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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Please. Ryan explained his vision of the Constitution to Cheetos, not the actual Constitution. He probably loves that he has this blank slate of a POTUS onto which he can imprint his vision of the Constitution. Yep. If he says anything they don't want to hear, they simply tell themselves (and anyone who dares repeat it) that he doesn't really mean that. It's quite breathtaking, in a "we're all going to die because of your stupidity" way. Omarosa made the mistake of being too gleeful in regaling us all about the enemies list. KAC is batshit, but she knows that the first rule of enemy lists is that you don't discuss the enemy list in public. Speaking of Omarosa, and take this with a grain of salt, but I saw a blind item a few months or so ago that sounds like it's her, and it basically said that Drumpf used her as a "closer" when he needed to send someone in to sleep with someone to close a deal. So, long before his campaign, she was already letting him whore* her out for his gain. I can't decide which arrangement was whoring her out more, though - the actual fucking for deals or getting her to act as an "outreach" coordinator to her fellow African Americans, trying to sell them on voting for the darling of the white supremacy movement. *I tried to find a way to accurately describe this whole thing without using "whore" since I know that word is generally used to slut shame, but, in this case, that is what was happening - sexual transactions for financial gain. Oh, and KAC, honey, I can buy that Herr Bad Hair thinks that every new POTUS gets to decide on his own who we are and aren't allied with, because he's that poorly informed about this whole deal, but I don't buy for a damn millisecond that you, someone who has worked in politics for years, someone who has worked on other Presidential campaigns, are completely unaware that that is not how any of this works. Alliances, treaties, and other binding agreements with other nations are not up for a POTUS option every four years. Your little out of control orange anus is going to cause major global upheaval that will, if we're lucky, merely cause global economic chaos. If we're not lucky? Well, let's just say that I w on'thave to worry about who I'll be sharing a cell with in Drumpf's Dungeon of People Who Hurt My Fee-Fees, because we'll all be nothing more than a radioactive smear on the pavement.
  2. We may get one hollow victory out of this mess - now that RJ has fulfilled his plot point obligation of reuniting his parents, we likely won't see him very much (or at all) any more.
  3. The SID commercial that ran during the show was about how Liz would react to Franco's "dark side." Um, I'm pretty sure his "dark side" is not breaking news to Liz (or anyone else in town). I cannot even understand what they're going for here or why any mag would be encouraging it instead of calling it out for the unholy fucking fail it is.
  4. Oh, don't worry, after the part where he bragged about how fun it was to beat Hillary and basked in his supporters "lock her up" chants for a few minutes, he talked about how we need to unify. Not that I'm watching. I'm watching the Blackhawks game. I refuse to give my eyeballs to his insanity. When, eventually, it becomes mandatory for every single network to carry his live speeches, I'll turn off the TV and organize my sock drawer.
  5. I think he's containing it to the states he won. Thank God. That'll keep his ass away from Illinois for now. I can't wish for his death, too much Catholic guilt in that, but I can wish that he finally gets busted for some of his various crimes and gets swept out of the Oval Office and into a nice cell. Mitch can join him. So can Paul Ryan. I loathe all three of them equally. Hey, when Emperor Trump makes his way to imprisoning people who posted mean things about him on the internet, I hope we all end up in the same cell block. (And, hopefully, it will be adjacent to the comedy cell block, housing Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Seth Myers, Sam Bee, and Alec Baldwin.)
  6. I had to tap out at the desperate pleading tone in Brooke's voice as she called to Ridge out on the balcony there. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Do.Not.Want. This is just so much bullshit. I blame 2016. This year is a hot mess.
  7. And does your coworker get that filing bankruptcy is not a valid model for running the country? I mean, if they want to argue that sucking so hard you don't make any money and get the court to order your creditors to all take pennies on the dollar is a valid "successful" business model, OK (it's not, but, sure, I'll play along here), but then that's definitely not a ringing endorsement for his business acumen to be good for the country, because the country can't do that shit. Peter Francis Geracy can't file in some international bankruptcy court for us where China would be told "well, now, the United States has had some cash flow problems, so you get six cents on the dollar for all those bonds." Trump trying to chapter 11 the country would crash the global economy. And then shit would get ugly. I saw a headline earlier tonight that he isn't coming to Chicago. I'm hoping it's accurate. I don't want him here. (Although I would enjoy the resounding rejection he'd receive here).
  8. That's pretty much the hair I have now (although my color is a little darker). It's just so much more flattering at this age (and I'm about a decade younger than KKL) than anything longer. Every time my hair gets much longer than that, I feel like it's visually dragging my whole face down. I think it's the same for her. She just looks so much younger and fresher when her hair is above her collar bone.
