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  1. I was surprised she tweeted this pic of herself. Ugh.
  2. One of my kid's teachers told me he goes to the bathroom every time he has her class, for a good 20-30 min. He's 10. She wanted to check if he's ok, because she would never deny a child to go to the restroom. Obviously, he was just trying to get out of language class (which he hates). I told both of them that as a general rule, no more bathroom breaks during that class! He snowed her for a good half of year...
  3. Not Brazilian, it's Israeli. Used by the IDF.
  4. I'm pretty certain it's a tea infuser tumbler. I have one just like it from Teami. It's marketed for weight loss.
  5. My son wore a helmet too. His head was asymmetrical, which caused his head the fall naturally to one side, thus making it worse over time. I tried to wake up every hour during the night to reposition him, used bolsters and to keep him on his un-favored side, but it didn't work. So not snark from me, I get it. And it's not purely a cosmetic issue -- asymmetric heads can cause vision problems, and difficulty fitting glasses. The helmet wasn't so bad.
  6. Can someone please explain the Larry's fiancé back story. I can't remember.
  7. Nah, it refers to the Jewish way of constantly remembering and atoning for sins. At least that's how I took it. I found it quite funny.
  8. Loved Heather's line, something like the motto of her people is "never forget"
  9. My skin spa offers something called the "Vampire Treatment" (not kidding). No leeches, but they take a 10 ml blood sample from you, spin it up, then apply it to your face. I've never tried it, mainly because it's super expensive.
  10. And if it doesn't work out and Jo & Vee break up, he may not let her move back to her family (out of state), and she'd be stuck in DE.
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