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Everything posted by swishandflick

  1. I agree. Supervised visits with Jen and maybe even Maci are the way to go. Ryan still has his eyes popped out in many of his scenes, so I do wonder a lot is he's still using. Maybe nothing like how it was before rehab but still enough that Maci is totally being reasonable in being concerned. Sure, Maci may have known Ryan went to rehab years ago. But heroin? I don't see how Ryan could be abusing heroin for so long and not be dead by now. My guess is that in 2012 maybe he was into pain meds or something and eventually moved on to heroin and that's when things really started going downhill for him. Either drug is a valid concern for Maci and having him around Bentley. I think Ryan's attorney has seen this play out time and again in different families and he knew well and good that Ryan may not pass a drug test. No sense in wasting the judge and everyone else's time. Ryan is acting entitled and wants to blame Maci, but he's the one who just got out of rehab after driving high out of his mind on national TV.
  2. Agree with you there. Bri and Javi would probably make a good couple. Javi would fit in well with Bri's family. And having sex with strangers just something people in their early 20s do (her real problem wasn't the one night stand, it was having unprotected sex).
  3. Agreed. I was pretty proud of Chelsea because she had the mom-death-stare DOWN. She was right to not make Aubrey have to relive the thing or try and make it seem like Aubrey mistreats animals intentionally. She got her privileges taken away because she was too excited around the pets. Done.
  4. Weirdly one of the sweetest things I saw (other than Isaac), was how comfortable Aubree is now with Cole. She is totally starting to tease him and it's nice because it says that he's no stranger to her. He should watch it though because he could totally end up being the pushover parent.
  5. Gracie was being so rude to Leah in the car, but a part of me also feels glee that a 7 year old is calling out Leah's expository bullshit about her love of college. So IDK if calling out bullshit is more important than teaching a kid manners...
  6. I agree. It's easy from the outside to say why doesn't someone in love with an addict just do X thing, but it's not always clear. I think Mac is starstruck for sure, but I also think given that she's a teen mom herself it's possible she isn't someone who thinks about things in the long term and doesn't have the skills to handle complex situations. My stepfather is an alcoholic, and my mom handled it terribly growing up. Did she love me and want to do the right thing theoretically? Yes, but when you're living that life, maintaining a facade of "normalcy" is part of the disease.
  7. The Simon/Farrah relationship is actually seeming more and more genuine (which is weird but...). Miami is a four hour drive from Key West, and yes you can take flights but they are expensive. I think he actually likes Farrah despite himself and they are for sure friends with benefits. I doubt they'll have a proper relationship till after the show is over. The Doctor is a total asshole. I would be acting like Farrah too if I walked by and said 'hello' to someone and they just mumbled back in return. If he had such a problem, why doesn't he get his own damn hotel room with Deb and call it a day? Because he wants to be on camera, and probably got a free trip out of it. I have no sympathy for him. Rhine and Mac are a sad case. There are some complicated dynamics there, and I think Mac loves that she's dating someone famous but it's possible she'd be with him either way. I think she enjoys being the mother figure in a relationship and having the drama of it all. Rhine basically married a young Jen. If he ever gets his shit together I doubt that relationship will last long because who wants to marry their mother? /Freud Amber is getting closer every day to finally dumping Matt, I really wish she could just admit it to herself. FWIW Farrah was the only fucking one who told her to drop him ages ago. I hate having to defend Farrah, who treats crew members like shit, but she was right.
  8. In addition to the creepiness of Matt keeping Amber's license, anyone else pick up on how he also handed her the keys like she was his teen daughter who can't be trusted with the keys overnight? Not only that, I noticed that he handed her ONLY the car keys, nothing else on that keychain. So he didn't let her have his full set of keys with the house on them etc. So he'll have to let her in the house when she gets back and she'll be dependent on him to let her back in. Shit.
  9. I liked that Dawn was subtly trying to advice Tyler and Cate to help/volunteer at an already existing charity instead of starting their own "foundation" and Tyler basically bulldozes right by that advice. It's so egotistical to want to start a charity on your own when you have no fucking idea what you're doing and it's basically just a vanity project for them. Bill & Melinda Gates they are not. I think it was interesting that Maci mentioned to her friend that once the cameras were gone they started drinking and going crazy. I never really thought Maci had a drinking problem, but that convinced me there may be something to that theory. No one told her to have 2 kids in the span of 3 years or whatever the time frame was. That's extremely stressful and it's no wonder that they are snippy with each other.
  10. It seems like these dumbos don't know how to apply for a passport even if they qualified for one. Remember Jeremy being terrified of the girlses going out of the country? Their worlds are so small I'm surprised they even could summon up the bravery to make it to Puerto Rico on a trip MTV planned for them.
  11. Deb was such a raging bitch about the nanny. It's really hurtful to say that about someone who isn't really even a full fledged "character" on this show and is sort of on TV incidentally not because she necessarily wanted to be on TV. Good luck finding another good baby sitter, Farrah!
  12. Deb's doctor friend was acting so odd during the dinner, and it takes a lot to look odd in front of Farrah. Why no wonder she hates him, he was basically laughing at them the entire time. He's a weirdo and I think he enjoys being on TV way too much. He's like Debb's version of Matt. It's just so gross and I think he was a teen mom fan who weasled his way to Deb and is hyper aware of the cameras. Amber needs to trust her gut. It's crazy that her masseuse and the producer were the only two women around her she felt she could talk to. I think she's desperate to have outside contact and for someone she trusts to help guide to to breaking up with Matt. Even the girl in the bridal shop seemed like she picked up on Amber having serious doubts about getting married.