  9. Forgot to mention before - that sand carving. That was a thing they had for one of their weddings, right? I could swear I remember seeing it in one of the soap mags back then. So they just green screened in that old shot now (because the editing job there was beyond bad)? Which makes literally everything about this Bridge reunion as lazy as humanly possible. It's like someone just flipped a switch in the writers' room one day, and they decided this is how it is now, with no build up and no real fucks to give towards making it good.
  10. Right? When I was in high school and college, my Mom worked for a hospital (as an administrative assistant), and her insurance kicked ass. It was so much better than my Dad's company's plan. That's why I laugh every time this show pulls the "the nurse can't pay her medical bills" BS.
  11. I'm someone who will always find TK attractive, so in a contest between him and DD, I find them both attractive in different ways (and TK would probably be more my "type," that voice works for me). But in show, when you factor their personalities in, and, specifically as a mate for Brooke, when you factor in how each has treated her? There is no fucking contest. How does the show think we are buying this shit? And, from last I saw one of those SID polls, Bill/Brooke were the #1 fan favorite couple, and I don't think Bridge were even on there. So what in the blue hell is show doing here? Why? Ridge looks even wafflier than Waffles. He loves Brooke. He can't deal with Brooke because she fell for Bill. He loves Katie. Oh, wait, he never really loved Katie, but he does really love Caroline now. Oh, Caroline got pregnant with his son's baby when his son raped her? She should be with his son. Now he'll just brood about Caroline for a while and focus on the company. Oh, wait, he needs Bill's shares of FC, so Brooke can marry him to get them. But, wait! He wants Brooke again. And, as soon as he gets her, he'll, I'm sure, develop a forbidden attraction" to his stepmother. How does he even remember each morning when he wakes up who it is that he's into now?
  12. That one gets me the most. He was very clear, he was given multiple opportunities to say "well, no, the wall is just figurative, I'm going to implement the kind of reform that would make it virtually like having a wall." He never took those opportunities. He doubled down on the physical "beautiful wall" every time, boasting about how the wall is what he does, because he's in construction. He's like a Rohrschach test to his followers, though. Whatever they want to see in him, they see in him. And that is by design.
  13. With regard to Barbara Res, I'd urge anyone who hasn't to check out her Twitter account. She is very active and vocal about her experience with and knowledge of Trump. It doesn't paint a flattering picture of him, that's for sure. She and Tony Schwartz were sounding the alarm before the election, and they both seem shocked and dismayed that people went ahead and voted him in.
  14. Knowing this show, they'll probably have him installing security cameras in the hospital, and then there will be much joking about whether he put some in the locker room and shower. Because, you know, it's funny to joke about a rapist committing a sex crime.
  15. http://www.popdust.com/melania-trump-denies-plastic-surgery-in-exciting-new-pack-of-lies-for--1892761484.html
  16. Man, they are really dragging this shit out, aren't they? How many episodes in a row are going to close on Brooke's conflicted, indecisive face? But, even with that being said, Nicole was even more all over the place. "I love Zende too much to lose him....And I can't be with someone who treats me like that." Umm...?? And, I mean, at least in Brooke's case, I actually care how that shit ends. But Nicole/Zende? Stay together, stay apart, I don't care. Just shut up. And, what? Now Steffy wants her father with Brooke? When did that happen? Is it because she's so gloriously in love with her Waffle that she wants to see everyone else happy? Or does she know that her father is eventually going to shit all over Brooke, and she wants to get a chance to giggle at that shit?
  17. That was exactly my thought when I saw the date - he's hoping to use it as a last minute "see, it's not going to be so bad" pitch to the electors. Oh, haven't you heard? She claims she's had no work done. None. She says she's just aging gracefully like her mother did. Like we don't all have eyes.
