with the DNA test to protect Morgan from Ava, and Ava messing with Morgan's meds to get Kiki out of her relationship of obligation with him and free her up to be happy with Dillon.
  23. If only Sonny's doing this would lead to the same end Morgan met.
  24. This is the most likely answer. And it's solely because she's the one they found it on and they can use it to try to hurt Hillary's campaign. If they'd found it on someone else who worked with her, they'd be using it to rake that person over the coals to get to Hillary.
  25. Actually, I want to see him stupidly embrace the term, not knowing it's an insult. To have him publicly crowing about being a blue falcon would be awesome. Yes, some of his supporter might not know or care, but anyone who has served is going to know what he's calling himself. "Why hasn't the media made an issue of this?" is something I ask myself about various Trump issues on a daily basis during this campaign. My top two being his rape trial and the bribes he paid in two states to get investigations into Trump U dropped - bribes he paid out of his "charitable foundation." Those two issues alone would sink any candidate. Yet, for some reason, they're not being brought up much (or at all by some media outlets). It's maddening.
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