  13. Pure speculation, but I think he was seriously injured after the crash, but refused treatment. So by the time the doctors got to him, they gave him an MRI that said he may have had a concussion, but certainly something like whiplash and cleared him for pain medications and that's his actual problem. Could be a mix of both a brain injury and opiods. I'm surprised whoever was with him let him leave the accident scene without medical treatment. Even if he didn't want to pay for an ambulance, they should have taken him to the emergency room.
  14. When Farrah and Deb were having the housing talk, Farrah said that when she visits her mom she's expected to stay at a hotel/rent a car. If she's not lying, then Deb was doing her classic gaslighting thing she does and makes it sound like she has no idea what Farrah is talking about and why she'd be expected to stay somewhere else. Jen & Larry aren't going to be happy with all the shittalking Maci's doing that she's not willing to say to their face. I think she likes using the camera because she knows that they don't have a chance to respond or defend themselves till next season. It's a little bit of manipulation that Maci does I think because she wants Bentley with her instead of the grandparents. I think she takes them for granted sometimes.
  15. Jenelle's hair looks more pink to me like Amber's hair. Chelseas is a dark red.
  16. idk why Amber is so stubborn/prideful about Matt. She made a really bad decision having him in her life, but she could easily say "hey, I was stupid and in my 20s in a bad relationship. Shit happens." I wonder if he's gotten some damaging info on her and she's afraid that he'll take her money and release naked photos or something. He already released pics of his "injuries."
  17. I think it makes sense for Farrah to want to live in California over Austin. Never been there, but it seems like a very hipster kind of place and I can't see Farrah fitting in there. It's stupid that she opened up all these businesses in a place where she wasn't sure she'd want to live long term though. As to whether that's good for Sophia? Kids are adaptable. I think what's most important is that Farrah stays away from her mother. Sophia can see grandma separately, but she definitely doesn't need to be living with Farrah because they are both crazy but together they're insane. IDK why Gary would mention kids in front of Amber. Maybe he's doing it intentionally to make her uncomfortable because he has to know she doesn't want more kids. Amber doesn't strike me as particularly maternal, and I think the medications she is on makes a good excuse for not having more children. I think society just has an expectation that women are supposed to want children and love being mothers, but not all women are like that so Amber feels the need to pretend. It's totally fine to admit you aren't mother material.
  18. I think Farrah and Leah looked great, especially before Farrah got the plastic surgery. IMO Leah has lost just a bit too much weight. Even though Maci and her are probably the same size, I think Maci carries it better because I think Maci is just a naturally thin person whose fortunate enough to drink all the bud light she likes without gaining weight. Leah I think is just a little below her natural weight and she's starting to look gaunt.
  19. I think she's really damaged by not having to worry about money. I think she was motivated enough to get an education and a job if she knew she needed to do it in order to pay her bills, but she got way used to making a lot with little real work. It made her so lazy and unmotivated. When the hammer eventually comes down on these girls, Catelyn may be able to pull herself back up again. I didn't have the awful childhood she had, but I do experience depression like many others and still manage to get myself to work. It's totally possible, she just is someone who doesn't seem inwardly motivated to accomplish something.
  20. Not defending Matt, but there's no phone number listed there so I don't know that it proves anything necessarily. Matt's kids do not know their father at all, and the timeline involved was murky as hell. The producer did try and weasel out of him the lineup of baby mamas and what he meant by "involved" in their lives, but they were never clear. My guess is he tried to get on the show whomever would agree to film. I think Chris answered Amber's call and anyone's call to troll his dad because he knew he was in the same room. I wish the younger kid had a chance to talk to Chris over the phone before Matt snatched it away from him. He also looked to be in his mid teens and I don't think he realizes just how messed up his dad is at the moment. Give him a few years.... It's sad Leah thinks she has a new brother and sister. Fwiw I got the impression Matt's daughter was wise to her dad's bs and was there for the MTV check (and possibly some extra from Amber's bank account). Never liked Matt, but the show gave me an even worse impression of him and he seems like a shitty guy all around. Kind of worried about Amber's mental state when this all falls to shit.
  21. I was unpopular in middle and high school and no boy wanted to have sex with me even if I tried LOL. But, in general, if a girl has a boyfriend (even if she doesn't tell her parents she's having sex), she should be on birth control as a precaution. You just never know, and better to be safe than sorry! I wouldn't trust a teen with taking a pill every day. An IUD is the most fool-proof method.
  22. Leah definitely doesn't strike me as the studious type (hell, if she was, she probably wouldn't have been out of school in the first place!). It's totally fine if she decides she doesn't want to get a 4-year degree, but she's got to have something other than 'reality-tv star and associated income' in her pocket. Just anything to fall back on that's something you can actually have on your resume in 10 years. Even if it's being a receptionist. It's crazy to me that she automatically dismissed the cosmetology school thing because she'd have to be there 4 days a week. The reality is that any job she is in would require her to be in a place for at least 3-4 days out of the week at minimum. No matter what she's doing. So if she isn't willing to do that, what is she willing to do? I remember being in college and initially feeling overwhelmed at being busy for 8-hours straight. It's an adjustment going from school where you are in class for a few hours a day and get to chat with your friends for a lot of that time and mess around. But she's in her mid 20s at this point and she's got to suck it up. Hell, if she wants to admit she wants to be a stay at home mom, then be a stay at home mom. But DO that job. Make dinner. Clean house, pick up, shuttle kids around. Pouring soup out of a can does not a stay at home mom make.
  23. I hear ya. My cousin, who is like a brother to me, has been deployed 3 times and I can't imagine his wife pulling the kind of shit Kail pulls. If you're unhappy in the marriage, can't they both fucking wait till they get back before starting to sleep with other people? And Kail doesn't seem to 'get' any of this and treats Javi like shit when he gets back. There's something psychologically wrong with her patterns of cheating. She's the last person who needs to be having more kids. If you want to sleep around, be single, damn.
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