  18. Judd Apatow retweeted me a few weeks ago. Of course, that led to me getting Trump trolls, but I'm proud to say that I got any who decided to troll me to block me before long. I'm currently on Medicare (I've been disabled since the age of 29, so, as you can imagine, the threats to SS and Medicare are very personal for me). The differences between it and the employee provided plans I've had in the past, through my own work and my husband's employers, are night and day. I currently have Medicare as my primary and my husband's employer provided plan as my secondary (he works for a small firm, and if the employer has less than a certain number of employees, I think it's 50, Medicare is the primary), and our son, who is diabetic, is covered under my husband's plan. I have zero problems with insurance. No out of pocket co-pays, a very low out of pocket deductible each year, no hassles getting procedures or tests. No constant requests for more information from the insurance company, etc. With my son, it's nothing but a pain in the butt. He had routine blood work done last month for his endocrinologist, and we got requests from the insurance company to provide information as to whether the blood work was the result of an accident (yes, because after an accident, you often have nothing else done but a comprehensive metabolic panel) and to provide information as to whether there is any other insurance he's covered by. That second request, they send us like 3-4 times per year. They even send them on me 3-4 times per year when they know I have other coverage and that they're my secondary coverage. For my son's specialist, I have to pay $60 per office visit, plus, usually, another $10-$15 after they process it because they don't like to pay for A1C tests (because, hey, what diabetic needs to get that done to maintain a grip on their health, right?). And if he needs to go to the ER? $500 co-pay. It's insane. We both had a really bad flu that turned into pneumonia last year. And we both ended up in the ER with 104 fevers (and severe dehydration for me, high ketones for him). I paid nothing out of pocket. For him, it was the $500 co-pay and then an additional couple hundred after the claim was processed. So, yeah, I'm not a big fan of them allowing the insurance companies to handle Medicare. The level of care will go down (and be harder to navigate), and the cost to us out of pocket will go WAY up. I was going to respond with exactly this. The man in the pages of that book was not Trump. It was a fictionalized glossy version of him made interesting by a determined ghost writer. Contrast the picture Tony Schwartz painted of him (with little to no input from the man himself) with the things Trump has shown us (like the Access Hollywood tape and his many business failures). He's not nearly as successful in business as he claims, with numerous failures to his name and an extremely low credit rating with commercial lenders (which is why he has to secure financing from other countries these days). And the success he does have, the money he does make, is made on the backs of the very people he's out there claiming he'll help - American workers and small businesses. Despite his pledge to "bring back jobs," his companies have their manufacturing done overseas for cheap labor. And small businesses? He gets them to enter into contracts to provide materials and services for his projects, then he shorts them, if he pays them at all, always citing some imagined "defect" in their work or materials. The country is littered with small business owners who have seen their companies financially damaged and even, in some cases, ruined, by Trump's con artist ways. He's not going to suddenly start doing the right thing by the people he's been screwing over for his entire career. As for whether he's racist - he was charged, multiple times, with refusing to rent to minorities. As part of his con, he settled "without admitting guilt." That way he can say, honestly, now "I was never found guilty of that." He lobbied for the Central Park Five, who were later exonerated, to be executed. Even after their exoneration (fairly recently, in fact), he said that they were clearly guilty of something, otherwise what were guys like that doing in the park? He may justify things later, and people who are predisposed to like him may be willing to wave off some of the things he's said on the campaign trail that were racist as hyperbole or misunderstood, but he has a demonstrated history of racism. He's made multiple racist comments during his career. He's behaved in a racist manner. Oh, and back to the way he does business - he says he's going to deport all the illegal immigrants and not let any more come in (with his big beautiful wall), but who does he employ at his various businesses to do the grunt work manual labor? Illegal immigrants. He wants to bring jobs back to American people, and he applies for special visas to bring in thousands of immigrants to work at his properties instead of giving those jobs to the unemployed workers who live here. And the wall? He's had numerous opportunities to admit that the wall isn't a thing that happens. But he kept bragging about that wall, even after the election stating in a live television interview that "I'm in construction, this is what I do." When we all know that the only way that wall is going up is if his companies get the contract to build it and he gets to brand it with his name. And that won't be about keeping out immigrants (who will still get in), it will be about lining his pockets at our expense.
  19. I still think we're eventually going to get a "Ridge is Douglas's father" reveal at some point down the road. Then Ridge will make tracks all over Brooke's back going back to Caroline. And Brooke will probably allow that single tear to drop as she tells him that, of course, he should be with his son.
  20. So Newt said pretty much exactly what I predicted would be said to justify letting Trump continue to tweet in a manner unbecoming the President - "this is who he is and why he was elected. We can't stop him from being him."
  21. I was thinking Victoria Rowell for #3, but, yeah, I think you're right, it's Muhney. There is a very convenient opening for him to come back right now on Y&R, but I don't think anyone, outside of Sharon Case, would really be up for it.
  22. This. I have an appointment with my colorist Friday, and I'm awfully tempted to bring in a screenshot of Molly to show her exactly how I want my highlights and lowlights to look.
  23. Ah, see, but this way, she didn't have to actually have sex with Sonny.
  24. He said, under oath in a deposition, that he bases his net worth on how he feels at any given moment. So when he refers to himself as a billionaire, he's telling us that he feels like he must be. Nothing is real with this man. Not his hair, not his skin color, not his business record, not his financial boasts. Not a single thing is real.
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